Joeffice is released under the Apache License version 2.0
Joeffice modules and file extensions supported:
- Word Processor (docx)
- Spreadsheet (xlsx, xls, csv)
- Presentation (pptx)
- Drawing (svg)
- Database (h2)
Joeffice uses the following libraries:
- The NetBeans Platform (16)
- Apache POI (5.0.0)
- H2 Database (1.4.200)
- Batik (included in Apache POI)
- SwingX (1.6.5)
- JavaHelp (2.0)
- JUniversalCharDet (2.4.0)
Software website (for users):
Open source project page (for developer / contributors):
What are the advantages compared to Microsoft Office:
- Free and Open Source
- Customize using the popular Java programming language
- Dark theme
- Window docking of documents in the application
- Can be included in your company Java applications (Apache License)
- Recent files
- Macro system (Edit -> Macro)
- Fix actions
- @ActionState
- Fails on Java 16 (NetBeans framework exceptions thrown)
- There are a few FIXME in the code
- Submit merge request
- For large contributions, sign the contributor license agreement which stays that you and your company donate the code to this project.
- Japplis better tools, better jobs
- Contact [email protected]