maybe command text change is lazy... when pasting??
- when we fast switch fields or duplicate fields??
we can have many local variables...
- make fields implicitly forced (else we could miss them)
- in var indicator somehow show field id or something
- this is because we need to know the block (indention) level when we hide vars...
- also somehow show global/player local/local vars for var indicators...
- same for return x ... recursive functions??
end game condition is not supported in game instructions editor
MAYBE auto game instruction editor for field command texts...
- can we automate this? e.g. gold = gold + 1 -->
- 1 --> increment by 1 gold --> variable gold
add more dev docs
MAYBE migrate to mobx? performance should be better... but a lot of work
- but we would lose easy undo/redo...
change the worker deploy... the hash is bad for git because it's changed every build
when we remove all shapes (fields/imgs/lines) in the tile outline the canvas collapses... but should not
- maybe somehow connected that tile outline collapses to min size for some ms
could all be resolved by creating a new reducer & new actions that do multiple actions at once e.g. change field pos + update line pos in one action this could be undone as one action this would also remove the overloaded actions (update field pos) because the additional logic is handled in the new actions
- connecting a line to a field via anchor points is bad undoable
- when a line is connected to a field and we need to call adjustLinesFromAnchorPoints then undo gets bad...
- we undo field then line then field then line ...
- is works but is not really visible
- when a line is connected to an anchor point and moved a bit (so that it is not detached) then this can be undone but is not visible for the user
- when a line is connected to a field and we need to call adjustLinesFromAnchorPoints then undo gets bad...
- connecting a line to a field via anchor points is bad undoable
printing vars ... will all vars be found?
- add tests to check this, they are not part of the simulation so create a new dir
check if all vars are defined... will all vars be found?
- add tests to check this, they are not part of the simulation so create a new dir
when the tile outline is displayed the drag operations (fields/lines/imgs) are slow
- this is because the lists & items are always re-rendered?
error messages are not i18n ready
move showGrid gridSizeInPx to world settings??
hide cp point if multiple lines selected ?? (probably not?)
if we delete a symbol ... delete all instances?
select multiple e.g. field height: only fixed val for all or delta?
maybe use tabs.renderActiveOnly for property editors?
- this way we could preserve the scroll position easier
- allow computed field texts
- e.g. field {{x++}}
- through the goto connections we can calculate the x...
- tile ui vars e.g. x = 10 (to avoid duplicates) [not part of the game itself only for design/ui]
- world ui vars e.g. x = 100 (to avoid duplicates) [not part of the game itself only for design/ui]
- random generate worlds with estimated runtime
- simulation times
- min & max values then use math.random(min, max)...
- simulation times
i18n for error messages
add some missing ask dialogs
add drag handels (width/height + rotation) for img + field
propose 1: html el overlay
- this is bad because if we translate/scale the stage (or rotate the field)... everything must be done manually
- the drag handles are always top most elements & easy cursor change
propose 2: as canvas graphic
- easy to draw we get rotate ... for free (?)
- drag handles are not top most (e.g. another el can hide the handles)
- to solve this we might add the drag handles separately to the stage (maximal z index)
- then we cannot add the handles to the same container as the field --> no more rotation for free
- also if we add the drag handles to the same container we don't get the mouse handlers properly because the container itself has already mouse up, down attached
built in ladder is broken in production mode
add simple markdown editor for game rules??
- allow images?
- gfm (git markdown)
adding an img should use correct aspect ratio
- max 100 height? then match width?
- what if width is too big then?
- max 100 height? then match width?
shift + drag to select multiple... maybe only when we support selecting different shapes together?
sometimes the img symbol img won't show... because img storage is not loaded yet??
select with area performance is bad if we select many shapes) because we calculate array (selected shapes) completely new on every mousemove
move tile settings to own reducer... (from tile editor reducer)
add an icon
how do we know the id of the border points??
- currently we can only use the select next field mode to get the border point
add some tile settings to the tile itself?
- e.g. tile auto insert line direction should be saved on every tile?
create a marketplace for tiles/worlds?
enable ts lint?
printing tab is constantly loading ... but works??
dynamic size world editor (use blank space)
inspect bundle size...
- exclude all languages from hljs?
for running x simulations we use only 1 seed
- maybe increase the random seed by +1 for every run so the user can actually reproduce all results?
- now the user can only reproduce the first run...
more img options (stretch, crop)
- original aspect ratio
- lock width/height
- original aspect ratio
world force tile width & height .... e.g. filter tile library by the forced size or mark the tiles red in the world view (when different size than forced)?
wie excel formel view (für code)
show programmatic order (lines)
error (logger) messages are EN no i18n
error when displaying props editor: Failed prop type: Invalid prop
supplied toForm
, expected a ReactNode. in Form (created by fieldPropertyEditor) -
use only 1 component for symbol menus?? generic one
when printing allow x px overlap (because inaccurate cutting??)
draw print lines on tile so we know where we cut
maybe add all images directly as symbols??
make world settings accessible to user
match reducer action type names reducer name
draw grid behind all shapes
sort tile outline by ... zindex?
moving fields is slow when there are line(s) connected to this field
disconnect/reconnect shapes from symbols...
warning if some shape is outside of tile
some shape reducers have set_array and add + remove actions ... only use set array??
add a new line point not at x+50,y+50 of the last point??
we export the world settings now with the world
- on import we only use the known properties to overwrite the settings
we now export the tile settings with the tile
- on import we only use the known properties to overwrite the settings
for coverage add to package.json
"collectCoverage": true, "collectCoverageFrom": [ "simulation/machine/AbstractMachine.ts" ], "coverageDirectory": "reports",
publish to github pages
git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages
img transparent pixels are now clickable because a bug with svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 41 103"
- the easeljs hittest will fail for such svgs so we used an extra hitTest object (rectangle) --> as a downside we no longer respect transparent pixels on clicks for imgs
adding preset imgs...
- src/externalStorage/imgStorage.ts add import + array entry
- img guid must be set manually e.g. unix md5 function
img base64:
- for built in images this is the url (we can use this as img src)
- for user imported imgs this is the base64 value
bbgel ace mode is located in libs/ace-editor/bbgel-mode.js
bbgel highlight.js definition is inside src/components/guide/guide.tsx
undo is done via redux undo
- this is bad if we have a lot of shapes because it keeps the old states for undo so we end up with a lot of copies of the state...
- also there is a little issue left when we connect a line to a field
- it's also not that good the we sometimes not see what was undone...
esc to disable select next field or again press ctrl+n /super+n
tests are only available for the lang compiler/interpreter and are written in jest (see simulation/tests)
- execute all with npm run test
printing grid is hard coded disabled see usage of public print PrintHelper usage for locations
fir single tile simulation & world simulation the same state is used (this is the reason we disable the tabs)
game end is checked outside of the game state (the game only sets the winners)
symbol line ids (points ...) are grabbed from the normal get id func (getNextShapeId)
- this is ok even if we collide because when we edit a line we search in the line state only not in the symbol line storage
when changing single simulation (auto simulation) which uses Simulator.runSimulationTillEnd
- then you need to change single stepping to! should be the same workflow
max simulation run in a web worker at helpers/workers
single simulation runs in ui thread with promises...
times for simulation elapsed time must be set in AbstractMachine timeInS_ funcs
for img guids we use the bas64 hash to identify equal images
- bad for large images! maybe hint? or chunk read like https://www.npmjs.com/package/spark-md5 ?
symbols are global because the renderer uses automatically the symbol if any for all tiles (-> world)
- the only exception where we need to change something are the field anchor points because
when we change a field symbol width/height we need to update ALL connected lines in ALL tiles!
- the only exception where we need to change something are the field anchor points because
when we change a field symbol width/height we need to update ALL connected lines in ALL tiles!
auto increment increments the max found number+1 for every duplicated field
- only replaced the first occurrence of the first number
underline not yet because not that easy e.g. multi line & not built in
better dpi printing set printHelper scaleFactor to 6?
ctrl+d / super+d to duplicate selected shapes
- shift to invert auto increment order (don't work on macos??)
alt + click + drag to always drag the stage (not select any shape)
- when the whole tile is covered it's hard to drag the stage...
del/backspace to delete all selected shapes
select with multiple should be: [shift + click to select multiple!]
- selecting one when mouse down --> able to mouse down, drag
- when selecting multile (with shift) -> mouse up
- when selecting multiple (shift) --> mouse up
- when selecting multiple (shift), selecting already selected --> unselect on mouse up
why only ref from tile lib not create new instance?
- easier because we only have references to the original tile stored --> auto update on tile change
- we can have multiple instances by copying the tile in the lib
zoom to mouse works but why *newScale? -(oldPoint canvas local.x - zoomed point canvas local.x)*newScale
offset is not the real offset ... it's user offset + scale correction
field border points get normal field ids (to make them a jump target)
img lib allows multiple file drops and filters imgs
zindex is over all shapes in a tile (for the editor)
zindex 0 is bottom MAX is top
id is now unique for all shapes (no control points)
field seq is unique for a tile, only field has seq id because it has cmd text
symbols are just shapes with basically no effect
- when a shape is rendered the renderer checks if there is a connected symbol and uses the props of the symbol that's it
middle mosue button on canvas --> zoom to normal
mouse wheel on canvas -> zoom
zoom is mouse position agnostic
https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/299033/inkscape-extensions-boardgame-development http://battlegroundsgames.com/links/#anchor7