To install the server simply follow this instructions
The system in which the server will be installed, must have the following components working properly:
- NodeJs v6.0.0 or hihger
- npm (Node Packege Manager) v3.8.6 or higher
- MongoDB Server (mongod v.2.6.10 or hihger, only if you want to work on a local database)
Dowload the zip file from GitHub.
Unzip the file on the installation folder of your choice
Move to the /server folder.
Execute npm install
Note that npm install will install automatically all project dependencies.
On the terminal of the OS, execute (one of the following)
* If using a remote database server, try something like
MONGODB_URL="mongodb://readwrite:[email protected]:21462/kpax2" bin/www
xxxx is the database pwd
readwrite is the database user the database of the remote server and 21462 is the connection port.
* if using a local database:
Either run
npm start
/bin/www (directly from the /server folder)
Ctrl + C (on the terminal where the server is running)