diff --git a/Build.h b/Build.h
index 062ba77..e18e692 100644
--- a/Build.h
+++ b/Build.h
@@ -1 +1 @@
-#define __BUILDNO__ 4827
\ No newline at end of file
+#define __BUILDNO__ 4853
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CommonStructs.h b/CommonStructs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa03cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CommonStructs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+struct UnitAny;
+struct StormMsg;
+struct CellContext;
+struct CellFile;
+struct Control;
+struct ScrollBar;
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct D2Config // sizeof 0x5C
+ char szSection[27]; // 0x00
+ char szKeyName[27]; // 0x1B
+ char szParamter[27]; // 0x36
+ BYTE bType; // 0x51 - specify if config entry is byte (0) int(1) or char(2)
+ BYTE _1; // 0x52
+ BYTE _2; // 0x53
+ DWORD dwStructOffset; // 0x54 Offset on BnetData * struct
+ DWORD dwDefaultValue; // 0x58
+struct KeyBinding //size 0xA
+ DWORD nHotkey; // 0x00
+ WORD wKey; // 0x04
+ BOOL bPrimary;// 0x06
+struct KeyConfigEntry //size 0xA
+ DWORD dwEntryNo; //0x00
+ WORD wLocaleNo; //0x04
+ wchar_t* wText; //0x06
+struct StormMsg
+ HWND hWnd;
+ UINT Msg;
+ WPARAM wParam;
+ LPARAM lParam;
+ DWORD hiWParam16; // wParam shifted by 16
+ BOOL _1;
+ BOOL _2;
+ BOOL _3;
+struct sMsg //size 0x0C
+ DWORD MsgType; //0x00 ,0 = WM_MSG , 1 = COMMAND(?), 2 = KEY_UP, 3 = KEY_DOWN
+ union {
+ WPARAM wParam; //0x04
+ DWORD wKey; //0x04
+ };
+ void(__stdcall *fnCallBack)(StormMsg *); //0x08
+#pragma pack(pop)
+struct D2PacketTable //1.11b : (0x6FB8BC30 + (4 *(0xPacket*3)))
+ BOOL(__fastcall *CallBack)(BYTE* aPacket);
+ int PacketLen;
+ BOOL(__fastcall *CallBack2)(UnitAny * ptUnit, BYTE* aPacket);
+struct UiCallArray
+ void(__cdecl *OnKeyDown)();
+ void(__cdecl *OnKeyUp)();
+ BOOL bOverride;
+struct ItemConfig
+ int Code;
+ int Quality;
+ int Color;
+ int Type;
+struct PacketData
+ DWORD ClientID;
+ BYTE aPacket[510];
+struct COORDS
+ unsigned short x;
+ unsigned short y;
+struct D2RECT
+ DWORD left;
+ DWORD top;
+ DWORD right;
+ DWORD bottom;
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct GameView // size 0xEABC
+ DWORD dwFlags; // 0x00
+ RECT ViewRadius; // 0x04
+ RECT ToCheck; // 0x14
+ DWORD _1; // 0x24
+ DWORD _2; // 0x28
+ DWORD* pGouraudTblX; // 0x2C
+ DWORD* pGouraudTblY; // 0x30
+ DWORD* pGouraudTblXVal; // 0x34
+ DWORD _6; // 0x38
+ BYTE _7[60000]; // 0x3C
+ DWORD _8;
+ BYTE _9[8];
+ DWORD* pWall; // pointer to 36 byte structure pWall structure * nWalls
+ DWORD* nWalls;
+ DWORD _12;
+ DWORD _13[2];
+#pragma pack(pop)
+struct GFXSettings // size 0x18
+ DWORD bPerspectiveEnable; // 0
+ DWORD bPerspectiveCapable; // 1
+ DWORD bLowQuality; //2
+ DWORD dwGammaValue; //3
+ DWORD bVSync; //4
+ DWORD bBlendedShadows; // 5
+struct GFXHelpers
+ void(__fastcall *FillYBufferTable)(void *ppvBits, int nWidth, int nHeight, int aZero);
+ void(__fastcall *f2)(int a1, int a2, int a3);
+ void(__fastcall *f3)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
+ void(__fastcall *f4)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
+ void(__fastcall *f5)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
+ void(__fastcall *f6)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
+ void(__fastcall *f7)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5);
+struct fnDriverCallbacks
+ BOOL(__fastcall *InitWindow)(HINSTANCE); // 0
+ BOOL(__fastcall *InitPerspective)(GFXSettings * pgfxSettings, int * pfnHelpers); // 1
+ BOOL(__fastcall *Release)(); // 2
+ BOOL(__fastcall *Init)(HANDLE hWnd, int nResolution); // 3
+ BOOL(__fastcall *Shutdown)(); // 4
+ BOOL(__fastcall *EndCutscene)(HANDLE hWnd, int nResolution, int); // 5
+ BOOL(__fastcall *BeginScene)(BOOL bClear, BYTE nRed, BYTE nGreen, BYTE nBlue); // 6
+ BOOL(__fastcall *EndScene1)(); // 7
+ BOOL(__fastcall *EndScene2)(); // 8
+ BOOL(__fastcall *ResizeWin)(HANDLE HWND, int bResolution); // 9
+ BOOL(__fastcall *GetBackBuffer)(BYTE* pBuffer); // 10
+ BOOL(__fastcall *ActivateWindow)(int Unk, int Contrast); // 11
+ BOOL(__fastcall *SetOption)(int nOption, int nValue); // 12
+ BOOL(__fastcall *BeginCutscene)(); // 13
+ BOOL(__fastcall *PlayCutscene)(const char* szFile, int nResolution, void *pfframe); // 14
+ BOOL(__fastcall *CheckCutscene)(); // 15
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DecodeSmacker)(const char *szsmacker, BYTE *pbuffer, int nVersion); // 16
+ BOOL(__fastcall *PlaySmacker)(void *pcontext); // 17
+ BOOL(__fastcall *CloseSmacker)(void *pcontext); // 18
+ int(__fastcall *GetRenderStats)(); // 19
+ void(__fastcall *GetScreenSize)(int *pwidth, int *pheight); // 20
+ BOOL(__fastcall *SetScaleFactor)(); // 21
+ BOOL(__fastcall *SetGamma)(int nGamma); // 22
+ BOOL(__fastcall *CheckGamma)(); // 23
+ BOOL(__fastcall *SetPerspectiveScale)(); // 24
+ BOOL(__fastcall *AdjustPerspective)(int nXpos, int nYpos, int nBais, int *pxadjust, int *pyadjust); // 25
+ BOOL(__fastcall *ScalePerspectivepos)(int nXpos, int nYpos, int nAngle, int *pxpos, int *pypos, BOOL bOrder); // 26
+ BOOL(__fastcall *SetDefperspectivefactor)(); // 27
+ BOOL(__fastcall *SetPalette)(BYTE* pPalette); // 28
+ BOOL(__fastcall *SetPalettetable)(BYTE** pPalette); // 29
+ BOOL(__fastcall *SetGlobalLight)(BYTE nRed, BYTE nGreen, BYTE nBlue); // 30
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawGroundTile)(void* pTile, DWORD** pLight, int nXpos, int nYpos, int nWorldXpos, int nWorldYpos, BYTE nAlpha, int nScreenPanels, void* pTileData); // 31
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawPerspectiveImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD dwGamma, int nDrawMode, int nScreenMode, BYTE* pPalette); // 32
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD dwGamma, int nDrawMode, BYTE* pPalette); // 33
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawShiftedImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD dwGamma, int nDrawMode, int nGlobalPaletteShift); // 34
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawVerticalCropImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, int nSkipLines, int nDrawLines, int nDrawMode); // 35
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawShadows)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos); // 36
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawImageFast)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, BYTE nPaletteIndex); // 37
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawClippedImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, void* pCropRect, int nDrawMode); // 38
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawWallTile)(void* pTile, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD** pLight, int nScreenPanels, BYTE nAlpha); // 39
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawRoofTile)(void* pTile, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD** pLight, int nScreenPanels, BYTE nAlpha); // 40
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawVisTile)(void* pTile, int nXpos, int nYpos, int nDrawMode, int nScreenPanels); // 41
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawRect)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nPaletteIndex); // 42
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawRectEx)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nPaletteIndex); // 43
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidRect)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nPaletteIndex); // 44
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidSquare)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nPaletteIndex, int nSize); // 45
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidRectEx)(int nXStart, int nYStart, int nXEnd, int nYEnd, DWORD dwColor, int nDrawMode); // 46
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidRectAlpha)(int nXStart, int nYStart, int nXEnd, int nYEnd, DWORD dwColor, BYTE nAlpha); // 47
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawLine)(int nXStart, int nYStart, int nXEnd, int nYEnd, BYTE nColor, BYTE nAlpha); // 48
+ BOOL(__fastcall *ClearScreen)(BOOL bPartial); // 49
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawString)(int nXpos, int nYpos, const char *Szformat, ...); // 50
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawLight)(DWORD *plight, DWORD *pplayerlight, int nXpos, int nYpos); // 51
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DebugFillBackBuffer)(int xPos, int yPos); // 52
+ BOOL(__fastcall *ClearCaches)(); // 53
+struct SpellStrc //size 0x1C // Valid for 22 -> on target & 21 -> on xy
+ DWORD SkillId; //0x00
+ DWORD UnitId; //0x04
+ DWORD xPos; //0x08 //Also TargetType
+ DWORD yPos; //0x0C //Also TargetId
+ DWORD _1; //0x10
+ DWORD _2; //0x14
+ DWORD _3; //0x18
+struct BitBuffer // Taken from Nefarius @PhrozenKeep, thx
+ BYTE *pBuffer; //0x00
+ DWORD bitsInBuffer; //0x04
+ DWORD bufferPos; //0x08
+ DWORD bitsAtPos; //0x0C num bits already read or written at cur pos
+ DWORD unk; //0x10 could be a bit bucket
+struct CollMap {
+ DWORD dwPosGameX; //0x00
+ DWORD dwPosGameY; //0x04
+ DWORD dwSizeGameX; //0x08
+ DWORD dwSizeGameY; //0x0C
+ DWORD dwPosRoomX; //0x10
+ DWORD dwPosRoomY; //0x14
+ DWORD dwSizeRoomX; //0x18
+ DWORD dwSizeRoomY; //0x1C
+ WORD *pMapStart; //0x20
+ WORD *pMapEnd; //0x22
+struct cStylePrefs
+ DWORD dwFontType; //0x00
+ DWORD dwColor; //0x04
+struct cTextPrefs
+ DWORD dwPosX; //0x00
+ DWORD dwPosY; //0x04
+ DWORD dwSizeY; //0x08
+struct ControlText // size = 0x20
+ wchar_t* wText[5]; //0x00 for each field
+ DWORD dwColor; //0x14
+ DWORD dwAlign; //0x18
+ ControlText* pNext; //0x1C
+struct ControlMsg {
+ Control *pControl;
+ UINT uMsg;
+ WPARAM wParam;
+struct Control {
+ DWORD dwType; //0x00
+ CellFile *pCellFile; //0x04
+ DWORD dwState; //0x08 0x05 - enabled, 0x04 - disabled, 0x03-0x00 - not visible
+ DWORD dwPosX; //0x0C
+ DWORD dwPosY; //0x10
+ DWORD dwSizeX; //0x14
+ DWORD dwSizeY; //0x18
+ BOOL(__fastcall *Draw)(Control*); //0x1C
+ BOOL(__fastcall *DrawEx)(Control*); //0x20 used by timer/popup
+ BOOL(__stdcall *Push)(ControlMsg*); //0x24
+ BOOL(__stdcall *Mouse)(ControlMsg*); //0x28
+ BOOL(__stdcall *ListCheck)(ControlMsg*); //0x2C used only by list
+ BOOL(__stdcall *Key)(ControlMsg*); //0x30 WM_CHAR MSG
+ BOOL(__stdcall *OnPress)(Control*); //0x34 User Defined
+ BOOL(__fastcall*DrawAnim)(Control*); //0x38 used by animimage
+ Control* pNext; //0x3C
+struct EditBox : Control //(size 0x284)
+ // Control Header; //0x00
+ DWORD dwLeftOffset; //0x40
+ DWORD dwTopOffset; //0x44
+ DWORD dwMaxLength; //0x48
+ DWORD dwTextOffset; //0x4C
+ DWORD dwTextLen; //0x50 (strlen -1)
+ DWORD dwSelectEnd; //0x54
+ DWORD dwSelectStart; //0x58
+ wchar_t wText[256]; //0x5C
+ DWORD dwCursorPos; //0x25C
+ DWORD dwEditFlags; //0x260 0x08 allows multiline
+ BOOL(__stdcall *OnAccept)(char*); //0x264
+ BOOL(__stdcall *InputHandle)(Control*, DWORD len, char* Key); //0x268
+ BOOL(__stdcall *LengthHandle)(int aNull); //0x26C hmm weird arg = always 0
+ cStylePrefs Style; //0x270
+ Control * pTabNext; //0x278
+ Control * pTabPrev; //0x27C
+ BOOL bLeftButtonPressed; //0x280
+struct TextBox : Control // (size 0xAC)
+ // Control Header; //0x00
+ DWORD dwLeftOffset; //0x40
+ DWORD dwTopOffset; //0x44
+ ControlText* pFirstText; //0x48
+ ControlText* pLastText; //0x4C
+ ControlText* pSelectedText; //0x50
+ DWORD dwMaxLines; //0x54
+ DWORD dwCurrentLine; //0x58
+ DWORD dwTextFlags; //0x5C 0x00 - left align 0x01 - SelectBox 0x2 - center 0x4 Create ScrollBar 0x40 - scrolling from right 0x80 - scrolling from bottom
+ DWORD dwSelectedItem; //0x60
+ DWORD dwFields; //0x64
+ DWORD dwFieldXSize[5]; //0x68 for each field
+ DWORD dwFieldAlign[5]; //0x7C
+ ScrollBar* ptScrollBar; //0x90
+ cStylePrefs Style; //0x94
+ DWORD dwMaxTextWidth; //0x9C
+ DWORD dwMaxTextHeight; //0xA0
+ DWORD dwInterline; //0xA4
+ DWORD dwInterline2; //0xA8
+struct Image : Control // (size 0x4C)
+ // Control Header; //0x00
+ DWORD CellFrame; //0x40
+ DWORD TransLvl; //0x44
+ void* _1; //0x48 image struct?
+struct AnimImage : Control // 0x60
+ // Control Header; //0x00
+ void* AnimStruct; //0x40 pointer to struct which holds all cellfile frames
+ DWORD dwAnimSpeed; //0x44
+ DWORD dwTickCount; //0x48 creation time
+ DWORD dwCurrentFrame; //0x4C
+ BOOL bisHovered; //0x50
+ DWORD dwTransLvl; //0x54
+ void(__stdcall *OnHover)(AnimImage*); //0x58
+ BOOL bisAnimation; //0x5C
+struct Button : Control // (size 0x274)
+ // Control Header; //0x00
+ DWORD dwButtonFlags; //0x40 0x00 - normal 0x01 - radio 0x02 - switch 0x04 - play sound 0x20 - sth with disabled/enabled 0x40 - multi line
+ DWORD dwIsPushed; //0x44
+ BOOL dwIsSwitched; //0x48
+ BOOL _1; //0x4C
+ DWORD dwHotKey; //0x50
+ DWORD dwButtonType; //0x54 0x00 - Normal Button, 0x01 - Switch Button 0x02 - Long Button
+ DWORD _2; //0x58
+ DWORD dwCellFrame; //0x5C
+ DWORD dwFont; //0x60 hardcoded
+ wchar_t wText[256]; //0x64
+ DWORD dwColor; //0x264 hardcoded
+ BOOL(__stdcall *OnHover)(Button*); //0x268
+ BOOL bisHovered; //0x26C
+ DWORD dwStrTbl2ndLine; //0x270
+struct ScrollBar : Control // (size 0x60)
+ // Control Header; //0x00
+ BOOL bMovedUp; //0x40
+ BOOL bMovedDown; //0x44
+ DWORD dwScrollEntries; //0x48
+ DWORD dwScrollPosition; //0x4C
+ DWORD dwClickStep; //0x50
+ TextBox * ptParent; //0x54
+ BOOL bLeftButtonPressed; //0x58
+ BOOL(__stdcall *Unk)(ControlMsg*); //0x5C
+struct List : Control // (size 0x6C)
+ // Control Header; //0x00
+ DWORD dwFont; //0x40
+ DWORD _2; //0x44
+ DWORD _3; //0x48
+ DWORD _4; //0x4C
+ DWORD _5; //0x50
+ DWORD _6; //0x54
+ DWORD _7; //0x58
+ DWORD _8; //0x5C
+ DWORD _9; //0x60
+ DWORD*_10; //0x64
+ DWORD _11; //0x68
+struct D2Menu // size 0x18
+ DWORD dwEntriesNo; //0x00
+ DWORD dwInterline; //0x04
+ DWORD dwTextHeight; //0x08
+ DWORD dwMenuOffset; //0x0C
+ DWORD dwBarHeight; //0x10
+ DWORD _1; //0x14 unused?
+struct D2MenuEntry //size 0x550
+ DWORD dwMenuType; //0x00 //-1 - static text, 0 -selectable, 1- switchbar , 2- with bar, 3 - key config (added)
+ DWORD dwExpansion; //0x04 //if set, shows only in d2exp
+ DWORD dwYOffset; //0x08 //generated dynamicaly
+ union {
+ char szCellFile[260]; //0x0C DATA\\LOCAL\\UI\\LANG\\%s used only in LoadMenu Func
+ wchar_t wItemName[130]; //my addition
+ };
+ BOOL(__fastcall* EnableCheck)(D2MenuEntry*, DWORD ItemNo); //0x110 if return false, its disabled
+ BOOL(__fastcall* OnPress)(D2MenuEntry*, StormMsg*); //0x114 28.12.11 - added StormMsg*
+ BOOL(__fastcall* OptionHandle)(D2MenuEntry*); //0x118 called when option value is changed
+ BOOL(__fastcall* ChangeHandle)(D2MenuEntry*); //0x11C if return true OnPress is called, and option gfx is switched
+ union {
+ DWORD dwMaxValue; //0x120
+ DWORD dwSwitchesNo; //0x120 (max 4)
+ DWORD* Bind; //0x120 -> KeyConfig (my add)
+ };
+ union {
+ DWORD dwCurrentValue; //0x124
+ DWORD dwCurrentSwitch;
+ DWORD dwColor; //my addition ONLY for MenuType = -1, 1, 3(?)
+ };
+ union {
+ DWORD dwBarType; //0x128
+ DWORD dwFontType; //my add valid for all
+ };
+ union {
+ char szSwitchCellFiles[4][260]; //0x12C DATA\\LOCAL\\UI\\LANG\\%s used only in LoadMenu Func
+ wchar_t wSwitchItemName[4][130]; //my addition
+ };
+ CellFile* ptCellFile; //0x53C
+ CellFile* ptSwitchCellFile[4]; //0x540
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Constants.h b/Constants.h
index 66a67bd..fecf77a 100644
--- a/Constants.h
+++ b/Constants.h
@@ -5,12 +5,28 @@
enum D2VideoModes
+ Game modes set by cmdline parameter -client, -server etc...
+ Causes game loads specific dll instead of default D2Launch.dll
+enum D2GameModes
+ GAME_MODE_MODSTATE0 = 0, // "none.dll"
+ GAME_MODE_CLIENT = 1, // "D2Client.dll"
+ GAME_MODE_SERVER = 2, // "D2Server.dll"
+ GAME_MODE_MULTIPLAYER = 3, // "D2Multi.dll"
+ GAME_MODE_LAUNCHER = 4, // "D2Launch.dll"
+ GAME_MODE_EXPAND = 5 // "D2EClient.dll"
enum UICover
diff --git a/D2Ex2.cpp b/D2Ex2.cpp
index 533f1f0..9284a0a 100644
--- a/D2Ex2.cpp
+++ b/D2Ex2.cpp
@@ -324,7 +324,6 @@ if (!ExMultiRes::InitImages())
D2EXERROR("One or more D2Ex resources weren't loaded. Check if your D2Ex2.MPQ is valid!");
-Misc::WriteDword(*(DWORD**)&D2Vars::D2GFX_Helpers, (DWORD)&ExMultiRes::FillYBufferTable);
//END PATCHES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -476,20 +475,32 @@ DWORD WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE hModule, int dwReason, void* lpReserved)
- /* switch (*D2Vars::D2GFX_DriverType)
+ Misc::Patch(JUMP, GetDllOffset("D2Gfx.dll", -10073), (DWORD)ExMultiRes::InitWindow, 7, "D2GFX_InitWindow");
+ ;
+ Misc::WriteDword((DWORD*)&((GFXHelpers*)GetDllOffset("D2Gfx.dll", 0x10BFC))->FillYBufferTable, (DWORD)&ExMultiRes::FillYBufferTable);
+ switch (ExMultiRes::GetRenderMode())
- {*/
- typedef fnDriverCallbacks* (__fastcall * GetCallbacks_t)();
- GetCallbacks_t GetCallbacks = (GetCallbacks_t)GetDllOffset("D2Gdi.dll", -10000);
- fnDriverCallbacks * fns = GetCallbacks();
- Misc::WriteDword((DWORD*)&(fns->Init), (DWORD)&ExMultiRes::GDI_Init);
- Misc::WriteDword((DWORD*)&(fns->ResizeWin), (DWORD)&ExMultiRes::GDI_ResizeWindow);
- //}
- // break;
- //}
+ {
+ DEBUGMSG("Using GDI video mode")
+ typedef fnDriverCallbacks* (__stdcall * GetCallbacks_t)();
+ GetCallbacks_t GetCallbacks = (GetCallbacks_t)GetDllOffset("D2Gdi.dll", -10000);
+ fnDriverCallbacks * fns = GetCallbacks();
+ Misc::WriteDword((DWORD*)&(fns->Init), (DWORD)&ExMultiRes::GDI_Init);
+ Misc::WriteDword((DWORD*)&(fns->ResizeWin), (DWORD)&ExMultiRes::GDI_ResizeWindow);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ DEBUGMSG("Using GLIDE video mode!")
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ DEBUGMSG("Video mode : %d", ExMultiRes::GetRenderMode())
+ }
+ break;
+ }
Handle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(0,0,&Thread,&hEvent,0,&Id);
diff --git a/D2Ex2.vcxproj b/D2Ex2.vcxproj
index 252a0e1..40db63e 100644
--- a/D2Ex2.vcxproj
+++ b/D2Ex2.vcxproj
@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
- C:\boost_1_55_0;$(IncludePath)
+ C:\boost_1_55_0;C:\glfw-3.0.4.bin.WIN32\include;$(IncludePath)
+ $(ReferencePath)
+ C:\glfw-3.0.4.bin.WIN32\lib-msvc120;$(LibraryPath)
@@ -154,6 +156,7 @@
diff --git a/D2Ex2.vcxproj.filters b/D2Ex2.vcxproj.filters
index 462928f..feb26f1 100644
--- a/D2Ex2.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/D2Ex2.vcxproj.filters
@@ -289,5 +289,8 @@
Header Files\Main
+ Header Files\D2 Internals
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/D2Ptrs_113D.h b/D2Ptrs_113D.h
index 6ee3790..3dd530f 100644
--- a/D2Ptrs_113D.h
+++ b/D2Ptrs_113D.h
@@ -274,7 +274,11 @@ D2VARPTR(D2GFX, gpbBuffer, void*, 0x14320)
D2VARPTR(D2GFX, Width, int, 0x14324)
D2VARPTR(D2GFX, Height, int, 0x14328)
D2VARPTR(D2GFX, ScreenShift, int, 0x14A50)
-D2VARPTR(D2GFX, Helpers, DWORD*, 0x10BFC) // table of 7 functions
+D2VARPTR(D2GFX, fnHelpers, GFXHelpers, 0x10BFC) // table of 7 functions
+D2VARPTR(D2GFX, Settings, GFXSettings, 0x10BE4)
+D2VARPTR(D2GFX, hInstance, HINSTANCE, 0x14A30)
+D2VARPTR(D2GFX, hDriverModHandle, HMODULE, 0x14A4C)
+D2VARPTR(D2GFX, bPerspective, BOOL, 0x10BE8)
D2VARPTR(D2GDI, WindowWidth, int, 0xCA98)
D2VARPTR(D2GDI, BitmapHeight, int, 0xC980)
diff --git a/D2Structs_111B.h b/D2Structs_111B.h
index 0a36356..fd11e01 100644
--- a/D2Structs_111B.h
+++ b/D2Structs_111B.h
@@ -42,191 +42,6 @@ struct List;
struct Arena;
struct CellContext;
-struct fnDriverCallbacks
- BOOL(__fastcall *InitWindow)(HINSTANCE); // 0
- BOOL(__fastcall *InitPerspective)(int * fPerspective, int * _1); // 1
- BOOL(__fastcall *Release)(); // 2
- BOOL(__fastcall *Init)(HANDLE hWnd, int nResolution); // 3
- BOOL(__fastcall *Shutdown)(); // 4
- BOOL(__fastcall *EndCutscene)(HANDLE hWnd, int nResolution, int); // 5
- BOOL(__fastcall *BeginScene)(BOOL bClear, BYTE nRed, BYTE nGreen, BYTE nBlue); // 6
- BOOL(__fastcall *EndScene1)(); // 7
- BOOL(__fastcall *EndScene2)(); // 8
- BOOL(__fastcall *ResizeWin)(HANDLE HWND, int bResolution); // 9
- BOOL(__fastcall *GetBackBuffer)(BYTE* pBuffer); // 10
- BOOL(__fastcall *ActivateWindow)(int Unk, int Contrast); // 11
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetOption)(int nOption, int nValue); // 12
- BOOL(__fastcall *BeginCutscene)(); // 13
- BOOL(__fastcall *PlayCutscene)(const char* szFile, int nResolution, void *pfframe); // 14
- BOOL(__fastcall *CheckCutscene)(); // 15
- BOOL(__fastcall *DecodeSmacker)(const char *szsmacker, BYTE *pbuffer, int nVersion); // 16
- BOOL(__fastcall *PlaySmacker)(void *pcontext); // 17
- BOOL(__fastcall *CloseSmacker)(void *pcontext); // 18
- int(__fastcall *GetRenderStats)(); // 19
- void(__fastcall *GetScreenSize)(int *pwidth, int *pheight); // 20
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetScaleFactor)(); // 21
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetGamma)(int nGamma); // 22
- BOOL(__fastcall *CheckGamma)(); // 23
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetPerspectiveScale)(); // 24
- BOOL(__fastcall *AdjustPerspective)(int nXpos, int nYpos, int nBais, int *pxadjust, int *pyadjust); // 25
- BOOL(__fastcall *ScalePerspectivepos)(int nXpos, int nYpos, int nAngle, int *pxpos, int *pypos, BOOL bOrder); // 26
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetDefperspectivefactor)(); // 27
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetPalette)(BYTE* pPalette); // 28
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetPalettetable)(BYTE** pPalette); // 29
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetGlobalLight)(BYTE nRed, BYTE nGreen, BYTE nBlue); // 30
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawGroundTile)(void* pTile, DWORD** pLight, int nXpos, int nYpos, int nWorldXpos, int nWorldYpos, BYTE nAlpha, int nScreenPanels, void* pTileData); // 31
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawPerspectiveImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD dwGamma, int nDrawMode, int nScreenMode, BYTE* pPalette); // 32
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD dwGamma, int nDrawMode, BYTE* pPalette); // 33
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawShiftedImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD dwGamma, int nDrawMode, int nGlobalPaletteShift); // 34
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawVerticalCropImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, int nSkipLines, int nDrawLines, int nDrawMode); // 35
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawShadows)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos); // 36
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawImageFast)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, BYTE nPaletteIndex); // 37
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawClippedImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, void* pCropRect, int nDrawMode); // 38
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawWallTile)(void* pTile, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD** pLight, int nScreenPanels, BYTE nAlpha); // 39
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawRoofTile)(void* pTile, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD** pLight, int nScreenPanels, BYTE nAlpha); // 40
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawVisTile)(void* pTile, int nXpos, int nYpos, int nDrawMode, int nScreenPanels); // 41
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawRect)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nPaletteIndex); // 42
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawRectEx)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nPaletteIndex); // 43
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidRect)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nPaletteIndex); // 44
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidSquare)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nPaletteIndex, int nSize); // 45
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidRectEx)(int nXStart, int nYStart, int nXEnd, int nYEnd, DWORD dwColor, int nDrawMode); // 46
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidRectAlpha)(int nXStart, int nYStart, int nXEnd, int nYEnd, DWORD dwColor, BYTE nAlpha); // 47
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawLine)(int nXStart, int nYStart, int nXEnd, int nYEnd, BYTE nColor, BYTE nAlpha); // 48
- BOOL(__fastcall *ClearScreen)(BOOL bPartial); // 49
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawString)(int nXpos, int nYpos, const char *Szformat, ...); // 50
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawLight)(DWORD *plight, DWORD *pplayerlight, int nXpos, int nYpos); // 51
- BOOL(__fastcall *DebugFillBackBuffer)(int xPos, int yPos); // 52
- BOOL(__fastcall *ClearCaches)(); // 53
-struct D2RECT
- DWORD left;
- DWORD top;
- DWORD right;
- DWORD bottom;
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct GameView
- DWORD dwFlags;
- D2RECT ViewRadius;
- D2RECT ToCheck;
- DWORD _1;
- DWORD _2;
- DWORD _3;
- DWORD _4;
- DWORD _5;
- DWORD _6;
- BYTE _7[60000];
- DWORD _8;
- BYTE _9[8];
- DWORD _10;
- BYTE _11[4];
- DWORD _12;
- DWORD _13[2];
-#pragma pack(pop)
-struct ItemConfig
- int Code;
- int Quality;
- int Color;
- int Type;
-struct PacketData
- DWORD ClientID;
- BYTE aPacket[510];
-struct COORDS
- unsigned short x;
- unsigned short y;
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct KeyBinding //size 0xA
- DWORD nHotkey; // 0x00
- WORD wKey; // 0x04
- BOOL bPrimary;// 0x06
-struct KeyConfigEntry //size 0xA
- DWORD dwEntryNo; //0x00
- WORD wLocaleNo; //0x04
- wchar_t* wText; //0x06
-struct StormMsg
- HWND hWnd;
- UINT Msg;
- WPARAM wParam;
- LPARAM lParam;
- DWORD hiWParam16; // wParam shifted by 16
- BOOL _1;
- BOOL _2;
- BOOL _3;
-struct sMsg //size 0x0C
- DWORD MsgType; //0x00 ,0 = WM_MSG , 1 = COMMAND(?), 2 = KEY_UP, 3 = KEY_DOWN
- union {
- WPARAM wParam; //0x04
- DWORD wKey; //0x04
- };
- void(__stdcall *fnCallBack)(StormMsg *); //0x08
-#pragma pack(pop)
-struct UiCallArray
- void(__cdecl *OnKeyDown)();
- void(__cdecl *OnKeyUp)();
- BOOL bOverride;
-struct SpellStrc //size 0x1C // Valid for 22 -> on target & 21 -> on xy
- DWORD SkillId; //0x00
- DWORD UnitId; //0x04
- DWORD xPos; //0x08 //Also TargetType
- DWORD yPos; //0x0C //Also TargetId
- DWORD _1; //0x10
- DWORD _2; //0x14
- DWORD _3; //0x18
-struct BitBuffer
- unsigned char *pBuffer; //0x00
- unsigned int bitsInBuffer; //0x04
- unsigned int bufferPos; //0x08
- unsigned int bitsAtPos; //0x0C num bits already read or written at cur pos
- unsigned int unk; //0x10 could be a bit bucket
-struct COORDS
- unsigned short x;
- unsigned short y;
struct RoomTile {
DWORD _1; //0x00
@@ -235,59 +50,9 @@ struct RoomTile {
DWORD *nNum; //0x0C
-struct SpellStrc //size 0x1C // Valid for 22 -> on target & 21 -> on xy
- DWORD SkillId; //0x00
- DWORD UnitId; //0x04
- DWORD xPos; //0x08 //Also TargetType
- DWORD yPos; //0x0C //Also TargetId
- DWORD _1; //0x10
- DWORD _2; //0x14
- DWORD _3; //0x18
-struct CollMap {
- DWORD dwPosGameX; //0x00
- DWORD dwPosGameY; //0x04
- DWORD dwSizeGameX; //0x08
- DWORD dwSizeGameY; //0x0C
- DWORD dwPosRoomX; //0x10
- DWORD dwPosRoomY; //0x14
- DWORD dwSizeRoomX; //0x18
- DWORD dwSizeRoomY; //0x1C
- WORD *pMapStart; //0x20
- WORD *pMapEnd; //0x22
#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct KeyBinding //size 0xA
- DWORD nHotkey; // 0x00
- WORD wKey; // 0x04
- BOOL bPrimary;// 0x06
-struct KeyConfigEntry //size 0xA
- DWORD dwEntryNo; //0x00
- WORD wLocaleNo; //0x04
- wchar_t* wText; //0x06
-struct StormMsg
- HWND hWnd;
- UINT Msg;
- WPARAM wParam;
- LPARAM lParam;
- DWORD hiWParam16; // wParam shifted by 16
- BOOL _1;
- BOOL _2;
- BOOL _3;
struct StaticPath // size 0x20
Room1 *pRoom1; //0x00
@@ -299,32 +64,6 @@ struct StaticPath // size 0x20
DWORD dwFlags; //0x1C
-struct sMsg //size 0x0C
- DWORD MsgType; //0x00 ,0 = WM_MSG , 1 = COMMAND(?), 2 = KEY_UP, 3 = KEY_DOWN
- union {
- WPARAM wParam; //0x04
- DWORD wKey; //0x04
- };
- void (__stdcall *fnCallBack)(StormMsg *); //0x08
-#pragma pack(pop)
-struct pMsg
- pMsg* pMsgNext;
- BYTE aPacket[510];
-struct D2PacketTable //(0x6FB8BC30 + (4 *(0xPacket*3)))
- BOOL (__fastcall *CallBack)(BYTE* aPacket);
- int PacketLen;
- BOOL (__fastcall *CallBack2)(UnitAny * ptUnit, BYTE* aPacket);
struct HoverText //size 0x110
DWORD dwDisplayTime; //0x00 8 * strlen + 125
@@ -831,14 +570,14 @@ struct BnetData
DWORD Unk2; //0x10
DWORD Id3; //0x14
WORD Unk3; //0x18
- char GameName[22]; //0x1A
- char GameIp[16]; //0x30
+ char szGameName[22]; //0x1A
+ char szGameIp[16]; //0x30
DWORD Unk4[16]; //0x40
DWORD Id4; //0x80
DWORD Unk6; //0x84
- char AccountName[48]; //0x88
- char PlayerName[24]; //0xB8
- char RealmName[8]; //0xD0
+ char szAccountName[48]; //0x88
+ char szPlayerName[24]; //0xB8
+ char szRealmName[8]; //0xD0
BYTE Unk7[273]; //0xD8
BYTE CharType; //0x1E9 00 - 06
BYTE CharFlags; //0x1EA LoD, Ladder, Hc Flags + 4 Unk
@@ -853,9 +592,9 @@ struct BnetData
BYTE Unk12; //0x223
WORD Unk13; //0x224
BYTE Unk14; //0x226
- char RealmName2[24]; //0x227
- char GamePass[24]; //0x23F
- char GameDesc[32]; //0x257
+ char szRealmName2[24]; //0x227
+ char szGamePass[24]; //0x23F
+ char szGameDesc[32]; //0x257
@@ -964,211 +703,6 @@ struct RosterUnit {
RosterUnit * pNext; //0x80
-struct cStylePrefs
- DWORD dwFontType; //0x00
- DWORD dwColor; //0x04
-struct cTextPrefs
- DWORD dwPosX; //0x00
- DWORD dwPosY; //0x04
- DWORD dwSizeY; //0x08
-struct ControlText // size = 0x20
- {
- wchar_t* wText[5]; //0x00 for each field
- DWORD dwColor; //0x14
- DWORD dwAlign; //0x18
- ControlText* pNext; //0x1C
-struct ControlMsg {
-Control *pControl;
-UINT uMsg;
-WPARAM wParam;
-struct Control {
- DWORD dwType; //0x00
- CellFile *pCellFile; //0x04
- DWORD dwState; //0x08 0x05 - enabled, 0x04 - disabled, 0x03-0x00 - not visible
- DWORD dwPosX; //0x0C
- DWORD dwPosY; //0x10
- DWORD dwSizeX; //0x14
- DWORD dwSizeY; //0x18
- BOOL (__fastcall *Draw)(Control*); //0x1C
- BOOL (__fastcall *DrawEx)(Control*); //0x20 used by timer/popup
- BOOL (__stdcall *Push)(ControlMsg*); //0x24
- BOOL (__stdcall *Mouse)(ControlMsg*); //0x28
- BOOL (__stdcall *ListCheck)(ControlMsg*); //0x2C used only by list
- BOOL (__stdcall *Key)(ControlMsg*); //0x30 WM_CHAR MSG
- BOOL (__stdcall *OnPress)(Control*); //0x34 User Defined
- BOOL (__fastcall*DrawAnim)(Control*); //0x38 used by animimage
- Control* pNext; //0x3C
-struct EditBox : Control //(size 0x284)
-// Control Header; //0x00
- DWORD dwLeftOffset; //0x40
- DWORD dwTopOffset; //0x44
- DWORD dwMaxLength; //0x48
- DWORD dwTextOffset; //0x4C
- DWORD dwTextLen; //0x50 (strlen -1)
- DWORD dwSelectEnd; //0x54
- DWORD dwSelectStart; //0x58
- wchar_t wText[256]; //0x5C
- DWORD dwCursorPos; //0x25C
- DWORD dwEditFlags; //0x260 0x08 allows multiline
- BOOL (__stdcall *OnAccept)(char*); //0x264
- BOOL (__stdcall *InputHandle)(Control*,DWORD len, char* Key); //0x268
- BOOL (__stdcall *LengthHandle)(int aNull); //0x26C hmm weird arg = always 0
- cStylePrefs Style; //0x270
- Control * pTabNext; //0x278
- Control * pTabPrev; //0x27C
- BOOL bLeftButtonPressed; //0x280
-struct TextBox : Control // (size 0xAC)
-// Control Header; //0x00
- DWORD dwLeftOffset; //0x40
- DWORD dwTopOffset; //0x44
- ControlText* pFirstText; //0x48
- ControlText* pLastText; //0x4C
- ControlText* pSelectedText; //0x50
- DWORD dwMaxLines; //0x54
- DWORD dwCurrentLine; //0x58
- DWORD dwTextFlags; //0x5C 0x00 - left align 0x01 - SelectBox 0x2 - center 0x4 Create ScrollBar 0x40 - scrolling from right 0x80 - scrolling from bottom
- DWORD dwSelectedItem; //0x60
- DWORD dwFields; //0x64
- DWORD dwFieldXSize[5]; //0x68 for each field
- DWORD dwFieldAlign[5]; //0x7C
- ScrollBar* ptScrollBar; //0x90
- cStylePrefs Style; //0x94
- DWORD dwMaxTextWidth; //0x9C
- DWORD dwMaxTextHeight; //0xA0
- DWORD dwInterline; //0xA4
- DWORD dwInterline2; //0xA8
-struct Image : Control // (size 0x4C)
-// Control Header; //0x00
- DWORD CellFrame; //0x40
- DWORD TransLvl; //0x44
- void* _1; //0x48 image struct?
-struct AnimImage : Control // 0x60
-// Control Header; //0x00
- void* AnimStruct; //0x40 pointer to struct which holds all cellfile frames
- DWORD dwAnimSpeed; //0x44
- DWORD dwTickCount; //0x48 creation time
- DWORD dwCurrentFrame; //0x4C
- BOOL bisHovered; //0x50
- DWORD dwTransLvl; //0x54
- void (__stdcall *OnHover)(AnimImage*); //0x58
- BOOL bisAnimation; //0x5C
-struct Button : Control // (size 0x274)
-// Control Header; //0x00
- DWORD dwButtonFlags; //0x40 0x00 - normal 0x01 - radio 0x02 - switch 0x04 - play sound 0x20 - sth with disabled/enabled 0x40 - multi line
- DWORD dwIsPushed; //0x44
- BOOL dwIsSwitched; //0x48
- BOOL _1; //0x4C
- DWORD dwHotKey; //0x50
- DWORD dwButtonType; //0x54 0x00 - Normal Button, 0x01 - Switch Button 0x02 - Long Button
- DWORD _2; //0x58
- DWORD dwCellFrame; //0x5C
- DWORD dwFont; //0x60 hardcoded
- wchar_t wText[256]; //0x64
- DWORD dwColor; //0x264 hardcoded
- BOOL (__stdcall *OnHover)(Button*); //0x268
- BOOL bisHovered; //0x26C
- DWORD dwStrTbl2ndLine; //0x270
-struct ScrollBar : Control // (size 0x60)
-// Control Header; //0x00
- BOOL bMovedUp; //0x40
- BOOL bMovedDown; //0x44
- DWORD dwScrollEntries; //0x48
- DWORD dwScrollPosition; //0x4C
- DWORD dwClickStep; //0x50
- TextBox * ptParent; //0x54
- BOOL bLeftButtonPressed; //0x58
- BOOL (__stdcall *Unk)(ControlMsg*); //0x5C
-struct List : Control // (size 0x6C)
-// Control Header; //0x00
- DWORD dwFont; //0x40
- DWORD _2; //0x44
- DWORD _3; //0x48
- DWORD _4; //0x4C
- DWORD _5; //0x50
- DWORD _6; //0x54
- DWORD _7; //0x58
- DWORD _8; //0x5C
- DWORD _9; //0x60
- DWORD*_10; //0x64
- DWORD _11; //0x68
-struct D2Menu // size 0x18
-DWORD dwEntriesNo; //0x00
-DWORD dwInterline; //0x04
-DWORD dwTextHeight; //0x08
-DWORD dwMenuOffset; //0x0C
-DWORD dwBarHeight; //0x10
-DWORD _1; //0x14 unused?
-struct D2MenuEntry //size 0x550
- DWORD dwMenuType; //0x00 //-1 - static text, 0 -selectable, 1- switchbar , 2- with bar, 3 - key config (added)
- DWORD dwExpansion; //0x04 //if set, shows only in d2exp
- DWORD dwYOffset; //0x08 //generated dynamicaly
- union {
- char szCellFile[260]; //0x0C DATA\\LOCAL\\UI\\LANG\\%s used only in LoadMenu Func
- wchar_t wItemName[130]; //my addition
- };
- BOOL (__fastcall* EnableCheck)(D2MenuEntry*, DWORD ItemNo); //0x110 if return false, its disabled
- BOOL (__fastcall* OnPress)(D2MenuEntry*, StormMsg*); //0x114 28.12.11 - added StormMsg*
- BOOL (__fastcall* OptionHandle)(D2MenuEntry*); //0x118 called when option value is changed
- BOOL (__fastcall* ChangeHandle)(D2MenuEntry*); //0x11C if return true OnPress is called, and option gfx is switched
- union {
- DWORD dwMaxValue; //0x120
- DWORD dwSwitchesNo; //0x120 (max 4)
- DWORD* Bind; //0x120 -> KeyConfig (my add)
- };
- union {
- DWORD dwCurrentValue; //0x124
- DWORD dwCurrentSwitch;
- DWORD dwColor; //my addition ONLY for MenuType = -1, 1, 3(?)
- };
- union {
- DWORD dwBarType; //0x128
- DWORD dwFontType; //my add valid for all
- };
- union {
- char szSwitchCellFiles[4][260]; //0x12C DATA\\LOCAL\\UI\\LANG\\%s used only in LoadMenu Func
- wchar_t wSwitchItemName[4][130]; //my addition
- };
- CellFile* ptCellFile; //0x53C
- CellFile* ptSwitchCellFile[4]; //0x540
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/D2Structs_113D.h b/D2Structs_113D.h
index 8729576..20b8989 100644
--- a/D2Structs_113D.h
+++ b/D2Structs_113D.h
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
#define D2STRUCTS_H__
#include "D2DataTables.h"
struct UnitAny;
struct ClientInfo;
struct PlayerData;
@@ -40,206 +39,10 @@ struct List;
struct Arena;
struct pMsg;
struct QuestFlags;
+struct CollMap;
struct CellContext;
-struct fnDriverCallbacks
- BOOL(__fastcall *InitWindow)(HINSTANCE); // 0
- BOOL(__fastcall *InitPerspective)(int * fPerspective, int * _1); // 1
- BOOL(__fastcall *Release)(); // 2
- BOOL(__fastcall *Init)(HANDLE hWnd, int nResolution); // 3
- BOOL(__fastcall *Shutdown)(); // 4
- BOOL(__fastcall *EndCutscene)(HANDLE hWnd, int nResolution, int); // 5
- BOOL(__fastcall *BeginScene)(BOOL bClear, BYTE nRed, BYTE nGreen, BYTE nBlue); // 6
- BOOL(__fastcall *EndScene1)(); // 7
- BOOL(__fastcall *EndScene2)(); // 8
- BOOL(__fastcall *ResizeWin)(HANDLE HWND, int bResolution); // 9
- BOOL(__fastcall *GetBackBuffer)(BYTE* pBuffer); // 10
- BOOL(__fastcall *ActivateWindow)(int Unk, int Contrast); // 11
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetOption)(int nOption, int nValue); // 12
- BOOL(__fastcall *BeginCutscene)(); // 13
- BOOL(__fastcall *PlayCutscene)(const char* szFile, int nResolution, void *pfframe); // 14
- BOOL(__fastcall *CheckCutscene)(); // 15
- BOOL(__fastcall *DecodeSmacker)(const char *szsmacker, BYTE *pbuffer, int nVersion); // 16
- BOOL(__fastcall *PlaySmacker)(void *pcontext); // 17
- BOOL(__fastcall *CloseSmacker)(void *pcontext); // 18
- int(__fastcall *GetRenderStats)(); // 19
- void(__fastcall *GetScreenSize)(int *pwidth, int *pheight); // 20
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetScaleFactor)(); // 21
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetGamma)(int nGamma); // 22
- BOOL(__fastcall *CheckGamma)(); // 23
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetPerspectiveScale)(); // 24
- BOOL(__fastcall *AdjustPerspective)(int nXpos, int nYpos, int nBais, int *pxadjust, int *pyadjust); // 25
- BOOL(__fastcall *ScalePerspectivepos)(int nXpos, int nYpos, int nAngle, int *pxpos, int *pypos, BOOL bOrder); // 26
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetDefperspectivefactor)(); // 27
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetPalette)(BYTE* pPalette); // 28
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetPalettetable)(BYTE** pPalette); // 29
- BOOL(__fastcall *SetGlobalLight)(BYTE nRed, BYTE nGreen, BYTE nBlue); // 30
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawGroundTile)(void* pTile, DWORD** pLight, int nXpos, int nYpos, int nWorldXpos, int nWorldYpos, BYTE nAlpha, int nScreenPanels, void* pTileData); // 31
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawPerspectiveImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD dwGamma, int nDrawMode, int nScreenMode, BYTE* pPalette); // 32
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD dwGamma, int nDrawMode, BYTE* pPalette); // 33
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawShiftedImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD dwGamma, int nDrawMode, int nGlobalPaletteShift); // 34
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawVerticalCropImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, int nSkipLines, int nDrawLines, int nDrawMode); // 35
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawShadows)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos); // 36
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawImageFast)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, BYTE nPaletteIndex); // 37
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawClippedImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, void* pCropRect, int nDrawMode); // 38
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawWallTile)(void* pTile, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD** pLight, int nScreenPanels, BYTE nAlpha); // 39
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawRoofTile)(void* pTile, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD** pLight, int nScreenPanels, BYTE nAlpha); // 40
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawVisTile)(void* pTile, int nXpos, int nYpos, int nDrawMode, int nScreenPanels); // 41
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawRect)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nPaletteIndex); // 42
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawRectEx)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nPaletteIndex); // 43
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidRect)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nPaletteIndex); // 44
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidSquare)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nPaletteIndex, int nSize); // 45
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidRectEx)(int nXStart, int nYStart, int nXEnd, int nYEnd, DWORD dwColor, int nDrawMode); // 46
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidRectAlpha)(int nXStart, int nYStart, int nXEnd, int nYEnd, DWORD dwColor, BYTE nAlpha); // 47
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawLine)(int nXStart, int nYStart, int nXEnd, int nYEnd, BYTE nColor, BYTE nAlpha); // 48
- BOOL(__fastcall *ClearScreen)(BOOL bPartial); // 49
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawString)(int nXpos, int nYpos, const char *Szformat, ...); // 50
- BOOL(__fastcall *DrawLight)(DWORD *plight, DWORD *pplayerlight, int nXpos, int nYpos); // 51
- BOOL(__fastcall *DebugFillBackBuffer)(int xPos, int yPos); // 52
- BOOL(__fastcall *ClearCaches)(); // 53
-struct ItemConfig
- int Code;
- int Quality;
- int Color;
- int Type;
-struct PacketData
- DWORD ClientID;
- BYTE aPacket[510];
-struct COORDS
- unsigned short x;
- unsigned short y;
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct KeyBinding //size 0xA
- DWORD nHotkey; // 0x00
- WORD wKey; // 0x04
- BOOL bPrimary;// 0x06
-struct KeyConfigEntry //size 0xA
- DWORD dwEntryNo; //0x00
- WORD wLocaleNo; //0x04
- wchar_t* wText; //0x06
-struct StormMsg
- HWND hWnd;
- UINT Msg;
- WPARAM wParam;
- LPARAM lParam;
- DWORD hiWParam16; // wParam shifted by 16
- BOOL _1;
- BOOL _2;
- BOOL _3;
-struct sMsg //size 0x0C
- DWORD MsgType; //0x00 ,0 = WM_MSG , 1 = COMMAND(?), 2 = KEY_UP, 3 = KEY_DOWN
- union {
- WPARAM wParam; //0x04
- DWORD wKey; //0x04
- };
- void (__stdcall *fnCallBack)(StormMsg *); //0x08
-#pragma pack(pop)
-struct UiCallArray
- void (__cdecl *OnKeyDown)();
- void (__cdecl *OnKeyUp)();
- BOOL bOverride;
-struct SpellStrc //size 0x1C // Valid for 22 -> on target & 21 -> on xy
- DWORD SkillId; //0x00
- DWORD UnitId; //0x04
- DWORD xPos; //0x08 //Also TargetType
- DWORD yPos; //0x0C //Also TargetId
- DWORD _1; //0x10
- DWORD _2; //0x14
- DWORD _3; //0x18
-struct D2RECT
- DWORD left;
- DWORD top;
- DWORD right;
- DWORD bottom;
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct GameView // size 0xEABC
- DWORD dwFlags; // 0x00
- D2RECT ViewRadius; // 0x04
- D2RECT ToCheck; // 0x14
- DWORD _1; // 0x24
- DWORD _2; // 0x28
- DWORD* pGouraudTblX; // 0x2C
- DWORD* pGouraudTblY; // 0x30
- DWORD* pGouraudTblXVal; // 0x34
- DWORD _6; // 0x38
- BYTE _7[60000]; // 0x3C
- DWORD _8;
- BYTE _9[8];
- DWORD* pWall; // pointer to 36 byte structure pWall structure * nWalls
- DWORD* nWalls;
- DWORD _12;
- DWORD _13[2];
-#pragma pack(pop)
-struct BitBuffer // Taken from Nefarius @PhrozenKeep, thx
- BYTE *pBuffer; //0x00
- DWORD bitsInBuffer; //0x04
- DWORD bufferPos; //0x08
- DWORD bitsAtPos; //0x0C num bits already read or written at cur pos
- DWORD unk; //0x10 could be a bit bucket
-struct D2PacketTable //(0x6FB8BC30 + (4 *(0xPacket*3)))
- BOOL (__fastcall *CallBack)(BYTE* aPacket);
- int PacketLen;
- BOOL (__fastcall *CallBack2)(UnitAny * ptUnit, BYTE* aPacket);
-struct CollMap {
- DWORD dwPosGameX; //0x00
- DWORD dwPosGameY; //0x04
- DWORD dwSizeGameX; //0x08
- DWORD dwSizeGameY; //0x0C
- DWORD dwPosRoomX; //0x10
- DWORD dwPosRoomY; //0x14
- DWORD dwSizeRoomX; //0x18
- DWORD dwSizeRoomY; //0x1C
- WORD *pMapStart; //0x20
- WORD *pMapEnd; //0x22
struct HoverText //size 0x110
@@ -730,18 +533,141 @@ struct Info
#pragma pack(push, 1)
-struct BnetData
- BYTE _1[0x1B]; //0x00
- char GameName[0x18]; //0x1B
- char GameIP[0x56]; //0x33
- char szAccountName[0x30]; //0x89
- char PlayerName[0x18]; //0xB9
- char szRealmName[0x18]; //0xD1
- BYTE _2[258]; //0xE9
+struct BnetData // sizeof 0x3C8 name of this structure is a big mistake, but I won't change it at this stage...it's more like clientside version of ClientData
+ DWORD bExpansion; //0x00
+ BYTE bWindowMode; //0x04
+ BYTE bFixAspectRatio; //0x05
+ BYTE b3DFXMode; //0x06
+ BYTE bOpenGLMode; //0x07
+ BYTE bRaveMode; //0x08
+ BYTE bDirect3DMode; //0x09
+ BYTE bUsePerspective; //0x0A
+ BYTE bLowQuality; //0x0B
+ DWORD dwGamma; //0x0C
+ BYTE bVSync; //0x10
+ DWORD dwFrameRate; //0x11
+ DWORD dwGameType; //0x15 Values 1, 2 , 3 , 6 , 7
+ WORD wJoinId; //0x19 Overflows on GameName (parameter is an int)
+ char szGameName[24]; //0x1B Overflows on GameIP (every string here should've 27 length)
+ char szGameIP[24]; //0x33 Overflows -||-
+ char szBattleNetIp[24]; //0x4B -||-
+ char szMCPIp[24]; //0x63
+ BYTE _8a[4]; //0x7B
+ BYTE bNoPK; //0x7F
+ BYTE bOpenC; //0x80 -openc
+ BYTE bAmazon; //0x81 default is true
+ BYTE bPaladin; //0x82
+ BYTE bSorceress; //0x83
+ BYTE bNecormancer; //0x84
+ BYTE bBarbarian; //0x85
+ BYTE _8b; //0x86
+ BYTE _8c; //0x87
+ BYTE bInvincible; //0x88
+ char szAccountName[48]; //0x89
+ char szPlayerName[24]; //0xB9
+ char szRealmName[27]; //0xD1
+ DWORD _11; //0xEC <- splited out these bytes to figure out rest of stuff
+ DWORD _12; //0xF0
+ DWORD _13; //0xF4
+ DWORD _14; //0xF8
+ DWORD _15; //0xFC
+ DWORD _16; //0x100
+ DWORD _17; //0x104
+ DWORD _18; //0x108
+ DWORD _19; //0x10C
+ DWORD _20; //0x110
+ DWORD _21; //0x114
+ DWORD _22; //0x118
+ DWORD _23; //0x11C
+ DWORD _24; //0x120
+ DWORD _25; //0x124
+ DWORD _26; //0x128
+ DWORD _27; //0x12C
+ DWORD _28; //0x130
+ DWORD _29; //0x134
+ DWORD _30; //0x138
+ DWORD _31; //0x13C
+ DWORD _32; //0x140
+ DWORD _33; //0x144
+ DWORD _34; //0x148
+ DWORD _35; //0x14C
+ DWORD _36; //0x150
+ DWORD _37; //0x154
+ DWORD _38; //0x158
+ DWORD _39; //0x15C
+ DWORD _40; //0x160
+ DWORD _41; //0x164
+ DWORD _42; //0x168
+ DWORD _43; //0x16C
+ DWORD _44; //0x170
+ DWORD _45; //0x174
+ DWORD _46; //0x178
+ DWORD _47; //0x17C
+ DWORD _48; //0x180
+ DWORD _49; //0x184
+ DWORD _50; //0x188
+ DWORD _51; //0x18C
+ DWORD _52; //0x190
+ DWORD _53; //0x194
+ DWORD _54; //0x198
+ DWORD _55; //0x19C
+ DWORD _56; //0x1A0
+ DWORD _57; //0x1A4
+ DWORD _58; //0x1A8
+ DWORD _59; //0x1AC
+ DWORD _60; //0x1B0
+ DWORD _61; //0x1B4
+ DWORD _62; //0x1B8
+ DWORD _63; //0x1BC
+ DWORD _64; //0x1C0
+ DWORD _65; //0x1C4
+ DWORD _66; //0x1C8
+ DWORD _67; //0x1CC
+ DWORD _68; //0x1D0
+ DWORD _69; //0x1D4
+ DWORD _70; //0x1D8
+ DWORD _71; //0x1DC
+ DWORD _72; //0x1E0
+ DWORD _73; //0x1E4
+ BYTE _74; //0x1E8
+ WORD wCTemp; //0x1E9
WORD CharFlags; //0x1EB
- BYTE _3[84]; //0x1ED
- char GamePass[0x18]; //0x241
+ BYTE bNoMonsters; //0x1ED
+ DWORD dwMonsterClass; //0x1EE
+ BYTE bMonsterInfo; //0x1F2
+ DWORD dwMonsterDebug; //0x1F3
+ BYTE bItemRare; //0x1F7
+ BYTE bItemUnique; //0x1F8
+ BYTE _76[2]; //0x1F9
+ DWORD dwAct; //0x1FB -act default = 1
+ BYTE bNoPreload; //0x1FF -npl
+ BYTE bDirect; //0x200 -direct
+ BYTE bLowEnd; //0x201 -lem
+ BYTE bNoGFXCompression; //0x202 -nocompress
+ DWORD dwArena; //0x203 -> points to Arena* ?
+ BYTE _76c[6]; //0x207
+ BOOL(__stdcall *pfn77)(); //0x20D Called when MPQs are loaded (Win.10172), pointed func always returns 1, mby used in older version
+ BYTE bTxt; //0x211 -txt
+ BYTE bLog; //0x212
+ BYTE bMsgLog; //0x213
+ BYTE bSafeMode; //0x214
+ BYTE bNoSave; //0x215
+ DWORD dwSeed; //0x216
+ BYTE bCheats; //0x21A
+ BYTE bTeen; //0x21B
+ BYTE bNoSound; //0x21C -ns
+ BYTE bQuests; //0x21D -questall
+ BYTE _80; //0x21E
+ BYTE bBuild; //0x21F -build
+ BYTE bSoundBackground; //0x220 -sndbkg
+ DWORD *pfnBnetCallbacks; //0x221 -comint
+ BYTE _81[28]; //0x225
+ char szGamePass[24]; //0x241
+ DWORD _83[64]; //0x259
+ BYTE bSkipToBnet; //0x359 -skiptobnet
+ DWORD _84[27]; //0x35A
+ BYTE _85[2]; //0x3C6
#pragma pack(pop)
@@ -847,211 +773,5 @@ struct RosterUnit {
RosterUnit * pNext; //0x80
-struct cStylePrefs
- DWORD dwFontType; //0x00
- DWORD dwColor; //0x04
-struct cTextPrefs
- DWORD dwPosX; //0x00
- DWORD dwPosY; //0x04
- DWORD dwSizeY; //0x08
-struct ControlText // size = 0x20
- {
- wchar_t* wText[5]; //0x00 for each field
- DWORD dwColor; //0x14
- DWORD dwAlign; //0x18
- ControlText* pNext; //0x1C
-struct ControlMsg {
-Control *pControl;
-UINT uMsg;
-WPARAM wParam;
-struct Control {
- DWORD dwType; //0x00
- CellFile *pCellFile; //0x04
- DWORD dwState; //0x08 0x05 - enabled, 0x04 - disabled, 0x03-0x00 - not visible
- DWORD dwPosX; //0x0C
- DWORD dwPosY; //0x10
- DWORD dwSizeX; //0x14
- DWORD dwSizeY; //0x18
- BOOL (__fastcall *Draw)(Control*); //0x1C
- BOOL (__fastcall *DrawEx)(Control*); //0x20 used by timer/popup
- BOOL (__stdcall *Push)(ControlMsg*); //0x24
- BOOL (__stdcall *Mouse)(ControlMsg*); //0x28
- BOOL (__stdcall *ListCheck)(ControlMsg*); //0x2C used only by list
- BOOL (__stdcall *Key)(ControlMsg*); //0x30 WM_CHAR MSG
- BOOL (__stdcall *OnPress)(Control*); //0x34 User Defined
- BOOL (__fastcall*DrawAnim)(Control*); //0x38 used by animimage
- Control* pNext; //0x3C
-struct EditBox : Control //(size 0x284)
-// Control Header; //0x00
- DWORD dwLeftOffset; //0x40
- DWORD dwTopOffset; //0x44
- DWORD dwMaxLength; //0x48
- DWORD dwTextOffset; //0x4C
- DWORD dwTextLen; //0x50 (strlen -1)
- DWORD dwSelectEnd; //0x54
- DWORD dwSelectStart; //0x58
- wchar_t wText[256]; //0x5C
- DWORD dwCursorPos; //0x25C
- DWORD dwEditFlags; //0x260 0x08 allows multiline
- BOOL (__stdcall *OnAccept)(char*); //0x264
- BOOL (__stdcall *InputHandle)(Control*,DWORD len, char* Key); //0x268
- BOOL (__stdcall *LengthHandle)(int aNull); //0x26C hmm weird arg = always 0
- cStylePrefs Style; //0x270
- Control * pTabNext; //0x278
- Control * pTabPrev; //0x27C
- BOOL bLeftButtonPressed; //0x280
-struct TextBox : Control // (size 0xAC)
-// Control Header; //0x00
- DWORD dwLeftOffset; //0x40
- DWORD dwTopOffset; //0x44
- ControlText* pFirstText; //0x48
- ControlText* pLastText; //0x4C
- ControlText* pSelectedText; //0x50
- DWORD dwMaxLines; //0x54
- DWORD dwCurrentLine; //0x58
- DWORD dwTextFlags; //0x5C 0x00 - left align 0x01 - SelectBox 0x2 - center 0x4 Create ScrollBar 0x40 - scrolling from right 0x80 - scrolling from bottom
- DWORD dwSelectedItem; //0x60
- DWORD dwFields; //0x64
- DWORD dwFieldXSize[5]; //0x68 for each field
- DWORD dwFieldAlign[5]; //0x7C
- ScrollBar* ptScrollBar; //0x90
- cStylePrefs Style; //0x94
- DWORD dwMaxTextWidth; //0x9C
- DWORD dwMaxTextHeight; //0xA0
- DWORD dwInterline; //0xA4
- DWORD dwInterline2; //0xA8
-struct Image : Control // (size 0x4C)
-// Control Header; //0x00
- DWORD CellFrame; //0x40
- DWORD TransLvl; //0x44
- void* _1; //0x48 image struct?
-struct AnimImage : Control // 0x60
-// Control Header; //0x00
- void* AnimStruct; //0x40 pointer to struct which holds all cellfile frames
- DWORD dwAnimSpeed; //0x44
- DWORD dwTickCount; //0x48 creation time
- DWORD dwCurrentFrame; //0x4C
- BOOL bisHovered; //0x50
- DWORD dwTransLvl; //0x54
- void (__stdcall *OnHover)(AnimImage*); //0x58
- BOOL bisAnimation; //0x5C
-struct Button : Control // (size 0x274)
-// Control Header; //0x00
- DWORD dwButtonFlags; //0x40 0x00 - normal 0x01 - radio 0x02 - switch 0x04 - play sound 0x20 - sth with disabled/enabled 0x40 - multi line
- DWORD dwIsPushed; //0x44
- BOOL dwIsSwitched; //0x48
- BOOL _1; //0x4C
- DWORD dwHotKey; //0x50
- DWORD dwButtonType; //0x54 0x00 - Normal Button, 0x01 - Switch Button 0x02 - Long Button
- DWORD _2; //0x58
- DWORD dwCellFrame; //0x5C
- DWORD dwFont; //0x60 hardcoded
- wchar_t wText[256]; //0x64
- DWORD dwColor; //0x264 hardcoded
- BOOL (__stdcall *OnHover)(Button*); //0x268
- BOOL bisHovered; //0x26C
- DWORD dwStrTbl2ndLine; //0x270
-struct ScrollBar : Control // (size 0x60)
-// Control Header; //0x00
- BOOL bMovedUp; //0x40
- BOOL bMovedDown; //0x44
- DWORD dwScrollEntries; //0x48
- DWORD dwScrollPosition; //0x4C
- DWORD dwClickStep; //0x50
- TextBox * ptParent; //0x54
- BOOL bLeftButtonPressed; //0x58
- BOOL (__stdcall *Unk)(ControlMsg*); //0x5C
-struct List : Control // (size 0x6C)
-// Control Header; //0x00
- DWORD dwFont; //0x40
- DWORD _2; //0x44
- DWORD _3; //0x48
- DWORD _4; //0x4C
- DWORD _5; //0x50
- DWORD _6; //0x54
- DWORD _7; //0x58
- DWORD _8; //0x5C
- DWORD _9; //0x60
- DWORD*_10; //0x64
- DWORD _11; //0x68
-struct D2Menu // size 0x18
-DWORD dwEntriesNo; //0x00
-DWORD dwInterline; //0x04
-DWORD dwTextHeight; //0x08
-DWORD dwMenuOffset; //0x0C
-DWORD dwBarHeight; //0x10
-DWORD _1; //0x14 unused?
-struct D2MenuEntry //size 0x550
- DWORD dwMenuType; //0x00 //-1 - static text, 0 -selectable, 1- switchbar , 2- with bar, 3 - key config (added)
- DWORD dwExpansion; //0x04 //if set, shows only in d2exp
- DWORD dwYOffset; //0x08 //generated dynamicaly
- union {
- char szCellFile[260]; //0x0C DATA\\LOCAL\\UI\\LANG\\%s used only in LoadMenu Func
- wchar_t wItemName[130]; //my addition
- };
- BOOL (__fastcall* EnableCheck)(D2MenuEntry*, DWORD ItemNo); //0x110 if return false, its disabled
- BOOL (__fastcall* OnPress)(D2MenuEntry*, StormMsg*); //0x114 28.12.11 - added StormMsg*
- BOOL (__fastcall* OptionHandle)(D2MenuEntry*); //0x118 called when option value is changed
- BOOL (__fastcall* ChangeHandle)(D2MenuEntry*); //0x11C if return true OnPress is called, and option gfx is switched
- union {
- DWORD dwMaxValue; //0x120
- DWORD dwSwitchesNo; //0x120 (max 4)
- DWORD* Bind; //0x120 -> KeyConfig (my add)
- };
- union {
- DWORD dwCurrentValue; //0x124
- DWORD dwCurrentSwitch;
- DWORD dwColor; //my addition ONLY for MenuType = -1, 1, 3(?)
- };
- union {
- DWORD dwBarType; //0x128
- DWORD dwFontType; //my add valid for all
- };
- union {
- char szSwitchCellFiles[4][260]; //0x12C DATA\\LOCAL\\UI\\LANG\\%s used only in LoadMenu Func
- wchar_t wSwitchItemName[4][130]; //my addition
- };
- CellFile* ptCellFile; //0x53C
- CellFile* ptSwitchCellFile[4]; //0x540
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/D2Stubs.cpp b/D2Stubs.cpp
index c5abdc4..c75e7ac 100644
--- a/D2Stubs.cpp
+++ b/D2Stubs.cpp
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ void __declspec(naked) __fastcall D2Stubs::D2CLIENT_BlobHook2()
-__declspec(naked) void* __stdcall D2Funcs::D2WIN_LoadMpq(DWORD OrderFlag, const char* szDllFile, const char* szMpqFile, const char* szName, DWORD _1, DWORD _2)
+__declspec(naked) void* __stdcall D2Funcs::D2WIN_LoadMpq(DWORD OrderFlag, const char* szDllFile, const char* szMpqFile, const char* szName, DWORD _1, BOOL(__stdcall *fnMPQMissing)())
diff --git a/D2Stubs.h b/D2Stubs.h
index efcd14e..89db11c 100644
--- a/D2Stubs.h
+++ b/D2Stubs.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ namespace D2Funcs
BOOL __fastcall D2CLIENT_IsSquelched(RosterUnit* pRoster);
BOOL __fastcall D2CLIENT_IsMuted(RosterUnit* pRoster);
AutoMapLayer* __fastcall D2CLIENT_InitAutomapLayer(DWORD dwLayer);
- void* __stdcall D2WIN_LoadMpq(DWORD OrderFlag, const char* szDllFile, const char* szMpqFile, const char* szName, DWORD _1, DWORD _2);
+ void* __stdcall D2WIN_LoadMpq(DWORD OrderFlag, const char* szDllFile, const char* szMpqFile, const char* szName, DWORD _1, BOOL (__stdcall *fnMPQMissing)());
DWORD __fastcall D2CLIENT_TestPvpFlag(DWORD dwUnitId1, DWORD dwUnitId2, DWORD dwFlagMask);
void __fastcall D2CLIENT_PlaySound(int SoundNo);
void __stdcall D2CLIENT_DrawGZBox(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2);
diff --git a/ExInput.cpp b/ExInput.cpp
index 860f1a7..2b459c4 100644
--- a/ExInput.cpp
+++ b/ExInput.cpp
@@ -149,13 +149,9 @@ if(_stricmp(str,"#icon2")==0)
return -1;
- BYTE aPacket[] = {0x14, 0x00, 0x00,'p','o','z','d','r','o',' ','j','4','m','4',' ','m ','r','0','k','u',' ','z','r','e','s','e','t','u','j','e','c','i','e',' ','c','o','s',' ','w','i','e','r','z','e',' ','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e','Z','e',0x00,0x00,0x00};
- BYTE aPacket2[] = {0x14, 0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
- D2Funcs::D2NET_SendPacket(sizeof(aPacket),0,aPacket);
- Sleep(200);
- D2Funcs::D2NET_SendPacket(sizeof(aPacket2),0,aPacket2);
+ ExMultiRes::enterFullscreen();
return -1;
diff --git a/ExMultiRes.cpp b/ExMultiRes.cpp
index 65d4d5f..29e0dee 100644
--- a/ExMultiRes.cpp
+++ b/ExMultiRes.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
#include "ExMultiRes.h"
#include "ExCellFile.h"
#include "ExBuffs.h"
+#include "Offset.h"
+//#pragma comment(lib, "lib-msvc110\\glfw3.lib")
Partially reversed D2MultiRes ported to 1.11b/1.13d
Credits goes to Sluggy
@@ -12,6 +15,7 @@
namespace ExMultiRes
struct sResList
ExCellFile* cD2MRChooseResolutionBack;
@@ -37,7 +41,7 @@ namespace ExMultiRes
vector lResModes;
int *gptBufferXLookUpTable;
- int gBufferXLookUpTable[GDI_MAXY + 1] = { 0 };
+// int gBufferXLookUpTable[GDI_MAXY + 1] = { 0 };
void __fastcall SetResolution(int nMode) // Wrapper on D2CLIENT.0x2C220
@@ -61,10 +65,93 @@ namespace ExMultiRes
+ BOOL __stdcall InitWindow(HINSTANCE hInstance, LRESULT(__stdcall *pWndProc)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM), int nDriver, int bWindowed) // Wrapper on D2Gfx.10073
+ {
+ const char * szDriverDLLs[] = { "", "D2Gdi.dll", "D2Rave.dll", "D2DDraw.dll", "D2Glide.dll", "D2OpenGL.dll", "D2Direct3D.dll" };
+ typedef fnDriverCallbacks* (__stdcall * GetCallbacks_t)();
+ DEBUGMSG("D2GFX->InitWindow()");
+ *D2Vars::D2GFX_hInstance = hInstance;
+ WndClass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
+ WndClass.lpfnWndProc = pWndProc;
+ WndClass.style = ((nDriver != VIDEO_MODE_OPENGL) - 1) & CS_OWNDC;
+ WndClass.cbClsExtra = 0;
+ WndClass.cbWndExtra = 0;
+ WndClass.hInstance = hInstance;
+ WndClass.hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(hInstance, (LPCSTR)(D2Funcs::FOG_isExpansion() ? 103 : 102), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);
+ WndClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(0, (LPCSTR)0x7F00);
+ WndClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(COLOR_WINDOW);
+ WndClass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
+ WndClass.hIconSm = NULL;
+ WndClass.lpszClassName = "Diablo II";
+ if (!RegisterClassEx(&WndClass))
+ {
+ int err = GetLastError();
+ //GFX_Error_6FA87AA0((char *)v5);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // TODO:sub_6FA89750();
+ *D2Vars::D2GFX_gpbBuffer = 0;
+ // TODO: atexit(sub_6FA8AB60);
+ *D2Vars::D2GFX_DriverType = nDriver;
+ *D2Vars::D2GFX_WindowMode = bWindowed;
+ *D2Vars::D2GFX_hDriverModHandle = LoadLibrary(szDriverDLLs[nDriver]);
+ if (!*D2Vars::D2GFX_hDriverModHandle)
+ {
+ D2EXERROR("Cannot load library: %s", szDriverDLLs[nDriver])
+ }
+ GetCallbacks_t GetCallbacks = (GetCallbacks_t)GetDllOffset(szDriverDLLs[nDriver], -10000);
+ ASSERT(GetCallbacks)
+ fnDriverCallbacks * fns = GetCallbacks();
+ ASSERT(fns)
+ *D2Vars::D2GFX_pfnDriverCallback = fns;
+ fns->SetOption(8, bWindowed == 1);
+ if (!fns->InitWindow(hInstance))
+ {
+ D2EXERROR("Cannot initialize GFX driver. Please run D2VidTest and try again");
+ }
+ if (nDriver < VIDEO_MODE_GLIDE)
+ *D2Vars::D2GFX_bPerspective = FALSE;
+ return fns->InitPerspective((GFXSettings*)&(*D2Vars::D2GFX_Settings), (int*)&(*D2Vars::D2GFX_fnHelpers));
+ }
+ bool enterFullscreen()
+ {
+ bool isChangeSuccessful;
+ RECT windowBoundary;
+ EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, 0, &fs);
+ fs.dmPelsWidth = *D2Vars::D2GFX_Width;
+ fs.dmPelsHeight = *D2Vars::D2GFX_Height;
+ fs.dmBitsPerPel = 8;
+ fs.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE);
+ fs.dmFields = DM_PELSWIDTH |
+ SetWindowLongPtr(D2Funcs::D2GFX_GetHwnd(), GWL_STYLE, WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE);
+ SetWindowPos(D2Funcs::D2GFX_GetHwnd(), HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, *D2Vars::D2GFX_Width, *D2Vars::D2GFX_Height, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
+ isChangeSuccessful = ChangeDisplaySettings(&fs, CDS_FULLSCREEN) == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL;
+ ShowWindow(D2Funcs::D2GFX_GetHwnd(), SW_MAXIMIZE);
+ (*D2Vars::D2LAUNCH_BnData)->bWindowMode = 0;
+ *D2Vars::D2GFX_WindowMode = 0;
+ return isChangeSuccessful;
+ }
// Only function for screen width to rule them all!
void __stdcall GetModeParams(int nMode, int* pWidth, int* pHeight) // Wrapper on D2Gfx.10064, 1.11b is int __usercall sub_6FA880F0(int pHeight, int nMode, int pWidth)
- //nMode = 3;
switch (nMode)
case 0:
@@ -152,30 +239,30 @@ namespace ExMultiRes
- void __fastcall FillYBufferTable_OLD(void *ppvBits, int nWidth, int nHeight, int aZero) // Wrapper on D2GFX.6FA893B0
- {
- static int LastWidth;
- DEBUGMSG("FillYBuffer(), %dx%d, %d", nWidth, nHeight, aZero)
- *D2Vars::D2GFX_gpbBuffer = ppvBits;
- //dword_6FA9432C = aZero;
- *D2Vars::D2GFX_Width = nWidth;
- *D2Vars::D2GFX_Height = nHeight;
- if (nWidth != LastWidth)
- {
- LastWidth = nWidth;
- int YStartOffset = -32 * nWidth;
- for (int* pEntry = (int*)&gBufferXLookUpTable; pEntry < &gBufferXLookUpTable[nHeight]; ++pEntry, YStartOffset += nWidth)
- {
- *pEntry = YStartOffset;
- }
- }
- if (*D2Vars::D2GFX_ScreenShift != -1)
- {
- D2Funcs::D2GFX_UpdateResizeVars(nWidth, nHeight);
- gBufferXLookUpTable[nHeight] = *D2Vars::D2GFX_ScreenShift == 2 ? (nWidth / 2) : 0;
- }
- }
+ //void __fastcall FillYBufferTable_OLD(void *ppvBits, int nWidth, int nHeight, int aZero) // Wrapper on D2GFX.6FA893B0
+ //{
+ // static int LastWidth;
+ // DEBUGMSG("FillYBuffer(), %dx%d, %d", nWidth, nHeight, aZero)
+ // *D2Vars::D2GFX_gpbBuffer = ppvBits;
+ // //dword_6FA9432C = aZero;
+ // *D2Vars::D2GFX_Width = nWidth;
+ // *D2Vars::D2GFX_Height = nHeight;
+ // if (nWidth != LastWidth)
+ // {
+ // LastWidth = nWidth;
+ // int YStartOffset = -32 * nWidth;
+ // for (int* pEntry = (int*)&gBufferXLookUpTable; pEntry < &gBufferXLookUpTable[nHeight]; ++pEntry, YStartOffset += nWidth)
+ // {
+ // *pEntry = YStartOffset;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // if (*D2Vars::D2GFX_ScreenShift != -1)
+ // {
+ // D2Funcs::D2GFX_UpdateResizeVars(nWidth, nHeight);
+ // gBufferXLookUpTable[nHeight] = *D2Vars::D2GFX_ScreenShift == 2 ? (nWidth / 2) : 0;
+ // }
+ //}
void __fastcall FillYBufferTable(void *ppvBits, int nWidth, int nHeight, int aZero) // Wrapper on D2GFX.6FA893B0
@@ -261,6 +348,7 @@ namespace ExMultiRes
bm.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 256;
HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL);
DEBUGMSG("Initing %dx%d bitmap buffer...", *D2Vars::D2GDI_BitmapWidth, *D2Vars::D2GDI_BitmapHeight)
*D2Vars::D2GDI_DIB = CreateDIBSection(hdc, (BITMAPINFO*)&bm, DIB_RGB_COLORS, D2Vars::D2GDI_gpbBuffer, NULL, NULL);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
@@ -404,10 +492,19 @@ namespace ExMultiRes
HKEY hKey = {0};
DWORD nRenderMode = 0;
+ //HWND hWnd = GetForegroundWindow();
+ //if (hWnd != GetDesktopWindow() && hWnd != GetShellWindow())
+ //{
+ // RECT dim;
+ // GetWindowRect(hWnd, &dim);
+ //
+ // return VIDEO_MODE_GDI;
+ //}
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "SOFTWARE\\Blizzard Entertainment\\Diablo II\\VideoConfig", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS ||
RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Blizzard Entertainment\\Diablo II\\VideoConfig", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- DWORD nSize;
+ DWORD nSize = 4;
if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "Render", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)&nRenderMode, &nSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
switch (nRenderMode)
@@ -416,8 +513,12 @@ namespace ExMultiRes
case 1:
return VIDEO_MODE_D3D;
+ case 2:
case 3:
+ case 4:
+ return VIDEO_MODE_GDI;
diff --git a/ExMultiRes.h b/ExMultiRes.h
index 430a222..cd96d97 100644
--- a/ExMultiRes.h
+++ b/ExMultiRes.h
@@ -11,16 +11,20 @@ namespace ExMultiRes
- #define GDI_MAXY 2000 // I think that's will be OK
- extern int gBufferXLookUpTable[GDI_MAXY + 1];
+ //#define GDI_MAXY 2000 // I think that's will be OK
+ //extern int gBufferXLookUpTable[GDI_MAXY + 1];
extern int *gptBufferXLookUpTable;
extern vector lResModes;
bool EnumDisplayModes();
+ int GetRenderMode();
int FindDisplayMode(int Width, int Height);
bool InitImages();
void FreeImages();
void __fastcall SetResolution(int nMode);
void __fastcall ResizeView(int UiCover);
+ BOOL __stdcall InitWindow(HINSTANCE hInstance, LRESULT(__stdcall *pWndProc)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM), int nDriver, int bWindowed);
void __stdcall GetModeParams(int nMode, int* pWidth, int* pHeight);
BOOL __stdcall SetResolutionMode(int nMode, BOOL bUpdate);
@@ -33,6 +37,8 @@ namespace ExMultiRes
BOOL __fastcall GDI_ResizeWindow(HANDLE HWND, int nMode);
BOOL __fastcall GDI_Init(HANDLE HWND, int nResolution);
+ bool enterFullscreen();
diff --git a/ExOOG.cpp b/ExOOG.cpp
index 95ca713..7e4bc2b 100644
--- a/ExOOG.cpp
+++ b/ExOOG.cpp
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ DWORD WINAPI ExOOG::Rejoin(void * Argz)
if(Argz) szName = (char*)Argz;
wstring GN;
- Misc::CharToWide(GN,(*D2Vars::D2LAUNCH_BnData)->GameName);
+ Misc::CharToWide(GN,(*D2Vars::D2LAUNCH_BnData)->szGameName);
wstring GP;
- Misc::CharToWide(GP,(*D2Vars::D2LAUNCH_BnData)->GamePass);
+ Misc::CharToWide(GP,(*D2Vars::D2LAUNCH_BnData)->szGamePass);
- if(!szName.empty()) strcpy_s((*D2Vars::D2LAUNCH_BnData)->PlayerName,16,szName.c_str());
+ if(!szName.empty()) strcpy_s((*D2Vars::D2LAUNCH_BnData)->szPlayerName,16,szName.c_str());
diff --git a/files/D2Ex.mpq b/files/D2Ex.mpq
index ae22259..266a3b2 100644
Binary files a/files/D2Ex.mpq and b/files/D2Ex.mpq differ
diff --git a/stdAfx.h b/stdAfx.h
index 3c3c6aa..2e2111b 100644
--- a/stdAfx.h
+++ b/stdAfx.h
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#include "Constants.h"
+#include "CommonStructs.h"
#ifdef VER_113D
#include "D2Structs_113D.h"
#include "D2Ptrs_113D.h"
@@ -15,6 +17,7 @@
#include "D2Ptrs_111B.h"
#include "D2Stubs.h"
#include "Vars.h"
#include "ExScreen.h"