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796 lines (751 loc) · 84.4 KB

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796 lines (751 loc) · 84.4 KB



  • \a space character
  • \\ backslash character
  • \n newline character

L Link I Image nt No title in link/image Ha Atx Heading Hs SetExt Heading

Nl newline S Previous element contains newline T Text Cs code span Rh raw html Em emphasis Ua url auto Ea email auto Bh backslash hard break Sh space hard break

  • Series A - Starts with inline

  • Series B - Contains inline

  • Series C - Ends with inline

  • Series D - Only inline

  • Series E - Newline in the middle of inline

  • Series H - Link/image with text/code span/raw html in label of various link types

  • Series J - Link/image with various combinations with other inline tokens

  • Series F - Link/image with newline (and whitespace) in various parts of link

  • Series G - Link/image with backslash and character entity in various parts of link

  • Series K - use of 
 instead of \n

  • Series L - link/image inside of link/image

  • Series M - lists with various leaf tokens following

  • Series N - block quotes with various leaf tokens following

Series A

t s x y z
Ab starts with a backslash escape \\\\this is a fun day test_paragraph_series_a_b
Abh starts with a backslash hard line break \\\n test_paragraph_series_a_bh
Ash starts with spaces hard line break \a\a\a\n--- test_paragraph_series_a_sh
Acs starts with a code span `this` is a fun day test_paragraph_series_a_cs
Acr starts with a character reference & the band played on test_paragraph_series_a_cr
Arh starts with a raw html <there it='is'>, really test_paragraph_series_a_rh
Aua starts with an URI autolink <> to look test_paragraph_series_a_ua
Aea starts with an email autolink <[email protected]> for info test_paragraph_series_a_ea
Ae starts with an emphasis *it's* me! test_paragraph_series_a_e
Al starts with a link [Foo](/uri "t") is a link test_paragraph_series_a_l
Ai starts with an image ![foo](/url "t") is an image test_paragraph_series_a_i

Series B

t s x y z
Bb contains a backslash a \\\\fun\\\\ day test_paragraph_series_b_b
Bcs contains a code span a ``fun`` day test_paragraph_series_b_cs
Bcr contains a character reference fun &amp; joy test_paragraph_series_b_cr
Brh contains a raw html where <there it='is'> it test_paragraph_series_b_rh
Bua contains an URI autolink look <> for test_paragraph_series_b_ua
Bea contains an email autolink email <[email protected]> for test_paragraph_series_b_ea
Be contains emphasis really! *it's me!* here! test_paragraph_series_b_e
Bl contains a link at [Foo](/uri "t") more test_paragraph_series_b_l
Bi contains an image my ![foo](/url "t") image test_paragraph_series_b_i

Series C

t s x y z
Cb ends with a backslash a fun day\\\\ test_paragraph_series_c_b
Cbh ends with a backslash hard line break this was \\\n test_paragraph_series_c_bh
Csh ends with spaces hard line break no line break?\a\a\a\n test_paragraph_series_c_sh
Ccs ends with a code span a fun ``day`` test_paragraph_series_c_cs
Ccr ends with a character reference played on &amp; test_paragraph_series_c_cr
Crh ends with a raw html really, <there it='is'> test_paragraph_series_c_rh
Cua ends with an URI autolink at <> test_paragraph_series_c_ua
Cea ends with an email autolink contact <[email protected]> test_paragraph_series_c_ea
Ce ends with an emphasis it's *me* test_paragraph_series_c_e
Cl ends with a link like [Foo](/uri "t") test_paragraph_series_c_l
Ci ends with an image an ![foo](/url "t") test_paragraph_series_c_i

Series D

t s x y z
Db only a backslash \\\\ test_paragraph_series_d_b
Dbh only backslash hard line break \\\n test_paragraph_series_d_bh
Dsh only spaces hard line break \a\a\a\a\n test_paragraph_series_d_sh
Dcs only code span ``day`` test_paragraph_series_d_cs
Dcr only character reference &amp; test_paragraph_series_d_cr
Drh only raw html (html block) <there it='is'> test_paragraph_series_d_rh
Dua only an URI autolink <> test_paragraph_series_d_ua
Dea only an email autolink <[email protected]> test_paragraph_series_d_ea
De only an emphasis *me* test_paragraph_series_d_e
Dlt only a link & title [Foo](/uri "title") test_paragraph_series_d_l_t
Dlnt only a link no title [Foo](/uri) test_paragraph_series_d_l_nt
Dit only an image & title ![foo](/url "title") test_paragraph_series_d_i_t
Dint only an image no title ![foo](/url) test_paragraph_series_d_i_nt

Series E

t s x y z
Ecs code span with newline a``code\nspan``a test_paragraph_series_e_cs
Erh raw html with newline a<raw\nhtml='cool'>a test_paragraph_series_e_rh
Eua URI autolink with newline a<http://www.\>a test_paragraph_series_e_ua
Eea email autolink with newline a<foo@bar\>a test_paragraph_series_e_ea
Eem emphasis with newline a*foo\nbar*a test_paragraph_series_e_em

Unverified F

t s x y z
F1 inline link with newline in link label a[Fo\no](/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_47
F1a inline link with newline in link label a[Fo\no](/uri "testing") test_paragraph_extra_47a
F1i inline image with newline in link label a![Fo\no](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61
F1i inline image with newline in link label a![Fo\no](/uri "title") test_paragraph_extra_61j
F2 inline link with newline in pre-url a[Foo](\n/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_48x
F2a F2 with whitespace before newline a[Foo](\a\a\n/uri "testing") test_paragraph_extra_48d
F2i inline image with newline in pre-url a![Foo](\n/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_62
F2ia inline image with newline in pre-url a![Foo](\n/uri "testing") test_paragraph_extra_62f
F2b F2 with whitespace after newline a[Foo](\n /uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_48b
F2ba F2 with whitespace after newline a[Foo](\n /uri "testing") test_paragraph_extra_48ba
F2bi F2i with whitespace after newline a![Foo](\n /uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_62b
F2bia F2i with whitespace after newline a![Foo](\n /uri "testing") test_paragraph_extra_62ba
F2c F2 with whitespace before & after newline a[Foo]( \n /uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_48c
F2ca F2 with whitespace before & after newline a[Foo]( \n /uri "testing") test_paragraph_extra_48ca
F2ci F2i with whitespace before & after newline a![Foo]( \n /uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_62c
F2cia F2i with whitespace before & after newline a![Foo]( \n /uri "testing") test_paragraph_extra_62ca
F3 inline link with newline in url (invalid) a[Foo](/ur\ni "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_49
F3a inline link with newline in url (invalid) a[Foo](/ur\ni "testing") test_paragraph_extra_49a
F3i inline image with newline in url (invalid) a![Foo](/ur\ni "title")a test_paragraph_extra_63
F3ia inline image with newline in url (invalid) a![Foo](/ur\ni "title") test_paragraph_extra_63e
F4 inline link with newline in post-url a[Foo](/uri\a\n"testing")a test_paragraph_extra_50x
F4a F4 with whitespace before newline a[Foo](/uri\a\a\n"testing") test_paragraph_extra_50d
F4i inline image with newline in post-url a![Foo](/uri\n"testing")a test_paragraph_extra_64x
F4ai F4i with whitespace before newline a![Foo](/uri\n"testing") test_paragraph_extra_64xa
F4b F4 with whitespace after newline a[Foo](/uri\n "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_50b
F4ba F4 with whitespace after newline a[Foo](/uri\n "testing") test_paragraph_extra_50ba
F4bi F4i with whitespace after newline a![Foo](/uri\n "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_64b
F4bia F4i with whitespace after newline a![Foo](/uri\n "testing") test_paragraph_extra_64ba
F4c F4 with whitespace before & after newline a[Foo](/uri\a\a\n "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_50c
F4ca F4 with whitespace before & after newline a[Foo](/uri\a\a\n "testing") test_paragraph_extra_50ca
F4ci F4i with whitespace before & after newline a![Foo](/uri\a\a\n "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_64c
F4cia F4i with whitespace before & after newline a![Foo](/uri\a\a\n "testing") test_paragraph_extra_64ca
F5x inline link with newline in title a[Foo](/uri "test\ning")a test_paragraph_extra_51
F5xa inline link with newline in title a[Foo](/uri "test\ning") test_paragraph_extra_51c
F5i inline image with newline in title a![Foo](/uri "test\ning")a test_paragraph_extra_66x
F5ia inline image with newline in title a![Foo](/uri "test\ning") test_paragraph_extra_66xa
F5a inline link with newline in title a[Foo](</uri> "test\ning")a test_paragraph_extra_51a
F5aa inline link with newline in title a[Foo](</uri> "test\ning") test_paragraph_extra_51aa
F5ai inline image with newline in title a![Foo](</uri> "test\ning")a test_paragraph_extra_66c
F5aia inline image with newline in title a![Foo](</uri> "test\ning") test_paragraph_extra_66ca
F5b inline link with newline in title a[Foo](</uri> "te\\\\st\ning")a test_paragraph_extra_51b
F5ba inline link with newline in title a[Foo](</uri> "te\\\\st\ning") test_paragraph_extra_51ba
F5bi inline image with newline in title a![Foo](</uri> "te\\\\st\ning")a test_paragraph_extra_66d
F5bia inline image with newline in title a![Foo](</uri> "te\\\\st\ning") test_paragraph_extra_66da
F6x inline link with newline in post-title a[Foo](/uri "testing"\n)a test_paragraph_extra_52x
F6xa inline link with newline in post-title a[Foo](/uri "testing"\n) test_paragraph_extra_52d
F6i inline image with newline in post-title a![Foo](/uri "testing"\n)a test_paragraph_extra_67x
F6ix inline image with newline in post-title a![Foo](/uri "testing"\n) test_paragraph_extra_67xa
F6a F6 with whitespace before newline a[Foo](/uri "testing"\a\a\n)a test_paragraph_extra_52a
F6aa F6 with whitespace before newline a[Foo](/uri "testing"\a\a\n) test_paragraph_extra_52aa
F6ai F6i with whitespace before newline a![Foo](/uri "testing"\a\a\n)a test_paragraph_extra_67a
F6aia F6i with whitespace before newline a![Foo](/uri "testing"\a\a\n) test_paragraph_extra_67aa
F6b F6 with whitespace after newline a[Foo](/uri "testing"\n )a test_paragraph_extra_52b
F6ba F6 with whitespace after newline a[Foo](/uri "testing"\n ) test_paragraph_extra_52ba
F6bi F6i with whitespace after newline a![Foo](/uri "testing"\n )a test_paragraph_extra_67b
F6bia F6i with whitespace after newline a![Foo](/uri "testing"\n ) test_paragraph_extra_67ba
F6c F6 with whitespace before & after newline a[Foo](/uri "testing"\a\a\n )a test_paragraph_extra_52c
F6ca F6 with whitespace before & after newline a[Foo](/uri "testing"\a\a\n ) test_paragraph_extra_52ca
F6ci F6i with whitespace before & after newline a![Foo](/uri "testing"\a\a\n )a test_paragraph_extra_67c
F6cia F6i with whitespace before & after newline a![Foo](/uri "testing"\a\a\n ) test_paragraph_extra_67ca
F7 inline link with newline in label no title a[Fo\no](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_60
F7a inline link with newline in label no title a[Fo\no](/uri) test_paragraph_extra_60b
F7i inline image with newline in label no title a![Fo\no](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_60a
F7ia inline image with newline in label no title a![Fo\no](/uri) test_paragraph_extra_60aa
F8 inline link with newline in post-url no title a[Foo](/uri\n)a test_paragraph_extra_65a
F8a inline link with newline in post-url no title a[Foo](/uri\n) test_paragraph_extra_65b
F8i inline image with newline in post-url no title a![Foo](/uri\n)a test_paragraph_extra_65x
F8ia inline image with newline in post-url no title a![Foo](/uri\n) test_paragraph_extra_65xa
F9i inline image with newline in preface (link) a!\n[Foo](/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_59
F9ia inline image with newline in preface (link) a!\n[Foo](/uri "testing") test_paragraph_extra_59a
F10 full link with newline in link label a[foo\nbar][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_53
F10a full link with newline in link label a[foo\nbar][bar] test_paragraph_extra_53d
F10i full image with newline in link label a![foo\nbar][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_53a
F10ia full image with newline in link label a![foo\nbar][bar] test_paragraph_extra_53aa
F11 full link with newline in link reference a[foo][ba\nr]a test_paragraph_extra_54
F11a full link with newline in link reference a[foo][ba\nr] test_paragraph_extra_54d
F11i full image with newline in link reference a![foo][ba\nr]a test_paragraph_extra_54a
F11ia full image with newline in link reference a![foo][ba\nr]a test_paragraph_extra_54aa
F12 full link with newline starting link reference a[foo][\nbar]a test_paragraph_extra_58
F12a full link with newline starting link reference a[foo][\nbar] test_paragraph_extra_58b
F12i full image with newline starting link reference a![foo][\nbar]a test_paragraph_extra_58a
F20 shortcut link with newline in link label a[ba\nr]a test_paragraph_extra_55
F20a shortcut link with newline in link label a[ba\nr] test_paragraph_extra_55d
F20i shortcut image with newline in link label a![ba\nr]a test_paragraph_extra_55a
F20ia shortcut image with newline in link label a![ba\nr]a test_paragraph_extra_55aa
F30 collapsed link with newline in link label a[ba\nr][]a test_paragraph_extra_56
F30a collapsed link with newline in link label a[ba\nr][] test_paragraph_extra_56d
F30i collapsed image with newline in link label a![ba\nr][]a test_paragraph_extra_56a
F30ia collapsed image with newline in link label a![ba\nr][] test_paragraph_extra_56aa
F31 collapsed link with newline starting link label a[\nbar][]a test_paragraph_extra_57
F31a collapsed link with newline starting link label a[\nbar][] test_paragraph_extra_57b
F31i collapsed image with newline starting link label a![\nbar][]a test_paragraph_extra_57a
F31ia collapsed image with newline starting link label a![\nbar][] test_paragraph_extra_57aa

|F40 |inline link with newlines around elements| abc\n[link](\n/uri\n"title"\n)\ndef | test_paragraph_extra_h9 | |F40a |inline link with newlines around elements| abc\n[link](\n/uri\n"title"\n) | test_paragraph_extra_h9b | |F40i|inline image with newline around elements| abc\n![link](\n/uri\n"title"\n)\ndef | test_paragraph_extra_h9a | |F40ia|inline image with newline around elements| abc\n![link](\n/uri\n"title"\n)\ndef | test_paragraph_extra_h9aa |

|F41 |inline link with newlines and ws around elements| abc\n[link]( \n /uri \n "title" \n )\ndef | test_paragraph_extra_j0 | |F41i|inline image with newline and ws around elements| abc\n![link]( \n /uri \n "title" \n )\ndef | test_paragraph_extra_j0a | |F41a |inline link with newlines and ws around elements| abc\n[link]( \n /uri \n "title" \n ) \ndef | test_paragraph_extra_j0b | |F41ai|inline image with newline and ws around elements| abc\n![link]( \n /uri \n "title" \n ) \ndef | test_paragraph_extra_j0c | |F41b |inline link with newlines and ws around elements| abc\n[link]( \n /uri \n "title" \n ) | test_paragraph_extra_j0d |

Unverified G

t s x y z
G1 inline link baseline a[Foo](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_extra_68a
G1i inline image baseline a![Foo](/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_73a
G2 inline link with replacement in link label a[Fo&beta;o](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_extra_68x
G2i inline image with replacement in link label a![Fo&beta;o](/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_73
G2a G2 with newline before replacement a[Fo\n&beta;o](/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_68b
G2ai G2i with newline before replacement a![Fo\n&beta;o](/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_73b
G3 inline link with backslash in link label a[Fo\\]o](/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_69
G3i inline image with backslash in link label a![Fo\\]o](/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_74
G3a G3 with newline before backslash a[Fo\n\\]o](/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_69a
G3ai G3i with newline before backslash a![Fo\n\\]o](/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_74a
G4 inline link containing uri with space a[Foo](</my uri> "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_70
G4i inline image containing uri with space a![Foo](</my uri> "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_75
G4a G4 with newline before space a[Foo](</my\n uri> "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_70a
G4ai G4i with newline before space a![Foo](</my\n uri> "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_75a
G5 inline link with replacement in title a[Foo](/uri "test&beta;ing")a test_paragraph_extra_71x
G5i inline image with replacement in title a![Foo](/uri "test&beta;ing")a test_paragraph_extra_76
G5a G5 with newline before replacement a[Foo](/uri "test\n&beta;ing")a test_paragraph_extra_71a
G5ai G5i with newline before replacement a![Foo](/uri "test\n&beta;ing")a test_paragraph_extra_76a
G6 inline link with backslash in title a[Foo](/uri "test\\#ing")a test_paragraph_extra_72
G6i inline image with backslash in title a![Foo](/uri "test\\#ing")a test_paragraph_extra_77
G6a G6 with newline before backslash a[Foo](/uri "test\n\\#ing")a test_paragraph_extra_72a
G6ai G6i with newline before backslash a![Foo](/uri "test\n\\#ing")a test_paragraph_extra_77a
G13 full link with backslash in label a[foo\\#bar][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_78
G13i full image with backslash in label a![foo\\#bar][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_90
G13a G13 with newline before backslash a[foo\n\\#bar][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_78a
G13ai G13i with newline before backslash a![foo\n\\#bar][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_90a
G14 full link with replacement in label a[foo&beta;bar][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_79
G14i full image with replacement in label a![foo&beta;bar][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_91x
G14a G14 with newline before replacement a[foo\n&beta;bar][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_79a
G14ai G14i with newline before replacement a![foo\n&beta;bar][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_91a
G15 full link with replacement in reference a[foo][ba&beta;r]a test_paragraph_extra_80
G15i full image with replacement in reference a![foo][ba&beta;r]a test_paragraph_extra_92
G15a G15 with newline before replacement a[foo][ba\n&beta;r]a test_paragraph_extra_80a
G15ai G15i with newline before replacement a![foo][ba\n&beta;r]a test_paragraph_extra_92a
G16 full link with backslash in reference a[foo][ba\\]r]a test_paragraph_extra_81
G16i full image with backslash in reference a![foo][ba\\]r]a test_paragraph_extra_93x
G16a G16 with newline before replacement a[foo][ba\n\\]r]a test_paragraph_extra_81a
G16ai G16i with newline before replacement a![foo][ba\n\\]r]a test_paragraph_extra_93a
G17 shortcut link with replacement in label a[ba&beta;r]a test_paragraph_extra_82
G17i shortcut image with replacement in label a![ba&beta;r]a test_paragraph_extra_94x
G17a G17 with newline before replacement a[ba\n&beta;r]a test_paragraph_extra_82a
G17ai G17i with newline before replacement a![ba\n&beta;r]a test_paragraph_extra_94a
G18 shortcut link with backslash in label a[ba\\]r]a test_paragraph_extra_83
G18i shortcut link with backslash in label a![ba\\]r]a test_paragraph_extra_95x
G18a G18 with newline before replacement a[ba\n\\]r]a test_paragraph_extra_83a
G18ai G18i with newline before replacement a![ba\n\\]r]a test_paragraph_extra_95a
G19 collapsed link with replacement in label a[ba&beta;r][]a test_paragraph_extra_84
G19i collapsed link with replacement in label a![ba&beta;r][]a test_paragraph_extra_96
G19a G19 with newline before replacement a[ba\n&beta;r][]a test_paragraph_extra_84a
G19ai G19 with newline before replacement a![ba\n&beta;r][]a test_paragraph_extra_96a
G20 collapsed link with backslash in label a[ba\\]r][]a test_paragraph_extra_85
G20i collapsed link with backslash in label a![ba\\]r][]a test_paragraph_extra_97
G20a G20 with newline before replacement a[ba\n\\]r][]a test_paragraph_extra_85a
G20ai G20 with newline before replacement a![ba\n\\]r][]a test_paragraph_extra_97a

Series H

t s x y z
HILT inline link label split text token a[li\nnk](/uri "title" )a test_paragraph_series_h_i_l_t
HIIT inline image label split text token a![li\nnk](/uri "title" )a test_paragraph_series_h_i_i_t
HILC inline link label split span token a[li`de\nfg`nk](/uri "title" )a test_paragraph_series_h_i_l_cs
HIIC inline image label split span token a![li`de\nfg`nk](/uri "title" )a test_paragraph_series_h_i_i_cs
HILR inline link label split html token a[li<de\nfg>nk](/uri "title" )a test_paragraph_series_h_i_l_rh
HIIR inline image label split html token a![li<de\nfg>nk](/uri "title" )a test_paragraph_series_h_i_i_rh
HFLT full link label split text token a[li\nnk][bar]a test_paragraph_series_h_f_l_t
HFIT full image label split text token a![li\nnk][bar]a test_paragraph_series_h_f_i_t
HFLC full link label split span token a[li`de\nfg`nk][bar]a test_paragraph_series_h_f_l_cs
HFIC full image label split span token a![li`de\nfg`nk][bar]a test_paragraph_series_h_f_i_cs
HFLR full link label split html token a[li<de\nfg>nk][bar]a test_paragraph_series_h_f_l_rh
HFIR full image label split html token a![li<de\nfg>nk][bar]a test_paragraph_series_h_f_i_rh
HCLT collapsed link label split text token a[li\nnk][]a test_paragraph_series_h_c_l_t
HCIT collapsed image label split text token a![li\nnk][]a test_paragraph_series_h_c_i_t
HCLC collapsed link label split span token a[li`de\nfg`nk][]a test_paragraph_series_h_c_l_cs
HCIC collapsed image label split span token a![li`de\nfg`nk][]a test_paragraph_series_h_c_i_cs
HCLR collapsed link label split html token a[li<de\nfg>nk][bar]a test_paragraph_series_h_c_l_rh
HCIR collapsed image label split html token a![li<de\nfg>nk][]a test_paragraph_series_h_c_i_rh
HSLT shortcut link label split text token a[li\nnk]a test_paragraph_series_h_s_l_t
HSIT shortcut image label split text token a![li\nnk]a test_paragraph_series_h_s_i_t
HSLC shortcut link label split span token a[li`de\nfg`nk]a test_paragraph_series_h_s_l_cs
HSIC shortcut image label split span token a![li`de\nfg`nk]a test_paragraph_series_h_s_i_cs
HSLR shortcut link label split html token a[li<de\nfg>nk]a test_paragraph_series_h_s_l_rh
HSIR shortcut image label split html token a![li<de\nfg>nk]a test_paragraph_series_h_s_i_rh

Series J

t s x y z
JLTT inline link text in label a[foo](</my url> "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_l_t_t
JITT inline image text in label a![foo](</my url>"title")a test_paragraph_series_j_i_t_t
JLntTT inline link without title text in label a[foo](</my url>)a test_paragraph_series_j_l_nt_t_t
JIntTT inline image without title text in label a![foo](</my url>)a test_paragraph_series_j_i_nt_t_t
JLCsT inline link with code span in label a[a`li nk`a](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_l_cs_t
JICsT inline image with code span in label a![a`li nk`a](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_i_cs_t
JLRhT inline link with raw html in label a[a<li nk>a](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_l_rh_t
JIRhT inline image with raw html in label a![a<li nk>a](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_i_rh_t
JLEmT inline link with emphasis in label a[*link*](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_l_em_t
JIEmT inline image with emphasis in label a![*link*](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_i_em_t
JLUaT inline link with URI autolink in label a[a<>a](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_l_ua_t
JIUaT inline image with URI autolink in label a![a<>a](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_i_ua_t
JLEaT inline link with email autolink in label a[a<[email protected]>a](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_l_ea_t
JIEaT inline image with email autolink in label a![a<[email protected]>a](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_i_ea_t
JLTST inline link text split label a[fo\no](</my url> "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_l_t_s_t
JITST inline image text split label a![fo\no](</my url> "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_i_t_s_t
JLntTST inline link without title text split label a[fo\no](</my url>)a test_paragraph_series_j_l_nt_t_s_t
JIntTST inline image without title text split label a![fo\no](</my url>)a test_paragraph_series_j_i_nt_t_s_t
JLBhST inline link with hard break (split) in label a[foo\\\ncom](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_l_bh_s_t
JIBhST inline image with hard break (split) in label a![foo\\\ncom](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_i_bh_s_t
JLShST inline link with hard break (split) in label a[foo \ncom](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_l_sh_t
JIShST inline image with hard break (split) in label a![foo \ncom](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_i_sh_t
JLRhST inline link with split raw html in label a[li<de\nfg>nk](/url)a test_paragraph_series_j_l_rh_s_t
JIRhST inline image with split raw html in label a![li<de\nfg>nk](/url)a test_paragraph_series_j_i_rh_s_t
JLEmST inline link with split emphasis in label a[a*li\nnk*a](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_l_em_s_t
JIEmST inline image with split emphasis in label a![a*li\nnk*a](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_i_em_s_t
JLCsST inline link with split code span in label a[a`li\nnk`a](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_l_cs_s_t
JICsST inline image with split code span in label a![a`li\nnk`a](/uri "title")a test_paragraph_series_j_i_cs_s_t
JLTTS inline link text in label a[foo](</my url> "title")a\nb test_paragraph_series_j_l_t_t_s
JITTS inline image text in label a![foo](</my url>"title")a\nb test_paragraph_series_j_i_t_t_s
JLTCs inline link label split before span split a[link](/url "title")`ab` test_paragraph_series_j_l_t_cs
JITCs inline link label before span split a![link](/url "title")`ab` test_paragraph_series_j_i_t_cs
JLTCsS inline link label split before span split a[link](/url "title")`a\nb` test_paragraph_series_j_l_t_cs_s
JITCsS inline link label before span split a![link](/url "title")`a\nb` test_paragraph_series_j_i_t_cs_s
JLTRh inline link label split before html a[link](/url "title")<a\nb> test_paragraph_series_j_l_t_rh
JITRh inline image label split before html a![link](/url "title")<a\nb> test_paragraph_series_j_i_t_rh
JLTRhS inline link label split before html split a[link](/url "title")<a\nb> test_paragraph_series_j_l_t_rh_s
JITRhS inline image label split before html split a![link](/url "title")<a\nb> test_paragraph_series_j_i_t_rh_s
JLTEm inline link label split before emphasis a[link](/url "title")*a b* test_paragraph_series_j_l_t_em
JITEm inline image label split before emphasis a![link](/url "title")*a b* test_paragraph_series_j_i_t_em
JLTEmS inline link label split before emphasis split a[link](/url "title")*a\nb* test_paragraph_series_j_l_t_em_s
JITEmS inline image label split before emphasis split a![link](/url "title")*a\nb* test_paragraph_series_j_i_t_em_s
JLTUa inline link label split before uri autolink a[link](/url "title")<>a test_paragraph_series_j_l_t_ua
JITUa inline image label split before uri autolink a![link](/url "title")<>a test_paragraph_series_j_i_t_ua
JLTEa inline link label split before email autolink a[link](/url "title")<[email protected]>a test_paragraph_series_j_l_t_ea
JITEa inline image label split before email autolink a![link](/url "title")<[email protected]>a test_paragraph_series_j_i_t_ea
JLTBh inline link label split before backslash hardbreak a[link](/url "title")\\\na test_paragraph_series_j_l_t_bh
JITBh inline image label split before backslash hardbreak a![link](/url "title")\\\na test_paragraph_series_j_i_t_bh
JLTSh inline link label split before spaces hardbreak a[link](/url "title") \na test_paragraph_series_j_l_t_sh
JITSh inline image label split before spaces hardbreak a![link](/url "title") \na test_paragraph_series_j_i_t_sh
JEmLTT inline link surrounded by emphasis a*[link](/uri "title")*a test_paragraph_series_j_em_l_t_t
JEmITT inline image surrounded by emphasis a*![link](/uri "title")*a test_paragraph_series_j_em_i_t_t

Unverified K

t s x y z
K1 inline link with CE newline in label a[fo&#xa;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61a
K1i inline image with CE newline in label a![fo&#xa;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61b
K1a inline link with large-X CE newline in label a[fo&#Xa;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61c
K1ai inline image with large-X CE newline in label a![fo&#Xa;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61ca
K1b inline link with large-A CE newline in label a[fo&#xA;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61h
K1bi inline image with large-A CE newline in label a![fo&#xA;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61ha
K1c inline link with leading hex zeroes CE newline in label a[fo&#x00000a;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61d
K1ci inline image with leading hex zeroes CE newline in label a![fo&#x00000a;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61da
K1d inline link with decimal CE newline in label a[fo&#10;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61e
K1di inline image with decimal CE newline in label a![fo&#10;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61ea
K1e inline link with leading decimal zeroes CE newline in label a[fo&#0000010;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61f
K1ei inline image with leading decimal zeroes CE newline in label a![fo&#0000010;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61fa
K1f inline link with named CE newline in label a[fo&NewLine;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61g
K1fa inline image with named CE newline in label a![fo&NewLine;o](/url "title")a test_paragraph_extra_61ga
K2 inline link with CE newline instead of pre-url ws a[Foo](&#xa;/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_62d
K2i inline image with CE newline instead of pre-url ws a![Foo](&#xa;/uri "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_62e
K3 inline link with CE newline in url a[Foo](/ur&#xa;i "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_63a
K3i inline image with CE newline in url a![Foo](/ur&#xa;i "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_63b
K3a inline link with CE newline in bounded url a[Foo](</ur&#xa;i> "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_63c
K3ai inline image with CE newline in bounded url a![Foo](</ur&#xa;i> "testing")a test_paragraph_extra_63d
K4 inline link with CE newline instead of post-url ws a[Foo](/uri&#xa;"testing")a test_paragraph_extra_64d
K4i inline image with CE newline instead of post-url ws a![Foo](/uri&#xa;"testing")a test_paragraph_extra_64e
K5 inline link with CE newline in title a[Foo](/uri "test&#xa;ing")a test_paragraph_extra_66a
K5i inline image with CE newline in title a![Foo](/uri "test&#xa;ing")a test_paragraph_extra_66b
K6 inline link with CE newline instead of post-title ws a[Foo](/uri "testing"&#xa;)a test_paragraph_extra_67d
K6i inline image with CE newline instead of post-title ws a![Foo](/uri "testing"&#xa;)a test_paragraph_extra_67e
K7 full link with CE newline in label a[foo&#xa;bar][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_53b
K7i full image with CE newline in label a![foo&#xa;bar][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_53c
K8 full link with CE newline in reference a[foo][ba&#xa;r]a test_paragraph_extra_54b
K8i full image with CE newline in reference a![foo][ba&#xa;r]a test_paragraph_extra_54c
K9 shortcut link with CE newline in label a[ba&#xa;r]a test_paragraph_extra_55b
K9i shortcut image with CE newline in label a![ba&#xa;r]a test_paragraph_extra_55c
K10 collapsed link with CE newline in label a[ba&#xa;r][]a test_paragraph_extra_56b
K10i collapsed image with CE newline in label a![ba&#xa;r][]a test_paragraph_extra_56c
K11 emphasis with newline a*foo&#xa;bar*a test_paragraph_extra_46c
K12 code span with newline a``code&#xa;span``a test_paragraph_extra_43a
K12a code span with char entity newline a`code &#xa; span`a test_paragraph_extra_43b
K13 raw html with newline a<raw&#xa;html='cool'>a test_paragraph_extra_44a
K13a raw html with char entity newline 1 a<raw &#xa; html='cool'>a test_paragraph_extra_44b
K13b raw html with char entity newline 2 a<raw html='cool &#xa; man'>a test_paragraph_extra_44c
K14 URI autolink with newline a<http://www.&#xa;>a test_paragraph_extra_45a
K15 email autolink with newline a<foo@bar&#xa;.com>a test_paragraph_extra_46a

Unverified L

t s x y z
L1 inline link within inline link a[foo [bar](/uri)](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e3
L1i inline image within inline link a[foo ![bar](/uri)](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e3a
L1ii inline image within inline image a![foo ![bar](/uri)](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e3b
L1li inline link within inline image a![foo [bar](/uri)](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e3b
L2 Full link w/ matching label inside of inline link a[foo [bar][barx]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e4
L2i Full image w/ matching label inside of inline link a[foo ![bar][barx]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e4a
L2ii Full image w/ matching label inside of inline image a![foo ![bar][barx]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e4b
L2li Full link w/ matching label inside of inline image a![foo [bar][barx]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e4c
L2a Full link w/ matching reference inside of inline link a[foo [barx][bar]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e5
L2ai Full image w/ matching reference inside of inline link a[foo ![barx][bar]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e5a
L2aii Full image w/ matching reference inside of inline image a![foo ![barx][bar]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e5b
L2ali Full link w/ matching reference inside of inline image a![foo [barx][bar]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e5c
L3 Collapsed link w/ matching reference inside of inline link a[foo [bar][]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e6
L3i Collapsed image w/ matching reference inside of inline link a[foo ![bar][]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e6a
L3ii Collapsed image w/ matching reference inside of inline image a![foo ![bar][]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e6b
L3li Collapsed link w/ matching reference inside of inline image a![foo [bar][]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e6c
L3a Collapsed link w/o matching reference inside of inline link a[foo [barx][]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e7
L3ai Collapsed image w/o matching reference inside of inline link a[foo ![barx][]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e7a
L3aii Collapsed image w/o matching reference inside of inline image a![foo ![barx][]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e7b
L3ali Collapsed link w/o matching reference inside of inline image a![foo [barx][]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e7c
L4 Shortcut link w/ matching reference inside of inline link a[foo [bar]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e8
L4i Shortcut image w/ matching reference inside of inline link a[foo ![bar]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e8a
L4ii Shortcut image w/ matching reference inside of inline image a![foo ![bar]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e8b
L4li Shortcut link w/ matching reference inside of inline image a![foo [bar]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e8c
L4a Shortcut link w/o matching reference inside of inline link a[foo [barx]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e9
L4ai Shortcut image w/o matching reference inside of inline link a[foo ![barx]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e9a
L4aii Shortcut image w/o matching reference inside of inline image a![foo ![barx]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e9b
L4ali Shortcut link w/o matching reference inside of inline image a![foo [barx]](/uri)a test_paragraph_extra_e9c
L5 Inline link inside of full link a[foo [bar2](/url2)][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f0
L5i Inline image inside of full link a[foo ![bar2](/url2)][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f0a
L5ii Inline image inside of full image a![foo ![bar2](/url2)][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f0b
L5li Inline link inside of full image a![foo [bar2](/url2)][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f0c
L6 Full link w/ matching reference inside of full link a[foo [bar2][bar]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f1
L6i Full image w/ matching reference inside of full link a[foo ![bar2][bar]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f1a
L6ii Full image w/ matching reference inside of full image a![foo ![bar2][bar]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f1b
L6li Full link w/ matching reference inside of full image a![foo [bar2][bar]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f1c
L6a Full link w/o matching reference inside of full link a[foo [bar][bar2]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f2
L6ai Full image w/o matching reference inside of full link a[foo ![bar][bar2]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f2a
L6aii Full image w/o matching reference inside of full image a![foo ![bar][bar2]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f2b
L6ali Full link w/o matching reference inside of full image a![foo [bar][bar2]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f2c
L7 Collapsed link w/ matching reference inside of full link a[foo [bar2][]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f3
L7i Collapsed image w/ matching reference inside of full link a[foo ![bar2][]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f3a
L7ii Collapsed image w/ matching reference inside of full image a![foo ![bar2][]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f3b
L7li Collapsed link w/ matching reference inside of full image a![foo [bar2][]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f3c
L7a Collapsed link w/o matching reference inside of full link a[foo [bar][]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f4
L7ai Collapsed image w/o matching reference inside of full link a[foo ![bar][]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f4a
L7aii Collapsed image w/o matching reference inside of full image a![foo ![bar][]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f4b
L7ali Collapsed link w/o matching reference inside of full image a![foo [bar][]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f4c
L8 Shortcut link w/ matching reference inside of full link a[foo [bar]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f6
L8i Shortcut image w/ matching reference inside of full link a[foo ![bar]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f6a
L8ii Shortcut image w/ matching reference inside of full image a![foo ![bar]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f6b
L8li Shortcut link w/ matching reference inside of full image a![foo [bar]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f6c
L8a Shortcut link w/o matching reference inside of full link a[foo [bar2]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f5
L8ai Shortcut image w/o matching reference inside of full link a[foo ![bar2]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f5a
L8aii Shortcut image w/o matching reference inside of full image a![foo ![bar2]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f5b
L8ali Shortcut link w/o matching reference inside of full image a![foo [bar2]][bar]a test_paragraph_extra_f5c
L9 Inline link w/o matching label inside of collapsed link a[foo [bar2](/url2)][]a test_paragraph_extra_f7
L9i Inline image w/o matching label inside of collapsed link a[foo ![bar2](/url2)][]a test_paragraph_extra_f7a
L9ii Inline image w/o matching label inside of collapsed image a![foo ![bar2](/url2)][]a test_paragraph_extra_f7b
L9li Inline link w/o matching label inside of collapsed image a![foo [bar2](/url2)][]a test_paragraph_extra_f7c
L9a Inline link w/ matching label inside of collapsed link a[foo [bar](/url2)][]a test_paragraph_extra_f8
L9ai Inline image w/ matching label inside of collapsed link a[foo ![bar](/url2)][]a test_paragraph_extra_f8a
L9aii Inline image w/ matching label inside of collapsed image a![foo ![bar](/url2)][]a test_paragraph_extra_f8b
L9ali Inline link w/ matching label inside of collapsed image a![foo [bar](/url2)][]a test_paragraph_extra_f8c
L10 Full link w/ matching reference inside of collapsed link a[foo [bar2][bar]][]a test_paragraph_extra_f9
L10i Full image w/ matching reference inside of collapsed link a[foo ![bar2][bar]][]a test_paragraph_extra_f9a
L10ii Full image w/ matching reference inside of collapsed image a![foo ![bar2][bar]][]a test_paragraph_extra_f9b
L10li Full link w/ matching reference inside of collapsed image a![foo [bar2][bar]][]a test_paragraph_extra_f9c
L10a Full link w/o matching reference inside of collapsed link a[foo [bar2][bar3]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g0
L10ai Full image w/o matching reference inside of collapsed link a[foo ![bar2][bar3]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g0a
L10aii Full image w/o matching reference inside of collapsed image a![foo ![bar2][bar3]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g0b
L10ali Full link w/o matching reference inside of collapsed image a![foo [bar2][bar3]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g0c
L11 Collapsed link w/ matching reference inside of collapsed link a[foo [bar][]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g2
L11i Collapsed image w/ matching reference inside of collapsed link a[foo ![bar][]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g2a
L11ii Collapsed image w/ matching reference inside of collapsed image a![foo ![bar][]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g2b
L11li Collapsed link w/ matching reference inside of collapsed image a![foo [bar][]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g2c
L11a Collapsed link w/o matching reference inside of collapsed link a[foo [bar2][]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g1
L11ai Collapsed image w/o matching reference inside of collapsed link a[foo ![bar2][]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g1a
L11aii Collapsed image w/o matching reference inside of collapsed image a![foo ![bar2][]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g1b
L11ali Collapsed link w/o matching reference inside of collapsed image a![foo [bar2][]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g1c
L12 Shortcut link w/ matching reference inside of collapsed link a[foo [bar]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g4
L12i Shortcut image w/ matching reference inside of collapsed link a[foo ![bar]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g4a
L12ii Shortcut image w/ matching reference inside of collapsed image a![foo ![bar]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g4b
L12li Shortcut link w/ matching reference inside of collapsed image a![foo [bar]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g4c
L12a Shortcut link w/o matching reference inside of collapsed link a[foo [bar2]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g3
L12ai Shortcut image w/o matching reference inside of collapsed link a[foo ![bar2]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g3a
L12aii Shortcut image w/o matching reference inside of collapsed image a![foo ![bar2]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g3b
L12ali Shortcut link w/o matching reference inside of collapsed image a![foo [bar2]][]a test_paragraph_extra_g3c
L13 Inline link w/o matching label inside of shortcut link a[foo [bar2](/url2)]a test_paragraph_extra_g5
L13i Inline image w/o matching label inside of shortcut link a[foo ![bar2](/url2)]a test_paragraph_extra_g5a
L13ii Inline image w/o matching label inside of shortcut link a![foo ![bar2](/url2)]a test_paragraph_extra_g5b
L13li Inline image w/o matching label inside of shortcut link a![foo [bar2](/url2)]a test_paragraph_extra_g5c
L13a Inline link w/ matching label inside of shortcut link a[foo [bar](/url2)]a test_paragraph_extra_g6
L13ai Inline image w/ matching label inside of shortcut link a[foo ![bar](/url2)]a test_paragraph_extra_g6a
L13aii Inline image w/ matching label inside of shortcut image a![foo ![bar](/url2)]a test_paragraph_extra_g6b
L13ali Inline link w/ matching label inside of shortcut image a![foo [bar](/url2)]a test_paragraph_extra_g6c
L14 Full link w/ matching reference inside of shortcut link a[foo [bar2][bar]]a test_paragraph_extra_g7
L14i Full image w/ matching reference inside of shortcut link a[foo ![bar2][bar]]a test_paragraph_extra_g7a
L14ii Full image w/ matching reference inside of shortcut image a[foo ![bar2][bar]]a test_paragraph_extra_g7b
L14li Full link w/ matching reference inside of shortcut image a![foo [bar2][bar]]a test_paragraph_extra_g7c
L14a Full link w/o matching reference inside of shortcut link a[foo [bar][bar]]a test_paragraph_extra_g8
L14ai Full image w/o matching reference inside of shortcut link a[foo ![bar][bar]]a test_paragraph_extra_g8a
L14aii Full image w/o matching reference inside of shortcut image a![foo ![bar][bar]]a test_paragraph_extra_g8b
L14ali Full link w/o matching reference inside of shortcut image a![foo [bar][bar]]a test_paragraph_extra_g8c
L15 Collapsed link w/ matching reference inside of shortcut link a[foo [bar][]]a test_paragraph_extra_h0
L15i Collapsed image w/ matching reference inside of shortcut link a[foo ![bar][]]a test_paragraph_extra_h0a
L15ii Collapsed image w/ matching reference inside of shortcut image a![foo ![bar][]]a test_paragraph_extra_h0b
L15li Collapsed image w/ matching reference inside of shortcut image a![foo [bar][]]a test_paragraph_extra_h0c
L15a Collapsed link w/o matching reference inside of shortcut link a[foo [bar2][]]a test_paragraph_extra_g9
L15ai Collapsed image w/o matching reference inside of shortcut link a[foo ![bar2][]]a test_paragraph_extra_g9a
L15aii Collapsed image w/o matching reference inside of shortcut image a![foo ![bar2][]]a test_paragraph_extra_g9b
L15ali Collapsed link w/o matching reference inside of shortcut image a![foo [bar2][]]a test_paragraph_extra_g9c
L16 Shortcut link w/ matching reference inside of shortcut link a[foo [bar]]a test_paragraph_extra_h2
L16i Shortcut image w/ matching reference inside of shortcut link a[foo ![bar]]a test_paragraph_extra_h2a
L16ii Shortcut image w/ matching reference inside of shortcut image a![foo ![bar]]a test_paragraph_extra_h2b
L16li Shortcut link w/ matching reference inside of shortcut image a![foo [bar]]a test_paragraph_extra_h2c
L16a Shortcut link w/o matching reference inside of shortcut link a[foo [bar2]]a test_paragraph_extra_h1
L16ai Shortcut image w/o matching reference inside of shortcut link a[foo ![bar2]]a test_paragraph_extra_h1a
L16aii Shortcut image w/o matching reference inside of shortcut image a![foo ![bar2]]a test_paragraph_extra_h1b
L16ali Shortcut link w/o matching reference inside of shortcut image a![foo [bar2]]a test_paragraph_extra_h1c

Series M

t s x y z
MOlNlTb Ordered list newline thematic break 1.\n---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_nl_tb
MOlNlI2Tb Ordered list new line indent of 2 thematic break 1.\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_nl_i2_tb
MOlNlI3Tb Ordered list new line indent of 3 thematic break 1.\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_nl_i3_tb
MOlTNlTb Ordered list text new line thematic break 1. abc\n---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_t_nl_tb
MOlTNlI2Tb Ordered list text newline indent of 2 thematic break 1. abc\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_t_nl_i2_tb
MOlTNlI3Tb Ordered list text newline indent of 3 thematic break 1. abc\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_t_nl_i3_tb
MOlOLNlTb Ordered list x2 text new line thematic break 1. 1.\n---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_ol_nl_tb
MOlOLTNlTb Ordered list x2 text new line thematic break 1. 1. abc\n---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_ol_t_nl_tb
MOlNlOLNlTb Ordered list newline ordered list new line thematic break 1.\n 1.\n---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_nl_ol_nl_tb
MOlNlOLTNlTb Ordered list newline ordered list text new line thematic break 1.\n 1. abc\n---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_nl_ol_t_nl_tb
MOlTNlOLNlTb Ordered list text newline ordered list new line thematic break 1. abc\n 1.\n---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_t_nl_ol_nl_tb
MUlTNlUlNlTb Unordered list text newline unordered list new line thematic break - abc\n -\n--- test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ul_t_nl_ul_nl_tb
MUlTNlUlbNlTb Unordered list text newline unordered list (b) new line thematic break - abc\n def\n *\n---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ul_t_nl_ulb_nl_tb
MOlTNlOLTNlTb Ordered list text newline ordered list text new line thematic break 1. abc\n 1. abc\n---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_t_nl_ol_t_nl_tb
MOlNlOLNlI2Tb Ordered list newline ordered list new line indent of 2 thematic break 1.\n 1.\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_nl_ol_nl_i2_tb
MOlNlOLTNlI2Tb Ordered list newline ordered list text new line indent of 2 thematic break 1.\n 1. abc\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_nl_ol_t_nl_i2_tb
MOlNlOLNlI2Tb Ordered list text newline ordered list new line indent of 2 thematic break 1. abc\n 1.\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_t_nl_ol_nl_i2_tb
MUlNlULNlI1Tb Unordered list text newline unordered list new line indent of 1 thematic break - abc\n -\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ul_t_nl_ul_nl_i1_tb
MUlNlULbNlI1Tb Unordered list text newline unordered list (b) new line indent of 1 thematic break - abc\n *\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ul_t_nl_ulb_nl_i1_tb
MOlNlOLTNlI2Tb Ordered list text newline ordered list text new line indent of 2 thematic break 1. abc\n 1. abc\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_t_nl_ol_t_nl_i2_tb
MOlNlOLNlI3Tb Ordered list newline ordered list new line indent of 3 thematic break 1.\n 1.\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_nl_ol_nl_i3_tb
MOlNlOLTNlI3Tb Ordered list newline ordered list text new line indent of 3 thematic break 1.\n 1. abc\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_nl_ol_t_nl_i3_tb
MOlTNlOLNlI3Tb Ordered list text newline ordered list new line indent of 3 thematic break 1. abc\n 1.\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_t_nl_ol_nl_i3_tb
MUlTNlULNlI2Tb Unordered list text newline unordered list new line indent of 2 thematic break - abc\n -\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ul_t_nl_ul_nl_i2_tb
MUlTNlULbNlI2Tb Unordered list text newline unordered list (b) new line indent of 2 thematic break - abc\n *\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ul_t_nl_ulb_nl_i2_tb
MOlTNlOLTNlI3Tb Ordered list text newline ordered list text new line indent of 3 thematic break 1. abc\n 1. abc\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_tb_ol_t_nl_ol_t_nl_i3_tb
t s x y z
MOlNlHaT Ordered list newline atx heading text 1.\n# foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_nl_ha_t
MOlNlI2HaT Ordered list newline indent of 2 atx heading text 1.\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_nl_i2_ha_t
MOlNlI3HaT Ordered list newline indent of 3 atx heading text 1.\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_nl_i3_ha_t
MOlTNlHaT Ordered list text newline atx heading text 1. abc\n# foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_t_nl_ha_t
MOlTNlI2HaT Ordered list text newline indent of 2 atx heading text 1. abc\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_t_nl_i2_ha_t
MOlTNlI3HaT Ordered list text newline indent of 3 atx heading text 1. abc\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_t_nl_i3_ha_t
MOlOLNlHaT Ordered list x2 newline atx heading text 1. 1.\n# foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_ol_nl_ha_t
MOlOLTNlHaT Ordered list x2 text newline atx heading text 1. 1. abc\n# foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_ol_t_nl_ha_t
MOlNlOLNlHaT Ordered list newline ordered list new line atx heading text 1.\n 1.\n# foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_nl_ol_nl_ha_t
MOlNlOLTNlHaT Ordered list newline ordered list text new line atx heading text 1.\n 1. abc\n# foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_nl_ol_t_nl_ha_t
MOlTNlOLNlHaT Ordered list text newline ordered list new line atx heading text 1. abc\n 1.\n# foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_t_nl_ol_nl_ha_t
MUlTNlUlNlHaT Unordered list text newline unordered list new line atx heading text - abc\n -\n# foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ul_t_nl_ul_nl_ha_t
MUlTNlUlbNlHaT Unordered list text newline unordered list (b) new line atx heading text - abc\n *\n# foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ul_t_nl_ulb_nl_ha_t
MOlTNlOLTNlHaT Ordered list text newline ordered list text new line atx heading text 1. abc\n 1. abc\n# foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_t_nl_ol_t_nl_ha_t
MOlNlOLNlI2HaT Ordered list newline ordered list new line indent of 2 atx heading text 1.\n 1.\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_nl_ol_nl_i2_ha_t
MOlNlOLTNlI2HaT Ordered list newline ordered list text new line indent of 2 atx heading text 1.\n 1. abc\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_nl_ol_t_nl_i2_ha_t
MOlTNlOLNlI2HaT Ordered list text newline ordered list new line indent of 2 atx heading text 1. abc\n 1.\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_t_nl_ol_nl_i2_ha_t
MUlTNlUlNlI1HaT Unordered list text newline unordered list new line indent of 1 atx heading text - abc\n -\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ul_t_nl_ul_nl_i1_ha_t
MUlTNlUlbNlI1HaT Unordered list text newline unordered list (b) new line indent of 1 atx heading text - abc\n *\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ul_t_nl_ulb_nl_i2_ha_t
MOlTNlOLTNlI2HaT Ordered list text newline ordered list text new line indent of 2 atx heading text 1. abc\n 1. abc\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_t_nl_ol_t_nl_i2_ha_t
MOlNlOLNlI3HaT Ordered list newline ordered list new line indent of 3 atx heading text 1.\n 1.\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_nl_ol_nl_i3_ha_t
MOlNlOLTNlI3HaT Ordered list newline ordered list text new line indent of 3 atx heading text 1.\n 1. abc\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_nl_ol_t_nl_i3_ha_t
MOlTNlOLNlI3HaT Ordered list text newline ordered list new line indent of 3 atx heading text 1. abc\n 1.\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_t_nl_ol_nl_i3_ha_t
MUlTNlUlNlI2HaT Unordered list text newline unordered list new line indent of 2 atx heading text - abc\n -\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ul_t_nl_ul_nl_i2_ha_t
MUlTNlUlbNlI2HaT Unordered list text newline unordered list (b) new line indent of 2 atx heading text - abc\n *\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ul_t_nl_ulb_nl_i2_ha_t
MOlTNlOLTNlI3HaT Ordered list text newline ordered list text new line indent of 3 atx heading text 1. abc\n 1. abc\n # foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ha_ol_t_nl_ol_t_nl_i3_ha_t
t s x y z
MOlNlTNlHs Ordered list newline text new line setext heading 1.\nfoo\n---\n test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_nl_t_nl_hs
MOlNlTNlAllHs Ordered list newline text new line (all indented) setext heading 1.\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_nl_t_nl_all_hs
MOlNlI2THs Ordered list newline indent of 2 text new line setext heading 1.\n foo\n---\n test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_nl_i2_t_nl_hs
MOlNlI3THs Ordered list newline indent of 3 text new line setext heading 1.\n foo\n---\n test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_nl_i3_t_nl_hs
MOlNlI3TI3Hs Ordered list newline indent of 3 text new line indent of 3 setext heading 1.\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_nl_i3_t_nl_i3_hs
MOlTNlTNLHs Ordered list text newline text new line setext heading 1. abc\nfoo\n--- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_t_nl_t_nl_hs
MOlTNlTNLAllHs Ordered list text newline text new line (all indented) setext heading 1. abc\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_t_nl_t_nl_all_hs
MOlTNlI2TNlHs Ordered list text newline indent of 2 text new line setext heading 1. abc\n foo\n--- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_t_nl_i2_t_nl_hs
MOlTNlI3TNlHs Ordered list text newline indent of 3 text new line setext heading 1. abc\n foo\n--- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_t_nl_i3_t_nl_hs
MOlTNlI3TNlI3Hs Ordered list text newline indent of 3 text new line indent of 3 setext heading 1. abc\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_t_nl_i3_t_nl_i3_hs
MOlOLNlTNLHs Ordered list x2 text newline new line setext heading 1. 1.\nfoo\n--- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_ol_nl_t_nl_hs
MOlOLNlTNLAllHs Ordered list x2 text newline new line (all indented) setext heading 1. 1.\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_ol_nl_t_nl_all_hs
MOlOLTNlTNLHs Ordered list x2 text newline text new line setext heading 1. 1. abc\nfoo\n--- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_ol_t_nl_t_nl_hs
MOlOLTNlTNLAllHs Ordered list x2 text newline text new line (all indented) setext heading 1. 1. abc\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_ol_t_nl_t_nl_all_hs
MOlNlI3OLNlTNlHs Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list new line text newline setext heading 1.\n 1.\nfoo\n--- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_nl_i3_ol_nl_t_nl_hs
MOlNlI3OLTNlTNlHs Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list text new line text newline setext heading 1.\n 1. def\nfoo\n--- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_t_nl_hs
MOlTNlI3OLNlTNlHs Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list new line text newline setext heading 1. abc\n 1.\nfoo\n--- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_nl_t_nl_hs
MUlTNlI2UlNlTNlHs Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list new line text newline setext heading - abc\n -\nfoo\n--- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ul_t_nl_i2_ul_nl_t_nl_hs
MUlTNlI2UlbNlTNlHs Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list (b) new line text newline setext heading - abc\n *\nfoo\n--- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ul_t_nl_i2_ulb_nl_t_nl_hs
MOlTNlI3OLTNlTNlHs Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list text new line text newline setext heading 1. abc\n 1. def\nfoo\n--- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_t_nl_hs
MOlNlI3OLNlI2TNlI2Hs Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list new line indent of 2 text newline indent of 2 setext heading 1.\n 1.\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_nl_i3_ol_nl_i2_t_nl_i2_hs
MOlNlI3OLTNlI2TNlI2Hs Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list text new line indent of 2 text newline indent of 2 setext heading 1.\n 1. def\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i2_t_nl_i2_hs
MOlTNlI3OLNlI2TNlI2Hs Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list new line indent of 2 text newline indent of 2 setext heading 1. abc\n 1.\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_nl_i2_t_nl_i2_hs
MUlTNlI2UlNlI1TNlI1Hs Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list new line indent of 1 text newline indent of 1 setext heading - abc\n -\n foo\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ul_t_nl_i2_ul_nl_i1_t_nl_i1_hs
MUlTNlI2UlbNlI1TNlI1Hs Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list (b) new line indent of 1 text newline indent of 1 setext heading - abc\n *\n foo\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ul_t_nl_i2_ulb_nl_i1_t_nl_i1_hs
MOlTNlI3OLTNlI2TNlI2Hs Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list text new line indent of 2 text newline indent of 2 setext heading 1. abc\n 1. def\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i2_t_nl_i2_hs
MOlNlI3OLNlI3TNlI3Hs Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list new line indent of 3 text newline indent of 3 setext heading 1.\n 1.\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_nl_i3_ol_nl_i3_t_nl_i3_hs
MOlNlI3OLTNlI3TNlI3Hs Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list text new line indent of 3 text newline indent of 3 setext heading 1.\n 1. def\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i3_t_nl_i3_hs
MOlTNlI3OLNlI3TNlI3Hs Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list new line indent of 3 text newline indent of 3 setext heading 1. abc\n 1.\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_nl_i3_t_nl_i3_hs
MUlTNlI2UlNlI2TNlI2Hs Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list new line indent of 2 text newline indent of 2 setext heading - abc\n -\n foo\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ul_t_nl_i2_ul_nl_i2_t_nl_i2_hs
MUlTNlI2UlNlI2TNlI2Hs Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list (b) new line indent of 2 text newline indent of 2 setext heading - abc\n *\n foo\n ---\n test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ul_t_nl_i2_ulb_nl_i2_t_nl_i2_hs
MOlTNlI3OLTNlI3TNlI3Hs Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list text new line indent of 3 text newline indent of 3 setext heading 1. abc\n 1. def\n foo\n --- test_paragraph_series_m_hs_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i3_t_nl_i3_hs
t s x y z
MOlNlFb Ordered list newline fenced block 1.\n```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_nl_fb
MOlNlAllFb Ordered list newline (all indented) fenced block 1.\n ```\n foo\n ``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_nl_all_i3_fb
MOlNlI2Fb Ordered list newline indent of 2 fenced block 1.\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_nl_i2_fb
MOlNlI3Fb Ordered list newline indent of 3 fenced block 1.\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_nl_i3_fb
MOlTNlFb Ordered list text newline fenced block 1. abc\n```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_t_nl_fb
MOlTNlAllFb Ordered list text newline (all indented) fenced block 1.\n abc\n ```\n foo\n ``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_t_nl_all_i4_fb
MOlTNlI2Fb Ordered list text newline indent of 2 fenced block 1. abc\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_t_nl_i2_fb
MOlTNlI3Fb Ordered list text newline indent of 3 fenced block 1. abc\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_t_nl_i3_fb
MOlOLNlFb Ordered list x2 newline fenced block 1. 1.\n```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_ol_nl_fb
MOlOLNlAllFb Ordered list x2 newline (all indented) fenced block 1. 1. \n ```\n foo\n ``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_ol_nl_all_i6_fb
MOlOLTNlFb Ordered list x2 text newline fenced block 1. 1. abc\n```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_ol_t_nl_fb
MOlOLTNlAllFb Ordered list x2 text newline (all indented) fenced block 1. 1. abc\n ```\n foo\n ``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_ol_t_nl_all_i6_fb
MOlNlI3OLNlFb Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list newline fenced block 1.\n 1.\n```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_nl_i3_ol_nl_fb
MOlNlI3OLTNlFb Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline fenced block 1.\n 1. abc\n```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_fb
MOlNlI3OLNlFb Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list newline fenced block 1. abc\n 1.\n```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_nl_fb
MUlNlI2UlNlFb Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list newline fenced block - abc\n -\n```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ul_t_nl_i2_ul_nl_fb
MUlNlI2UlbNlFb Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list (b) newline fenced block - abc\n *\n```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ul_t_nl_i2_ulb_nl_fb
MOlNlI3OLTNlFb Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline fenced block 1. abc\n 1. abc\n```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_fb
MOlNlI3OLNlI2Fb Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 2 fenced block 1.\n 1.\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_nl_i3_ol_nl_i2_fb
MOlNlI3OLTNlI2Fb Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 2 fenced block 1.\n 1. abc\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i2_fb
MOlTNlI3OLNlI2Fb Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 2 fenced block 1. abc\n 1.\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_nl_i2_fb
MUlTNlI2UlNlI1Fb Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list newline indent of 1 fenced block - abc\n -\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ul_t_nl_i2_ul_nl_i1_fb
MUlTNlI2UlbNlI1Fb Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list (b) newline indent of 1 fenced block - abc\n *\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ul_t_nl_i2_ul_nl_i1_fb
MOlTNlI3OLTNlI2Fb Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 2 fenced block 1. abc\n 1. abc\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i2_fb
MOlNlI3OLNlI3Fb Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 3 fenced block 1.\n 1.\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_nl_i3_ol_nl_i3_fb
MOlNlI3OLTNlI3Fb Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 3 fenced block 1.\n 1. abc\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i3_fb
MOlTNlI3OLNlI3Fb Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 3 fenced block 1. abc\n 1.\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_nl_i3_fb
MUlTNlI2UlNlI2Fb Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list newline indent of 2 fenced block - abc\n -\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ul_t_nl_i2_ul_nl_i2_fb
MUlTNlI2UlbNlI2Fb Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list (b) newline indent of 2 fenced block - abc\n *\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ul_t_nl_i2_ul_nl_i2_fb
MOlTNlI3OLTNlI3Fb Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 3 fenced block 1. abc\n 1. abc\n ```\nfoo\n``` test_paragraph_series_m_fb_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i3_fb
t s x y z
MI3OlNlI4TIb Indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1.\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_nl_i4_t_ib
MI3OlNlI7TAllIb Indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 7 text (indented block) 1.\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_nl_i7_t_all_ib
MI3OlNlI5TIb Indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 5 text (indented block) 1.\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_nl_i5_t_ib
MI3OlNlI6TIb Indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 6 text (indented block) 1.\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_nl_i6_t_fb
MI3OlTNlI4TIb Indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1. abc\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_t_nl_i4_t_ib
MI3OlTNlNlI4TAllIb Indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1. abc\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_t_nl_i4_t_all_ib
MI3OlTNlNlNlI4TAllIb Indent of 3 ordered list text newline newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1. abc\n\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_t_nl_nl_i10_t_all_ib
MI3OlTNlI10TAllIb Indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 10 text (indented block) 1. abc\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_t_nl_i10_t_all_ib
MI3OlTNlI5TIb Indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 5 text (indented block) 1. abc\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_t_nl_i5_t_ib
MI3OlTNlI6TIb Indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 6 text (indented block) 1. abc\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_t_nl_i6_t_ib
MOlOLNlI4TIb Ordered list x2 newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1. 1.\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_ol_ol_nl_i4_t_ib
MOlOLNlI4TAllIb Ordered list x2 newline indent of 10 text (indented block) 1. 1.\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_ol_ol_nl_i10_t_all_ib
MOlOLTNlI4TIb Ordered list x2 text newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1. 1. abc\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_ol_ol_t_nl_i4_t_ib
MOlOLTNlI4TAllIb Ordered list x2 text newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1. 1. abc\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_ol_ol_t_nl_i4_t_all_ib
MOlOLTNlNlI4TAllIb Ordered list x2 text newline newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1. 1. abc\n\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_ol_ol_t_nl_nl_i4_t_all_ib
MOlNlI3OLNlI4tIb Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1.\n 1.\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_ol_nl_i3_ol_nl_i4_t_ib
MOlNlI3OLTNlI4tIb Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1.\n 1. abc\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_ol_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i4_t_ib
MOlTNlI3OLNlI4tIb Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1. abc\n 1.\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_nl_i4_t_ib
MUlTNlI2UlNlI4tIb Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list newline indent of 4 text (indented block) - abc\n -\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_ul_t_nl_i2_ul_nl_i4_t_ib
MUlTNlI2UlbNlI4tIb Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list (b) newline indent of 4 text (indented block) - abc\n *\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_ul_t_nl_i2_ul_nl_i4_t_ib
MOlTNlI3OLTNlI4tIb Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1. abc\n 1. abc\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i4_t_ib
MI3OlNlI5OLNlI4TIb Indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 5 ordered list newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1.\n 1.\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_nl_i5_ol_nl_i4_t_ib
MI3OlNlI5OLTNlI4TIb Indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 5 ordered list text newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1.\n 1. abc\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_nl_i5_ol_t_nl_i4__t_ib
MI3OlTNlI5OLNlI4TIb Indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 5 ordered list newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1. abc\n 1.\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_t_nl_i5_ol_nl_i4_t_ib
MI3OlTNlI5OLTNlI4TIb Indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 5 ordered list text newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1. abc\n 1. abc\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i3_ol_t_nl_i5_ol_t_nl_i4_t_ib
MI1OlNlI4OLNlI4TIb Indent of 1 ordered list newline indent of 4 ordered list newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1.\n 1.\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i1_ol_nl_i4_ol_nl_i4_t_ib
MI2UlNlI4UlNlI4TIb Indent of 2 unordered list newline indent of 4 unordered list newline indent of 4 text (indented block) - abc\n -\n foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i2_ul_nl_i4_ul_nl_i4_t_ib
MI2UlNlI4UlbNlI4TIb Indent of 2 unordered list newline indent of 4 unordered list (b)newline indent of 4 text (indented block) - abc\n *\n foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i2_ul_nl_i4_ul_nl_i4_t_ib
MI1OlNlI4OLTNlI4TIb Indent of 1 ordered list newline indent of 4 ordered list text newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1.\n 1. def\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i1_ol_nl_i4_ol_t_nl_i4_t_ib
MI1OlTNlI4OLNlI4TIb Indent of 1 ordered list text newline indent of 4 ordered list newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1. abc\n 1.\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i1_ol_t_nl_i4_ol_nl_i4_t_ib
MI2UlTNlI4UlNlI4TIb Indent of 2 unordered list text newline indent of 4 unordered list newline indent of 4 text (indented block) - abc\n -\n foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i2_ul_t_nl_i4_ul_nl_i4_t_ib
MI2UlTNlI4UlNlI4TIb Indent of 2 unordered list text newline indent of 4 unordered list (b) newline indent of 4 text (indented block) - abc\n *\n foo\n test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i2_ul_t_nl_i4_ul_nl_i4_t_ib
MI1OlTNlI4OLTNlI4TIb Indent of 1 ordered list text newline indent of 4 ordered list text newline indent of 4 text (indented block) 1. abc\n 1. def\n foo test_paragraph_series_m_ib_i1_ol_t_nl_i4_ol_t_nl_i4_t_ib
t s x y z
MOlNlHB Ordered list newline html block 1.\n<s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_nl_hb
MOlNlAllHB Ordered list newline (all indented) html block 1.\n <s>\n foo\n </s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_nl_all_i3_hb
MOlNlI2HB Ordered list newline indent of 2 html block 1.\n <s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_nl_i2_hb
MOlNlI3HB Ordered list newline indent of 3 html block 1.\n <s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_nl_i3_hb
MOlTNlHB Ordered list text newline html block 1. abc\n<s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_t_nl_hb
MOlTNlAllHB Ordered list text newline (all indented) html block 1. abc\n <s>\n foo\n </s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_t_nl_all_i4_hb
MOlTNlI3HB Ordered list text newline indent of 3 html block 1. abc\n <s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_t_nl_i3_hb
MOlTNlI4HB Ordered list text newline indent of 4 html block 1. abc\n <s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_t_nl_i4_hb
MOlOLNlHB Ordered list x2 newline html block 1. 1.\n<s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_ol_nl_hb
MOlOLNlAllHB Ordered list x2 newline (all indented) html block 1. 1. \n <s>\n foo\n </s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_ol_nl_all_i6_hb
MOlOLTNlHB Ordered list x2 text newline html block 1. 1. abc\n<s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_ol_t_nl_hb
MOlOLTNlAllHB Ordered list x2 text newline (all indented) html block 1. 1. abc\n <s>\n foo\n </s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_ol_t_nl_all_i6_hb
MOlNlI3OLNlHB Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list newline html block 1.\n 1.\n<s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_nl_i3_ol_nl_hb
MOlNlI3OLTNlHB Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline html block 1.\n 1. def\n<s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_hb
MOlTNlI3OLNlHB Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list newline html block 1. abc\n 1.\n<s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_nl_hb
MUlTNlI2UlNlHB Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list newline html block - abc\n -\n<s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ul_t_nl_i2_ul_nl_hb
MUlTNlI2UlbNlHB Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list (b) newline html block - abc\n *\n<s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ul_t_nl_i2_ulb_nl_hb
MOlTNlI3OLTNlHB Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline html block 1. abc\n 1. def\n<s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_hb
MOlNlI3OLNlI2HB Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 2 html block 1.\n 1.\n <s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_nl_i3_ol_nl_i2_hb
MOlNlI3OLTNlI2HB Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 2 html block 1.\n 1. def\n <s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i2_hb
MOlTNlI3OLNlI2HB Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 2 html block 1. abc\n 1.\n <s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_nl_i2_hb
MUlTNlI2UlNlI1HB Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list newline indent of 1 html block - abc\n -\n <s>\nfoo\n</s>\n test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ul_t_nl_i2_ul_nl_i1_hb
MUlTNlI2UlbNlI1HB Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list (b) newline indent of 1 html block - abc\n *\n <s>\nfoo\n</s>\n test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ul_t_nl_i2_ulb_nl_i1_hb
MOlTNlI3OLTNlI2HB Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 2 html block 1. abc\n 1. def\n <s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i2_hb
MOlNlI3OLNlI3HB Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 3 html block 1.\n 1.\n <s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_nl_i3_ol_nl_i3_hb
MOlNlI3OLTNlI3HB Ordered list newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 3 html block 1.\n 1. def\n <s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i3_hb
MOlTNlI3OLNlI3HB Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list newline indent of 3 html block 1. abc\n 1.\n <s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_nl_i3_hb
MUlTNlI2UlNlI2HB Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list newline indent of 2 html block - abc\n -\n <s>\nfoo\n</s>\n test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ul_t_nl_i2_ul_nl_i2_hb
MUlTNlI2UlbNlI2HB Unordered list text newline indent of 2 unordered list (b) newline indent of 2 html block - abc\n *\n <s>\nfoo\n</s>\n test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ul_t_nl_i2_ulb_nl_i2_hb
MOlTNlI3OLTNlI3HB Ordered list text newline indent of 3 ordered list text newline indent of 3 html block 1. abc\n 1. def\n <s>\nfoo\n</s> test_paragraph_series_m_hb_ol_t_nl_i3_ol_t_nl_i3_hb

Series N

t s x y z
NBqTNlBqT block quote text newline block quote text > u\n> x test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_bq_t
NBqTNlI2T block quote text newline indent of 2 text > u\n x test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_i2_t
NUlTNlI2BqTNlI2BqT unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline indent of 2 block quote text * a\n > u\n > x\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_nl_i2_bq_t_nl_i2_bq_t
NUlTNlI2BqTNlI4T unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline indent of 4 text * a\n > u\n x\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_nl_i2_bq_t_nl_i4_t
t s x y z
NBqTNlBqHa block quote text newline block quote atx heading > u\n> # h test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_bq_ha
NBqTNlI2Ha block quote text newline indent of 2 atx heading > u\n # h test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_i2_ha
NUlTNlI2BqTNlI2BqHa unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline indent of 2 block quote atx heading * a\n > u\n > # h\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_nl_i2_bq_t_nl_i2_bq_ha
NUlTNlI2BqTNlI4Ha unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline indent of 4 atx heading * a\n > u\n # h\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_i2_bq_t_nl_i4_ha
t s x y z
NBqTNlBqTb block quote text newline block quote thematic break > u\n> --- test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_bq_tb
NBqTNlI2Tb block quote text newline indent of 2 thematic break > u\n --- test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_i2_tb
NUlTNlI2BqTNlI2BqTb unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline indent of 2 block quote thematic break * a\n > u\n > ---\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_nl_i2_bq_t_nl_i2_bq_tb
NUlTNlI2BqTNlI4Tb unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline indent of 4 thematic break * a\n > u\n ---\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_nl_i2_bq_t_nl_i4_tb
t s x y z
NBqTNlBqHb block quote text newline block quote html block > u\n> <!-- c --> test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_bq_hb
NBqTNlI2Hb block quote text newline indent of 2 html block > u\n <!-- c --> test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_i2_hb
NUlTNlI2BqTNlI2BqHb unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline indent of 2 block quote html break * a\n > u\n > <!-- c -->\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_nl_i2_bq_t_nl_i2_bq_hb
NUlTNlI2BqTNlI4Hb unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline indent of 4 html block * a\n > u\n <!-- c -->\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_nl_i2_bq_t_nl_i4_hb
t s x y z
NBqTNlBqFb block quote text newline block quote fenced code block > u\n> ```> d\n> ``` test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_bq_fb
NBqTNlI2Fb block quote text newline indent of 2 fenced code block > u\n ```\n d\n ``` test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_i2_fb
NUlTNlI2BqTNlI2BqFb unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline indent of 2 block quote fenced code block * a\n > u\n > ```\n > d\n > \n```\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_nl_i2_bq_t_nl_i2_bq_fb
NUlTNlI2BqTNlI4Fb unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline indent of 4 fenced code block * a\n > u\n ```\n d\n ```\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_nl_i2_bq_t_nl_i4_fb
NBqTNlBqFbBqOnly1 block quote text newline block quote fenced code block with block quote only on first > ```\nfoo\n``` test_block_quotes_215
NBqTNlBqFbWBq block quote text newline block quote fenced code block newlines with block quote > u\n> ```\n>\n> d\n>\n> ``` test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_bq_fb_nl_with_bq
NBqTNlBqFbWoBq block quote text newline block quote fenced code block newlines without block quote > u\n> ```\n\n> d\n\n> ``` test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_bq_fb_nl_without_bq
t s x y z
NBqTNlBqIb block quote text newline block quote indented block > u\n> d test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_bq_ib
NBqTNlBqNlBqIb block quote text newline block quote newline block quote indented block > u\n>\n> d test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_bq_nl_bq_ib
NBqTNlI6Ib block quote text newline indent of 6 indented block > u\n d test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_i6_ib
NBqTNlNlI6Ib block quote text newline newline indent of 6 indented block > u\n\n d test_paragraph_series_n_bq_t_nl_nl_nl_i6_ib
NUlTNlI2BqTNlI2BqIb unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline indent of 2 block quote indented block * a\n > u\n > d\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_nl_i2_bq_t_nl_i2_bq_ib
NUlTNlI2BqTNlI2BqIb unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline indent of 2 block quote indented block * a\n > u\n >\n > d\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_nl_i2_bq_t_nl_bq_nl_i2_bq_ib
NUlTNlI2BqTNlI6Ib unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline indent of 4 indented block * a\n > u\n d\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_nl_i2_bq_t_nl_i6_ib
NUlTNlI2BqTNlNlI4Ib unordered list text newline indent of 2 block quote text newline newline indent of 4 indented block * a\n > u\n\n d\n* d test_paragraph_series_n_ul_t_nl_i2_bq_t_nl_nl_i6_ib
NBqTNlBqIbBqOnly1 block quote text newline block quote indented code block with block quote only on first > foo\n bar test_block_quotes_214
NBqI4TNlBqI4NlT block quote indent of 4 text newline block quote indent of 4 text > foo\n> bar test_paragraph_series_n_bq_i4_t_nl_bq_i4_t
NBqI4TNlBqI3NlT block quote indent of 4 text newline block quote indent of 3 text > foo\n> bar test_paragraph_series_n_bq_i4_t_nl_bq_i3_t
NBqI4TNlNlBqI4NlT block quote indent of 4 text newline newline block quote indent of 4 text > foo\n\n> bar test_paragraph_series_n_bq_i4_t_nl_nl_bq_i4_t
NBqI4TNlBqNlBqI4NlT block quote indent of 4 text newline block quote newline block quote indent of 4 text > foo\n>\n> bar test_paragraph_series_n_bq_i4_t_nl_bq_nl_bq_i4_t

Orphan? |J5 |inline link label split at whitespace| abc\n[link](\n /uri\n "title"\n )\n def | test_paragraph_extra_d5 | |J5i |inline image label split at whitespace| abc\n![link](\n /uri\n "title"\n )\n def | test_paragraph_extra_d6 |