From 3e1102eb427b533db9639fb5be61b92df2abfafd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jayam04 Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 09:58:38 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] trying fonts thing --- .github/workflows/update-font-list.yml | 45 + fonts.json | 1570 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ manifest.json | 54 +- scripts/ | 47 + scripts/ | 45 + 5 files changed, 1735 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/update-font-list.yml create mode 100644 fonts.json create mode 100755 scripts/ create mode 100755 scripts/ diff --git a/.github/workflows/update-font-list.yml b/.github/workflows/update-font-list.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f6df1b --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/update-font-list.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +name: Update Font List + +on: + schedule: + - cron: '0 0 * * *' + workflow_dispatch: + +jobs: + fetch_fonts: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + + steps: + - name: Checkout repository + uses: actions/checkout@v2 + + - name: Fetch Fonts + run: | + scripts/ + env: + API_KEY: ${{ secrets.MINIMAL_VUE_SNT_KEY }} + + - name: Check if File Changed + id: check_file_changed + run: | + if git diff --name-only ${{ github.event.before }} ${{ github.sha }} | grep 'path/to/your/file'; then + echo "File has changed." + echo "::set-output name=file_changed::true" + else + echo "File has not changed." + echo "::set-output name=file_changed::false" + fi + + - name: Update Version in Manifest + if: steps.check_file_changed.outputs.file_changed == 'true' + run: | + scripts/ + + - name: Commit and push changes + if: steps.check_file_changed.outputs.file_changed == 'true' + run: | + git config "${{ }}" + git config "${{ }}" + git add -A + git commit -m "Create latest build" + git push diff --git a/fonts.json b/fonts.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f573cc --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts.json @@ -0,0 +1,1570 @@ +[ + "Roboto", + "Open Sans", + "Noto Sans JP", + "Montserrat", + "Lato", + "Poppins", + "Inter", + "Roboto Condensed", + "DM Sans", + "Mulish", + "Barlow", + 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Ruhl Libre", + "Marcellus", + "Montserrat Alternates", + "Kalam", + "ABeeZee", + "Khand", + "Cormorant", + "Alegreya", + "Alfa Slab One", + "Alegreya Sans", + "Tinos", + "Asap Condensed", + "Spectral", + "Amatic SC", + "Great Vibes", + "Concert One", + "Amiri", + "Patua One", + "Saira Condensed", + "Courgette", + "Noto Kufi Arabic", + "Noto Sans Thai", + "Paytone One", + "Righteous", + "Prata", + "Noticia Text", + "Crete Round", + "Ubuntu Condensed", + "Oleo Script", + "Encode Sans", + "Noto Sans Display", + "Sacramento", + "Kaushan Script", + "Eczar", + "Bodoni Moda", + "DM Serif Text", + "Luckiest Guy", + "Gothic A1", + "Space Mono", + "Macondo", + "Alata", + "Saira", + "Yantramanav", + "El Messiri", + "Sawarabi Gothic", + "Francois One", + "Pathway Gothic One", + "IBM Plex Sans Condensed", + "Creepster", + "Noto Sans Mono", + "Quattrocento", + "Unna", + "Gloria Hallelujah", + "Inter Tight", + "Quattrocento Sans", + "Crimson Pro", + "Josefin Slab", + "Antic Slab", + "Gruppo", + 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Jamjuree", + "Julius Sans One", + "Krub", + "League Gothic", + "Quantico", + "Anonymous Pro", + "Nova Square", + "Noto Serif Bengali", + "Actor", + "Castoro", + "Jura", + "Londrina Solid", + "Andika", + "Noto Sans Tamil", + "Pangolin", + "Syne", + "BenchNine", + "BIZ UDPGothic", + "Baloo Bhaijaan 2", + "Italianno", + "Laila", + "Cutive Mono", + "Secular One", + "Material Symbols Sharp", + "Pinyon Script", + "VT323", + "Sansita", + "Atkinson Hyperlegible", + "Sarala", + "Days One", + "Damion", + "Reem Kufi", + "Rufina", + "Short Stack", + "Niramit", + "Sofia Sans Condensed", + "Newsreader", + "Pontano Sans", + "Black Han Sans", + "Saira Extra Condensed", + "Shrikhand", + "Trocchi", + "Khula", + "Playfair", + "Covered By Your Grace", + "Kurale", + "Rammetto One", + "Dela Gothic One", + "Quintessential", + "Ramabhadra", + "Geologica", + "Cabin Sketch", + "Leckerli One", + "Economica", + "Karma", + "Alexandria", + "Palanquin", + "Averia Serif Libre", + "Basic", + "Coda", + "Fira Code", + 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"Gurajada", + "Herr Von Muellerhoff", + "Noto Sans Hebrew", + "Shadows Into Light Two", + "Delius", + "Cantata One", + "Bevan", + "Jua", + "Scada", + "Aldrich", + "Rambla", + "Arizonia", + "Oxanium", + "BioRhyme", + "Brygada 1918", + "Palanquin Dark", + "Alike", + "Seaweed Script", + "Sofia Sans", + "Rancho", + "Golos Text", + "Oranienbaum", + "Salsa", + "Nobile", + "Podkova", + "Cedarville Cursive", + "Do Hyeon", + "Bellefair", + "Caudex", + "Allerta", + "Akshar", + "Kristi", + "Suez One", + "Marmelad", + "Monsieur La Doulaise", + "Annie Use Your Telescope", + "Ephesis", + "Livvic", + "Chonburi", + "Coming Soon", + "Marcellus SC", + "Balsamiq Sans", + "Maitree", + "Hanuman", + "Pirata One", + "Limelight", + "Yesteryear", + "Averia Libre", + "Wallpoet", + "Rye", + "Corben", + "Knewave", + "Noto Serif Display", + "Tillana", + "Georama", + "Arbutus Slab", + "IBM Plex Sans Thai", + "Overpass Mono", + "B612 Mono", + "Kameron", + "Irish Grover", + "M PLUS 1", + "Metrophobic", + "Krona One", + "Biryani", + "Judson", + "Grand Hotel", + "Niconne", + "Nixie One", + "Norican", + "Mallanna", + "Halant", + "Baloo Da 2", + "Contrail One", + "Bubblegum Sans", + "Henny Penny", + "Coustard", + "IBM Plex Sans KR", + "Amethysta", + "Proza Libre", + "Ovo", + "Klee One", + "Enriqueta", + "Alegreya SC", + "Trirong", + "Overlock", + "Markazi Text", + "B612", + "Sigmar One", + "Encode Sans Semi Condensed", + "Magra", + "Sevillana", + "Arya", + "Ibarra Real Nova", + "Bowlby One SC", + "Manjari", + "David Libre", + "Spinnaker", + "Vollkorn SC", + "Big Shoulders Text", + "Kosugi", + "Bowlby One", + "Dawning of a New Day", + "Lateef", + "Petit Formal Script", + "Average Sans", + "Rochester", + "Sniglet", + "Aboreto", + "Allison", + "Aladin", + "Kelly Slab", + "Calligraffitti", + "Schoolbell", + "Gabarito", + "UnifrakturMaguntia", + "Miriam Libre", + "Waiting for the Sunrise", + "Bungee Inline", + "Average", + "NTR", + "Hepta Slab", + "Amiko", + "Zen Antique", + "M PLUS 2", + "Shippori Mincho 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+ "Antic Didone", + "IM Fell DW Pica", + "Federo", + "MuseoModerno", + "Trykker", + "Molengo", + "Instrument Sans", + "Chelsea Market", + "Vesper Libre", + "Schibsted Grotesk", + "Marvel", + "Capriola", + "Pompiere", + "Kaisei Decol", + "Headland One", + "Homenaje", + "Geo", + "Gravitas One", + "Cormorant SC", + "Megrim", + "ZCOOL XiaoWei", + "Sofia Sans Extra Condensed", + "Rakkas", + "Fondamento", + "DotGothic16", + "McLaren", + "Spline Sans", + "Cutive", + "Aref Ruqaa", + "Skranji", + "Lexend Exa", + "Baloo Paaji 2", + "Baloo Tamma 2", + "RocknRoll One", + "Sue Ellen Francisco", + "Nova Mono", + "Sansita Swashed", + "Share", + "Sedgwick Ave", + "Wix Madefor Display", + "Tenali Ramakrishna", + "Germania One", + "Libre Barcode 39 Text", + "Over the Rainbow", + "Ms Madi", + "Noto Sans Sinhala", + "Zen Kurenaido", + "Cambo", + "Caladea", + "Encode Sans Expanded", + "Sunflower", + "Alike Angular", + "Anek Malayalam", + "Kadwa", + "Bellota Text", + "Supermercado One", + "Gafata", + "Rouge Script", + "Mr De Haviland", + "Happy Monkey", + "Mountains of Christmas", + "Oooh Baby", + "Kufam", + "Duru Sans", + "Gluten", + "Mukta Vaani", + "Anaheim", + "Asul", + "Oregano", + "Farro", + "BIZ UDGothic", + "Baloo Chettan 2", + "Loved by the King", + "Battambang", + "Inknut Antiqua", + "Montez", + "Oleo Script Swash Caps", + "Wix Madefor Text", + "Kodchasan", + "Flamenco", + "Euphoria Script", + "Radio Canada", + "Goblin One", + "Familjen Grotesk", + "Inder", + "ZCOOL QingKe HuangYou", + "Besley", + "Poly", + "Delius Unicase", + "Amarante", + "Hi Melody", + "Yusei Magic", + "Solway", + "Codystar", + "Metamorphous", + "Original Surfer", + "Xanh Mono", + "Coiny", + "Give You Glory", + "Fuggles", + "Red Rose", + "Ruslan Display", + "Hurricane", + "Onest", + "Walter Turncoat", + "Encode Sans Semi Expanded", + "Overlock SC", + "Carme", + "Meie Script", + "Noto Sans Myanmar", + "Lekton", + "Averia Sans Libre", + "Lexend Zetta", + "Gotu", + "Aguafina Script", + "Gugi", + "Mako", + 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One", + "Gaegu", + "Vibur", + "Rampart One", + "Ranga", + "Timmana", + "Tienne", + "Dokdo", + "Vast Shadow", + "Hina Mincho", + "Dongle", + "Barriecito", + "Vina Sans", + "Spicy Rice", + "Ceviche One", + "Anta", + "Sumana", + "The Girl Next Door", + "Atma", + "Scope One", + "Nokora", + "Fontdiner Swanky", + "Baloo Bhai 2", + "Almendra", + "Monomaniac One", + "BIZ UDPMincho", + "Bilbo Swash Caps", + "Lexend Peta", + "Bricolage Grotesque", + "Slackey", + "Kranky", + "Finger Paint", + "Gamja Flower", + "Patrick Hand SC", + "Pixelify Sans", + "Kode Mono", + "Nova Round", + "Harmattan", + "Libre Barcode 128", + "Shojumaru", + "Freehand", + "Doppio One", + "Share Tech", + "Dynalight", + "Frijole", + "Gayathri", + "Trade Winds", + "Cherry Cream Soda", + "Wire One", + "Birthstone", + "Cormorant Unicase", + "Medula One", + "Kalnia", + "Bigshot One", + "Baumans", + "Annapurna SIL", + "Balthazar", + "Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text", + "Kaisei Opti", + "Bellota", + "Noto Sans Gujarati", + 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Dots", + "Nerko One", + "Ranchers", + "Potta One", + "Cherry Swash", + "Stick", + "Montagu Slab", + "Scheherazade New", + "IM Fell French Canon", + "Port Lligat Sans", + "Noto Sans Telugu", + "Tauri", + "Micro 5", + "Song Myung", + "Anek Latin", + "Anek Devanagari", + "Barrio", + "Instrument Serif", + "Edu SA Beginner", + "Crushed", + "Sree Krushnadevaraya", + "Rosarivo", + "Ribeye", + "Gowun Batang", + "Jacquarda Bastarda 9", + "Macondo Swash Caps", + "Hachi Maru Pop", + "Cantora One", + "Square Peg", + "Poltawski Nowy", + "Anek Bangla", + "Iceberg", + "Kulim Park", + "Arima", + "Jomolhari", + "Strait", + "Alkalami", + "Rubik Dirt", + "Swanky and Moo Moo", + "Zen Dots", + "Galdeano", + "Stylish", + "Fenix", + "WindSong", + "Kite One", + "Metal Mania", + "Gemunu Libre", + "Ramaraja", + "Finlandica", + "Engagement", + "Moul", + "Suwannaphum", + "Lexend Mega", + "Tiro Devanagari Hindi", + "Nosifer", + "Rhodium Libre", + "Cute Font", + "Anybody", + "Red Hat Mono", + "IM Fell DW Pica SC", + "Jolly Lodger", + "Habibi", + "Genos", + "MonteCarlo", + "Caprasimo", + "UnifrakturCook", + "Nova Flat", + "Train One", + "Beth Ellen", + "Uncial Antiqua", + "Zilla Slab Highlight", + "Stalemate", + "Akaya Telivigala", + "Denk One", + "Carrois Gothic SC", + "IM Fell Great Primer", + "REM", + "Shippori Antique", + "Meow Script", + "Maiden Orange", + "Dekko", + "Tiro Kannada", + "Kotta One", + "Lovers Quarrel", + "Whisper", + "Vujahday Script", + "Moon Dance", + "Alkatra", + "Sonsie One", + "Yuji Syuku", + "Bona Nova", + "Milonga", + "Lexend Giga", + "Baloo Tammudu 2", + "Akronim", + "Sunshiney", + "Noto Sans Oriya", + "Kantumruy Pro", + "Gulzar", + "Karantina", + "Viaoda Libre", + "Yomogi", + "Port Lligat Slab", + "Stick No Bills", + "Noto Serif HK", + "Text Me One", + "Mystery Quest", + "Stoke", + "Libre Barcode 128 Text", + "Asset", + "Bruno Ace SC", + "IBM Plex Sans Thai Looped", + "Paprika", + "Kaisei HarunoUmi", + "Donegal One", + "IM Fell French Canon SC", + "Sancreek", + "IBM Plex Sans Hebrew", + "Khmer", + "Noto Sans Lao", + "Angkor", + "Rationale", + "Waterfall", + "Comforter", + "Dorsa", + "Spline Sans Mono", + "Smythe", + "Nova Slim", + "Cagliostro", + "Bungee Hairline", + "Libre Barcode 39 Extended", + "Sarina", + "Averia Gruesa Libre", + "Piazzolla", + "Eagle Lake", + "Zhi Mang Xing", + "Redacted", + "Protest Strike", + "Unlock", + "Poor Story", + "Stint Ultra Expanded", + "IM Fell Great Primer SC", + "Fuzzy Bubbles", + "Margarine", + "Long Cang", + "Girassol", + "Keania One", + "Tiro Bangla", + "Mrs Sheppards", + "Arbutus", + "Astloch", + "IM Fell Double Pica SC", + "Wellfleet", + "Anek Telugu", + "Tektur", + "Marhey", + "Noto Serif Khojki", + "Tilt Prism", + "AR One Sans", + "Shippori Antique B1", + "Nova Script", + "Liu Jian Mao Cao", + "Protest Riot", + "Nova Cut", + "Miltonian Tattoo", + "Content", + "Licorice", + "Nova Oval", + "Chicle", + "Miltonian", + "Inika", + "Sura", + "Imbue", + "Vampiro One", + "Carattere", + "Srisakdi", + "Tulpen One", + "Offside", + "Namdhinggo", + "Princess Sofia", + "Beau Rivage", + "Marko One", + "Passions Conflict", + "Delicious Handrawn", + "Sedgwick Ave Display", + "Junge", + "Galindo", + "Kumar One", + "New Rocker", + "Caesar Dressing", + "Birthstone Bounce", + "Simonetta", + "Noto Sans Adlam", + "Spirax", + "Underdog", + "Bilbo", + "Kavivanar", + "Condiment", + "Molle", + "Buda", + "Fascinate", + "Ravi Prakash", + "Kavoon", + "Alumni Sans Inline One", + "Noto Sans Lepcha", + "Mohave", + "Felipa", + "Englebert", + "Fasthand", + "The Nautigal", + "Noto Sans Math", + "Trispace", + "Kirang Haerang", + "Chathura", + "Ruluko", + "Noto Sans Symbols 2", + "Jacques Francois", + "Chilanka", + "Plaster", + "Gupter", + "Yeon Sung", + "Ysabeau Office", + "Noto Sans Lao Looped", + "Playpen Sans", + "Autour One", + "Romanesco", + "Glass Antiqua", + "Sahitya", + "Sono", + "Afacad", + "Rubik Doodle Shadow", + "Elsie Swash Caps", + "Noto Sans Anatolian Hieroglyphs", + "Benne", + "Sirin Stencil", + "M PLUS 1 Code", + "Seymour One", + "New Tegomin", + "Belanosima", + "Linden Hill", + "BIZ UDMincho", + "Texturina", + "Charis SIL", + "Gentium Book Plus", + "Atomic Age", + "Federant", + "Black And White Picture", + "Preahvihear", + "Tilt Neon", + "Londrina Shadow", + "Darumadrop One", + "Joti One", + "Qahiri", + "Kumar One Outline", + "Noto Sans Gothic", + "Ewert", + "Noto Sans Thai Looped", + "Bahianita", + "Rethink Sans", + "Smooch", + "Chela One", + "Imperial Script", + "Phudu", + "Anek Gujarati", + "Festive", + "Akatab", + "Piedra", + "Zen Tokyo Zoo", + "Oldenburg", + "Martian Mono", + "Water Brush", + "Ribeye Marrow", + "Fascinate Inline", + "DynaPuff", + "Libre Barcode EAN13 Text", + "Carlito", + "Aoboshi One", + "Bonheur Royale", + "Risque", + "Almendra SC", + "Joan", + "Lexend Tera", + "Noto Serif Armenian", + "Lancelot", + "Praise", + "Jacques Francois Shadow", + "Yaldevi", + "Koh Santepheap", + "Bahiana", + "Noto Serif Telugu", + "Lakki Reddy", + "Grenze", + "Gasoek One", + "Ysabeau", + "Bungee Outline", + "Griffy", + "Luxurious Script", + "Emblema One", + "Smokum", + "Flow Rounded", + "Encode Sans SC", + "Dangrek", + "Bungee Spice", + "Tourney", + "Big Shoulders Stencil Text", + "Noto Sans Cham", + "Big Shoulders Stencil Display", + "Peddana", + "Tiro Devanagari Sanskrit", + "Combo", + "Ruge Boogie", + "Dr Sugiyama", + "Hanalei Fill", + "Flow Block", + "Odor Mean Chey", + "Anek Kannada", + "Noto Sans Ethiopic", + "Amiri Quran", + "IBM Plex Sans Devanagari", + "Metal", + "Lavishly Yours", + "Diplomata SC", + "BioRhyme Expanded", + "Revalia", + "Snippet", + "Flavors", + "Labrada", + "Anek Gurmukhi", + "Gentium Plus", + "Braah One", + "Agdasima", + "Luxurious Roman", + "GFS Neohellenic", + "Erica One", + "Solitreo", + "Mea Culpa", + "Lacquer", + "Almendra Display", + "Bokor", + "Borel", + "Sometype Mono", + "Nuosu SIL", + "Londrina Sketch", + "Single Day", + "Alumni Sans Collegiate One", + "Mr Bedfort", + "Siemreap", + "Passero One", + "Noto Sans Buhid", + "Gidugu", + "Stalinist One", + "Noto Serif Khmer", + "Hubballi", + "Victor Mono", + "Dhurjati", + "Ysabeau Infant", + "Noto Sans Samaritan", + "Big Shoulders Inline Text", + "Devonshire", + "Truculenta", + "Noto Serif Sinhala", + "Rubik Glitch", + "Aubrey", + "Diplomata", + "Climate Crisis", + "Noto Sans Syloti Nagri", + "Bigelow Rules", + "Ballet", + "Jim Nightshade", + "Babylonica", + "Caramel", + "Edu TAS Beginner", + "Cairo Play", + "Miss Fajardose", + "Trochut", + "Rubik Iso", + "Gideon Roman", + "Konkhmer Sleokchher", + "Anek Odia", + "Neonderthaw", + "Fruktur", + "Butcherman", + "Noto Serif Kannada", + "Redacted Script", + "Foldit", + "Lumanosimo", + "Gwendolyn", + "Reem Kufi Fun", + "Rubik Distressed", + "Tiro Devanagari Marathi", + "Chenla", + "Inspiration", + "Butterfly Kids", + "Noto Serif Vithkuqi", + "Tiro Telugu", + "Reem Kufi Ink", + "Rubik Wet Paint", + "Vibes", + "Handjet", + "Love Light", + "Noto Sans Gurmukhi", + "Protest Guerrilla", + "Inclusive Sans", + "Noto Sans Tai Viet", + "Aref Ruqaa Ink", + "Hedvig Letters Serif", + "Uchen", + "Suravaram", + "Honk", + "Sofadi One", + "Comme", + "Sixtyfour", + "Purple Purse", + "Send Flowers", + "Bagel Fat One", + "My Soul", + "Mynerve", + "Taprom", + "Updock", + "Snowburst One", + "Castoro Titling", + "Bruno Ace", + "Geostar Fill", + "Island Moments", + "Bonbon", + "Fleur De Leah", + "Bacasime Antique", + "Tai Heritage Pro", + "Noto Sans Javanese", + "Langar", + "Moulpali", + "Rubik Vinyl", + "Noto Serif Tibetan", + "Noto Serif Tangut", + "Nabla", + "Hedvig Letters Sans", + "Noto Serif Gujarati", + "Slackside One", + "Yuji Boku", + "Noto Serif Balinese", + "Blaka", + "Mooli", + "Splash", + "Rubik Glitch Pop", + "Cherry Bomb One", + "Noto Music", + "Alumni Sans Pinstripe", + "Grechen Fuemen", + "Edu NSW ACT Foundation", + "Rubik Beastly", + "Yuji Mai", + "Syne Tactile", + "Moirai One", + "Tiro Tamil", + "Noto Sans Osmanya", + "Explora", + "Sassy Frass", + "Tsukimi Rounded", + "Tiro Gurmukhi", + "Noto Serif Myanmar", + "Noto Sans Coptic", + "Zen Loop", + "Kolker Brush", + "Workbench", + "Edu VIC WA NT Beginner", + "Oi", + "Geostar", + "Rubik Maps", + "Sigmar", + "Ysabeau SC", + "Big Shoulders Inline Display", + "Petemoss", + "Noto Sans Tagalog", + "Diphylleia", + "Ruwudu", + "Edu QLD Beginner", + "Noto Sans Mongolian", + "Noto Rashi Hebrew", + "Noto Serif Tamil", + "Kablammo", + "Gajraj One", + "Grey Qo", + "Palette Mosaic", + "Are You Serious", + "Noto Serif Lao", + "Dai Banna SIL", + "Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic", + "Noto Serif Toto", + "Rubik 80s Fade", + "Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal", + "Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs", + "Noto Sans Sora Sompeng", + "Orbit", + "Noto Sans Thaana", + "Moo Lah Lah", + "Rubik Spray Paint", + "Noto Serif Ethiopic", + "Lugrasimo", + "Estonia", + "Grandiflora One", + "Warnes", + "Rock 3D", + "Twinkle Star", + "Cherish", + "Rubik Scribble", + "Hanalei", + "M PLUS Code Latin", + "Tapestry", + "Ole", + "Noto Serif NP Hmong", + "Shizuru", + "Rubik Microbe", + "Noto Sans Vithkuqi", + "Noto Sans Tamil Supplement", + "Rubik Pixels", + "Rubik Burned", + "Lunasima", + "Noto Serif Ahom", + "Noto Sans Old Italic", + "Noto Sans Cypriot", + "Rubik Broken Fax", + "Ingrid Darling", + "Noto Sans Miao", + "Noto Sans Cypro Minoan", + "Blaka Hollow", + "Kings", + "Noto Traditional Nushu", + "Noto Sans Cherokee", + "Lisu Bosa", + "Noto Sans Pahawh Hmong", + "Noto Sans Carian", + "Noto Serif Ottoman Siyaq", + "Linefont", + "Noto Serif Oriya", + "Rubik Storm", + "Noto Sans Deseret", + "Rubik Gemstones", + "Noto Sans Nandinagari", + "Blaka Ink", + "Rubik Puddles", + "Noto Sans Marchen", + "Noto Sans Old Hungarian", + "Noto Sans Linear A", + "Yuji Hentaigana Akari", + "Rubik Marker Hatch", + "Rubik Lines", + "Noto Sans Balinese", + "Noto Sans Tangsa", + "Noto Sans Avestan", + "Noto Sans Duployan", + "Noto Sans Nag Mundari", + "Rubik Doodle Triangles", + "Kay Pho Du", + "Noto Sans Elbasan", + "Noto Sans Sundanese", + "Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi", + "Noto Sans Old Permic", + "Noto Sans Indic Siyaq Numbers", + "Puppies Play", + "Noto Sans Meroitic", + "Noto Sans Syriac", + "Noto Sans Old Persian", + "Noto Sans Chorasmian", + "Noto Sans Pau Cin Hau", + "Noto Sans Phoenician", + "Noto Sans Hanunoo", + "Noto Sans Mro", + "Noto Sans Kaithi", + "Noto Sans Khojki", + "Noto Serif Old Uyghur", + "Noto Sans SignWriting", + "Noto Sans Bamum", + "Rubik Maze", + "Noto Sans Wancho", + "Noto Sans Glagolitic", + "Noto Sans Kayah Li", + "Noto Sans Kawi", + "Noto Sans NKo", + "Noto Sans Batak", + "Noto Sans Limbu", + "Noto Sans Saurashtra", + "Noto Serif Makasar", + "Noto Serif Grantha", + "Noto Sans Mayan Numerals", + "Noto Sans Brahmi", + "Noto Sans Khudawadi", + "Noto Sans Lydian", + "Noto Sans Sharada", + "Noto Sans Cuneiform", + "Noto Sans Tirhuta", + "Yuji Hentaigana Akebono", + "Noto Sans Masaram Gondi", + "Noto Sans Tai Tham", + "Noto Sans Phags Pa", + "Noto Sans Ol Chiki", + "Noto Sans Osage", + "Noto Sans Siddham", + "Padyakke Expanded One", + "Noto Sans Takri", + "Noto Sans Newa", + "Noto Sans Chakma", + "Noto Serif Khitan Small Script", + "Mingzat", + "Noto Sans Hatran", + "Noto Sans Medefaidrin", + "Noto Sans Vai", + "Noto Sans Tifinagh", + "Wavefont", + "Noto Sans Multani", + "Noto Sans Adlam Unjoined", + "Narnoor", + "Noto Sans Tai Le", + "Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian", + "Noto Serif Gurmukhi", + "Noto Sans Nushu", + "Noto Sans Old North Arabian", + "Noto Sans Bassa Vah", + "Noto Serif Yezidi", + "Noto Sans Lisu", + "Noto Sans Palmyrene", + "Noto Sans Yi", + "Noto Sans Zanabazar Square", + "Noto Sans Bhaiksuki", + "Noto Sans Grantha", + "Noto Sans Mahajani", + "Noto Sans Old Turkic", + "Noto Sans Syriac Eastern", + "Noto Sans Nabataean", + "Noto Sans Warang Citi", + "Noto Sans Modi", + "Noto Sans Runic", + "Noto Sans Psalter Pahlavi", + "Noto Sans Sogdian", + "Noto Sans Hanifi Rohingya", + "Noto Sans Mende Kikakui", + "Noto Sans Lycian", + "Noto Sans New Tai Lue", + "Noto Sans Manichaean", + "Noto Sans Old South Arabian", + "Noto Sans Gunjala Gondi", + "Noto Sans Tagbanwa", + "Noto Sans Ogham", + "Noto Sans Soyombo", + "Noto Sans Caucasian Albanian", + "Noto Sans Mandaic", + "Noto Sans Buginese", + "Chokokutai", + "Noto Sans Linear B", + "Noto Sans Kharoshthi", + "Noto Sans Ugaritic", + "Noto Sans Rejang", + "Noto Sans Elymaic", + "Noto Serif Dogra", + "Noto Sans Shavian", + "Noto Sans Old Sogdian" +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/manifest.json b/manifest.json index 9d1e570..cb13c0b 100644 --- a/manifest.json +++ b/manifest.json @@ -1,28 +1,30 @@ { - "manifest_version": 3, - "name": "Simple New Tab ✨: Customizable, Pastel Tabs", - "version": "1.2.1", - "description": "Minimalistic new tab with random pastel tab with noise, clock, custom google font, performance settings, and much more.", - "permissions": ["storage"], - "action": { - "default_icon": { - "48": "icons/icon48.png", - "64": "icons/icon64.png", - "128": "icons/icon128.png", - "256": "icons/icon256.png", - "500": "icons/icon500.png" + "manifest_version": 3, + "name": "Simple New Tab \u2728: Customizable, Pastel Tabs", + "version": "1.2.2", + "description": "Minimalistic new tab with random pastel tab with noise, clock, custom google font, performance settings, and much more.", + "permissions": [ + "storage" + ], + "action": { + "default_icon": { + "48": "icons/icon48.png", + "64": "icons/icon64.png", + "128": "icons/icon128.png", + "256": "icons/icon256.png", + "500": "icons/icon500.png" + }, + "default_title": "Simple New Tab \u2728", + "default_popup": "popup.html" }, - "default_title": "Simple New Tab ✨", - "default_popup": "popup.html" - }, - "chrome_url_overrides": { - "newtab": "newtab.html" - }, - "icons": { - "48": "icons/icon48.png", - "64": "icons/icon64.png", - "128": "icons/icon128.png", - "256": "icons/icon256.png", - "500": "icons/icon500.png" - } -} + "chrome_url_overrides": { + "newtab": "newtab.html" + }, + "icons": { + "48": "icons/icon48.png", + "64": "icons/icon64.png", + "128": "icons/icon128.png", + "256": "icons/icon256.png", + "500": "icons/icon500.png" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..102aeca --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +#!/bin/env python3 + +import requests +import json +import os + + +def get_fonts_raw(api_key): + """ + get fonts list from Google Fonts API + :param api_key: Google Fonts API key + :return: fonts list + """ + url = "" + f"key={api_key}" + '&' + f'sort=popularity' + response = requests.get(url) + return response.json() + + +def clean_fonts(fonts_raw): + """ + clean fonts list + :param fonts_raw: fonts list + :return: list of fonts + """ + fonts = [] + for font in fonts_raw['items']: + fonts.append(font['family']) + return fonts + + +def save_fonts(fonts_list, file_path): + """ + save fonts list to json file + :param fonts_list: list of fonts + :param file_path: path to save file + :return: None + """ + with open(file_path, 'w') as f: + json.dump(fonts_list, f) + + +# get API key from environment variable API_KEY +API_KEY = os.environ['API_KEY'] +FILE_PATH = 'fonts.json' + +# save fonts in json +save_fonts(clean_fonts(get_fonts_raw(API_KEY)), 'fonts.json') diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..eddce6b --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +#!/bin/env python3 + +import json + +def get_current_version(manifest_data): + if 'version' not in manifest_data: + raise Exception('version not found in manifest.json') + + version = manifest_data['version'] + version = version.split('.') + + if len(version) != 2: + version.append('0') + + if len(version) != 3: + version.append('0') + + return version[0:3] # return major, minor, patch version only. e.g. 1.0.0 -> 1.0.0, 1.0.1 -> 1.0.1, 1.1.0 -> 1.1.0, 1.1 + +def read_json(filename): + with open(filename) as f: + return json.load(f) + +def write_json(filename, data): + with open(filename, 'w') as f: + json.dump(data, f, indent=4) + +def increment_minor_version(version): + version[2] = str(int(version[2]) + 1) + return '.'.join(version) + +def write_json(filename, data): + with open(filename, 'w') as f: + json.dump(data, f, indent=4) + +def main(): + data = read_json('manifest.json') + current_version = get_current_version(data) + print(current_version) + new_version = increment_minor_version(current_version) + print(new_version) + data['version'] = new_version + write_json('manifest.json', data) + +main()