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base repository: janhq/cortex.cpp
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: v1.0.5-rc1
Choose a base ref
head repository: janhq/cortex.cpp
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: dev
Choose a head ref
Showing with 25,980 additions and 3,711 deletions.
  1. +18 −0 .devcontainer/Dockerfile
  2. +35 −0 .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
  3. +59 −0 .devcontainer/
  4. +24 −4 .github/workflows/beta-build.yml
  5. +284 −0 .github/workflows/cortex-cpp-quality-gate.yml
  6. +19 −2 .github/workflows/nightly-build.yml
  7. +72 −0 .github/workflows/python-script-package.yml
  8. +275 −0 .github/workflows/python-venv-package.yml
  9. +17 −1 .github/workflows/stable-build.yml
  10. +50 −30 .github/workflows/{template-build-linux-x64.yml → template-build-linux.yml}
  11. +7 −1 .gitignore
  12. +111 −0
  13. +103 −341
  14. BIN assets/cortex-banner.png
  15. +0 −4 docs/docs/architecture.mdx
  16. +66 −6 docs/docs/architecture/cortex-db.mdx
  17. +35 −9 docs/docs/architecture/cortexrc.mdx
  18. +62 −44 docs/docs/architecture/data-folder.mdx
  19. +10 −9 docs/docs/architecture/updater.mdx
  20. +178 −1 docs/docs/assistants/
  21. +7 −9 docs/docs/basic-usage/
  22. +2 −2 docs/docs/basic-usage/
  23. +129 −36 docs/docs/basic-usage/index.mdx
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  25. +24 −20 docs/docs/capabilities/hardware/index.mdx
  26. +23 −27 docs/docs/capabilities/models/index.mdx
  27. +55 −41 docs/docs/capabilities/models/model-yaml.mdx
  28. +4 −3 docs/docs/capabilities/models/presets.mdx
  29. +184 −3 docs/docs/capabilities/
  30. +2 −5 docs/docs/chat-completions.mdx
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  32. +16 −11 docs/docs/cli/engines/index.mdx
  33. +83 −25 docs/docs/cli/models/index.mdx
  34. +17 −3 docs/docs/cli/ps.mdx
  35. +7 −5 docs/docs/cli/pull.mdx
  36. +8 −8 docs/docs/cli/run.mdx
  37. +1 −4 docs/docs/cli/start.mdx
  38. +5 −1 docs/docs/cli/stop.mdx
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  41. +4 −4 docs/docs/configurations/index.mdx
  42. +24 −28 docs/docs/configurations/proxy.mdx
  43. +19 −22 docs/docs/configurations/token.mdx
  44. +0 −4 docs/docs/
  45. +2 −5 docs/docs/cortex-llamacpp.mdx
  46. +3 −6 docs/docs/embeddings.mdx
  47. +41 −72 docs/docs/engines/index.mdx
  48. +62 −55 docs/docs/engines/llamacpp.mdx
  49. +7 −4 docs/docs/engines/onnx.mdx
  50. +246 −0 docs/docs/engines/python-engine.mdx
  51. +30 −7 docs/docs/engines/tensorrt-llm.mdx
  52. +158 −283 docs/docs/guides/
  53. +105 −123 docs/docs/guides/
  54. +13 −16 docs/docs/installation.mdx
  55. +246 −126 docs/docs/installation/docker.mdx
  56. +9 −13 docs/docs/installation/linux.mdx
  57. +35 −27 docs/docs/installation/mac.mdx
  58. +24 −27 docs/docs/installation/windows.mdx
  59. +33 −87 docs/docs/overview.mdx
  60. +48 −53 docs/docs/quickstart.mdx
  61. +5 −9 docs/docs/requirements.mdx
  62. +2 −6 docs/docs/telemetry.mdx
  63. +1 −0 docs/sidebars.ts
  64. BIN docs/static/img/cortex_hub.png
  65. BIN docs/static/img/mitproxy_ex.png
  66. BIN docs/static/img/social-card-old.jpg
  67. BIN docs/static/img/social-card.jpg
  68. BIN docs/static/img/sqlite_view_harlequin.png
  69. +611 −76 docs/static/openapi/cortex.json
  70. +1 −0 engine/.gitignore
  71. +14 −4 engine/CMakeLists.txt
  72. +5 −2 engine/Makefile
  73. +12 −3 engine/cli/CMakeLists.txt
  74. +9 −6 engine/cli/
  75. +1 −0 engine/cli/command_line_parser.h
  76. +7 −9 engine/cli/commands/
  77. +4 −0 engine/cli/commands/chat_completion_cmd.h
  78. +4 −2 engine/cli/commands/
  79. +1 −1 engine/cli/commands/
  80. +8 −1 engine/cli/commands/model_start_cmd.h
  81. +1 −1 engine/cli/commands/
  82. +6 −0 engine/cli/commands/
  83. +8 −10 engine/cli/commands/
  84. +6 −1 engine/cli/commands/run_cmd.h
  85. +26 −23 engine/cli/commands/
  86. +0 −4 engine/cli/utils/
  87. +267 −4 engine/common/assistant.h
  88. +32 −0 engine/common/assistant_code_interpreter_tool.h
  89. +151 −0 engine/common/assistant_file_search_tool.h
  90. +130 −0 engine/common/assistant_function_tool.h
  91. +12 −76 engine/common/assistant_tool.h
  92. +4 −3 engine/common/base.h
  93. +12 −1 engine/common/download_task.h
  94. +211 −0 engine/common/dto/assistant_create_dto.h
  95. +201 −0 engine/common/dto/assistant_update_dto.h
  96. +16 −0 engine/common/dto/base_dto.h
  97. +5 −1 engine/common/engine_servicei.h
  98. +12 −6 engine/common/hardware_common.h
  99. +10 −5 engine/common/message_attachment.h
  100. +29 −0 engine/common/model_metadata.h
  101. +25 −0 engine/common/repository/assistant_repository.h
  102. +6 −6 engine/common/thread.h
  103. +0 −50 engine/common/thread_tool_resources.h
  104. +72 −0 engine/common/tokenizer.h
  105. +114 −0 engine/common/tool_resources.h
  106. +365 −81 engine/config/model_config.h
  107. +65 −59 engine/config/
  108. +184 −1 engine/controllers/
  109. +39 −0 engine/controllers/assistants.h
  110. +146 −42 engine/controllers/
  111. +11 −7 engine/controllers/engines.h
  112. +5 −12 engine/controllers/
  113. +2 −2 engine/controllers/hardware.h
  114. +1 −1 engine/controllers/messages.h
  115. +96 −62 engine/controllers/
  116. +12 −4 engine/controllers/models.h
  117. +6 −3 engine/controllers/
  118. +7 −0 engine/controllers/process_manager.h
  119. +103 −8 engine/controllers/
  120. +11 −4 engine/controllers/server.h
  121. +9 −22 engine/controllers/
  122. +31 −4 engine/controllers/swagger.h
  123. +1 −1 engine/controllers/threads.h
  124. +8 −0 engine/cortex-common/EngineI.h
  125. +3 −1 engine/cortex-common/remote_enginei.h
  126. +0 −2 engine/cortex-cpp-deps/.gitignore
  127. +0 −129 engine/cortex-cpp-deps/CMakeLists.txt
  128. +0 −11 engine/cortex-cpp-deps/
  129. +1 −1 engine/database/engines.h
  130. +37 −0 engine/database/
  131. +4 −0 engine/database/hardware.h
  132. +45 −17 engine/database/
  133. +2 −3 engine/database/models.h
  134. BIN engine/deps/linux/
  135. BIN engine/deps/windows/vulkan-1.dll
  136. +284 −0 engine/e2e-test/
  137. +2 −2 engine/e2e-test/
  138. +1 −1 engine/e2e-test/
  139. +1 −0 engine/e2e-test/
  140. +5 −5 engine/e2e-test/
  141. +4 −4 engine/e2e-test/
  142. +3 −2 engine/e2e-test/
  143. +1 −1 engine/e2e-test/
  144. +66 −0 engine/examples/inja/CMakeLists.txt
  145. +5 −0 engine/examples/inja/
  146. +17 −0 engine/examples/inja/data.txt
  147. +45 −0 engine/examples/inja/
  148. +10 −0 engine/examples/inja/template.txt
  149. +918 −0 engine/extensions/python-engine/
  150. +111 −0 engine/extensions/python-engine/python_engine.h
  151. +0 −62 engine/extensions/remote-engine/
  152. +0 −13 engine/extensions/remote-engine/anthropic_engine.h
  153. +80 −0 engine/extensions/remote-engine/helper.h
  154. +0 −54 engine/extensions/remote-engine/
  155. +0 −14 engine/extensions/remote-engine/openai_engine.h
  156. +247 −196 engine/extensions/remote-engine/
  157. +21 −12 engine/extensions/remote-engine/remote_engine.h
  158. +8 −7 engine/extensions/{remote-engine → }/
  159. +1 −1 engine/extensions/{remote-engine → }/template_renderer.h
  160. +104 −25 engine/
  161. +214 −0 engine/repositories/
  162. +59 −0 engine/repositories/assistant_fs_repository.h
  163. +5 −9 engine/repositories/
  164. +5 −2 engine/repositories/file_fs_repository.h
  165. +1 −1 engine/repositories/message_fs_repository.h
  166. +180 −0 engine/services/
  167. +28 −4 engine/services/assistant_service.h
  168. +130 −0 engine/services/
  169. +69 −0 engine/services/database_service.h
  170. +13 −11 engine/services/
  171. +5 −3 engine/services/download_service.h
  172. +152 −131 engine/services/
  173. +19 −15 engine/services/engine_service.h
  174. +2 −2 engine/services/
  175. +178 −50 engine/services/
  176. +9 −4 engine/services/hardware_service.h
  177. +119 −2 engine/services/
  178. +18 −3 engine/services/inference_service.h
  179. +2 −5 engine/services/
  180. +296 −130 engine/services/
  181. +32 −32 engine/services/model_service.h
  182. +170 −117 engine/services/
  183. +46 −11 engine/services/model_source_service.h
  184. +5 −7 engine/services/
  185. +2 −3 engine/services/thread_service.h
  186. +1 −1 engine/templates/linux/control
  187. +3 −1 engine/templates/linux/
  188. +2 −1 engine/templates/linux/
  189. +21 −10 engine/templates/linux/
  190. +1 −0 engine/templates/windows/installer-beta.iss
  191. +1 −0 engine/templates/windows/installer-nightly.iss
  192. +1 −0 engine/templates/windows/installer.iss
  193. +1 −0 engine/templates/windows/local-installer-beta.iss
  194. +1 −0 engine/templates/windows/local-installer-nightly.iss
  195. +1 −0 engine/templates/windows/local-installer.iss
  196. +1 −0 engine/test/components/CMakeLists.txt
  197. +4 −0 engine/test/components/
  198. +194 −0 engine/test/components/
  199. +49 −0 engine/test/components/
  200. +207 −0 engine/test/components/
  201. +240 −0 engine/test/components/
  202. +13 −0 engine/test/components/
  203. +6 −6 engine/test/components/
  204. +122 −123 engine/test/components/
  205. +58 −0 engine/test/components/
  206. +478 −0 engine/test/components/
  207. +212 −0 engine/test/components/
  208. +6 −0 engine/test/components/
  209. +137 −0 engine/utils/chat-template.hpp
  210. +6 −1 engine/utils/
  211. +9 −2 engine/utils/config_yaml_utils.h
  212. +25 −9 engine/utils/cortex_utils.h
  213. +85 −31 engine/utils/
  214. +7 −2 engine/utils/curl_utils.h
  215. +7 −6 engine/utils/engine_constants.h
  216. +5 −0 engine/utils/engine_matcher_utils.h
  217. +2 −2 engine/utils/
  218. +5 −2 engine/utils/
  219. +2 −1 engine/utils/file_manager_utils.h
  220. +9 −9 engine/utils/format_utils.h
  221. +420 −0 engine/utils/gguf_metadata_reader.h
  222. +1 −1 engine/utils/github_release_utils.h
  223. +8 −1 engine/utils/hardware/cpu_info.h
  224. +162 −0 engine/utils/hardware/cpu_usage.h
  225. +2,596 −0 engine/utils/hardware/gpu/adl/adl_defines.h
  226. +46 −0 engine/utils/hardware/gpu/adl/adl_sdk.h
  227. +4,289 −0 engine/utils/hardware/gpu/adl/adl_structures.h
  228. +1,355 −0 engine/utils/hardware/gpu/adl/amd_ags.h
  229. +84 −0 engine/utils/hardware/gpu/vulkan/vk_platform.h
  230. +99 −0 engine/utils/hardware/gpu/vulkan/vulkan.h
  231. +433 −0 engine/utils/hardware/gpu/vulkan/vulkan_core.h
  232. +425 −0 engine/utils/hardware/gpu/vulkan/vulkan_gpu.h
  233. +38 −16 engine/utils/hardware/gpu_info.h
  234. +101 −0 engine/utils/huggingface_utils.h
  235. +27 −0 engine/utils/jinja_utils.h
  236. +24 −0 engine/utils/json_helper.h
  237. +3,428 −0 engine/utils/minja.hpp
  238. +106 −0 engine/utils/process/
  239. +25 −0 engine/utils/process/utils.h
  240. +56 −0 engine/utils/process_status_utils.h
  241. +76 −0 engine/utils/set_permission_utils.h
  242. +38 −0 engine/utils/string_utils.h
  243. +17 −11 engine/utils/
  244. +7 −0 engine/utils/system_info_utils.h
  245. +19 −0 engine/utils/ulid_generator.h
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions .devcontainer/Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@


# Optionally install the cmake for vcpkg
COPY ./ /tmp/

RUN if [ "${REINSTALL_CMAKE_VERSION_FROM_SOURCE}" != "none" ]; then \
chmod +x /tmp/ && /tmp/ ${REINSTALL_CMAKE_VERSION_FROM_SOURCE}; \
fi \
&& rm -f /tmp/

# [Optional] Uncomment this section to install additional vcpkg ports.
# RUN su vscode -c "${VCPKG_ROOT}/vcpkg install <your-port-name-here>"

# [Optional] Uncomment this section to install additional packages.
# RUN apt-get update && export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
# && apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends <your-package-list-here>
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// For format details, see For config options, see the
// README at:
"hostRequirements": {
"cpus": 4,
"memory": "8gb",
"storage": "32gb"
"name": "C++",
"build": {
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile"
"features": {
"": {},
"": {},
"": {
"clean_ppas": true,
"preserve_apt_list": true,
"packages": "build-essential linux-libc-dev",
"ppas": "ppa:deadsnakes/ppa"
// Features to add to the dev container. More info:
// "features": {},
// Use 'forwardPorts' to make a list of ports inside the container available locally.
// "forwardPorts": [],
// Use 'postCreateCommand' to run commands after the container is created.
"postCreateCommand": "git submodule update --init",
// Use 'postAttachCommand' to run commands after the container is attached.
"postAttachCommand": "pkgx install npx && npx -y runme run --filename -t devcontainer -y"
// Configure tool-specific properties.
// "customizations": {},
// Uncomment to connect as root instead. More info:
// "remoteUser": "root"
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions .devcontainer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See for license information.
set -e


if [ "${CMAKE_VERSION}" = "none" ]; then
echo "No CMake version specified, skipping CMake reinstallation"
exit 0

# Cleanup temporary directory and associated files when exiting the script.
cleanup() {
set +e
if [[ -n "${TMP_DIR}" ]]; then
echo "Executing cleanup of tmp files"
rm -Rf "${TMP_DIR}"
trap cleanup EXIT

echo "Installing CMake..."
apt-get -y purge --auto-remove cmake
mkdir -p /opt/cmake

architecture=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
case "${architecture}" in
ARCH=aarch64 ;;
ARCH=x86_64 ;;
echo "Unsupported architecture ${architecture}."
exit 1

TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d -t cmake-XXXXXXXXXX)

echo "${TMP_DIR}"
cd "${TMP_DIR}"


sha256sum -c --ignore-missing "${CMAKE_CHECKSUM_NAME}"
sh "${TMP_DIR}/${CMAKE_BINARY_NAME}" --prefix=/opt/cmake --skip-license

ln -s /opt/cmake/bin/cmake /usr/local/bin/cmake
ln -s /opt/cmake/bin/ctest /usr/local/bin/ctest
28 changes: 24 additions & 4 deletions .github/workflows/beta-build.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ jobs:
cortex-llamacpp-version: ${{ needs.get-cortex-llamacpp-latest-version.outputs.cortex_llamacpp_latest_version }}

uses: ./.github/workflows/template-build-linux-x64.yml
uses: ./.github/workflows/template-build-linux.yml
secrets: inherit
needs: [get-update-version, create-draft-release, get-cortex-llamacpp-latest-version]
@@ -79,6 +79,22 @@ jobs:
channel: beta
upload_url: ${{ needs.create-draft-release.outputs.upload_url }}
cortex-llamacpp-version: ${{ needs.get-cortex-llamacpp-latest-version.outputs.cortex_llamacpp_latest_version }}
arch: amd64

uses: ./.github/workflows/template-build-linux.yml
secrets: inherit
needs: [get-update-version, create-draft-release, get-cortex-llamacpp-latest-version]
ref: ${{ github.ref }}
public_provider: github
new_version: ${{ needs.get-update-version.outputs.new_version }}
runs-on: ubuntu-2004-arm64
cmake-flags: "-DCORTEX_VARIANT=beta -DCORTEX_CPP_VERSION='v${{ needs.get-update-version.outputs.new_version }}' -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/runner/actions-runner/_work/cortex.cpp/cortex.cpp/engine/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake"
channel: beta
upload_url: ${{ needs.create-draft-release.outputs.upload_url }}
cortex-llamacpp-version: ${{ needs.get-cortex-llamacpp-latest-version.outputs.cortex_llamacpp_latest_version }}
arch: arm64

uses: ./.github/workflows/template-build-docker-x64.yml
@@ -111,7 +127,7 @@ jobs:

needs: [get-update-version, create-draft-release, build-macos, build-windows-x64, build-linux-x64, update_release]
needs: [get-update-version, create-draft-release, build-macos, build-windows-x64, build-linux-x64, build-linux-arm64, update_release]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write
@@ -136,9 +152,13 @@ jobs:
- Network Installer:${{ env.VERSION }}/cortex-${{ env.VERSION }}-mac-universal-network-installer.pkg
- Local Installer:${{ env.VERSION }}/cortex-${{ env.VERSION }}-mac-universal-local-installer.pkg
- Binary:${{ env.VERSION }}/cortex-${{ env.VERSION }}-mac-universal.tar.gz
- Linux Deb:
- Linux amd64 Deb:
- Network Installer:${{ env.VERSION }}/cortex-${{ env.VERSION }}-linux-amd64-network-installer.deb
- Local Installer:${{ env.VERSION }}/cortex-${{ env.VERSION }}-linux-amd64-local-installer.deb
- Binary:${{ env.VERSION }}/cortex-${{ env.VERSION }}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
- Linux arm64 Deb:
- Network Installer:${{ env.VERSION }}/cortex-${{ env.VERSION }}-linux-arm64-network-installer.deb
- Local Installer:${{ env.VERSION }}/cortex-${{ env.VERSION }}-linux-arm64-local-installer.deb
- Binary:${{ env.VERSION }}/cortex-${{ env.VERSION }}-linux-arm64.tar.gz
- Docker: menloltd/cortex:beta-${{ env.VERSION }}
- Github Release:${{ env.VERSION }}
- Github Release:${{ env.VERSION }}