Dataviewtypes are linear analogues of datatypes. As such, their memory must be managed explicitly, which typically entails creating a free function for each dataviewtype introduced. Due to potential complexity in type checking and proofs (as well as it being a concrete type) it is advised to make use of an [[absviewtype|absviewtype]] provide an interface for dataviewtypes.
to access the arguments of constructors. The implications differ if we want to use the arguments as l-values or just as r-values. For instance, take the following example:
datavtype dvt =
| dvt0 of ()
| dvt2 of (dvt,dvt)
fun foo (x: !dvt): void =
case+ x of
| dvt0 () => ()
| dvt2 (x1, x2) => () // x1 and x2 are values
| @dvt2 (x1, x2) => fold@(x) // x1 and x2 are l-values
Basically, you need to put @ in front of a linear constructor if you want to use the arguments of the constructor as l-values. Why l-values? Because an l-value allows its content to be modified. Note that explicit folding (fold@) is needed if @ is used.
This example is primarily used to build on the above while introducing a higher degree of nesting, and is based on an example from the ATS1 wiki (warning, external link). Also note that this example doesn't explicitly mention the difference between the l-values and r-values in the comments, since the difference wasn't accessible in ATS1:
dataviewtype dvt =
| dvt_0 of ()
| dvt_1 of (dvt)
| dvt_2 of (dvt,dvt)
(n)o view available
(-) not in scope
d0 d1 d11 d12 d121
----------------------- *)
fun use_dvt(d0: !dvt):void = case+ d0 of (* a - - - - *)
| @dvt_1 (d1 as dvt_2(d11,d12) ) => let (* u a a a - *)
val () = case+ (d11,d12) of (* *)
| (@dvt_0 (), @dvt_1 (d121) ) => let (* u a u u a *)
prval () = fold@ d11 and () = fold@ d12 (* u a af af n *)
in () end
| (_,_) => ()
prval () = fold@ d0 (* af n n n - *)
in () end (* d0 d1 d2 d11 d12 *)
(*------------------------ *)
| @dvt_2 (d1,d2) => (* u a a *)
(case+ d1 of (* *)
| @dvt_2 (d11,d12) => let (* u u a a a *)
prval () = fold@ d1 (* u af a n n *)
prval () = fold@ d0 (* af n n n n *)
in () end
| _ => fold@ d0
| _ => ()