This package provides Heroicons as elm/svg elements.
If you only need a few icons and/or don't want to download an entire package, visit
elm install jasonliang-dev/elm-heroicons
# optional (move from indirect to direct dependency)
elm install elm/svg
import Html exposing (Html, a, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, href, style)
import Heroicons.Solid exposing (externalLink)
externalLinkButton : String -> String -> Html msg
externalLinkButton link content =
a [ class "external-link-button", href link ]
[ text content
, externalLink [ style "width" "2rem", style "color" "blue" ]
When styling with classes, use Svg.Attributes.class
for the icons. Do not use
import Html.Attributes
import Svg.Attributes
import Heroicons.Solid
Heroicons.Solid.mail [ Html.Attributes.class "icon" ]
Heroicons.Solid.mail [ Svg.Attributes.class "icon" ]
If you don't want to import Svg.Attributes
, you can leave the attribute list
empty and create a containing element to style the icon.
import Html exposing (span)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class)
import Heroicons.Outline
span [ class "inline-block icon" ] [ Heroicons.Outline.userAdd [] ]