Hello and welcome to our requirements analysis presentation for CA357. The name of the platform we conducted the requirements analysis on is Buynary. On that note let's jump straight into it.
What is Buynary? Buynary is an eCommerce store for buying computers, software, hardware and accessories. We have conducted surveys to explore who our demographic is, useability, and contexts of use are.
To get firm and unbiased feedback from our survey we targeted a community comprimised of various ages and groups. We posted our survey on various message boards to achieve this unbiasness.
Here are the results of the anonymous survey with respect to demographic. We initially found that our target audience was infact how we assumed, young. Percisely 95.5% of the users who answered were between 18-24.
Here are the results of the anonymous survey with respect to how often users buy electronic goods online. We found that only 18.2% have never purchased any electronics online, this clearly shows that the majority of young people do in fact purchase online.
Here are the results of the anonymous survey with respect to which eCommerce stores users buy from when purchasing goods online. We found out of all the various eCommerce sites people visitied that Amazon was the most popular with 90.9% meaning that we can inspiration from their design and approach to usability.
Here are the results of the anonymous survey with respect to how users feel about their go to eCommerce store when purchasing electronic items. This was rated from 1-5 with 1 being a very poor experience We found that only 45.5% of people thought the purchase process was great, showing us that this could be a major part to improve.
A coherent review system: After complaints of reviews being scrattered randomly across some sites we believe that implementing a system which gives the users an ability to give the product a star rating. The reviews for a given product will be displayed on the products page. The highest rated reviews will be at the top and the worse towards the end. This gives potential buys a reliable insight into the product.
Declutter: Users complained that some sites were bloated with ads and a ridculous amount of products. To combat this we will not feature ads and we will use lazy loading to improve the performance of loading products and will limit the number of products displayed at any given time.
Clear sub-categories of products: We will use a side navigation bar which will contain the top level categories. When users click on a top level category it will display sub categories. This will reduce the clutter on the site and allow for easy navigation.
Easy to follow navigation: We will use a side navigation bar as discussed in the previous point. We will also feature a search bar so users can quickly search for what theyre looking for. We will also have a simple top navigation bar which will display the users account settings tab and current basket state.
Correctly laid out forms: As many users complained that forms on eCommerce sites were badly laid out, we will focus a lot of our attention on developing coherent forms that are easy to follow and fill out.
Simplified layout for checkout and payment: On many sites, even in my experience, the checkout process can be quite confusing. We will make sure that the forms are simple to follow, step by step and ease the user towards completion of payment.
Simplistic site layout that is visually appealing: With many sites it is difficult to find what you're looking for, for example, finding the menu that shows item categories. We want our site to be laid out in such a way as to draw the user towards what they are searching for.
As few clicks as possible to achieve a goal: Needing a large number of clicks to achieve a goal is a deterent. We have researched that three clicks is the golden number and we aim to develop the site in such a way as to allow the user to achieve any given goal in 3 clicks.