From 49dd1e2a6f78cca7196b0fceeac4ff9c16444cf9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hosted Weblate Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2022 18:19:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Update translation from Weblate MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit This is a squashed commit for one language translated on Weblate. Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate Co-authored-by: 이정희 Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translation: Jamulus/Jamulus app Translation: Jamulus/Windows Installer --- src/translation/wininstaller/ko_KR.nsi | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/translation/wininstaller/ko_KR.nsi b/src/translation/wininstaller/ko_KR.nsi index 226b96024e..c459583702 100644 --- a/src/translation/wininstaller/ko_KR.nsi +++ b/src/translation/wininstaller/ko_KR.nsi @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ; Korean translation LangString DESKTOP_SET_SHORTCUT ${LANG_KOREAN} \ - "바로 가기 만들기" + "바탕화면 바로가기 만들기" LangString INVALID_FOLDER_MSG ${LANG_KOREAN} \ "이미 있는 폴더입니다. 다른 폴더를 지정해 주세요." @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ LangString RUNNING_APP_MSG ${LANG_KOREAN} \ "${APP_NAME}가 실행 중입니다. 프로그램을 닫고 다시 설정해 주세요." LangString OLD_WRONG_VER_FOUND ${LANG_KOREAN} \ - "32 비트 프로그램 폴더에서 ${APP_NAME}의 옛 버전을 발견했습니다. ${APP_NAME} 새 버전을 설치하시기 전에 지우 시기를 권해 드립니다. 지금 지울까요?" + "사용자의 32비트 Program Files 폴더에서 ${APP_NAME}의 이전 버전을 감지했습니다. ${APP_NAME}의 새 버전을 설치하기 전에 제거하는 것이 좋습니다. 지금 제거하시겠습니까?" LangString OLD_WRONG_VER_FOUND_CONFIRM ${LANG_KOREAN} \ - "지우지 않고 계속하시면, 설치되지 않을 수도 있습니다! 그래도 옛 버전을 지우지 않고 계속할까요?" + "제거하지 않고 계속하면 설치가 중단될 수 있습니다! 이전 버전을 제거하지 않으시겠습니까?" LangString OLD_VER_REMOVE_FAILED ${LANG_KOREAN} \ - "송구합니다, 옛 버전이 지워지지 않네요. 새 버전의 설치를 시도하겠습니다, 그리고 사용자도 취소를 누르고 직접 옛 버전을 지울 수 있습니다." + "죄송합니다. 이전 버전을 제거할 수 없습니다. 새 버전을 설치하려고 시도하지만 취소를 누르고 직접 이전 버전을 제거할 수도 있습니다." LangString ASIO_DRIVER_HEADER ${LANG_KOREAN} \ "ASIO 드라이버" From 129c51b2a44a1a2fba6e7eba77dd8481fc245300 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hosted Weblate Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2022 18:19:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Update translation from Weblate This is a squashed commit for one language translated on Weblate. Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate Co-authored-by: Manuela Silva Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translation: Jamulus/Jamulus app Translation: Jamulus/Windows Installer --- src/translation/wininstaller/pt_PT.nsi | 26 +++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/translation/wininstaller/pt_PT.nsi b/src/translation/wininstaller/pt_PT.nsi index f8c8e240ad..a5809a3079 100644 --- a/src/translation/wininstaller/pt_PT.nsi +++ b/src/translation/wininstaller/pt_PT.nsi @@ -4,46 +4,46 @@ LangString DESKTOP_SET_SHORTCUT ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ "Criar Atalho no Ambiente de Trabalho" LangString INVALID_FOLDER_MSG ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ - "A pasta de destino já existe. Por favor, seleccione uma nova pasta de destino." + "A pasta de destino já existe. Por favor, selecione uma nova pasta de destino." LangString RUNNING_APP_MSG ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ - "O ${APP_NAME} está em execução. Por favor feche-o e corra o instalador de novo." + "O ${APP_NAME} está em execução. Por favor, feche-o e execute o instalador novamente." LangString OLD_WRONG_VER_FOUND ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ - "Detectámos uma versão antiga do ${APP_NAME} na sua pasta de Ficheiros de Programas 32 Bit. É recomendado removê-la antes de instalar uma nova versão do ${APP_NAME}. Deseja removê-la agora?" + "Nós detetamos uma versão antiga do ${APP_NAME} na sua pasta de Ficheiros de Programas 32 Bits. É altamente recomendado a sua remoção antes de instalar uma nova versão do ${APP_NAME}. Deseja removê-la agora?" LangString OLD_WRONG_VER_FOUND_CONFIRM ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ "Se continuar sem remover a instalação antiga, a sua instalação poderá ser corrompida! Tem a certeza que não deseja remover a versão antiga?" LangString OLD_VER_REMOVE_FAILED ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ - "Pedimos desculpa, mas não foi possível remover a versão antiga. Iremos tentar instalar a nova versão, mas pode também pressionar cancelar e tentar remover a versão antiga manualmente." + "As nossas desculpas, mas não foi possível remover a versão antiga. Nós iremos tentar instalar a nova versão, mas pode também clicar em Cancelar e tentar remover a versão antiga manualmente." LangString ASIO_DRIVER_HEADER ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ - "Driver ASIO" + "Controlador ASIO" LangString ASIO_DRIVER_SUB ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ - "Para usar o ${APP_NAME}, precisa de um driver ASIO" + "Para utilizar o ${APP_NAME}, precisa de um controlador ASIO" LangString ASIO_DRIVER_EXPLAIN ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ - "O ${APP_NAME} precisa de um driver ASIO para fornecer áudio de baixa latência. Mais informações:" + "O ${APP_NAME} precisa de um controlador ASIO para fornecer áudio de baixa latência. Mais informação:" LangString ASIO_DRIVER_MORE_INFO ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ - "Mais informações sobre o ASIO em" + "Mais informação sobre o ASIO em" LangString ASIO_DRIVER_MORE_INFO_URL ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ - "" + "" LangString ASIO_EXIT_NO_DRIVER ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ - "O ${APP_NAME} precisa de um driver ASIO para funcionar, mas não conseguimos encontrar nenhum no seu computador. Deve instalar um como o ASIO4ALL (Mais informações no, em Installation for Windows). Pretende proceder com a instalação do ${APP_NAME} primeiro?" + "O ${APP_NAME} precisa de um controlador ASIO para funcionar, mas nós não conseguimos encontrar nenhum no seu computador. Deveria instalar um, como o ASIO4ALL (Mais informação em, em Instalação no Windows). Ainda quer continuar com a instalação do ${APP_NAME} primeiro?" LangString JACK_DRIVER_HEADER ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ "JACK Audio Connection Kit" LangString JACK_DRIVER_SUB ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ - "To use this version of ${APP_NAME}, you need use the JACK Audio Connection Kit" + "Para utilizar esta versão do ${APP_NAME}, precisa de utilizar JACK Audio Connection Kit" LangString JACK_DRIVER_EXPLAIN ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ - "This version of ${APP_NAME} is making use of the JACK Audio Connection Kit. Please make sure this has been installed or download the standard version of ${APP_NAME} on which is using ASIO." + "Esta versão do ${APP_NAME} utiliza JACK Audio Connection Kit. Por favor, certifique-se de que isto foi instalado ou transfira a versão padrão do ${APP_NAME} em que está a utilizar ASIO." LangString JACK_EXIT_NO_DRIVER ${LANG_PORTUGUESE} \ - "This ${APP_NAME} version needs the JACK Audio Connection Kit to work, but it doesn't seem to be installed on your PC. You should install JACK for Windows first. Do you still want to continue with the installation of ${APP_NAME} without installing JACK first?" + "Esta versão do ${APP_NAME} precise de JACK Audio Connection Kit para funcionar, mas parece que este não está instalado no seu PC. Deveria instalar primeiro JACK para Windows. Ainda quer continuar coma instalação do ${APP_NAME} sem instalar primeiro JACK?" From d8160bf7bdbce3136457e581fff8650ec29a0339 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hosted Weblate Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2022 18:19:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Update translation files Updated by "Squash Git commits" hook in Weblate. Translation: Jamulus/Windows Installer Translate-URL: --- src/translation/translation_de_DE.ts | 42 +- src/translation/translation_es_ES.ts | 2 +- src/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts | 50 +- src/translation/translation_ko_KR.ts | 28 +- src/translation/translation_nb_NO.ts | 884 +++++++++++++-------------- src/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts | 4 +- src/translation/translation_pl_PL.ts | 8 +- src/translation/translation_pt_BR.ts | 10 +- src/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts | 36 +- src/translation/translation_sv_SE.ts | 18 +- src/translation/translation_zh_CN.ts | 12 +- 11 files changed, 547 insertions(+), 547 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/translation/translation_de_DE.ts b/src/translation/translation_de_DE.ts index e1b56fde61..2064c92272 100644 --- a/src/translation/translation_de_DE.ts +++ b/src/translation/translation_de_DE.ts @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Korean - + Koreanisch @@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@ Wir haben Deinen Kanal stummgeschaltet und die Funktion 'Stummschalten&apos Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within %1. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled and has to be changed using the sound card driver. Use the appropriate tool for the interface in use to adjust this buffer size. For example, if using ASIO, use the "ASIO Device Settings" button to open the driver settings panel or if using JACK, use a tool such as QjackCtl to adjust the buffer size. Other interfaces, such as Pipewire, would require their appropriate tool being used. Please refer to the interface manual. - + Manche Soundkartentreiber erlauben es nicht, die Puffergröße innerhalb von %1 zu ändern. In diesem Fall ist die Einstellung für die Puffergröße deaktiviert und muss über den Soundkartentreiber geändert werden. Verwende das entsprechende Tool für deine Schnittstelle um die Puffergröße anzupassen. Wenn du z. B. ASIO nutzt, verwenden die Schaltfläche "ASIO-Geräteeinstellungen", um das Bedienfeld mit den Treibereinstellungen zu öffnen, oder wenn du JACK nutzt, verwende ein Tool wie QjackCtl, um die Puffergröße anzupassen. Für andere Schnittstellen, wie z. B. Pipewire, muss das entsprechende Tool verwendet werden. Bitte lese dazu das Handbuch der Schnittstelle. @@ -2921,7 +2921,7 @@ Wir haben Deinen Kanal stummgeschaltet und die Funktion 'Stummschalten&apos If you know the server address, you can connect to it using the Server name/Address field. An optional port number can be added after the server address using a colon as a separator, e.g. %1. The field will also show a list of the most recently used server addresses. - + Wenn Sie die Serveradresse kennen, können Sie über das Feld Servername/Adresse eine Verbindung zu ihr herstellen. Nach der Serveradresse kann eine optionale Portnummer mit einem Doppelpunkt als Trennzeichen eingefügt werden, z. B. %1. In diesem Feld wird auch eine Liste der zuletzt verwendeten Serveradressen angezeigt. @@ -3546,12 +3546,12 @@ Wir haben Deinen Kanal stummgeschaltet und die Funktion 'Stummschalten&apos Or select '%1' and specify a Custom Directory address on the Options tab to register with a custom directory. - + Oder wähle "%1" und gebe in der Registerkarte "Optionen" eine benutzerdefinierte Verzeichnisadresse an, um dich bei einem benutzerdefinierten Verzeichnis zu registrieren. For any value except '%1', this server registers with a directory so that a %2 user can select this server in the client connect dialog server list when they choose that directory. - + Bei jedem Wert außer '%1' registriert sich dieser Server bei einem Verzeichnis, so dass ein %2-Benutzer diesen Server in der Serverliste des Client-Verbindungsdialogs auswählen kann, sobald er dieses Verzeichnis wählt. @@ -3561,27 +3561,27 @@ Wir haben Deinen Kanal stummgeschaltet und die Funktion 'Stummschalten&apos When a value other than "%1" is chosen for Directory, this will show whether registration is successful. If the registration failed, please choose a different directory. - + Wenn ein anderer Wert als "%1" für Verzeichnis gewählt wird, zeigt dies an, ob die Registrierung erfolgreich war. Wenn die Registrierung fehlgeschlagen ist, wählen Sie bitte ein anderes Verzeichnis. No recording directory has been set or the value is not useable. Check the value in the Options tab. - + Es wurde kein Aufzeichnungsverzeichnis festgelegt oder der Wert ist nicht verwendbar. Überprüfen Sie den Wert unter der Registerkarte Optionen. If the recording directory is not useable, the problem will be displayed in place of the session directory. - + Wenn das Aufzeichnungsverzeichnis nicht verfügbar ist, wird anstelle des Verzeichnisses der Fehler angezeigt. Click the button to open the dialog that allows the main recording directory to be selected. The chosen value must exist and be writeable (allow creation of sub-directories by the user %1 is running as). - + Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche , um das Dialogfeld zu öffnen, in dem Sie das Hauptverzeichnis für die Aufzeichnung auswählen können. Der gewählte Wert muss existieren und beschreibbar sein (die Erstellung von Unterverzeichnissen durch den Benutzer, unter dem %1 läuft, muss möglich sein). The current value of the main recording directory. The chosen value must exist and be writeable (allow creation of sub-directories by the user %1 is running as). Click the button to open the dialog that allows the main recording directory to be selected. - + Der aktuelle Wert des Aufnahmeverzeichnisses. Der gewählte Wert muss existieren und beschreibbar sein (die Erstellung von Unterverzeichnissen durch den Benutzer, unter dem %1 läuft, muss möglich sein). Klicke auf die Schaltfläche, um das Dialogfeld zu öffnen, in dem das Verzeichnis für die Aufzeichnung ausgewählt werden kann. @@ -3591,48 +3591,48 @@ Wir haben Deinen Kanal stummgeschaltet und die Funktion 'Stummschalten&apos The Custom Directory address is the address of the directory holding the server list to which this server should be added. - + Die Adresse des benutzerdefinierten Verzeichnisses ist die Adresse des Verzeichnisses, das die Serverliste enthält, zu der dieser Server hinzugefügt werden soll. Server List Filename dialog push button - + Serverliste Dateiname Dialog Button Server List Filename - + Serverliste Dateiname Click the button to open the dialog that allows the server list persistence file name to be set. The user %1 is running as needs to be able to create the file name specified although it may already exist (it will get overwritten on save). - + Klicke auf die Schaltfläche, um das Dialogfeld zu öffnen, in dem du den Namen der Persistenzdatei der Serverliste festlegen kannst. Der Benutzer, unter dem %1 läuft, muss in der Lage sein, den angegebenen Dateinamen zu erstellen, auch wenn er bereits existiert (er wird beim Speichern überschrieben). Server List Filename text box (read-only) - + Serverliste Dateiname Textbox (schreibgeschützt) The current value of server list persistence file name. The user %1 is running as needs to be able to create the file name specified although it may already exist (it will get overwritten on save). Click the button to open the dialog that allows the server list persistence file name to be set. - + Der aktuelle Wert des Dateinamens für die Persistenz der Serverliste. Der Benutzer, unter dem %1 läuft, muss in der Lage sein, den angegebenen Dateinamen zu erstellen, auch wenn er bereits existiert (sie wird beim Speichern überschrieben). Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche , um das Dialogfeld zu öffnen, in dem Sie den Namen der Serverlisten-Persistenzdatei festlegen können. Clear the server list file name button - + Schaltfläche Dateiname der Serverliste löschen Clear Server List Filename - + Serverliste Dateiname Feld löschen Click the button to clear the currently selected server list persistence file name. This will prevent persisting the server list until a new value is selected. - + Klicke auf diese Schaltfläche, um den Namen der aktuell ausgewählten Serverlisten-Persistenzdatei zu löschen. Dadurch wird verhindert, dass die Serverliste bestehen bleibt, bis ein neuer Wert ausgewählt wird. @@ -4211,7 +4211,7 @@ Wir haben Deinen Kanal stummgeschaltet und die Funktion 'Stummschalten&apos Session - + Session @@ -4231,7 +4231,7 @@ Wir haben Deinen Kanal stummgeschaltet und die Funktion 'Stummschalten&apos Server List Filename - + Serverliste Dateiname diff --git a/src/translation/translation_es_ES.ts b/src/translation/translation_es_ES.ts index acfa29dcf9..22fdcf71bc 100644 --- a/src/translation/translation_es_ES.ts +++ b/src/translation/translation_es_ES.ts @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Korean - + Coreano diff --git a/src/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts b/src/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts index ec8834085a..d1cad86aac 100644 --- a/src/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts +++ b/src/translation/translation_fr_FR.ts @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Korean - + Coréen @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ Mixer channel country/region flag - Drapeau du pays/de la région du chariot du canal + Drapeau de pays/région du canal de mixage @@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ Make sure not to clip the input signal to avoid distortions of the audio signal. - Veillez à ne pas clipper le signal d'entrée afin d'éviter les distorsions du signal audio. + Veillez à ne pas écrêter le signal d'entrée afin d'éviter les distorsions du signal audio. @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ Connect and disconnect toggle button - Bouton-bascule de connection/déconnexion + Bouton à bascule de connexion/déconnexion Local Audio Input Fader @@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ If the application is connected to a server and you play your instrument/sing into the microphone, the VU meter should flicker. If this is not the case, you have probably selected the wrong input channel (e.g. 'line in' instead of the microphone input) or set the input gain too low in the (Windows) audio mixer. - Si l'application est connectée à un serveur et que vous jouez de votre instrument/chantez dans le microphone, le VU-mètre devrait clignoter. Si ce n'est pas le cas, vous avez probablement sélectionné le mauvais canal d'entrée (par exemple 'entrée ligne' au lieu de l'entrée microphone) ou réglé le gain d'entrée trop bas dans le mélangeur audio (Windows). + Si l'application est connectée à un serveur et que vous jouez de votre instrument/chantez dans le microphone, le VU-mètre devrait clignoter. Si ce n'est pas le cas, vous avez probablement sélectionné le mauvais canal d'entrée (par exemple 'entrée ligne' au lieu de l'entrée microphone) ou réglé le gain d'entrée trop bas dans le mélangeur audio. @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ Current Connection Status - Ètat de la connexion actuelle + État de la connexion actuelle @@ -1291,17 +1291,17 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo 64 samples setting radio button - Bouton radio de paramétrage à 64 échantillons + Bouton de paramétrage à 64 échantillons 128 samples setting radio button - Bouton radio de paramétrage à 128 échantillons + Bouton de paramétrage à 128 échantillons 256 samples setting radio button - Bouton radio de paramétrage à 256 échantillons + Bouton de paramétrage à 256 échantillons ASIO setup push button @@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo The jitter buffer compensates for network and sound card timing jitters. The size of the buffer therefore influences the quality of the audio stream (how many dropouts occur) and the overall delay (the longer the buffer, the higher the delay). - Le tampon de gigue compense les gigues de synchronisation du réseau et de la carte son. La taille de la mémoire tampon influence donc la qualité du flux audio (le nombre de désynchronisations) et le délai global (plus la mémoire tampon est longue, plus le délai est important). + Le tampon de gigue compense les gigues de synchronisation du réseau et de la carte son. La taille de la mémoire tampon influence donc la qualité du flux audio (le nombre de désynchronisations) et le délai global (plus la mémoire tampon est grande, plus le délai est important). @@ -1591,7 +1591,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo Controls the relative levels of the left and right local audio channels. For a mono signal it acts as a pan between the two channels. For example, if a microphone is connected to the right input channel and an instrument is connected to the left input channel which is much louder than the microphone, move the audio fader in a direction where the label above the fader shows %1, where %2 is the current attenuation indicator. - Contrôle les niveaux relatifs des canaux audio locaux gauche et droit. Pour un signal mono, il agit comme un panoramique entre les deux canaux. Par exemple, si un microphone est connecté au canal d'entrée droit et qu'un instrument est connecté au canal d'entrée gauche qui est beaucoup plus fort que le microphone, déplacez le fader audio dans une direction où l'étiquette au-dessus du fader indique %1, où %2 est l'indicateur d'atténuation actuel. + Contrôle les niveaux relatifs des canaux audio locaux gauche et droit. Pour un signal mono, il agit comme un panoramique entre les deux canaux. Par exemple, si un microphone est connecté au canal d'entrée droit et qu'un instrument est connecté au canal d'entrée gauche est beaucoup plus fort que le microphone, déplacez le chariot audio dans une direction où l'étiquette au-dessus du chariot indique %1, où %2 est l'indicateur d'atténuation actuel. @@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo Three buffer sizes can be selected - Trois tailles de tampon peuvent être séléctionnées + Trois tailles de tampon peuvent être sélectionnées @@ -1616,13 +1616,13 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo 256 samples: Should only be used when 64 or 128 samples is causing issues. - 256 échantillons : Devrait être utilisé uniquement si le réglage 64 ou 128 échantillons provoque des disfonctionnements. + 256 échantillons : Devrait être utilisé uniquement si le réglage 64 ou 128 échantillons provoque des dysfonctionnements. Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within %1. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled and has to be changed using the sound card driver. Use the appropriate tool for the interface in use to adjust this buffer size. For example, if using ASIO, use the "ASIO Device Settings" button to open the driver settings panel or if using JACK, use a tool such as QjackCtl to adjust the buffer size. Other interfaces, such as Pipewire, would require their appropriate tool being used. Please refer to the interface manual. - Certains pilotes de carte son ne permettent pas de modifier le délai de la mémoire tampon depuis %1. Dans ce cas, le réglage de délai de tampon est désactivé et doit être modifié à l'aide du pilote de la carte son. Utilisez l'outil approprié pour l'interface utilisée afin de régler la taille de la mémoire tampon. Par exemple, si vous utilisez ASIO, utilisez le bouton "Paramètres du périphérique ASIO" pour ouvrir le panneau des paramètres du pilote ou si vous utilisez JACK, utilisez un outil tel que QjackCtl pour ajuster la taille du tampon. D'autres interfaces, telles que Pipewire, nécessitent l'utilisation de leur propre outil. Veuillez vous référer au manuel de l'interface. + Certains pilotes de carte son ne permettent pas de modifier le délai de la mémoire tampon depuis %1. Dans ce cas, le réglage de délai de tampon est désactivé et doit être modifié à l'aide du pilote de la carte son. Utilisez l'outil approprié pour l'interface utilisée afin de régler la taille de la mémoire tampon. Par exemple, si vous utilisez ASIO, utilisez le bouton "Paramètres du périphérique ASIO" pour ouvrir le panneau des paramètres du pilote ou si vous utilisez JACK, utilisez un outil tel que QjackCtl pour ajuster la taille du tampon. D'autres interfaces, telles que PipeWire, nécessitent l'utilisation de leur propre outil. Veuillez vous référer au manuel de l'interface. @@ -1632,7 +1632,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo The actual buffer delay has influence on the connection, the current upload rate and the overall delay. The lower the buffer size, the higher the probability of a red light in the status indicator (drop outs) and the higher the upload rate and the lower the overall delay. - Le délai réel de la mémoire tampon a une influence sur la connexion, le débit de téléchargement actuel et le délai global. Plus la taille de la mémoire tampon est faible, plus la probabilité d'un voyant rouge dans l'indicateur d'état (abandons) est élevée, plus le débit de téléchargement est élevé et plus le délai global est faible. + Le délai réel de la mémoire tampon a une influence sur la connexion, le débit de téléchargement actuel et le délai global. Plus la taille de la mémoire tampon est faible, plus la probabilité d'un voyant rouge dans l'indicateur d'état (désynchronisation) est élevée, plus le débit de téléchargement est élevé et plus le délai global est faible. If the buffer delay settings are disabled, it is prohibited by the audio driver to modify this setting from within %1. On Windows, press the ASIO Device Settings button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the JACK configuration tool to change the buffer size. @@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo Opens the driver settings. Note: %1 currently only supports devices with a sample rate of %2 Hz. You will not be able to select a driver/device which doesn't. For more help see - Ouvre les paramètres du pilote. Remarque : %1 ne prend actuellement en charge que les périphériques dont la fréquence d'échantillonnage est de %2 Hz. Vous ne pourrez pas sélectionner un pilote/appareil qui ne le fait pas. Pour plus d'aide, consultez + Ouvre les paramètres du pilote. Remarque : %1 ne prend actuellement en charge que les périphériques dont la fréquence d'échantillonnage est de %2 Hz. Vous ne pourrez pas sélectionner un pilote/périphérique qui ne le fait pas. Pour plus d'aide, consultez @@ -1675,7 +1675,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo If you need to add additional directories to the Connect dialog Directory drop down, you can enter the addresses here.<br>To remove a value, select it, delete the text in the input box, then move focus out of the control. - Si vous devez ajouter des annuaires supplémentaires à la liste déroulante Annuaire de la boîte de dialogue Connecter, vous pouvez saisir les adresses ici.<br>Pour supprimer une valeur, sélectionnez-la, supprimez le texte dans la zone de saisie, puis déplacez la curseur en dehors. + Si vous devez ajouter des annuaires supplémentaires à la liste déroulante Annuaire de la boîte de dialogue Connexion, vous pouvez saisir les adresses ici.<br>Pour supprimer une valeur, sélectionnez-la, supprimez le texte dans la zone de saisie, puis déplacez la curseur en dehors. @@ -1735,7 +1735,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo Audio Alerts check box - Case-à-cocher alerte audio + Case-à-cocher alertes audio @@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo Compact - Compact + Compacte @@ -1834,7 +1834,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo Country/region flag button - Bouton de drapeau de pays + Bouton de drapeau de pays/région @@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo Acoustic Guitar - Guitare accoustique + Guitare acoustique @@ -3089,7 +3089,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo The Custom Directory address is the address of the directory holding the server list to which this server should be added. - L'adresse personnalisée del'annuaire est l'adresse de l'annuaire contenant la liste des serveurs à laquelle ce serveur doit être ajouté. + L'adresse personnalisée de l'annuaire est l'adresse de l'annuaire contenant la liste des serveurs à laquelle ce serveur doit être ajouté. @@ -3233,7 +3233,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo Display dialog to select recording directory button - Afficher le dialogue pour sélectionner le bouton du répertoire d'enregistrement + Afficher le boite de dialogue pour sélectionner le bouton du répertoire d'enregistrement @@ -3286,7 +3286,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo Checked when the recorder is enabled, otherwise unchecked. The recorder will run when a session is in progress, if (set up correctly and) enabled. - Coché lorsque l'enregistreur est activé, sinon non coché. L'enregistreur fonctionnera lorsqu'une session est en cours, si (configuré correctement et) activé. + Coché lorsque l'enregistreur est activé, sinon décocher. L'enregistreur fonctionnera lorsqu'une session est en cours, si (configuré correctement et) activé. @@ -3311,7 +3311,7 @@ Nous avons coupé votre canal et activé "Me silencer". Veuillez d&apo Recorder status label - Ètiquette de statut d'enregistreur + Étiquette de statut d'enregistreur diff --git a/src/translation/translation_ko_KR.ts b/src/translation/translation_ko_KR.ts index 8135b6fcdc..5e9ece7c4b 100644 --- a/src/translation/translation_ko_KR.ts +++ b/src/translation/translation_ko_KR.ts @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Some sound samples are from - + 일부 사운드 샘플은 @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Korean - + 한국어 @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2005-2022 The Jamulus Development Team - Copyright (C) 2005-2022 The Jamulus Development Team + 저작권 (C) 2005-2022 Jamulus 개발 팀 @@ -1539,7 +1539,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe This setting allows you to increase your input signal level by factors up to 10 (+20dB). If your sound is too quiet, first try to increase the level by getting closer to the microphone, adjusting your sound equipment or increasing levels in your operating system's input settings. Only if this fails, set a factor here. If your sound is too loud, sounds distorted and is clipping, this option will not help. Do not use it. The distortion will still be there. Instead, decrease your input level by getting farther away from your microphone, adjusting your sound equipment or by decreasing your operating system's input settings. - 이 설정을 사용하면 입력 신호 레벨을 최대 10(+20dB)까지 높일 수 있습니다. 소리가 너무 작으면 먼저 마이크에 더 가까이 다가가거나 음향 장비를 조정하거나 운영 체제 입력 설정에서 레벨을 높이십시오. 그게 안 되는 경우에만 여기에서 설정하세요. 소리가 너무 크거나 왜곡되고 잘리면 이 옵션이 도움이 되지는 않습니다. 사용하지 않는 게 좋습니다. 왜곡은 여전히 ​​생깁니다. 대신 마이크에서 더 멀리 떨어지거나 음향 장비를 조정하거나 운영 체제 입력 설정을 줄여서 입력 레벨을 줄여보세요. + 이 설정을 사용하면 입력 신호 레벨을 최대 10(+20dB)까지 높일 수 있습니다. 소리가 너무 작으면, 먼저 마이크에 더 가까이 다가가거나 음향 장비를 조정하거나 운영 체제 입력 설정에서 레벨을 높이십시오. 그게 안 되는 경우에만 여기에서 설정하세요. 소리가 너무 크거나 왜곡되고 잘리면 이 옵션이 도움이 되지는 않습니다. 사용하지 않는 게 좋습니다. 왜곡은 여전히 생깁니다. 대신 마이크에서 더 멀리 떨어지거나 음향 장비를 조정하거나 운영 체제 입력 설정을 줄여서 입력 레벨을 줄여보세요. @@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Three buffer sizes can be selected - 세 가지 버퍼 크기를 선택할 수 있습니다. + 세 가지 버퍼 크기를 선택할 수 있습니다 @@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within %1. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled and has to be changed using the sound card driver. Use the appropriate tool for the interface in use to adjust this buffer size. For example, if using ASIO, use the "ASIO Device Settings" button to open the driver settings panel or if using JACK, use a tool such as QjackCtl to adjust the buffer size. Other interfaces, such as Pipewire, would require their appropriate tool being used. Please refer to the interface manual. - + 일부 사운드 카드 드라이버는 버퍼 지연이 %1 내에서 변경되는 것을 허용하지 않습니다. 이 경우 버퍼 지연 설정이 비활성화되고 사운드 카드 드라이버를 사용하여 변경해야 합니다. 이 버퍼 크기를 조정하려면 사용 중인 인터페이스에 적절한 도구를 사용하십시오. 예를 들어 ASIO를 사용하는 경우 "ASIO 장치 설정" 버튼을 사용하여 드라이버 설정 패널을 열거나 JACK을 사용하는 경우 QjackCtl과 같은 도구를 사용하여 버퍼 크기를 조정합니다. Pipewire와 같은 다른 인터페이스는 적절한 도구를 사용해야 합니다. 인터페이스 매뉴얼을 참조하십시오. @@ -1725,17 +1725,17 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Audio Alerts - + 오디오 경고 Enable audio alert when receiving a chat message and when a new client joins the session. A second sound device may be required to hear the alerts. - + 채팅 메시지를 수신하고 새 클라이언트가 세션에 참여할 때 오디오 경고를 활성화합니다. 경보를 듣기 위해 두 번째 사운드 장치가 필요할 수 있습니다. Audio Alerts check box - + 오디오 경고 확인란 @@ -2328,7 +2328,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Audio Alerts - + 오디오 경고 @@ -3100,7 +3100,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Server List Filename - 서버 목록 파일 이름 + 서버 목록 파일이름 @@ -3125,7 +3125,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Clear Server List Filename - 서버 목록 파일 이름 정리 + 서버 목록 파일이름 지우기 @@ -3707,7 +3707,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Server List Filename - 서버 목록 파일 이름 + 서버 목록 파일이름 @@ -3988,7 +3988,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe JACK was shut down. %1 requires JACK to run. Please restart %1 to start JACK again. - 잭이 종료되었습니다. %1의 실행에는 JACK이 필요합니다. JACK을 다시 실행하려면 %1의 다시 시작이 필요합니다. + JACK이 종료되었습니다. %1의 실행에는 JACK이 필요합니다. JACK을 다시 실행하려면 %1을(를) 다시 시작하십시오. diff --git a/src/translation/translation_nb_NO.ts b/src/translation/translation_nb_NO.ts index 49f25cf478..0de55a1a34 100644 --- a/src/translation/translation_nb_NO.ts +++ b/src/translation/translation_nb_NO.ts @@ -6,112 +6,112 @@ This app enables musicians to perform real-time jam sessions over the internet. - + Programmet lar musikere spille sammen over Internett. There is a server which collects the audio data from each client, mixes the audio data and sends the mix back to each client. - + Tjeneren som samler lyddata fra hver klient mikser den og sender den til hver enkelt klient. This app uses the following libraries, resources or code snippets: - + Programmet bruker følgende biblioteker, ressurser, eller kodesnutter: Qt cross-platform application framework - + Qt-programrammeverk på tvers av plattformer Audio reverberation code by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone - + Lydklangkode av Perry R. Cook og Gary P. Scavone Some pixmaps are from the - + Noen bilder kommer fra Flag icons by Mark James - + Flaggikoner av Mark James Some sound samples are from - + Noen lydsampler er fra For details on the contributions check out the %1 - + Detaljer om bidragsyterne er å finne i %1 Github Contributors list - + GitHub-bidragsyterlisten Spanish - + Spansk French - + Fransk Portuguese - + Portugisisk Dutch - + Hollandsk Italian - + Italiensk German - + Tysk Polish - + Polsk Swedish - + Svensk Korean - + Koreansk Slovak - + Slovakisk Simplified Chinese - + Forenklet kinesisk About %1 - + Om %1 @@ -119,42 +119,42 @@ About - + Om TextLabelVersion - + Versjon Copyright (C) 2005-2022 The Jamulus Development Team - + Opphavsrett © 2005–2022 Jamulus-utviklingslaget A&bout - + O&m &Libraries - + &Bibliotek &Contributors - + &Bidragsytere &Translation - + &Oversettelse &OK - + &OK @@ -162,12 +162,12 @@ Analyzer Console - + Analysatorkonsoll Error Rate of Each Buffer Size - + Feilrate for hver hurtiglagerstørrelse @@ -175,32 +175,32 @@ Personal Mix at the Server - + Personlig miks på tjeneren When connected to a server, the controls here allow you to set your local mix without affecting what others hear from you. The title shows the server name and, when known, whether it is actively recording. - + Når du kobler til en tjener vil kontrollene her la deg sette din lokale miks uten å ha innvirkning på hva andre hører fra deg. Tittelen viser tjenernavn og, (om det er kjent) hvorvidt det er et aktivt opptak. Server - + Tjener T R Y I N G T O C O N N E C T - + P R Ø V E R Å K O B L E T I L RECORDING ACTIVE - + OPPTAK PÅGÅR Personal Mix at: %1 - + Personlig miks på: %1 @@ -210,243 +210,243 @@ Pan - + Panorering Mute - + Forstum Solo - + Solo &No grouping - + &Ingen gruppering Assign to group - + Tildel til gruppe Channel Level - + Kanalnivå Displays the pre-fader audio level of this channel. All clients connected to the server will be assigned an audio level, the same value for every client. - + Viser pre-fader-lydstyrkenivå for denne kanalen. Alle klienter tilkoblet tjeneren vil bli tildelt et lydstyrkenivå, med lik verdi for hver klient. Input level of the current audio channel at the server - + Inngangsnivå for nåværende lydkanal på tjeneren Mixer Fader - + Mikser-fader Adjusts the audio level of this channel. All clients connected to the server will be assigned an audio fader, displayed at each client, to adjust the local mix. - + Justerer lydstyrkenivået for denne kanalen. Alle klienter tilkoblet tjeneren vil bli tildelt en lydstyrkefader, vist ved hver klient, for å justere den lokale miksen. Local mix level setting of the current audio channel at the server - + Lokalt miksernivåinnstilling for nåværende lydkanal på tjeneren Status Indicator - + Statusindikator Shows a status indication about the client which is assigned to this channel. Supported indicators are: - + Viser en statusindikator om klienten som er tilknyttet denne kanalen. Støttede indikatorer er: Speaker with cancellation stroke: Indicates that another client has muted you. - + Høyttaler med strek over indikerer at en annen klient har forstummet deg. Status indicator label - + Etikett for statusindikator Panning - + Panorering Sets the pan from Left to Right of the channel. Works only in stereo or preferably mono in/stereo out mode. - + Setter panoreringen fra venstre til høyre for kanalen. Fungerer kun i stereo, eller helst i mono inn/stereo ut-modus Local panning position of the current audio channel at the server - + Lokal panoreringsposisjon for nåværende lydkanal på tjeneren With the Mute checkbox, the audio channel can be muted. - + Med forstummelsesboksen avhuket vil lydkanalen forstummes. Mute button - + Forstummelsesknapp With the Solo checkbox, the audio channel can be set to solo which means that all other channels except the soloed channel are muted. It is possible to set more than one channel to solo. - + Med «Solo»-sjekkboksen kan lydkanalen settes til solo, som betyr at alle andre kanaler med unntak av påvirket/ede kanal er forstummet. Solo button - + Solo-knapp Group - + Gruppe With the Grp checkbox, a group of audio channels can be defined. All channel faders in a group are moved in proportional synchronization if any one of the group faders are moved. - + Med «Grp»-sjekkboksen kan lydkanaler defineres som gruppe. Alle fadere i den flyttes i proporsjonal synkronisering hvis én av gruppens fadere flyttes. Group button - + Gruppe-knapp Fader Tag - + Fader-etikett The fader tag identifies the connected client. The tag name, a picture of your instrument and the flag of your location can be set in the main window. - + Fader-etiketten indentifiserer tilkoblet klient. Etikettnavnet er et bilde av instrumentet ditt, og et flagg for din posisjon kan settes i hovedvinduet. Mixer channel instrument picture - + Mikserkanalens instrumentbilde Mixer channel label (fader tag) - + Mikserkanalens etikett (fader-etikett) Mixer channel country/region flag - + Mikserkanalsland/regionsflagg PAN - + PAN MUTE - + FORSTUM SOLO - + SOLO GRP - + GRP M - + F S - + S G - + G Grp - + Grp Alias/Name - + Alias/navn Instrument - + Instrument Location - + Sted Beginner - + Nybegynner Skill Level - + Ferdighetsnivå Intermediate - + Middels Expert - + Ekspert Musician Profile - + Musikerprofil Alias - + Alias @@ -454,58 +454,58 @@ Chat Window - + Sludrevindu The chat window shows a history of all chat messages. - + Sludrevinduet viser all sludringshistorikken. Chat history - + Sludringshistorikk Input Message Text - + Skriv meldingstekst Enter the chat message text in the edit box and press enter to send the message to the server which distributes the message to all connected clients. Your message will then show up in the chat window. - + Skriv sludremeldingsteksten i redigeringsboksen og trykk enter for å sende meldingen til tjeneren som sender meldingen til alle tilkoblede klienter. Meldingen din vil da vises i sludringsvinduet. New chat text edit box - + Ny tekstredigeringsboks for sludring Type a message here - + Skriv en melding her &Edit - + &Rediger Cl&ear Chat History - + T&øm sludringshistorikk &Close - + &Lukk Do you want to open the link '%1' in your browser? - + Åpne «%1»-lenken i nettleseren din? @@ -513,12 +513,12 @@ Chat - + Sludring &Send - + &Send @@ -526,182 +526,182 @@ Input Level Meter - + Inngangsnivå This shows the level of the two stereo channels for your audio input. - + Dette viser nivået for de to stereo-lydkanalene for din lydinngang. Make sure not to clip the input signal to avoid distortions of the audio signal. - + Forsikre deg om at du ikke klipper inngangssignalet, slik at du unngå forvrengning av lydsignalet. If the application is connected to a server and you play your instrument/sing into the microphone, the VU meter should flicker. If this is not the case, you have probably selected the wrong input channel (e.g. 'line in' instead of the microphone input) or set the input gain too low in the (Windows) audio mixer. - + Hvis programmet er tilkoblet en tjener og du spiller ditt instrument/synger i mikrofonen, vil VU-meteret røre seg. Hvis dette ikke skjer har du antageligvis valgt feil inngangskanal (f.eks. «linje inn» istedenfor mikrofoninngangen) eller satt inngangsforsterkningen for lavt i (Windows)-lydmikseren. For proper usage of the application, you should not hear your singing/instrument through the loudspeaker or your headphone when the software is not connected. This can be achieved by muting your input audio channel in the Playback mixer (not the Recording mixer!). - + Du bør høre synging/instrumenter gjennom høyttalerne eller hodetelefonene dine når programvaren ikke er tilkoblet. Du kan gjøre dette ved å forstumme lydinngangskanalen i avspillingsmikseren (ikke opptaksmikseren). Input level meter - + Inngangsnivåvisning Simulates an analog LED level meter. - + Simulerer et analogt LED-signalnivåpanel. Connect/Disconnect Button - + Koble til/fra -knapp Opens a dialog where you can select a server to connect to. If you are connected, pressing this button will end the session. - + Åpner en dialog der du kan velge hvilken tjener du vil koble til. Hvis du er tilkoblet kan du avslutte økten ved å trykke på denne knappen. Connect and disconnect toggle button - + Knapp for tilkobling og frakobling Reverb effect - + Lydklangseffekt Reverb can be applied to one local mono audio channel or to both channels in stereo mode. The mono channel selection and the reverb level can be modified. For example, if a microphone signal is fed in to the right audio channel of the sound card and a reverb effect needs to be applied, set the channel selector to right and move the fader upwards until the desired reverb level is reached. - + Lydklang kan brukes på en lokal mono-lydkanal, eller begge lydkanaler i stereomodus. Monokanalvalget og nivået for lydklangseffekten kan endres. For eksempel hvis et mikrofonsignal sendes til høyre lydkanal av lydkortet og en lydklangseffekt må legges til, kan du sette kanalvelgeren til høyre og flytte nivåregulatoren oppover til ønsket lydklangsnivå oppnås. Reverb effect level setting - + Nivåinnstilling for lydklangseffekt Reverb Channel Selection - + Kanalvalg for lydklang With these radio buttons the audio input channel on which the reverb effect is applied can be chosen. Either the left or right input channel can be selected. - + Disse radioknappene velger lydinngangskanalen lydklangseffekten skal brukes på. Enten venstre eller høyre inngangskanal kan velges. Left channel selection for reverb - + Venstrekanalsvalg for lydklang Right channel selection for reverb - + Høyrekanalsvalg for lydklang Delay Status LED - + Forsinkelsesstatus-LED Shows the current audio delay status: - + Viser status for forsinkelse av nåværende lyd: Green - + Grønn The delay is perfect for a jam session. - + Forsinkelsen er perfekt for samspill. Yellow - + Gul A session is still possible but it may be harder to play. - + En økt er fremdeles mulig, men det kan være vanskeligere å spille. Red - + Rød The delay is too large for jamming. - + Forsinkelsen er for lang for samspill. If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using %1. - + Hvis denne LED-indikatoren blir rød vil du ikke ha mye glede av å bruke %1. Delay status LED indicator - + LED-indikator for forsinkelsesstatus Local Jitter Buffer Status LED - + Status-LED for lokalt jitter-mellomlager The local jitter buffer status LED shows the current audio/streaming status. If the light is red, the audio stream is interrupted. This is caused by one of the following problems: - + Status-LED for lokalt jitter-mellomlager viser nåværende lyd/strømmingsstatus. Hvis lyset er rødt forstyrres lydstrømmen. Dette kan ha sitt opphav i følgende: The network jitter buffer is not large enough for the current network/audio interface jitter. - + Mellomlageret for nettverksjitter er ikke stort nok for nåværende størrelse på jitter fra lyd/nettverksgrensesnittet. The sound card's buffer delay (buffer size) is too small (see Settings window). - + Lydkortets mellomlagerforsinkelse (mellomlagerstørrelse) er for liten (sjekk innstillingsvinduet). The upload or download stream rate is too high for your internet bandwidth. - + Opp- eller nedlastingshastigheten som kreves er for høy for båndbredden din. The CPU of the client or server is at 100%. - + Prosessoren på klienten eller tjeneren jobber 100%. If this LED indicator turns red, the audio stream is interrupted. - + Denne LED-indikatoren blir rød når lydstrømmen forstyrres. Local Jitter Buffer status LED indicator - + LED-indikator for lokalt jitter-mellomlagerstatus Current Connection Status - + Nåværende tilkoblingsstatus @@ -717,117 +717,117 @@ C&onnect - + &Koble til &File - + &Fil &Connection Setup... - + &Tilkoblingsoppsett … &Load Mixer Channels Setup... - + &Last inn kanalmikserinnstillingene … &Save Mixer Channels Setup... - + &Lagre kanalmikserinnstillingene … E&xit - + &Avslutt &Edit - + &Rediger Clear &All Stored Solo and Mute Settings - + &Tøm alle lagrede solo- og forstummingsinnstillinger Set All Faders to New Client &Level - + Sett alle fadere til nytt klient&nivå Auto-Adjust all &Faders - + Auto-juster alle &fadere &View - + &Vis O&wn Fader First - + &Egen fader først N&o User Sorting - + &Ingen brukersortering Sort Users by &Name - + Sorter brukere etter &navn Sort Users by &Instrument - + Sorter brukere etter &instrument Sort Users by &Group - + Sorter brukere etter &gruppe Sort Users by &City - + Sorter brukere etter &by C&hat... - + &Sludring … &Analyzer Console... - + &Analysatorkonsoll … Sett&ings - + &Innstillinger My &Profile... - + Min &profil … Audio/Network &Settings... - + Lyd/&nettverksinnstillinger … A&dvanced Settings... - + A&vanserte innstillinger … @@ -838,37 +838,37 @@ Select Channel Setup File - + Velg kanaloppsettsfil user - + bruker users - + brukere Connect - + Koble til Settings - + Innstillinger Chat - + Sludring Enable feedback detection - + Skru på tilbakekoblingsoppdagelse @@ -880,17 +880,17 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Your sound card is not working correctly. Please open the settings dialog and check the device selection and the driver settings. - + Lydkortet ditt virker ikke rett. Åpne innstillingsdialogen og sjekk enhetsvalg og driverinnstillingene. Ok - + OK &Disconnect - + &Koble fra @@ -898,88 +898,88 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Reverb - + Lydklang Left - + Venstre Right - + Høyre Input - + Inngang L - + V R - + H Jitter - + Jitter Delay - + Forsinkelse Ping - + Svartidsforespørsel ms - + ms &Mute Myself - + &Forstum deg selv &Settings - + &Innstillinger &Chat - + &Sludring C&onnect - + &Koble til MUTED (Other people won't hear you) - + Forstummet (andre hører deg ikke) Set up your audio, connect to a server and start jamming! - + Sett opp egen lyd, koble til en tjener og spill. Update check - + Oppdateringssjekk @@ -989,12 +989,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe &Close - + &Lukk Local Audio Input Fader - + Fader for lokal lydinngang @@ -1005,17 +1005,17 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe L - + V Local audio input fader (left/right) - + Fader for lokal lydinngang (venstre/høyre) Jitter Buffer Size - + Størrelse på jitter-mellomlager @@ -1045,12 +1045,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Local jitter buffer slider control - + Glidebryterkontroll for lokalt jittermellomlager Server jitter buffer slider control - + Glidebryterkontroll for tjener-jittermellomlager @@ -1060,12 +1060,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Audio Device - + Lydenhet Under the Windows operating system the ASIO driver (sound card) can be selected using %1. If the selected ASIO driver is not valid an error message is shown and the previous valid driver is selected. Under macOS the input and output hardware can be selected. - + På Windows kan ASIO-driverrutinen (lydkort) velges ved bruk av %1. Hvis valgt ASIO-driverrutine ikke er gyldig vil en feilmelding vises og forrige gyldige driver valgt. På macOS kan inngang- og utgangsmaskinvare velges. @@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Sound card device selector combo box - + Kombinasjonsboksvelger for lydkortsenhet @@ -1085,12 +1085,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe If you are using the kX ASIO driver, make sure to connect the ASIO inputs in the kX DSP settings panel. - + Hvis du bruker kX ASIO-driverrutinen må du sørge for å koble til ASIO-inngangene i kX DSP-innstillingspanelet. Sound Card Channel Mapping - + Lydkortets kanalvalg @@ -1105,27 +1105,27 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Left input channel selection combo box - + Kombinasjonsboks for valg av venstre inngangskanal Right input channel selection combo box - + Kombinasjonsboks for valg av høyre inngangskanal Left output channel selection combo box - + Kombinasjonsboks for valg av venstre utgangskanal Right output channel selection combo box - + Kombinasjonsboks for valg av høyre utgangskanal Enable Small Network Buffers - + Skru på små nettverksmellomlagre @@ -1150,22 +1150,22 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Three buffer sizes can be selected - + Tre hurtiglagerstørrelser kan velges 64 samples: Provides the lowest latency but does not work with all sound cards. - + 64 samplinger: Gir lavest forsinkelse, men fungerer ikke med alle lydkort. 128 samples: Should work for most available sound cards. - + 128 samplinger: Bør fungere på de fleste lydkort. 256 samples: Should only be used when 64 or 128 samples is causing issues. - + 256 samplinger: Bør kun brukes hvis 64 eller 128 samplinger byr på problemer. @@ -1191,17 +1191,17 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Sound card driver settings - + Oppsett av driverrutine for lydkort This opens the driver settings of your sound card. Some drivers allow you to change buffer settings, others like ASIO4ALL lets you choose input or outputs of your device(s). More information can be found on - + Dette åpner driverrutineinnstillingene for lydkortet ditt. Noen driverrutiner lar deg endre hurtiglagerinnstillinger. Andre som f.eks. ASIO4ALL lar deg velge innganger og utganger for din(e) enhet(er). Mer info er å finne på Opens the driver settings. Note: %1 currently only supports devices with a sample rate of %2 Hz. You will not be able to select a driver/device which doesn't. For more help see - + Åpner driverrutine-innstillingene. Merk: %1 støtter kun enheter med samplingsrate på %2 Hz for øyeblikket. Du vil ikke kunne velge en driverrutine/enhet som ikke har det. Mer info er å finne på @@ -1211,32 +1211,32 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe 128 samples setting radio button - + Radioknapp for valg av 128 samplinger 256 samples setting radio button - + Radioknapp for valg av 256 samplinger ASIO Device Settings push button - + Trykk-knapp for ASIO-enhetsinnstillinger Skin - + Drakt Select the skin to be used for the main window. - + Velg drakt for hovedvinduet Skin combo box - + Draktkombinasjonsboks @@ -1256,22 +1256,22 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Language - + Språk Select the language to be used for the user interface. - + Velg språk å bruke i brukergrensesnittet. Language combo box - + Språk-kombinasjonsboks Audio Channels - + Lydkanaler @@ -1282,29 +1282,29 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Mono - + Mono and - + og Stereo - + Stereo These modes use one and two audio channels respectively. - + Disse bruker respektivt én og to lydkanaler. Mono in/Stereo-out - + Mono inn/stereo ut @@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Enabling - + Skrur på @@ -1324,17 +1324,17 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe In stereo streaming mode, no audio channel selection for the reverb effect will be available on the main window since the effect is applied to both channels in this case. - + I stereostrømmingsmodus er det ikke noe kanalvalg for lydklangseffekten tilgjengelig fra hovedvinduet, siden effekten brukes for begge kanaler i dette tilfellet. Audio channels combo box - + Kombinasjonsboks for lydkanaler Audio Quality - + Lydkvalitet @@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Audio quality combo box - + Kombinasjonsboks for lydkvalitet New Client Level - + Nytt klientnivå @@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe New client level edit box - + Redigeringsboks for nytt klientnivå @@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Custom Directories - + Egendefinerte mapper @@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Feedback Protection - + Beskyttelse mot tilbakekobling @@ -1429,12 +1429,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Feedback Protection check box - + Avkryssningsboks for tilbakekoblingsbeskyttelse Audio Alerts - + Lydvarsler @@ -1449,63 +1449,63 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe ASIO Device Settings - + ASIO-enhetsinnstillinger Mono-in/Stereo-out - + Mono inn/stereo ut Low - + Lav Normal - + Normal High - + Høy Fancy - + Stilig Compact - + Kompakt Bar (narrow) - + Bjelke (tynn) Bar (wide) - + Bjelke (bred) LEDs (stripe) - + LED-lys (stripe) LEDs (round, small) - + LED-lys (runde, små) LEDs (round, big) - + LED-lys (runde, store) @@ -1513,17 +1513,17 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe None - + Ingen Musician Profile - + Musikerprofil Write your name or an alias here so the other musicians you want to play with know who you are. You may also add a picture of the instrument you play and a flag of the country or region you are located in. Your city and skill level playing your instrument may also be added. - + Skriv navnet ditt eller et kallenavn her slik at andre musikere du vil spille med vet hvem du er. Du kan også legge til et bilde av instrumentet du spiller, eller flagget for landet eller regionen du befinner deg i. By og ferdighetsnivå for instrumentet ditt kan også legges til. @@ -1533,93 +1533,93 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Alias or name edit box - + Redigeringsfelt for alias eller navn Instrument picture button - + Instrumentbildeknapp Country/region flag button - + Land/region-flaggknapp City edit box - + Redigeringsfelt for by Skill level combo box - + Ferdighetsnivå-kombinasjonsboks Beginner - + Nybegynner Intermediate - + Erfaren Expert - + Ekspert Size: - + Størrelse: Buffer Delay - + Hurtiglagringsforsinkelse Buffer Delay: - + Hurtiglagringsforsinkelse: Center - + Midten R - + H Drum Set - + Slagverk Djembe - + Djembe Electric Guitar - + Elektrisk gitar Acoustic Guitar - + Akustisk gitar Bass Guitar - + Bassgitar @@ -1639,67 +1639,67 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Accordion - + Trekkspill Vocal - + Vokal Microphone - + Mikrofon Harmonica - + Munnspill Trumpet - + Trompet Trombone - + Trombone French Horn - + Valthorn Tuba - + Tuba Saxophone - + Saksofon Clarinet - + Klarinett Flute - + Fløyte Violin - + Fiolin Cello - + Cello @@ -1709,22 +1709,22 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Recorder - + Blokkfløyte Streamer - + Strømmer Listener - + Lytter Guitar+Vocal - + Gitar+vokal @@ -1734,37 +1734,37 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Bodhran - + Bodhrán Bassoon - + Fagott Oboe - + Obo Harp - + Harpe Viola - + Bratsj Congas - + Congas Bongo - + Bongoer @@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Banjo - + Banjo @@ -1799,7 +1799,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Ukulele - + Ukulele @@ -1829,17 +1829,17 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Rapping - + Rapping Vibraphone - + Vibrafon Conductor - + Dirigent @@ -1874,7 +1874,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Custom - + Egendefinert @@ -1887,12 +1887,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Settings - + Innstillinger My Profile - + Min profil @@ -1902,12 +1902,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Alias/Name - + Alias/navn Instrument - + Instrument @@ -1917,22 +1917,22 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe City - + By Skill - + Ferdighetsnivå User Interface - + Brukergrensesnitt Skin - + Drakt @@ -1942,23 +1942,23 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Language - + Språk Mixer Rows - + Mikserrader Audio Alerts - + Lydvarsler Enable - + Skru på @@ -1968,12 +1968,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Audio Device - + Lydenhet Driver Setup - + Driverrutineoppsett @@ -1984,13 +1984,13 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe L - + V R - + H @@ -2000,32 +2000,32 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Audio Channels - + Lydkanaler Audio Quality - + Lydkvalitet Buffer Delay - + Hurtiglagringsforsinkelse (preferred) - + (foretrukket) (default) - + (forvalg) (safe) - + (trygt) @@ -2035,7 +2035,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Auto - + Automatisk @@ -2045,13 +2045,13 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Server - + Tjener Size - + Størrelse @@ -2076,12 +2076,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Advanced Setup - + Avansert oppsett Custom Directories: - + Egendefinerte mapper: @@ -2091,7 +2091,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe % - + % @@ -2101,12 +2101,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Feedback Protection - + Tilbakekoblingsbeskyttelse Input Balance - + Inngangsbalanse @@ -2124,7 +2124,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Directory - + Mappe @@ -2139,12 +2139,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Filter - + Filter Filters the server list by the given text. Note that the filter is case insensitive. A single # character will filter for those servers with at least one person connected. - + Filtrerer tjenerlisten for angitt tekst. Merk at det ikke tas hensyn til små og store bokstaver. Et enkelt «#»-tegn viser tjenere med minst én person tilknyttet. @@ -2154,7 +2154,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Show All Musicians - + Vis alle musikere @@ -2164,12 +2164,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Show all musicians check box - + Avkryssningsboks for visning av alle musikere Server List - + Tjenerliste @@ -2184,17 +2184,17 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe You can add custom directories in Advanced Settings. - + Du kan legge til egendefinerte mapper i de avanserte innstillingene. Server list view - + Tjenerlistevisning Server Address - + Tjeneradresse @@ -2204,7 +2204,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Server address edit box - + Redigeringsboks for tjeneradresse @@ -2214,7 +2214,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Filter text, or # for occupied servers - + Filtrer tekst, eller # for tjenere som ikke er tomme @@ -2222,12 +2222,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Connection Setup - + Tilkoblingsoppsett Directory - + Mappe @@ -2237,42 +2237,42 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Show All Musicians - + Vis alle musikere Server Name - + Tjenernavn Ping Time - + Svartid Musicians - + Musikere Location - + Sted Server Address - + Tjeneradresse C&ancel - + &Avbryt &Connect - + &Koble til @@ -2280,38 +2280,38 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe &Help - + &Hjelp Getting &Started... - + &Begynn … Software &Manual... - + &Programvaremanual What's &This - + Hva er &dette &About Jamulus... - + &Om Jamulus … About &Qt... - + Om &Qt … About Qt - + Om Qt @@ -2319,12 +2319,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Restart Required - + Programomstart kreves Please restart the application for the language change to take effect. - + Start programmet på ny for å bruke det nye språket. @@ -2332,22 +2332,22 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe This server requires you accept conditions before you can join. Please read these in the chat window. - + Tjeneren krever at du godtar vilkårene før du kobler til. Les disse i sludringsvinduet. I have read the conditions and &agree. - + Jeg har lest vilkårene og &samtykker. Accept - + Godta Decline - + Avslå @@ -2355,17 +2355,17 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Red - + Rød Yellow - + Gul Green - + Grønn @@ -2373,7 +2373,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe No Name - + Uten navn @@ -2382,12 +2382,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe %1 Server %1 is the name of the main application - + %1-tjener Client List - + Klientliste @@ -2397,7 +2397,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Connected clients list view - + Listevisning av tilkoblede klienter @@ -2407,7 +2407,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Directory - + Mappe @@ -2417,7 +2417,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Select one of the genres to register with that directory. - + Velg en av sjangerne å registrere med denne mappen. @@ -2437,7 +2437,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Register Server Status - + Status for hvorvidt tjeneren er registrert @@ -2447,7 +2447,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Server Name - + Tjenernavn @@ -2492,12 +2492,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Checkbox to turn on or off server recording - + Avkryssningsboks for å slå på eller av tjeneropptak Enable Recorder - + Skru på opptak @@ -2507,17 +2507,17 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Request new recording button - + Forespør ny opptaksknapp New Recording - + Nytt opptak During a recording session, the button can be used to start a new recording. - + I løpet av en økt kan knappen brukes til å starte et nytt opptak. @@ -2527,7 +2527,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Recorder Status - + Opptaksstatus @@ -2552,7 +2552,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe There is no one connected to the server to record. - + Det er ingen tilknyttet tjeneren å spille inn. @@ -2592,7 +2592,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Server Welcome Message - + Tjener-velkomstmelding @@ -2602,12 +2602,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Language - + Språk Select the language to be used for the user interface. - + Velg språk for brukergrensesnittet. @@ -2623,7 +2623,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Main Recording Directory - + Hovedopptaksmappe @@ -2730,18 +2730,18 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe &Hide %1 server - + &Skjul %1-tjener &Show %1 server - + &Vis %1-tjener %1 server %1 is the name of the main application - + %1-tjeneren @@ -2751,7 +2751,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe &Window - + &Vindu @@ -2771,7 +2771,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe ERROR - + Feil @@ -2781,52 +2781,52 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Not enabled - + Ikke påskrudd Not recording - + Tar ikke opp Recording - + Innspilling None - + Ingen Not registered - + Ikke registrert Bad address - + Feilaktig adresse Registration requested - + Registrering forespurt Registration failed - + Registrering mislyktes Check server version - + Sjekk tjenerversjonen Registered - + Registrert @@ -2836,17 +2836,17 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Your server version is too old - + Tjenerversjonen din er for gammel Requirements not fulfilled - + Krav er ikke oppfylt Unknown value %1 - + Ukjent verdi (%1) @@ -2854,105 +2854,105 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Client IP:Port - + Klient-IP:port Name - + Navn Jitter Buffer Size - + Størrelse på jittermellomlager Channels - + Kanaler Server Setup - + Tjeneroppsett Directory - + Mappe STATUS - + Status My Server Info - + Info om min tjener Location: City - + Sted: by Location: Region - + Sted: region Enable Jam Recorder - + Skru på samspillsopptaker New Recording - + Nytt opptak Session - + Økt Chat Window Welcome (HTML/CSS Supported) - + Velkomstmelding for sludring (HTML/CSS støttes) Options - + Alternativer Language Consider add "(Lang)" as a suffix to ensure that users who selected the wrong language find the correct button - + Språk Recording Directory - + Opptaksmappe Custom Directory address - + Egendefinert mappeadresse Server List Filename - + Tjenerliste-filnavn Start Minimized on Windows Start - + Start minimert ved systemoppstart @@ -2970,7 +2970,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Could not write to '%1' - + Kunne ikke skrive til «%1» @@ -3009,12 +3009,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe No ASIO audio device driver found. - + Fant ingen ASIO-lydenhetsdriver. Please install an ASIO driver before running %1. If you own a device with ASIO support, install its official ASIO driver. If not, you'll need to install a universal driver like ASIO4ALL. - + Installer en ASIO-lydenhetsdriver før du kjører %1. Hvis du eier en enhet med ASIO-støtte kan du installere dens offisielle ASIO-driver. Hvis ikke må du installere en universell driver som f.eks ASIO4ALL. @@ -3044,7 +3044,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe The audio output device is no longer available. Please check if your output device is connected correctly. - + Lydutgangsenheten er ikke lenger tilgjengelig. Sjekk at utgangsenheten din er tilkoblet på riktig vis. @@ -3069,42 +3069,42 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe JACK couldn't be started automatically. Please start JACK manually and check for error messages. - + Kunne ikke starte JACK automatisk. Start JACK på ny automatisk og sjekk om du finner noen feilmeldinger. JACK isn't running at a sample rate of <b>%1 Hz</b>. Please use a tool like <i><a href="">QjackCtl</a></i> to set the the JACK sample rate to %1 Hz. - + JACK kjører ikke med samplingstakt på <b>%1 Hz</b>. Bruk et verktøy som f.eks. <i><a href="">QjackCtl</a></i> for å sette JACK-samplingstakten til %1 Hz. The JACK port registration failed. This is probably an error with JACK. Please stop %1 and JACK. Afterwards check if another program at a sample rate of %2 Hz can connect to JACK. - + Kunne ikke registrere port for JACK. Dette er antagelig en feil i JACK. Stopp %1 og JACK. Etterpå kan du sjekke om et annet program med samplingstakt på %2 Hz kan koble til JACK. The JACK port registration failed. This is probably an error with JACK. Please stop %1 and JACK. Afterwards, check if another MIDI program can connect to JACK. - + Kunne ikke registrere port for JACK. Dette er antagelig en feil i JACK. Stopp %1 og JACK. Etterpå kan du sjekke om et annet MIDI-program kan koble til JACK. Can't activate the JACK client. This is probably an error with JACK. Please check the JACK output. - + Kan ikke aktivere JACK-klienten. Dette er antagelig en feil med JACK. Sjekk JACK-utgangen. JACK was shut down. %1 requires JACK to run. Please restart %1 to start JACK again. - + JACK ble skrudd av. %1 krever at JACK kjører. Start %1 på ny for å starte JACK igjen. Error requesting stream stop: $s - + Kunne ikke forespørre stopping av strøm: $s Error closing stream: $s - + Kunne ikke lukke strømmen: $s @@ -3112,27 +3112,27 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Can't use the selected audio device because of the following error: %1 The previous driver will be selected. - + Kan ikke bruke valgt lydenhet fordi: %1 Forrige driver vil bli valgt. The previously selected audio device is no longer available or the driver has changed to an incompatible state. We'll attempt to find a valid audio device, but this new audio device may cause feedback. Before connecting to a server, please check your audio device settings. - + Tidligere valgt driver er ikke lenger tilgjengelig, eller så har den endret seg til en inkompatibel tilstand. Forsøk på å finne en gyldig lydenhet vil bli utført, men denne nye lydenheten kan forårsake tilbakekobling. Før du kobler til en tjener bør du sjekke lydenhetsinnstillingene dine. <b>%1 couldn't find a usable %2 audio device.</b><br><br> - + <b>%1 kunne ikke finne noen anvendbar %2-lydenhet.</b><br><br> You may be able to fix errors in the driver settings. Do you want to open these settings now? - + Åpne driverinnstillingene for å sjekke om du kan fikse feilene der? Can't start %1. Please restart %1 and check/reconfigure your audio settings. - + Kan ikke starte %1. Start %1 på ny og sjekk/sett opp lydinnstillingene dine igjen. @@ -3141,12 +3141,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe %1, Version %2 %1 is app name, %2 is version number - + %1, versjon %2 Released under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later (GPLv2) - + Lisensiert GPLv2+ @@ -3154,12 +3154,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe A %1 upgrade is available: <a style='color:red;' href=''>go to details and downloads</a> - + En %1-oppgradering er tilgjengelig: <a style='color:red;' href=''>gå til detaljer og last den ned</a> For more information use the "What's This" help (help menu, right mouse button or Shift+F1) - + Mer info får du ved å bruke «Hva er dette»-hjelpen (hjelpemeny, høyreklikksknapp, eller Shift+F1) diff --git a/src/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts b/src/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts index 21abba23f6..7a8fea527f 100644 --- a/src/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts +++ b/src/translation/translation_nl_NL.ts @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Korean - + Koreaans @@ -4258,7 +4258,7 @@ We hebben uw kanaal gedempt en 'Demp mijzelf' geactiveerd. Los eerst h Update check - Update check + Update controle Make My Server Public (Register My Server in the Server List) diff --git a/src/translation/translation_pl_PL.ts b/src/translation/translation_pl_PL.ts index 713645d4fd..a245edeecb 100644 --- a/src/translation/translation_pl_PL.ts +++ b/src/translation/translation_pl_PL.ts @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Qt cross-platform application framework - Qt - międzyplatformowe szablony aplikacji + Qt - między-platformowe szablony aplikacji @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Korean - + koreański @@ -1481,7 +1481,7 @@ Twój kanał został wyciszony i włączono „Wycisz mnie”. Napraw przyczynę Select the meter style to be used for the level meters. The Bar (narrow) and LEDs (round, small) options only apply to the mixerboard. When Bar (narrow) is selected, the input meters are set to Bar (wide). When LEDs (round, small) is selected, the input meters are set to LEDs (round, big). The remaining options apply to the mixerboard and input meters. - Wybierz styl miarki używanej do poziomów. Opcje „Pasek” (zwężony) i „Diody” (małe, zaokrąglone) mają zastosowanie tylko do miksera. Gdy zaznaczony jest „Pasek” (zwężony) - wskaźniki wejścia są ustawione do paska (szeroki). Zaznaczenie „Diody” (małe) spowoduje dopasowywanie wskaźników do dużych diód. Pozostałe opcje mają zastosowanie zarówno do miksera jak i wskaźników wejścia. + Wybierz styl miarki używanej do poziomów. Opcje „Pasek” (zwężony) i „Diody” (małe, zaokrąglone) mają zastosowanie tylko do miksera. Gdy zaznaczony jest „Pasek” (zwężony) - wskaźniki wejścia są ustawione do paska (szeroki). Zaznaczenie „Diody” (małe) spowoduje dopasowywanie wskaźników do dużych diod. Pozostałe opcje mają zastosowanie zarówno do miksera jak i wskaźników wejścia. @@ -2644,7 +2644,7 @@ Twój kanał został wyciszony i włączono „Wycisz mnie”. Napraw przyczynę Show All Musicians Pokaż wsztystkich muzyków - + Pokaż wszystkich muzyków If you check this check box, the musicians of all servers are shown. If you uncheck the check box, all list view items are collapsed. diff --git a/src/translation/translation_pt_BR.ts b/src/translation/translation_pt_BR.ts index aa49451c2f..5e30f04b23 100644 --- a/src/translation/translation_pt_BR.ts +++ b/src/translation/translation_pt_BR.ts @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Korean - + Coreano @@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ Mute - Mute + Mudo @@ -1866,7 +1866,7 @@ Silenciamos seu canal e ativamos 'Silenciar-me'. Resolva o problema de The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of %1. This setting has an influence on many connection properties. - A configuração do atraso do buffer (buffer delay) é uma configuração fundamental do %1. Esta configuração tem influência em muitas propriedades da conexão. + A configuração do atraso do buffer é uma configuração fundamental do %1. Esta configuração tem influência em muitas propriedades da conexão. Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within %1. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled and has to be changed using the sound card driver. On Windows, use the ASIO Device Settings button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the JACK configuration tool to change the buffer size. @@ -2344,7 +2344,7 @@ Silenciamos seu canal e ativamos 'Silenciar-me'. Resolva o problema de Djembe - Djembe + Djembê @@ -3822,7 +3822,7 @@ Silenciamos seu canal e ativamos 'Silenciar-me'. Resolva o problema de Set the country or region where the server is running. Clients will show this location in their connect dialog's server list. - Define o país ou região onde o servidor está sendo executado. Os clientes irão exibir essa localização na caixa de diálogo de conexão da da lista de servidores. + Define o país ou região onde o servidor está sendo executado. Os clientes irão exibir essa localização na caixa de diálogo de conexão da lista de servidores. diff --git a/src/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts b/src/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts index c3f124cd0b..fe8cd62a7c 100644 --- a/src/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts +++ b/src/translation/translation_pt_PT.ts @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ This app enables musicians to perform real-time jam sessions over the internet. - Esta aplicação permite aos músicos realizar jam sessions em tempo real pela Internet. + Esta aplicação permite que os músicos realizem sessões ''jam'' em tempo real pela Internet. @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Github Contributors list - lista de colaboradores do Github + Lista de colaboradores do Github @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Portuguese - Português + Português (Portugal) @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Korean - + Coreano @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ TextLabelVersion - TextLabelVersion + TextoEtiquetaVersão Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Volker Fischer and others @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2005-2022 The Jamulus Development Team - Copyright (C) 2005-2022 A Equipa de Desenvolvimento do Jamulus + Direitos de Autor (C) 2005-2022 A Equipa de Desenvolvimento do Jamulus @@ -336,17 +336,17 @@ Local panning position of the current audio channel at the server - Posição de panorâmica local do canal de áudio actual no servidor + Posição de panorâmica local do canal de áudio atual no servidor With the Mute checkbox, the audio channel can be muted. - Com a caixa de seleção Mute, o canal de áudio pode ser silenciado. + Com a caixa de seleção Silenciar, o canal de áudio pode ser silenciado. Mute button - Botão Mute + Botão Silenciar With the Solo checkbox, the audio channel can be set to solo which means that all other channels except of the current channel are muted. It is possible to set more than one channel to solo. @@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ Mute - Mute + Silenciar @@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ The upload or download stream rate is too high for your internet bandwidth. - A taxa de upload ou download é muito elevada para a sua largura de banda da Internet. + A taxa de envio ou de transferência é muito alta para a sua largura de banda da Internet. Buffers status LED indicator @@ -1835,7 +1835,7 @@ O seu canal foi silenciado e foi activada a função 'Silenciar-me'. P The buffer delay setting is a fundamental setting of %1. This setting has an influence on many connection properties. - A configuração do atraso do buffer (buffer delay) é uma configuração fundamental do %1. Esta configuração tem influência em muitas propriedades da ligação. + A definição do atraso do 'buffer'' é uma definição fundamental do %1. Esta definição tem influência em muitas propriedades da ligação. Some sound card drivers do not allow the buffer delay to be changed from within %1. In this case the buffer delay setting is disabled and has to be changed using the sound card driver. On Windows, use the ASIO Device Settings button to open the driver settings panel. On Linux, use the JACK configuration tool to change the buffer size. @@ -3780,7 +3780,7 @@ O seu canal foi silenciado e foi activada a função 'Silenciar-me'. P Set the country or region where the server is running. Clients will show this location in their connect dialog's server list. - Define o país ou região onde o servidor está sendo executado. Os clientes irão exibir essa localização no diálogo de ligação da da lista de servidores. + Defina o país ou a região onde o servidor está a ser executado. Os clientes irão exibir esta localização na janela da ligação da lista de servidores. @@ -4471,12 +4471,12 @@ O seu canal foi silenciado e foi activada a função 'Silenciar-me'. P No ASIO audio device driver found. - Não foi encontrado um driver ASIO do dispositivo de áudio. + Não foi encontrado um controlador ASIO do dispositivo de áudio. Please install an ASIO driver before running %1. If you own a device with ASIO support, install its official ASIO driver. If not, you'll need to install a universal driver like ASIO4ALL. - Por favor instale um driver ASIO driver antes de correr o %1. Se detém um dispositivo com suporte ASIO, instale o driver ASIO oficial. Se não, precisará instalar um driver ASIO universal como o ASIO4ALL. + Por favor, instale um controlador ASIO driver antes de executar o %1. Se tem um dispositivo com suporte ASIO, instale o controlador ASIO oficial. Se não, precisará de instalar um controlador ASIO universal, como o ASIO4ALL. Please install an ASIO driver before running %1. If you own a device with ASIO support, install its official ASIO driver. If not, you'll need to download and install a universal driver like ASIO4ALL. @@ -4497,7 +4497,7 @@ O seu canal foi silenciado e foi activada a função 'Silenciar-me'. P Error requesting stream stop: $s - Erro ao requisitar parada do stream: $s + Erro ao requisitar paragem do stream: $s @@ -4512,7 +4512,7 @@ O seu canal foi silenciado e foi activada a função 'Silenciar-me'. P JACK isn't running at a sample rate of <b>%1 Hz</b>. Please use a tool like <i><a href="">QjackCtl</a></i> to set the the JACK sample rate to %1 Hz. - O JACK não está sendo executado com uma taxa de amostras de <b>%1 Hz</b>. Utilize uma ferramenta como <i><a=href="">QjackCtl</a></i> para definir a taxa de amostras do JACK em %1 Hz. + JACK não está em execução com uma taxa de amostras de <b>%1 Hz</b>. Por favor, use uma ferramenta, como <i><a=href="">QjackCtl</a></i> para definir a taxa de amostras de JACK para %1 Hz. @@ -4749,7 +4749,7 @@ O seu canal foi silenciado e foi activada a função 'Silenciar-me'. P A %1 upgrade is available: <a style='color:red;' href=''>go to details and downloads</a> - Uma atualização %1 está disponível: <a style='color:red' href='>vá para detalhes e downloads</a> + Está disponível uma atualização %1: <a style='color:red' href='>vá para detalhes e transferências</a> diff --git a/src/translation/translation_sv_SE.ts b/src/translation/translation_sv_SE.ts index 4d6f3c464b..928c429602 100644 --- a/src/translation/translation_sv_SE.ts +++ b/src/translation/translation_sv_SE.ts @@ -44,17 +44,17 @@ Flag icons by Mark James - Flaggsymboler gjorda av Mark James + Flaggikoner av Mark James Some sound samples are from - + Vissa ljudprover är från For details on the contributions check out the %1 - För detaljer om bidrag, kolla in %1 + För detaljer om bidragen kolla in %1 @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Korean - + Koreanska @@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ Vi stängde av din kanal och aktiverade 'Tysta mig själv'. Vänligen If this LED indicator turns red, you will not have much fun using %1. - + Om den här LED-indikatorn blir röd kommer du inte att ha mycket kul med %1. @@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ Vi stängde av din kanal och aktiverade 'Tysta mig själv'. Vänligen If this LED indicator turns red, the audio stream is interrupted. - + Om denna LED-indikator blir röd avbryts ljudströmmen. @@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ Vi stängde av din kanal och aktiverade 'Tysta mig själv'. Vänligen Current Connection Status - + Aktuell anslutningsstatus @@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@ Vi stängde av din kanal och aktiverade 'Tysta mig själv'. Vänligen Audio Alerts - + Ljudvarningar @@ -2147,7 +2147,7 @@ Vi stängde av din kanal och aktiverade 'Tysta mig själv'. Vänligen Bodhran - Klaviatur+Sång + Bodhrán diff --git a/src/translation/translation_zh_CN.ts b/src/translation/translation_zh_CN.ts index 870ecd2952..2db1d70658 100644 --- a/src/translation/translation_zh_CN.ts +++ b/src/translation/translation_zh_CN.ts @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Korean - + 韩语 @@ -2681,12 +2681,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe Recording has been switched off by the UI checkbox. - 录制已通过界面的勾选框关闭 + 录制已通过界面的勾选框关闭。 Recording has been switched off, either by the UI checkbox or SIGUSR2 being received. - 录制已因界面的勾选框或因程序收到 SIGUSR2 信号而关闭 + 录制已因界面的勾选框或因程序收到 SIGUSR2 信号而关闭。 @@ -2803,12 +2803,12 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe There is no one connected to the server to record. - 没有人连接到服务器以供录制 + 没有人连接到服务器以供录制。 The performers are being recorded to the specified session directory. - 演奏已被录制到会话所对应的目录中 + 演奏已被录制到会话所对应的目录中。 @@ -3367,7 +3367,7 @@ We muted your channel and activated 'Mute Myself'. Please solve the fe JACK isn't running at a sample rate of <b>%1 Hz</b>. Please use a tool like <i><a href="">QjackCtl</a></i> to set the the JACK sample rate to %1 Hz. - JACK 未在采样率 <b>%1 Hz</b> 下运行。请使用例如 <i><a href="">QjackCtl</a></i> 的工具将 JACK 配置到 %1 Hz。 + JACK 未在采样率 <b>%1 Hz</b> 下运行。请使用例如 <i><a href="">QjackCtl</a></i> 的工具将 JACK 配置到 %1 Hz。