Below is a list of developers who have contributed to torch2trt. This is also used to track contributors who have agreed to torch2trt's Contributor License Agreement.
- John Welsh (CLA)
- John Welsh
If you've made a notable contribution to torch2trt and wish to be listed as a contributor, simply do the following.
and add your name with a hyperlink to your GitHub account to the end of the contributors list.- [<Full name or GitHub account>](<GitHub account>)
Stage the changes in a standalone commit
git add
Make a signed commit with the following message text
git commit -m "Added <Full name or GitHub account> to"
In some instances, you may be requested to sign torch2trt's Contributor License Agreement (CLA). To do so,
If you're not already listed as a contributor in, make a commit as described above to add yourself to
Add the text
after your name
Stage the changes in a standalone commit
git add
Make a signed commit with the following text
git commit -S -m "I have read and agree to the Contributor License Agreement as written in the file of this project. Signed, <Full Name>"