Thanks for your interest in sai-http-utils-java. Feedback, questions, issues, and contributions are both welcomed and encouraged.
A thorough understanding of HTTP requests / responses and OkHttp is essential to any substantive contributions.
Contributions to sai-http-utils-java should be made in the form of pull requests. Each pull request will be reviewed by one or more core contributors.
To build from source:
$ mvn compile
To run tests:
$ mvn test
To build and test with code coverage:
$ mvn verify
To generate documentation (output in ./target/site/apidocs/
$ mvn javadoc:javadoc
JavaDocs are generated and published with each release.
Releases are performed by the Maven Release Plugin as part of Github Actions. They must be triggered manually via the Publish Release Workflow.
- Choose
Run workflow
- Adjust settings for the maven release
- Use workflow from:
Brain: main
- Minor version increment:
if a minor version increment (1.0.0 -> 1.1.0) is desired - Major version increment:
if a major version increment (1.0.0 -> 2.0.0) is desired
- Use workflow from:
- Adjust settings for the Github release
- Is this a draft (not finalized) release?
if the github release should be saved in draft form - Is this a prerelease?
if this is not meant to be a production ready public release - Release summary: Textual summary of the release
- Is this a draft (not finalized) release?
- Click the green
Run workflow
This will result in:
- Git tag created for the release
- Github release created off of that tag
- Artifacts pushed to specified repositories
- Version numbers bumped in the pom.xml(s) and set to SNAPSHOT