- API: unsafeWindow - Requires explicit definition of all grants (opt-in)
- Loading: Added support for "view-source" protocol (Firefox 42+) (#2479)
- Loading: Added support for "content-document-global-created" instead of "document-element-inserted" (opt-in) (#1849)
- General: Add a message (into the log) if a script was removed (if is not complete)
- Loading: about:blank, the script with alert function - after the restart, the browser hangs (#2229)
- Fix typos, style clean up
- API - a experimental feature: @require / @resource - A "file" URI scheme - Parse the path to verify that it is not out of range (opt-in) (#1961)
- API: GM_addStyle - @run-at document-start (Firefox 55+) (#2515)
- General: Sync - Deleting non-existent values (opt-in)
- Loading: Include, Match and Exclude rules override (#1946, #1992, #2343)
- GUI: Options - The view editor path
- Fix typos, style clean up
- API: GM_...value - "sendRpcMessage" instead of "sendSyncMessage" (#2506, #2507)
- API: GM_registerMenuCommand - Frames (it won't add any menu commands) (#2509)
- General: The RegExp object - small performance improvements
- General: Changes name - From:
To:Greasemonkey for Pale Moon
- General - a note: ID and branding (icons) - I don't know, if and when it will happen
- Fix typos, style clean up
- GUI: Rewriting code for "Show more details about this add-on"
- General: Added CHANGELOG.md
- Style clean up
- GUI: Updating a script resets its automatic update configuration (#2499, #2501)
- GUI: Options - Fix enable / disable Sync
- General: Disabled this configuration - MacOS, e10s, "security.sandbox.content.level" > 1 (#2485)
- GUI: Use middle-click, ctrl+right-click or shift+right-click in GM menu (#1706, #2504)
- Style clean up (many changes)
- API: Added support for GM_info.scriptHandler (some synchronize with Tampermonkey) (#2495)
- API: Upgrade parseMetaLine.js from PEG.js 0.10.0
- API: Added support for GM_info.script[copyright] (some synchronize with Tampermonkey)
- API: Added support for GM_setClipboard(data, {object}) (some synchronize with Tampermonkey)
- API: Added an ability to catch errors in the code (GM_getResourceText / GM_getResourceURL / GM_setClipboard / GM_setValue)
- API: GM_openInTab - added support for null value in second parameter
- Style clean up
- General: Better delete temporary directories
- Loading: HTTP Auth - can't install userscript (follow up) (#1717, #2430)
- GUI: (Also) Options window too large (#2191)
- GUI: Disabled scripts are checked for automatic updates (opt-in) (#1840)
- GUI: Properly update the AOM (pushed to upstream - not yet)
- GUI: A fix update icon in the AOM (after a change in the editor) (follow up)
- Fix typos, style clean up
- API: GM_util.compareVersion - Added support also the build ID
- General: Installing scripts - Pale Moon 27.3.0a1+ - cache turned off (#2407, PaleMoon#1002)
- Fix typo
- General: Loading web page (*.user.js) (follow up) (#2407, PaleMoon#1002)
- General: Increase the minimum version require of Pale Moon - 27.1 (PaleMoon#773)
- General: [use strict] If Cc / Ci / Cu / Cr != undefined, set variables
- Fix typos, style clean up
- General: Loading web page (*.user.js) (follow up) (#2407, PaleMoon#1002)
- Style clean up
- GUI: The install window - If the button "Install" is pressed too soon, throws an errors (improvements)
- General: Loading web page (*.user.js) (improvements) (#2407, PaleMoon#1002)
- Style clean up
- API: Added support for frequent calls to GM_getValue (#2333)
- API: Do not use GM_util.uriFromUrl to parse @match data (#2480)
- GUI: Added support the dialog resizing (for Windows OS) (#2194)
- GUI: Added configurable limit the time for AOM's "[Forced] Find updates" (#2180)
- API: GM_registerMenuCommand (the suffix) - added support for SHA256 (PaleMoon#914)
- GUI: Script Preferences - Added match a string (for editing) (pushed to upstream - no, checking when saving)
- GUI: Script Preferences / Options - Added display count of rows and better scrolling
- API: Added proper support for "about:blank" and "@run-at document-start" (#1849#issuecomment-107177049)
- Loading: If Greasemonkey is disabled, some scripts works (follow up) (#2416, #2417)
- API: XMLHttpRequest - Fix bug with the "anonymous" mode (#2330), (PaleMoon#968)
- General: Updating scripts / Stats - Detecting the private mode (pushed to upstream - not yet)
- GUI: The install window - If the button "Install" is pressed too soon, throws an errors (pushed to upstream - not yet)
- GUI: The fix update icon in the AOM (after a change in the editor) (pushed to upstream - not yet)
- API / GUI: A needed fix for script update (if contains userMatches) (#2455#issuecomment-289063866)
- General: Added the @homepageURL
- General: Added contributors and translators
- Fix typos, style clean up + refactoring code (very many changes - this is why it is beta at this point)
- Added support for Add-ons Button
- API: Added support for GM_notification (#1194)
- Loading: HTTP Auth - can't install userscript (#1717, #2430)
- The context menu: "View User Script Source" - detection of the separator (#1914, #1979)
- Loading: Added support for CORS/CSP override (#2046)
- The list of the user scripts - added support sorting by namespace (#2306, #2334)
- Loading: Improve handling of script install failures (#2390, #2415)
- Loading: If Greasemonkey is disabled, some scripts works (#2416, #2417)
- Scratchpad: Deleting other menu items (#2419)
- API: GM_xmlhttpRequest - ftp, invalid url, network error (#2423)
- API: GM_registerMenuCommand - errors vs. invalid link (#2434)
- API: GM_getResourceURL - no resource with name (#2434)
- Update: Error updating - display an error message (#2441, #2442)
- API: GM_listValues - removing old code (#2454)
- General: Added support for Pale Moon (27.x) (#2456)
- API: GM_xmlhttpRequest - responseHeaders (etc.) at readyState 2 (#2460, #2461)
- Loading: Added support for "jar:file://" (e.g. zipped Java docs) (#2227, #2477)
- API: The sequential focus order when closing tabs opened by GM_openInTab - a partial fix (#2269)
- API: GM_xmlhttpRequest connection doesn't abort when the tab is closed - a partial fix (#2385)
- API: Added support for GM_info.script[author/homepage/lastUpdated] (some synchronize with Tampermonkey)
- Style clean up, removing old code (the unification code) (e.g. #2455)
- Style clean up:
- Loading: MatchPattern - better display errors (#2480)
- From:
- From: