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Docco is a quick-and-dirty, hundred-line-long, literate-programming-style documentation generator. For more information, see:


sudo npm install -g docco

Usage: docco [options] [FILES]


-c, --css [file]       use a custom css file
-e, --extension [ext]  use the given file extension for all inputs
-f, --flatten          flatten the directory hierarchy
-h, --help             output usage information
-l, --layout [layout]  choose a built-in layouts (parallel, linear)
-L, --languages [file] use a custom languages.json
-m, --marked [file]    use custom marked options
-o, --output [path]    use a custom output path
-s, --setup [file],    use configuration file, normally docco.json
-t, --template [file]  use a custom .jst template
-V, --version          output the version number

Configuring docco (.docco.json)

Docco a JSON configuration file for use so that command line specification of files is unnecessary. The default file for this is .docco.json, but you can the command line parameter -s/--setup file to specify a different name. This file should be in the working directory where the command is run.

  "sources": [
  "layout": "linear"

Other values possible are:

      layout:     'parallel'
      output:     'doc'
      css:        'somefile.css'
      marked:     null
      setup:      '.docco.json'
      flatten:    true


Build Status

npm install
npm run clean
npm run build

Release Notes:


* Added configuration file capabilities with a .docco.json file
* --setup flag to specify a different configuration file
* Images (.png, .jpg, .jpeg and .tiff) can now be copied to the documentation directory
* The source directory structure is kept in the target location by default
* --flatten flag to override keeping the directory structure and flattening it
* For markdown files, referenced images are displayed in the code section
  which means that in the parallel theme, images are displayed on the right
* Multiline comments
* Allow images to be removed from the link menu for templates 
* New layout: sidebyside


* Code refactored into smaller chunks
* Unit testing framework added and unit tests written to %85 coverage (more work needed here)
* 'npm build' builds all javascript with gulp
* 'npm test' runs all unit tests
* travis ci build and badge

Breaking Changes:

* .jst template files have a different set of data available for building links to other files.
    The question here is are there other templates that have been created and should a backward compatibility flag be added to proved the old behaviour?


`<a class="source" href="<%= path.basename(destination(source)) %>">`

Can be changed to whatever is needed since links to all other files as well as other options are available:

     <% for (var i=0, l = links.length; i < l; i++) { %>
          <a class="source" href="<%= links[i].link %>">
            <% if (flatten) %>
            <%= path.basename(links[i].file) %>
            <% else %>
            <%= links[i].file %>
      <% } %>
* hierarchical directory structure of source is kept by default.
        Use --flatten to get the old behaviour
        Should this flag be changed to something else with a default behaviour being flatten?


* Links to files that are included or required
* publish to github
* index.html documentation update
* All built javascript is ignored in .gitignore (npm packaging is the problem here).