diff --git a/spec/helpers_spec.cr b/spec/helpers_spec.cr
index 073d2700d..a4aaff9fe 100644
--- a/spec/helpers_spec.cr
+++ b/spec/helpers_spec.cr
@@ -47,19 +47,13 @@ describe "Helper" do
- describe "#produce_playlist_url" do
- it "correctly produces url for requesting index `x` of a playlist" do
- produce_playlist_url("UUCla9fZca4I7KagBtgRGnOw", 0).should eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgIqEhpWTFVVQ2xhOWZaY2E0STdLYWdCdGdSR25PdxoMZWdaUVZEcERRVUU9&gl=US&hl=en")
+ describe "#produce_playlist_continuation" do
+ it "correctly produces ctoken for requesting index `x` of a playlist" do
+ produce_playlist_continuation("UUCla9fZca4I7KagBtgRGnOw", 100).should eq("4qmFsgJNEhpWTFVVQ2xhOWZaY2E0STdLYWdCdGdSR25PdxoUQ0FGNkJsQlVPa05IVVElM0QlM0SaAhhVVUNsYTlmWmNhNEk3S2FnQnRnUkduT3c%3D")
- produce_playlist_url("UCCla9fZca4I7KagBtgRGnOw", 0).should eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgIqEhpWTFVVQ2xhOWZaY2E0STdLYWdCdGdSR25PdxoMZWdaUVZEcERRVUU9&gl=US&hl=en")
+ produce_playlist_continuation("UCCla9fZca4I7KagBtgRGnOw", 200).should eq("4qmFsgJLEhpWTFVVQ2xhOWZaY2E0STdLYWdCdGdSR25PdxoSQ0FKNkIxQlVPa05OWjBJJTNEmgIYVVVDbGE5ZlpjYTRJN0thZ0J0Z1JHbk93")
- produce_playlist_url("PLt5AfwLFPxWLNVixpe1w3fi6lE2OTq0ET", 0).should eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgI0EiRWTFBMdDVBZndMRlB4V0xOVml4cGUxdzNmaTZsRTJPVHEwRVQaDGVnWlFWRHBEUVVFPQ%3D%3D&gl=US&hl=en")
- produce_playlist_url("PLt5AfwLFPxWLNVixpe1w3fi6lE2OTq0ET", 10000).should eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgI0EiRWTFBMdDVBZndMRlB4V0xOVml4cGUxdzNmaTZsRTJPVHEwRVQaDGVnZFFWRHBEU2tKUA%3D%3D&gl=US&hl=en")
- produce_playlist_url("PL55713C70BA91BD6E", 0).should eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgIkEhRWTFBMNTU3MTNDNzBCQTkxQkQ2RRoMZWdaUVZEcERRVUU9&gl=US&hl=en")
- produce_playlist_url("PL55713C70BA91BD6E", 10000).should eq("/browse_ajax?continuation=4qmFsgIkEhRWTFBMNTU3MTNDNzBCQTkxQkQ2RRoMZWdkUVZEcERTa0pQ&gl=US&hl=en")
+ produce_playlist_continuation("PL55713C70BA91BD6E", 100).should eq("4qmFsgJBEhRWTFBMNTU3MTNDNzBCQTkxQkQ2RRoUQ0FGNkJsQlVPa05IVVElM0QlM0SaAhJQTDU1NzEzQzcwQkE5MUJENkU%3D")
diff --git a/src/invidious/channels.cr b/src/invidious/channels.cr
index b9808d981..9a129e1e7 100644
--- a/src/invidious/channels.cr
+++ b/src/invidious/channels.cr
@@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ def fetch_channel(ucid, db, pull_all_videos = true, locale = nil)
page = 1
LOGGER.trace("fetch_channel: #{ucid} : Downloading channel videos page")
- response = get_channel_videos_response(ucid, page, auto_generated: auto_generated)
+ response_body = get_channel_videos_response(ucid, page, auto_generated: auto_generated)
videos = [] of SearchVideo
- initial_data = JSON.parse(response.body)
+ initial_data = JSON.parse(response_body)
raise InfoException.new("Could not extract channel JSON") if !initial_data
LOGGER.trace("fetch_channel: #{ucid} : Extracting videos from channel videos page initial_data")
videos = extract_videos(initial_data.as_h, author, ucid)
rescue ex
- if response.body.includes?("To continue with your YouTube experience, please fill out the form below.") ||
- response.body.includes?("https://www.google.com/sorry/index")
+ if response_body.includes?("To continue with your YouTube experience, please fill out the form below.") ||
+ response_body.includes?("https://www.google.com/sorry/index")
raise InfoException.new("Could not extract channel info. Instance is likely blocked.")
raise ex
@@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ def fetch_channel(ucid, db, pull_all_videos = true, locale = nil)
ids = [] of String
loop do
- response = get_channel_videos_response(ucid, page, auto_generated: auto_generated)
- initial_data = JSON.parse(response.body)
+ response_body = get_channel_videos_response(ucid, page, auto_generated: auto_generated)
+ initial_data = JSON.parse(response_body)
raise InfoException.new("Could not extract channel JSON") if !initial_data
videos = extract_videos(initial_data.as_h, author, ucid)
@@ -447,6 +447,7 @@ def produce_channel_videos_continuation(ucid, page = 1, auto_generated = nil, so
return continuation
+# Used in bypass_captcha_job.cr
def produce_channel_videos_url(ucid, page = 1, auto_generated = nil, sort_by = "newest", v2 = false)
continuation = produce_channel_videos_continuation(ucid, page, auto_generated, sort_by, v2)
return "/browse_ajax?continuation=#{continuation}&gl=US&hl=en"
@@ -937,35 +938,19 @@ def get_about_info(ucid, locale)
-def get_channel_videos_response(ucid, page = 1, auto_generated = nil, sort_by = "newest", youtubei_browse = true)
- if youtubei_browse
- continuation = produce_channel_videos_continuation(ucid, page, auto_generated: auto_generated, sort_by: sort_by, v2: true)
- data = {
- "context": {
- "client": {
- "clientName": "WEB",
- "clientVersion": "2.20201021.03.00",
- },
- },
- "continuation": continuation,
- }.to_json
- return YT_POOL.client &.post(
- "/youtubei/v1/browse?key=AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8",
- headers: HTTP::Headers{"content-type" => "application/json"},
- body: data
- )
- else
- url = produce_channel_videos_url(ucid, page, auto_generated: auto_generated, sort_by: sort_by, v2: true)
- return YT_POOL.client &.get(url)
- end
+def get_channel_videos_response(ucid, page = 1, auto_generated = nil, sort_by = "newest")
+ continuation = produce_channel_videos_continuation(ucid, page,
+ auto_generated: auto_generated, sort_by: sort_by, v2: true)
+ return request_youtube_api_browse(continuation)
def get_60_videos(ucid, author, page, auto_generated, sort_by = "newest")
videos = [] of SearchVideo
2.times do |i|
- response = get_channel_videos_response(ucid, page * 2 + (i - 1), auto_generated: auto_generated, sort_by: sort_by)
- initial_data = JSON.parse(response.body)
+ response_json = get_channel_videos_response(ucid, page * 2 + (i - 1), auto_generated: auto_generated, sort_by: sort_by)
+ initial_data = JSON.parse(response_json)
break if !initial_data
videos.concat extract_videos(initial_data.as_h, author, ucid)
@@ -974,8 +959,8 @@ def get_60_videos(ucid, author, page, auto_generated, sort_by = "newest")
def get_latest_videos(ucid)
- response = get_channel_videos_response(ucid)
- initial_data = JSON.parse(response.body)
+ response_json = get_channel_videos_response(ucid)
+ initial_data = JSON.parse(response_json)
return [] of SearchVideo if !initial_data
author = initial_data["metadata"]?.try &.["channelMetadataRenderer"]?.try &.["title"]?.try &.as_s
items = extract_videos(initial_data.as_h, author, ucid)
diff --git a/src/invidious/helpers/youtube_api.cr b/src/invidious/helpers/youtube_api.cr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..304135326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/invidious/helpers/youtube_api.cr
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This file contains youtube API wrappers
+# Hard-coded constants required by the API
+HARDCODED_CLIENT_VERS = "2.20210318.08.00"
+def request_youtube_api_browse(continuation)
+ # JSON Request data, required by the API
+ data = {
+ "context": {
+ "client": {
+ "hl": "en",
+ "gl": "US",
+ "clientName": "WEB",
+ "clientVersion": HARDCODED_CLIENT_VERS,
+ },
+ },
+ "continuation": continuation,
+ }
+ # Send the POST request and return result
+ response = YT_POOL.client &.post(
+ "/youtubei/v1/browse?key=#{HARDCODED_API_KEY}",
+ headers: HTTP::Headers{"content-type" => "application/json"},
+ body: data.to_json
+ )
+ return response.body
diff --git a/src/invidious/playlists.cr b/src/invidious/playlists.cr
index 0251a69c4..71f6a9b82 100644
--- a/src/invidious/playlists.cr
+++ b/src/invidious/playlists.cr
@@ -307,23 +307,32 @@ def subscribe_playlist(db, user, playlist)
return playlist
-def produce_playlist_url(id, index)
+def produce_playlist_continuation(id, index)
if id.starts_with? "UC"
id = "UU" + id.lchop("UC")
plid = "VL" + id
+ # Emulate a "request counter" increment, to make perfectly valid
+ # ctokens, even if at the time of writing, it's ignored by youtube.
+ request_count = (index / 100).to_i64 || 1_i64
data = {"1:varint" => index.to_i64}
.try { |i| Protodec::Any.cast_json(i) }
.try { |i| Protodec::Any.from_json(i) }
.try { |i| Base64.urlsafe_encode(i, padding: false) }
+ data_wrapper = {"1:varint" => request_count, "15:string" => "PT:#{data}"}
+ .try { |i| Protodec::Any.cast_json(i) }
+ .try { |i| Protodec::Any.from_json(i) }
+ .try { |i| Base64.urlsafe_encode(i) }
+ .try { |i| URI.encode_www_form(i) }
object = {
"80226972:embedded" => {
- "2:string" => plid,
- "3:base64" => {
- "15:string" => "PT:#{data}",
- },
+ "2:string" => plid,
+ "3:string" => data_wrapper,
+ "35:string" => id,
@@ -332,7 +341,7 @@ def produce_playlist_url(id, index)
.try { |i| Base64.urlsafe_encode(i) }
.try { |i| URI.encode_www_form(i) }
- return "/browse_ajax?continuation=#{continuation}&gl=US&hl=en"
+ return continuation
def get_playlist(db, plid, locale, refresh = true, force_refresh = false)
@@ -427,47 +436,59 @@ def fetch_playlist(plid, locale)
def get_playlist_videos(db, playlist, offset, locale = nil, continuation = nil)
- if playlist.is_a? InvidiousPlaylist
- db.query_all("SELECT * FROM playlist_videos WHERE plid = $1 ORDER BY array_position($2, index) LIMIT 100 OFFSET $3", playlist.id, playlist.index, offset, as: PlaylistVideo)
- else
- fetch_playlist_videos(playlist.id, playlist.video_count, offset, locale, continuation)
- end
-def fetch_playlist_videos(plid, video_count, offset = 0, locale = nil, continuation = nil)
- if continuation
- response = YT_POOL.client &.get("/watch?v=#{continuation}&list=#{plid}&gl=US&hl=en")
- initial_data = extract_initial_data(response.body)
- offset = initial_data["currentVideoEndpoint"]?.try &.["watchEndpoint"]?.try &.["index"]?.try &.as_i64 || offset
- end
- if video_count > 100
- url = produce_playlist_url(plid, offset)
- response = YT_POOL.client &.get(url)
- initial_data = JSON.parse(response.body).as_a.find(&.as_h.["response"]?).try &.as_h
- elsif offset > 100
+ # Show empy playlist if requested page is out of range
+ if offset >= playlist.video_count
return [] of PlaylistVideo
- else # Extract first page of videos
- response = YT_POOL.client &.get("/playlist?list=#{plid}&gl=US&hl=en")
- initial_data = extract_initial_data(response.body)
- return [] of PlaylistVideo if !initial_data
- videos = extract_playlist_videos(initial_data)
+ if playlist.is_a? InvidiousPlaylist
+ db.query_all("SELECT * FROM playlist_videos WHERE plid = $1 ORDER BY array_position($2, index) LIMIT 100 OFFSET $3",
+ playlist.id, playlist.index, offset, as: PlaylistVideo)
+ else
+ if offset >= 100
+ # Normalize offset to match youtube's behavior (100 videos chunck per request)
+ offset = (offset / 100).to_i64 * 100_i64
+ ctoken = produce_playlist_continuation(playlist.id, offset)
+ initial_data = JSON.parse(request_youtube_api_browse(ctoken)).as_h
+ else
+ response = YT_POOL.client &.get("/playlist?list=#{playlist.id}&gl=US&hl=en")
+ initial_data = extract_initial_data(response.body)
+ end
- until videos.empty? || videos[0].index == offset
- videos.shift
+ if initial_data
+ return extract_playlist_videos(initial_data)
+ else
+ return [] of PlaylistVideo
+ end
- return videos
def extract_playlist_videos(initial_data : Hash(String, JSON::Any))
videos = [] of PlaylistVideo
- (initial_data["contents"]?.try &.["twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer"]["tabs"].as_a.select(&.["tabRenderer"]["selected"]?.try &.as_bool)[0]["tabRenderer"]["content"]["sectionListRenderer"]["contents"][0]["itemSectionRenderer"]["contents"][0]["playlistVideoListRenderer"]["contents"].as_a ||
- initial_data["response"]?.try &.["continuationContents"]["playlistVideoListContinuation"]["contents"].as_a).try &.each do |item|
+ if initial_data["contents"]?
+ tabs = initial_data["contents"]["twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer"]["tabs"]
+ tabs_renderer = tabs.as_a.select(&.["tabRenderer"]["selected"]?.try &.as_bool)[0]["tabRenderer"]
+ # Watch out the two versions, with and without "s"
+ if tabs_renderer["contents"]? || tabs_renderer["content"]?
+ # Initial playlist data
+ tabs_contents = tabs_renderer.["contents"]? || tabs_renderer.["content"]
+ list_renderer = tabs_contents.["sectionListRenderer"]["contents"][0]
+ item_renderer = list_renderer.["itemSectionRenderer"]["contents"][0]
+ contents = item_renderer.["playlistVideoListRenderer"]["contents"].as_a
+ else
+ # Continuation data
+ contents = initial_data["onResponseReceivedActions"][0]?
+ .try &.["appendContinuationItemsAction"]["continuationItems"].as_a
+ end
+ else
+ contents = initial_data["response"]?.try &.["continuationContents"]["playlistVideoListContinuation"]["contents"].as_a
+ end
+ contents.try &.each do |item|
if i = item["playlistVideoRenderer"]?
video_id = i["navigationEndpoint"]["watchEndpoint"]["videoId"].as_s
plid = i["navigationEndpoint"]["watchEndpoint"]["playlistId"].as_s
diff --git a/src/invidious/routes/playlists.cr b/src/invidious/routes/playlists.cr
index c5023c086..73c14155c 100644
--- a/src/invidious/routes/playlists.cr
+++ b/src/invidious/routes/playlists.cr
@@ -433,6 +433,13 @@ class Invidious::Routes::Playlists < Invidious::Routes::BaseRoute
return error_template(500, ex)
+ page_count = (playlist.video_count / 100).to_i
+ page_count = 1 if page_count == 0
+ if page > page_count
+ return env.redirect "/playlist?list=#{plid}&page=#{page_count}"
+ end
if playlist.privacy == PlaylistPrivacy::Private && playlist.author != user.try &.email
return error_template(403, "This playlist is private.")
@@ -440,7 +447,7 @@ class Invidious::Routes::Playlists < Invidious::Routes::BaseRoute
videos = get_playlist_videos(PG_DB, playlist, offset: (page - 1) * 100, locale: locale)
rescue ex
- videos = [] of PlaylistVideo
+ return error_template(500, "Error encountered while retrieving playlist videos.
if playlist.author == user.try &.email
diff --git a/src/invidious/views/playlist.ecr b/src/invidious/views/playlist.ecr
index bb721c3ac..911560280 100644
--- a/src/invidious/views/playlist.ecr
+++ b/src/invidious/views/playlist.ecr
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@