This directory contains talk/workshop proposals I made (or will make) to conferences, meetups, user groups, etc. Proposals are organized by year.
Name each proposal using this format: YYYY-MM-DD-<event-name>-<proposal-title>.md
, where YYYY-MM-DD
is the first day of the conference. E.g.:
Each proposal should contain the following sections:
- Title
- Language (English, Italian)
- Status (WIP / Submitted / Rejected / Accepted)
- Length (minutes)
- Audience level (Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced)
- Tags / Keywords
- Description / Abstract
- Pre-requisites (optional)
- Objectives (optional)
- Outline (optional)
- Additional notes (optional)
- Detailed outline (only for tutorials / workshops)
- Social media post (Twitter, Mastodon, etc)