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Deploy isolated workloads across multiple locations and zones

The scripts in this directory can be used to deploy or clean up the resources for the IBM Cloud solution tutorial.

File Description Creates VPC resources in a single region. Creates VPC resources in multiple regions. Removes all created resources.
cis/ Configures a global load balancer.


  1. In a browser visit IAM authorizations and add an authorization from the source: VPC Infrastructure, Load Balancer for VPC to the Target Certificate Manager

  2. Target the vpc generation to 1 or 2

  3. Open the terminal and add your SSH key

    ssh-add -K ~./ssh/<YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY>
  4. Navigate to vpc-multi-region folder in the repo and create a .env file from the template

     cd vpc-multi-region
     cp template.env .env
  5. Provide the required details in the .env file and save.

    ibmcloud is target --gen 2
  6. Execute the shell script and follow the steps of execution to setup VPCs in multiple regions in ONE-GO

  7. For creating VPC resources in a single region, run this script

    ./vpc-multi-region-single-create <REGION_NAME>

    The following named resources are created by the script above:

    Resource type Name(s) Comments
    Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) BASENAME-REGION
    Subnet BASENAME-bastion-REGION-ZONE1
    Subnet BASENAME-REGION-ZONE1-subnet
    Subnet BASENAME-REGION-ZONE2-subnet
    Security Group BASENAME-bastion-REGION-ZONE1-sg
    Security Group BASENAME-maintenance-sg
    Security Group BASENAME-sg
    Virtual Server Instance (VSI) BASENAME-bastion-REGION-ZONE1-vsi
    Virtual Server Instance (VSI) BASENAME-REGION-zone1-vsi
    Virtual Server Instance (VSI) BASENAME-REGION-zone2-vsi
    Floating IP BASENAME-bastion-ip
    Floating IP BASENAME-REGION-zone1-ip
    Floating IP BASENAME-REGION-zone2-ip
    Load Balancer BASENAME-REGION-lb
    Load Balancer back-end pool BASENAME-REGION-lb-pool Instances are attached as pool members to the pool with HTTP and HTTPS front-end listeners
  8. The Global Load Balancer will be connected to the VPC Load balancers when using the If executing manually run the below script to create a Global Load Balancer(GLB)

    cd cis


  1. Run the below script to delete CIS GLB resources and VPC resources in ONE-GO.
  2. To delete VPC resources,
    cd ../scripts && ./ <VPC_NAME>
  3. To delete CIS global load balancer resources,
    cd cis && ./