is a NodeFactory that has no predecessors.
is created when InternalTopologyBuilder
is requested to register a global state store or source topic.
SourceNodeFactory is an internal private class of InternalTopologyBuilder.
takes the following when created:
ProcessorNode build()
build is part of NodeFactory Contract to build a processor node.
creates a SourceNode with the name and the source topic names (as recorded in the nodeToSourceTopics internal registry).
Internally, build
looks up the node name in the nodeToSourceTopics internal registry to find the topic names (the node is attached to).
creates a SourceNode with the name, the source topic names (possibly decorated if internal), and the other properties, i.e. the timestampExtractor, the keyDeserializer and the valDeserializer
It is (hardly) possible that no topic names could be found, but when it happens, build
creates a SourceNode with the pattern (and the other properties, i.e. the name, the timestampExtractor, the keyDeserializer and the valDeserializer).