07/26/2024 Personal Project to build a blockchain.
I chose this project because at the beginning of my journey as a software engineer I built a project while attending Turing School of Software & Engineering that required us to create our own linked list. After finding out that Blockchains are essentially Linked Lists, I wanted to challenge myself to build one from scratch. At the time Linked Lists were challenging to understand as I had just learned what an array, method, and classes were. So now I want to revisit an old topic but build on to it with a more complex subject.
07/29/2024 I finised the basics of this project. It isn't much but it's still something. Essentially how it works: Block and Blockchain is created. You can add a block to the blockchain and also validate the blockchain. It will automatically calculate the blocks hash as well as assign the previous blocks hash to the new block.
This also includes security and validation by including each blocks data to generate its own hash. It validates the chain by checking the current blocks previous hash so that it matches the hash of the previous block.
Other features to possibly include:
- Transactions that include details like sender, receiver and amount.
- Digital signatures such as sender's private key, as well as validation on the private key with the sender's public key
Those are just the more simple features I could extend upon with this project.