Absinthe 1.5 is going to be released soon after the conference.
- Graphql SDL support
GraphQL Basics:
GraphQL * Graph Query Language * What you ask for is what you get back
Most of the time, people compare it to a HTTP API (REST)
Posting JSON and getting JSON back
Query * Requests Information
Mutation * Modifies data, requests information in response
Subscription * Notifies when a specific thing happens * Websockets could be ideal
Behind the queries, there is the SCHEMA!!! The schema is the graph itself. * Nodes are the things in the schema * Edges are how somethign is related to something else
- Post -> User -> Post (How it is related)
- Edges are also the types for the things that you want for a field. (Datetime, etc)
You cant start just anywhere. 3 main operation types (you have to start at Query, mutation, subscription)
Resolvers sit on every field (the code to make things work)
Think Russian Nesting Dolls. You can drill down in at each layer for more and more
Introspection (LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS) *
Tracing * Allows us to see what is actually being used in the queries and thus we can deprecate things if needed. * We need to add APOLLO TRACING!!!!
https://github.com/bruce/pastex - App we will be working on slides.com/wbruce/production-ready-apis creatuser --superuser postgres will create a postgres user
They recommend scoping permissions through structurally By only having the single point (me/current_user) you can try and limit auth checks By limiting how things can be retrieved, it limits things automatically. For permissions, they recommend trying not to do any database calls for permissions at all if possible.
It is okay to return errors and data at the same time IdentityTypes.ex line 53
Middleware Looks AMAZING!!!!! Look into it for our auths. Can pattermatch on the middleware in the schema to scope it tighter. 3rd field, object, %{identifier: :user}
COMPLEXITY ANALYSIS!! In the router file for graphiql: analyze_complexity: true, max_complexity: 1_000
you can return a keyword list to graphql if you want, not just an {:error, ""} error = [ message: "unauthorized", code: 403 ]
create paste { "pasteInput": { "name": "I made this", "description": "In the middle of class even", "files" : [ {"name": "kaboom.ex", "body": "raise "kaboom""} ] } }
{ pastes(first:10) { results: edges { cursor paste: node { name author { name } } } pageInfo { hasNextPage startCursor endCursor } } }
{ health }
query IntrospectionQuery { __schema { queryType { name } mutationType { name } subscriptionType { name } types { ...FullType } directives { name description locations args { ...InputValue } } } }
fragment FullType on __Type { kind name description fields(includeDeprecated: true) { name description args { ...InputValue } type { ...TypeRef } isDeprecated deprecationReason } inputFields { ...InputValue } interfaces { ...TypeRef } enumValues(includeDeprecated: true) { name description isDeprecated deprecationReason } possibleTypes { ...TypeRef } }
fragment InputValue on __InputValue { name description type { ...TypeRef } defaultValue }
fragment TypeRef on __Type { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name } } } } } } } }
{ heaath }
{ explode health }
{ pastes { name files { name paste { name files { name paste { name } } } } } health }
{ pastes(first:89) { results: edges { cursor paste: node { name author { name } } } } }
subscription { pasteCreated { id name } }
mutation ($pasteInput:CreatePaste) { createPaste(input:$pasteInput) { id files { name } }
} { "pasteInput": { "name": "I made this", "description": "In the middle of class even", "files" : [ {"name": "kaboom.ex", "body": "raise "kaboom""} ] } }
mutation { createSession( email:"[email protected]", password:"abc123" ) { token } } Authorization Bearer SFMyNTY.g3QAAAACZAAEZGF0YWECZAAGc2lnbmVkbgYAtjqKqmUB.8jrsEMqPRoi9hE-U9N252aQ1y4h5dL8v04vcLbBHciY
{ me { name } }
Class 1 - Debugging IO.warn is cool, uses red and gives a stack trace Iex Pry has cool potential. It only stops the one single process, all other processes continue
Clas 2 - Flow Use a Step Module to determine and verify your pipeline THe Token approach is good for very well defined requirements Archetecting Flow blog series trivelop.de website
Class 3 - Growing Applications "If you cant use your app from IEX, then you need to restructure your apis"
We want things to go through apis so we can control what power is given people
Make sure that you are organzing your @docs! Public API == Contract with outside world Limit docs to public api Mox Library??? Hexagonal Architechure. Move validation to edges to stop bad data from having to travel though app
Class 4 - Sustainable Testing Using propery testing
Write whatever test that has the highest probability of finding a bug now or in the future. Concentrate more on the critical parts.
Class 5 Mix deps.compile --warnings-as-errors
Using Distillery to use releases to help find things as well
mix release / mix release --name bellevue
./bin bellevue remote_console
This guy is showing CircleCI
Class 6 - Erlang/OTP What is in the box? Erlang and Elixir are really just one in the same Modules are Atoms