Toast_SwiftUI has a built-in plain text toast, which can be used only by toast.showText
toast.showText("Toast at bottom")
You can also customize your own Toast style, no intrusion, no inheritance, completely native, just need to expand the method of the controller, [see CustomView for details]( /main/Example/Toast_SwiftUI/CustomView.swift)
extension ToastManager {
func showCustom(){
show {
Create a controller on the page that needs to pop up Toast
@EnvironmentObject private var toast: ToastManager
@StateObject var toast = ToastManager()
Add a controller to the page
Control the position where Toast pops up, and then call the show method
toast.position = .bottom
toast.showText("Toast at bottom")
public var duration: TimeInterval = 3
public var position: ToastPosition = .bottom
public var padding: CGFloat = 10
pod 'Toast_SwiftUI'
in Podfile -
pod install or pod update
import Toast_SwiftUI
Starting from Xcode 11, the Swift Package Manager is integrated, which is very convenient to use. Toast_SwiftUI also supports integration via Swift Package Manager.
Select File > Swift Packages > Add Pacakage Dependency
in Xcode's menu bar, and enter in the search bar
, you can complete the integration
Toast_SwiftUI also supports manual Install, just drag the Toast_SwiftUI folder in the Sources folder into the project that needs to be installed
jackiehu, [email protected]
Toast_SwiftUI is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.