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+# Build extensions
+Build extensions add new types of builders to use with `build`
+[API](/doc/api-reference/build) and [CLI](/doc/command-reference/build) commands
+Typicaly they will implement [Builder](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#builder)
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+# Python Package Builds Support
+Contains two Builder implementations: `pip` to create a directory with Python
+Package from model and `whl` to create a wheel file with Python Package
+## Description
+## Examples
+### Creating Python package from model using API
+from mlem.api import build
+ model="https://github.com/iterative/example-mlem-get-started/rf",
+ package_name="my_model_package",
+ target="./build"
+# ! pip install ./build
+import my_model_package
+data = ...
+### Creating Python wheel package from model using CLI
+$ mlem build whl -m https://github.com/iterative/example-mlem-get-started/rf \
+ --package_name my_model_package --target ./build --version 1.0.0
+$ pip install ./build/my_model_package-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
+### Creating wheel builder declaration and using it with CLI
+$ mlem declare builder whl whl_conf --package_name my_model_package \
+ --target ./build --author mike0sv --email mike0sv@gmail.com --version 1.0.0
+$ mlem build --load whl_conf \
+ --model https://github.com/iterative/example-mlem-get-started/rf
+$ pip install ./build/my_model_package-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
+## Implementation reference
+### `class PipBuilder`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `builder`
+**MlemABC type**: `pip`
+ Create a directory python package
+- `package_name: str` _(required)_ - Name of python package
+- `target: str` _(required)_ - Path to save result
+- `python_version: str` - Required python version
+- `short_description: str = ""` - short_description
+- `url: str = ""` - url
+- `email: str = ""` - author's email
+- `author: str = ""` - author's name
+- `version: str = "0.0.0"` - package version
+### `class WhlBuilder`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `builder`
+**MlemABC type**: `whl`
+ Create a wheel with python package
+- `package_name: str` _(required)_ - Name of python package
+- `target: str` _(required)_ - Path to save result
+- `python_version: str` - Required python version
+- `short_description: str = ""` - short_description
+- `url: str = ""` - url
+- `email: str = ""` - author's email
+- `author: str = ""` - author's name
+- `version: str = "0.0.0"` - package version
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+# Data extensions
+Data extensions add support for new types of data object that MLEM can covert
+into MLEM data objects in [`save` API method](/doc/api-reference/save)
+Typicaly they will implement [DataType](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#datatype),
+[DataReader](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#datareader) and
+[DataWriter](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#datawriter) interfaces.
+Some also implement [ImportHook](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#importhook) to
+support [importing](/doc/user-guide/importing) files of some format.
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+# Numpy Data Types Support
+DataType, Reader and Writer implementations for `np.ndarray` and `np.number`
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[numpy]
+# or
+pip install numpy
+## Examples
+### Saving and loading numpy array
+import numpy as np
+from mlem.api import save, load
+data = np.zeros((100,))
+save(data, "array")
+data = load("array")
+## Implementation reference
+### `class NumpyArrayReader`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_reader`
+**MlemABC type**: `numpy`
+ DataReader implementation for numpy ndarray
+- `data_type: DataType` _(required)_ - Resulting data type
+### `class NumpyNumberReader`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_reader`
+**MlemABC type**: `numpy_number`
+ Read np.number objects
+- `data_type: NumpyNumberType` _(required)_ - Resulting data type
+### `class NumpyNdarrayType`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `ndarray`
+ DataType implementation for `np.ndarray`
+- `dtype: str` _(required)_ - Data type of elements
+### `class NumpyNumberType`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `number`
+ numpy.number DataType
+- `dtype: str` _(required)_ - `numpy.number` type name as string
+### `class NumpyArrayWriter`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_writer`
+**MlemABC type**: `numpy`
+ DataWriter implementation for numpy ndarray
+**No fields**
+### `class NumpyNumberWriter`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_writer`
+**MlemABC type**: `numpy_number`
+ Write np.number objects
+**No fields**
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+# Pandas Data Types Support
+DataType, Reader and Writer implementations for `pd.DataFrame` and `pd.Series`
+ImportHook implementation for files saved with pandas
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[pandas]
+# or
+pip install pandas
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class PandasReader`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_reader`
+**MlemABC type**: `pandas`
+ DataReader for pandas dataframes
+- `data_type: DataFrameType` _(required)_ - Resulting data type
+- `format: str` _(required)_ - name of pandas-supported format
+### `class PandasSeriesReader`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_reader`
+**MlemABC type**: `pandas_series`
+ DataReader for pandas series
+- `data_type: SeriesType` _(required)_ - Resulting data type
+- `format: str` _(required)_ - name of pandas-supported format
+### `class DataFrameType`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `dataframe`
+ :class:`.DataType` implementation for `pandas.DataFrame`
+**No fields**
+### `class SeriesType`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `series`
+ :class:`.DataType` implementation for `pandas.Series` objects which
+ stores them as built-in Python dicts
+**No fields**
+### `class PandasWriter`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_writer`
+**MlemABC type**: `pandas`
+ DataWriter for pandas dataframes
+- `format: str` _(required)_ - name of pandas-supported format
+### `class PandasSeriesWriter`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_writer`
+**MlemABC type**: `pandas_series`
+ DataWriter for pandas series
+- `format: str` _(required)_ - name of pandas-supported format
+### `class PandasImport`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `import`
+**MlemABC type**: `pandas`
+ Import files as pd.DataFrame
+**No fields**
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+# Docker Builds Support
+Building docker images from the model or packing all necessary things to do that
+in a folder
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[docker]
+# or
+pip install docker
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class DockerImageBuilder`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `builder`
+**MlemABC type**: `docker`
+ Build docker image from model
+- `image: DockerImage` _(required)_ - Image parameters
+- `server: Server` - Server to use
+- `args: DockerBuildArgs = DockerBuildArgs()` - Additional docker arguments
+- `env: DockerEnv = DockerEnv()` - Where to build and push image. Defaults to
+ local docker daemon
+- `force_overwrite: bool = False` - Ignore existing image with same name
+- `push: bool = True` - Push image to registry after it is built
+### `class DockerDirBuilder`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `builder`
+**MlemABC type**: `docker_dir`
+ Create a directory with docker context to build docker image
+- `target: str` _(required)_ - Path to save result
+- `server: Server` - Server to use
+- `args: DockerBuildArgs = DockerBuildArgs()` - Additional docker arguments
+### `class DockerContainerState`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `deploy_state`
+**MlemABC type**: `docker_container`
+ State of docker container deployment
+- `model_hash: str` - hash of deployed model meta
+- `image: DockerImage` - Built image
+- `container_name: str` - Name of container
+- `container_id: str` - Started container id
+### `class DockerContainer`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `deployment`
+**MlemABC type**: `docker_container`
+ MlemDeployment implementation for docker containers
+- `server: Server` - Server to use
+- `args: DockerBuildArgs = DockerBuildArgs()` - Additional docker arguments
+- `state_manager: StateManager` - State manager used
+- `container_name: str` - Name to use for container
+- `image_name: str` - Name to use for image
+- `rm: bool = True` - Remove container on stop
+### `class DockerIORegistry`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `docker_registry`
+**MlemABC type**: `docker_io`
+ The class represents docker.io registry.
+**No fields**
+### `class DockerRegistry`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `docker_registry`
+**MlemABC type**: `local`
+ Registry for docker images. This is the default implementation that
+ represents registry of the docker daemon
+**No fields**
+### `class RemoteRegistry`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `docker_registry`
+**MlemABC type**: `remote`
+ DockerRegistry implementation for official Docker Registry (as in
+ https://docs.docker.com/registry/)
+- `host: str` - Address of the registry
+### `class DockerEnv`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `env`
+**MlemABC type**: `docker`
+ MlemEnv implementation for docker environment
+- `registry: DockerRegistry = DockerRegistry()` - Default registry to push
+ images to
+- `daemon: DockerDaemon = host=''` - Docker daemon parameters
+### `class DockerBuildArgs`
+ Container for DockerBuild arguments
+- `python_version: str = "3.9.13"` - Python version to use default: version of
+ running interpreter
+- `run_cmd: str = "sh run.sh"` - command to run in container
+- `package_install_cmd: str = "apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y"` -
+ command to install packages. Default is apt-get, change it for other package
+ manager
+- `package_clean_cmd: str = "&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*"` -
+ command to clean after package installation
+- `mlem_whl: str` - a path to mlem .whl file. If it is empty, mlem will be
+ installed from pip
+- `platform: str` - platform to build docker for, see
+ docs.docker.com/desktop/multi-arch/
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+# Heroku Deployments Support
+Implements MlemEnv, MlemDeployment and DeployState to work with heroku.com
+## Description
+To create applications on Heroku platform all you need is Heroku API key.
+### ⚙️How to obtain Heroku API key
+- Go to [heroku.com](http://heroku.com)
+- Sign up or login with existing account
+- Go to account settings by clicking your profile picture on the main page
+- Find API Key section and reveal existing one or re-generate it
+You can either set `HEROKU_API_KEY` environment variable or use [Heroku CLI]()
+to run `heroku login`.
+> You can also set API token via `--api_key` option to some commands, but this
+> may have security issues
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[heroku]
+# or
+pip install fastapi uvicorn docker
+## Examples
+### Deploying model to heroku from CLI
+$ mlem deployment run heroku_app \
+ --model https://github.com/iterative/example-mlem-get-started/rf \
+ --target heroku \
+ --app_name example-mlem-get-started-app
+## Implementation reference
+### `class HerokuState`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `deploy_state`
+**MlemABC type**: `heroku`
+ State of heroku deployment
+- `model_hash: str` - hash of deployed model meta
+- `app: HerokuAppMeta` - Created heroku app
+- `image: DockerImage` - Built docker image
+### `class HerokuDeployment`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `deployment`
+**MlemABC type**: `heroku`
+ Heroku App
+- `app_name: str` _(required)_ - Heroku application name
+- `state_manager: StateManager` - State manager used
+- `region: str = "us"` - Heroku region
+- `stack: str = "container"` - Stack to use
+- `team: str` - Heroku team
+### `class HerokuRemoteRegistry`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `docker_registry`
+**MlemABC type**: `heroku`
+ Heroku docker registry
+- `host: str = "registry.heroku.com"` - Registry host
+- `api_key: str` - HEROKU_API_KEY
+### `class HerokuEnv`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `env`
+**MlemABC type**: `heroku`
+ Heroku Account
+- `api_key: str` - HEROKU_API_KEY - advised to set via env variable or
+ `heroku login`
+### `class HerokuServer`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `server`
+**MlemABC type**: `_heroku`
+ Special FastAPI server to pickup port from env PORT
+- `host: str = ""` - Network interface to use
+- `port: int = 8080` - Port to use
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+# Deployment extensions
+Deployment extensions add support for new target platforms to deploy your models
+to. They are used with [`deploy` API method](/doc/api-reference/deploy) and
+[deployment CLI commands](/doc/command-reference/deployment).
+Typicaly they will implement [MlemEnv](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#mlemenv),
+[MlemDeployment](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#mlemdeployment) and
+[DeployState](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#deploystate) interfaces.
+Some also implement specific [Server](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#server) or
+[Builder](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#builder) interfaces
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+# Kubernetes Deployments Support
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[kubernetes]
+# or
+pip install kubernetes docker
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class K8sYamlBuilder`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `builder`
+**MlemABC type**: `kubernetes`
+ MlemBuilder implementation for building Kubernetes manifests/yamls
+- `target: str` _(required)_ - Target path for the manifest/yaml
+- `namespace: str = "mlem"` - Namespace to create kubernetes resources such as
+ pods, service in
+- `image_name: str = "ml"` - Name of the docker image to be deployed
+- `image_uri: str = "ml:latest"` - URI of the docker image to be deployed
+- `image_pull_policy: ImagePullPolicy = "Always"` - Image pull policy for the
+ docker image to be deployed
+- `port: int = 8080` - Port where the service should be available
+- `service_type: ServiceType = NodePortService()` - Type of service by which
+ endpoints of the model are exposed
+### `class K8sDeploymentState`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `deploy_state`
+**MlemABC type**: `kubernetes`
+ DeployState implementation for Kubernetes deployments
+- `model_hash: str` - hash of deployed model meta
+- `image: DockerImage` - Docker Image being used for Deployment
+- `deployment_name: str` - Name of Deployment
+### `class K8sDeployment`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `deployment`
+**MlemABC type**: `kubernetes`
+ MlemDeployment implementation for Kubernetes deployments
+- `namespace: str = "mlem"` - Namespace to create kubernetes resources such as
+ pods, service in
+- `image_name: str = "ml"` - Name of the docker image to be deployed
+- `image_uri: str = "ml:latest"` - URI of the docker image to be deployed
+- `image_pull_policy: ImagePullPolicy = "Always"` - Image pull policy for the
+ docker image to be deployed
+- `port: int = 8080` - Port where the service should be available
+- `service_type: ServiceType = NodePortService()` - Type of service by which
+ endpoints of the model are exposed
+- `state_manager: StateManager` - State manager used
+- `server: Server` - Type of Server to use, with options such as FastAPI,
+ RabbitMQ etc.
+- `registry: DockerRegistry = DockerRegistry()` - Docker registry
+- `daemon: DockerDaemon = host=''` - Docker daemon
+- `kube_config_file_path: str` - Path for kube config file of the cluster
+### `class K8sEnv`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `env`
+**MlemABC type**: `kubernetes`
+ MlemEnv implementation for Kubernetes Environments
+- `registry: DockerRegistry` - Docker registry
+### `class ClusterIPService`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `k8s_service_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `clusterip`
+ ClusterIP Service implementation for service inside a Kubernetes
+ Cluster
+**No fields**
+### `class LoadBalancerService`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `k8s_service_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `loadbalancer`
+ LoadBalancer Service implementation for service inside a Kubernetes
+ Cluster
+**No fields**
+### `class NodePortService`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `k8s_service_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `nodeport`
+ NodePort Service implementation for service inside a Kubernetes Cluster
+**No fields**
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+# Sagemaker Deployments Support
+Implements MlemEnv, MlemDeployment and DeployState to work with AWS SageMaker
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[sagemaker]
+# or
+pip install sagemaker boto3
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class SagemakerClient`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `client`
+**MlemABC type**: `sagemaker`
+ Client to make SageMaker requests
+- `endpoint_name: str` _(required)_ - Name of SageMaker Endpoint
+- `aws_vars: AWSVars` _(required)_ - AWS Configuration
+- `signature: Signature` _(required)_ - Signature of deployed method
+### `class SagemakerDeployState`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `deploy_state`
+**MlemABC type**: `sagemaker`
+ State of SageMaker deployment
+- `model_hash: str` - hash of deployed model meta
+- `image: DockerImage` - Built image
+- `image_tag: str` - Built image tag
+- `model_location: str` - Location of uploaded model
+- `endpoint_name: str` - Name of SageMaker endpoint
+- `endpoint_model_hash: str` - Hash of deployed model
+- `method_signature: Signature` - Signature of deployed method
+- `region: str` - AWS Region
+### `class SagemakerDeployment`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `deployment`
+**MlemABC type**: `sagemaker`
+ SageMaker Deployment
+- `state_manager: StateManager` - State manager used
+- `method: str = "predict"` - Model method to be deployed
+- `image_tag: str` - Name of the docker image to use
+- `use_prebuilt: bool = False` - Use pre-built docker image. If True, image_name
+ should be set
+- `model_arch_location: str` - Path on s3 to store model archive (excluding
+ bucket)
+- `model_name: str` - Name for SageMaker Model
+- `endpoint_name: str` - Name for SageMaker Endpoint
+- `initial_instance_count: int = 1` - Initial instance count for Endpoint
+- `instance_type: str = "ml.t2.medium"` - Instance type for Endpoint
+- `accelerator_type: str` - The size of the Elastic Inference (EI) instance to
+ use
+### `class ECRegistry`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `docker_registry`
+**MlemABC type**: `ecr`
+ ECR registry
+- `account: str` _(required)_ - AWS Account
+- `region: str` _(required)_ - AWS Region
+- `host: str` - Address of the registry
+### `class SagemakerEnv`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `env`
+**MlemABC type**: `sagemaker`
+ SageMaker environment
+- `role: str` - Default role
+- `account: str` - Default account
+- `region: str` - Default region
+- `bucket: str` - Default bucket
+- `profile: str` - Default profile
+- `ecr_repository: str` - Default ECR repository
+### `class SageMakerServer`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `server`
+**MlemABC type**: `_sagemaker`
+ Server to use inside SageMaker containers
+- `host: str = ""` - Host to use
+- `port: int = 8080` - Port to use
+- `method: str = "predict"` - Method to expose
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+# MLEM Extensions
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+# Mlem Models From Arbitraty Callables
+[ModelType](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modeltype) implementation to turn any
+python callable into MLEM Model
+## Description
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class PickleModelIO`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_io`
+**MlemABC type**: `pickle`
+ ModelIO for pickle-able models
+ When model is dumped, recursively checks objects if they can be dumped
+ with ModelIO instead of pickling
+ So, if you use function that internally calls tensorflow model, this
+ tensorflow model will be dumped with
+ tensorflow code and not pickled
+**No fields**
+### `class CallableModelType`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `callable`
+ ModelType implementation for arbitrary callables
+- `io: ModelIO` _(required)_ - Model IO
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+# Catboost Models Support
+Implementations of [ModelType](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modeltype) and
+[ModelIO](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modelio) for `CatBoostClassifier` and
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[catboost]
+# or
+pip install catboost
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class CatBoostModelIO`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_io`
+**MlemABC type**: `catboost_io`
+ :class:`mlem.core.model.ModelIO` for CatBoost models.
+- `model_type: CBType = "reg"` - Type of catboost model
+### `class CatBoostModel`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `catboost`
+ :class:`mlem.core.model.ModelType` for CatBoost models.
+ `.model` attribute is a `catboost.CatBoostClassifier` or
+ `catboost.CatBoostRegressor` instance
+- `io: ModelIO = CatBoostModelIO()` - Model IO
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+# Model extensions
+Model extensions add support for new types models that MLEM can covert into MLEM
+model objects in [`save` API method](/doc/api-reference/save)
+Typicaly they will implement [ModelType](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modeltype)
+and [ModelIO](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modelio) interfaces.
+Some also implement [DataType](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#datatype) interface if
+specific data objects are needed for model to work.
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+# Lightgbm Models Support
+[ModelType](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modeltype) and
+[ModelIO](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modelio) implementations for
+`lightgbm.Booster` as well as LightGBMDataType with Reader and Writer for
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[lightgbm]
+# or
+pip install lightgbm
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class LightGBMDataReader`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_reader`
+**MlemABC type**: `lightgbm`
+ Wrapper reader for lightgbm.Dataset objects
+- `data_type: LightGBMDataType` _(required)_ - Resulting data type
+- `inner: DataReader` _(required)_ - Inner reader
+### `class LightGBMDataType`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `lightgbm`
+ :class:`.DataType` implementation for `lightgbm.Dataset` type
+ :param inner: :class:`.DataType` instance for underlying data
+- `inner: DataType` _(required)_ - Inner DataType
+### `class LightGBMDataWriter`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_writer`
+**MlemABC type**: `lightgbm`
+ Wrapper writer for lightgbm.Dataset objects
+**No fields**
+### `class LightGBMModelIO`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_io`
+**MlemABC type**: `lightgbm_io`
+ :class:`.ModelIO` implementation for `lightgbm.Booster` type
+- `model_file_name: str = "model.lgb"` - Filename to use
+### `class LightGBMModel`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `lightgbm`
+ :class:`.ModelType` implementation for `lightgbm.Booster` type
+- `io: ModelIO = LightGBMModelIO()` - LightGBMModelIO
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/model/onnx.md b/content/docs/extensions/model/onnx.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/extensions/model/onnx.md
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Onnx Models Support
+[ModelType](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modeltype) and
+[ModelIO](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modelio) implementations for
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[onnx]
+# or
+pip install onnx
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class ModelProtoIO`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_io`
+**MlemABC type**: `model_proto`
+ IO for ONNX model object
+**No fields**
+### `class ONNXModel`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `onnx`
+ :class:`mlem.core.model.ModelType` implementation for `onnx` models
+- `io: ModelIO = ModelProtoIO()` - Model IO
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/model/sklearn.md b/content/docs/extensions/model/sklearn.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/content/docs/extensions/model/sklearn.md
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Scikit-Learn Models Support
+[ModelType](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modeltype) implementations for any
+sklearn-compatible classes as well as `Pipeline`
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[sklearn]
+# or
+pip install scikit-learn
+## Examples
+### Saving and loading Scikit-Learn model
+from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
+from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
+from mlem.api import save, load
+data, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
+rf = RandomForestClassifier()
+rf.fit(data, y)
+ rf,
+ "rf",
+ sample_data=data,
+rf = load("rf")
+## Implementation reference
+### `class SklearnModel`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `sklearn`
+ ModelType implementation for `scikit-learn` models
+- `io: ModelIO = SimplePickleIO()` - IO
+### `class SklearnPipelineType`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `sklearn_pipeline`
+ ModelType implementation for `scikit-learn` pipelines
+- `io: ModelIO = SimplePickleIO()` - IO
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/model/tensorflow.md b/content/docs/extensions/model/tensorflow.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8eef66ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/extensions/model/tensorflow.md
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Tensorflow Models Support
+[ModelType](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modeltype) and
+[ModelIO](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modelio) implementations for
+`tf.keras.Model` DataType, Reader and Writer implementations for `tf.Tensor`
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[tensorflow]
+# or
+pip install tensorflow
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class TFTensorReader`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_reader`
+**MlemABC type**: `tf_tensor`
+ Read tensorflow tensors from np format
+- `data_type: DataType` _(required)_ - Resulting data type
+### `class TFTensorDataType`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `tf_tensor`
+ DataType implementation for `tensorflow.Tensor`
+- `dtype: str` _(required)_ - Data type of `tensorflow.Tensor` objects in data
+### `class TFTensorWriter`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_writer`
+**MlemABC type**: `tf_tensor`
+ Write tensorflow tensors to np format
+**No fields**
+### `class TFKerasModelIO`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_io`
+**MlemABC type**: `tf_keras`
+ IO for Tensorflow Keras models (:class:`tensorflow.keras.Model`
+ objects)
+- `save_format: str` - `tf` for custom net classes and `h5` otherwise
+### `class TFKerasModel`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `tf_keras`
+ :class:`.ModelType` implementation for Tensorflow Keras models
+- `io: ModelIO = TFKerasModelIO()` - IO
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/model/torch.md b/content/docs/extensions/model/torch.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92686b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/extensions/model/torch.md
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Torch Models Support
+[ModelType](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modeltype) and
+[ModelIO](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modelio) implementations for
+`torch.nn.Module` ImportHook for importing files saved with `torch.save`
+DataType, Reader and Writer implementations for `torch.Tensor`
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[torch]
+# or
+pip install torch
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class TorchTensorReader`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_reader`
+**MlemABC type**: `torch`
+ Read torch tensors
+- `data_type: DataType` _(required)_ - Resulting data type
+### `class TorchTensorDataType`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `torch`
+ DataType implementation for `torch.Tensor`
+- `dtype: str` _(required)_ - Type name of `torch.Tensor` elements
+### `class TorchTensorWriter`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_writer`
+**MlemABC type**: `torch`
+ Write torch tensors
+**No fields**
+### `class TorchModelImport`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `import`
+**MlemABC type**: `torch`
+ Import torch models saved with `torch.save`
+**No fields**
+### `class TorchModelIO`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_io`
+**MlemABC type**: `torch_io`
+ IO for PyTorch models
+- `is_jit: bool = False` - Is model jit compiled
+### `class TorchModel`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `torch`
+ :class:`.ModelType` implementation for PyTorch models
+- `io: ModelIO = TorchModelIO()` - TorchModelIO
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/model/xgboost.md b/content/docs/extensions/model/xgboost.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/content/docs/extensions/model/xgboost.md
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Xgboost Models Support
+[ModelType](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modeltype) and
+[ModelIO](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modelio) implementations for
+`xgboost.Booster` as well as DataType, Reader and Writer implementations for
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[xgboost]
+# or
+pip install xgboost
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class DMatrixDataType`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `data_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `xgboost_dmatrix`
+ DataType implementation for xgboost.DMatrix type
+- `is_from_list: bool` _(required)_ - Whether DMatrix can be constructed from
+ list
+### `class XGBoostModelIO`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_io`
+**MlemABC type**: `xgboost_io`
+ :class:`~.ModelIO` implementation for XGBoost models
+- `model_file_name: str = "model.xgb"` - Filename to use
+### `class XGBoostModel`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `model_type`
+**MlemABC type**: `xgboost`
+ :class:`~.ModelType` implementation for XGBoost models
+- `io: ModelIO = XGBoostModelIO()` - Model IO
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/serving/fastapi.md b/content/docs/extensions/serving/fastapi.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/extensions/serving/fastapi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Fastapi Serving
+FastAPIServer implementation
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[fastapi]
+# or
+pip install fastapi uvicorn
+## Examples
+### Running FastAPI model server from code
+from mlem.api import serve
+ server="fastapi",
+ host="",
+ port=8000,
+### Running FastAPI model server from cli
+$ mlem serve fastapi \
+ --model https://github.com/iterative/example-mlem-get-started/rf \
+ --host --port 8000
+### Applying data to running FastAPI server from API
+from mlem.api import apply_remote
+ "https://github.com/iterative/example-mlem-get-started/iris.csv",
+ method="predict",
+ host="",
+ port=8000
+### Applying data to running FastAPI server from CLI
+$ mlem apply-remote http --method predict --host --port 8000 \
+ --data https://github.com/iterative/example-mlem-get-started/iris.csv
+## Implementation reference
+### `class FastAPIServer`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `server`
+**MlemABC type**: `fastapi`
+ Serves model with http
+- `host: str = ""` - Network interface to use
+- `port: int = 8080` - Port to use
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/serving/index.md b/content/docs/extensions/serving/index.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/content/docs/extensions/serving/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Serving extensions
+Serving extensions add new types of servers to use with `serve`
+[API](/doc/api-reference/serve) and [CLI](/doc/command-reference/serve) commands
+Typicaly they will implement [Server](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#builder) and
+[Client](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#client) interfaces
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/serving/rabbitmq.md b/content/docs/extensions/serving/rabbitmq.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/content/docs/extensions/serving/rabbitmq.md
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Rabbitmq Serving
+RabbitMQServer implementation
+## Description
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[rmq]
+# or
+pip install pika
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class RabbitMQClient`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `client`
+**MlemABC type**: `rmq`
+ Access models served with rmq server
+- `host: str` _(required)_ - Host of RMQ instance
+- `port: int` _(required)_ - Port of RMQ instance
+- `exchange: str = ""` - RMQ exchange to use
+- `queue_prefix: str = ""` - Queue prefix
+- `timeout: float = 0` - Time to wait for response. 0 means indefinite
+### `class RabbitMQServer`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `server`
+**MlemABC type**: `rmq`
+ RMQ server that consumes requests and produces model predictions
+ from/to RMQ instance
+- `host: str` _(required)_ - Host of RMQ instance
+- `port: int` _(required)_ - Port of RMQ instance
+- `exchange: str = ""` - RMQ exchange to use
+- `queue_prefix: str = ""` - Queue prefix
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/storage/dvc.md b/content/docs/extensions/storage/dvc.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Dvc Support
+Support for storing artifacts with DVC
+## Description
+To enable DVC support for artifacts loading you need to configure DVCStorage as
+your default storage like this:
+$ mlem config set core.storage.type dvc
+You need to do this before you save anything with mlem
+## Requirements
+pip install mlem[dvc]
+# or
+pip install dvc
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class DVCArtifact`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `artifact`
+**MlemABC type**: `dvc`
+ Local artifact that can be also read from DVC cache
+- `uri: str` _(required)_ - Local path to file
+- `size: int` _(required)_ - size in bytes
+- `hash: str` _(required)_ - md5 hash
+### `class DVCStorage`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `storage`
+**MlemABC type**: `dvc`
+ User-managed dvc storage, which means user should
+ track corresponding files with dvc manually.
+- `uri: str = ""` - Base storage path
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/storage/index.md b/content/docs/extensions/storage/index.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Storage extensions
+Storage extensions add support for new types of location that MLEM can use to
+store artifacts in [`save` API method](/doc/api-reference/save)
+Typicaly they will implement [Storage](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#storage) and
+[Artifact](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#artifact) interfaces.
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/uri/bitbucketfs.md b/content/docs/extensions/uri/bitbucketfs.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/content/docs/extensions/uri/bitbucketfs.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Bitbucket Uri Support
+Implementation of `BitbucketFileSystem` and `BitbucketResolver`
+## Description
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class BitBucketResolver`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `resolver`
+**MlemABC type**: `bitbucket`
+ Resolve bitbucket URIs
+**No fields**
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/uri/github.md b/content/docs/extensions/uri/github.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/extensions/uri/github.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Github Uri Support
+Implementation of `GithubResolver`
+## Description
+This extension does not require additional setup and works out-of-the-box. All
+URIs starting with `https://github.com` will be resolved.
+`rev` option is supported, you can specify it separately or as a part of URI
+like this: `https://github.com///tree//path`
+## Examples
+from mlem.api import load
+model = load("https://github.com/iterative/example-mlem-get-started/rf",
+ rev="main"
+## Implementation reference
+### `class GithubResolver`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `resolver`
+**MlemABC type**: `github`
+ Resolve https://github.com URLs
+**No fields**
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/uri/gitlabfs.md b/content/docs/extensions/uri/gitlabfs.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c4f1342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/extensions/uri/gitlabfs.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Gitlab Uri Support
+Implementation of `GitlabFileSystem` and `GitlabResolver`
+## Description
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+### `class GitlabResolver`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `resolver`
+**MlemABC type**: `gitlab`
+ Resolve https://gitlab.com URIs
+**No fields**
diff --git a/content/docs/extensions/uri/index.md b/content/docs/extensions/uri/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0fd10222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/extensions/uri/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# URI Resolver extensions
+URI Resolver extensions add support for different URI patterns that MLEM will
+understand whenever you reference any MLEM object or project.
+Typicaly they will implement
+[URIResolver](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#uriresolver) interface.
diff --git a/content/docs/sidebar.json b/content/docs/sidebar.json
index e54e9b12..54eda082 100644
--- a/content/docs/sidebar.json
+++ b/content/docs/sidebar.json
@@ -126,6 +126,167 @@
+ {
+ "slug": "extensions",
+ "label": "Extensions",
+ "source": "extensions/index.md",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "slug": "model",
+ "label": "Models",
+ "source": "models/index.md",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "slug": "sklearn",
+ "label": "Sklearn",
+ "source": "model/sklearn.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "onnx",
+ "label": "Onnx",
+ "source": "model/onnx.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "tensorflow",
+ "label": "Tensorflow",
+ "source": "model/tensorflow.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "torch",
+ "label": "Torch",
+ "source": "model/torch.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "catboost",
+ "label": "Catboost",
+ "source": "model/catboost.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "lightgbm",
+ "label": "Lightgbm",
+ "source": "model/lightgbm.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "xgboost",
+ "label": "Xgboost",
+ "source": "model/xgboost.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "callable",
+ "label": "Callable",
+ "source": "model/callable.md"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "data",
+ "label": "Data",
+ "source": "data/index.md",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "slug": "numpy",
+ "label": "Numpy",
+ "source": "data/numpy.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "pandas",
+ "label": "Pandas",
+ "source": "data/pandas.md"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "build",
+ "label": "Builders",
+ "source": "build/index.md",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "slug": "pip",
+ "label": "Pip",
+ "source": "build/pip.md"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "serving",
+ "label": "Serving",
+ "source": "serving/index.md",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "slug": "fastapi",
+ "label": "Fastapi",
+ "source": "serving/fastapi.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "rabbitmq",
+ "label": "Rabbitmq",
+ "source": "serving/rabbitmq.md"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "deployment",
+ "label": "Deployments",
+ "source": "deployment/index.md",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "slug": "heroku",
+ "label": "Heroku",
+ "source": "deployment/heroku.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "sagemaker",
+ "label": "Sagemaker",
+ "source": "deployment/sagemaker.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "docker",
+ "label": "Docker",
+ "source": "deployment/docker.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "kubernetes",
+ "label": "Kubernetes",
+ "source": "deployment/kubernetes.md"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "uri",
+ "label": "URI Resolving",
+ "source": "uri/index.md",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "slug": "github",
+ "label": "Github",
+ "source": "uri/github.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "gitlabfs",
+ "label": "Gitlabfs",
+ "source": "uri/gitlabfs.md"
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "bitbucketfs",
+ "label": "Bitbucketfs",
+ "source": "uri/bitbucketfs.md"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "slug": "storage",
+ "label": "Artifact Storage",
+ "source": "storage/index.md",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "slug": "dvc",
+ "label": "Dvc",
+ "source": "storage/dvc.md"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
"slug": "command-reference",
"label": "Command Reference",
diff --git a/scripts/docs/bootstrap_extensions.py b/scripts/docs/bootstrap_extensions.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d946229a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/docs/bootstrap_extensions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+import importlib
+import inspect
+import json
+import os.path
+import re
+import string
+import textwrap
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Tuple, Type
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError
+from pydantic.fields import ModelField
+from pydantic.typing import display_as_type, get_args, is_union
+from typing_extensions import get_origin
+from mlem.cli.utils import get_field_help
+from mlem.core.base import MlemABC
+from mlem.ext import Extension, ExtensionLoader, get_ext_type
+from mlem.utils.entrypoints import load_entrypoints
+from scripts.docs.utils import get_sections, replace_sections
+SIDEBAR_PATH = "../../content/docs/sidebar.json"
+EXTENSIONS_SLUG = "extensions"
+EXTENSIONS_DIR = "../../content/docs/extensions"
+ "ModelType": "[ModelType](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modeltype)",
+ "ModelIO": "[ModelIO](/doc/user-guide/mlem-abcs#modelio)"
+def add_extension_to_sidebar(type_, slug, label, source):
+ with open(SIDEBAR_PATH, "r") as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ extensions = [o for o in data if o["slug"] == EXTENSIONS_SLUG][0]
+ types = extensions["children"]
+ children = [o for o in types if o["slug"] == type_][0]["children"]
+ if any(c["slug"] == slug for c in children):
+ return
+ children.append({
+ "slug": slug,
+ "label": label,
+ "source": source
+ })
+ with open(SIDEBAR_PATH, "w") as f:
+ json.dump(data, f, indent=2)
+def get_extension_doc(module_doc: str):
+ doc = "\n\n".join(module_doc.split("\n\n")[1:])
+ for key, value in DOC_REPLACEMENTS.items():
+ doc = doc.replace(key, value)
+ return textwrap.fill(doc.replace("\n\n", "\n"), width=LINE_WIDTH,
+ break_on_hyphens=False)
+def get_extension_reqs(ext: Extension):
+ if not ext.reqs:
+ return ""
+ extra = ext.extra or ext.module.split(".")[-1]
+ reqs = " ".join(ext.reqs_packages)
+ return f"""```bash
+pip install mlem[{extra}]
+# or
+pip install {reqs}
+class Field:
+ name: str
+ required: bool
+ type_: str
+ default: Any
+ help_: str
+def iterate_type_fields(
+ cls: Type[BaseModel]
+) -> Iterator[Field]:
+ """Recursively get CliTypeFields from BaseModel"""
+ field: ModelField
+ for name, field in sorted(
+ cls.__fields__.items(), key=lambda x: not x[1].required
+ ):
+ name = field.alias or name
+ if (
+ issubclass(cls, MlemABC)
+ and name in cls.__config__.exclude
+ or field.field_info.exclude
+ ):
+ # Skip excluded fields
+ continue
+ field_type = field.outer_type_
+ # field.type_ is element type for collections/mappings
+ if not isinstance(field_type, type):
+ # skip too complicated stuff
+ continue
+ yield Field(name=name, type_=repr_field_type(field_type),
+ required=bool(field.required), default=field.default,
+ help_=get_field_help(cls, name))
+def repr_field_type(type_: Type) -> str:
+ if isinstance(type_, type):
+ return type_.__name__
+ origin = get_origin(type_)
+ if is_union(origin):
+ # get first type for union
+ generic_args = get_args(type_)
+ args = ", ".join(repr_field_type(a) for a in generic_args)
+ return f"Union[{args}]"
+ if origin is list or origin is dict:
+ return display_as_type(type_)
+ if type_ is Any:
+ return "Any"
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown type: {type_}")
+def default_value(fd):
+ try:
+ return fd.__class__()
+ except ValidationError:
+ return ...
+def repr_field_default(field: Field) -> Tuple[str, Type]:
+ fd = field.default
+ default = f" = {fd}" if fd is not None and fd != "" else ""
+ if default == " = " or issubclass(fd.__class__,
+ BaseModel) and fd == default_value(fd):
+ default = f" = {fd.__class__.__name__}()"
+ if isinstance(fd, str):
+ default = f" = \"{fd}\""
+ add_type = None
+ if isinstance(fd, BaseModel) and not issubclass(fd.__class__, MlemABC):
+ add_type = fd.__class__
+ return default, add_type
+def with_prev_and_next(iterable):
+ prev = None
+ current = None
+ for o in iterable:
+ if current is not None:
+ yield prev, current, o
+ prev = current
+ current = o
+ yield current, o, ""
+def smart_wrap(value: str, width: int, subsequent_indent: str = ""):
+ SPECIAL = "\0"
+ QUOTES = "'\"`"
+ quotes_open = {q: False for q in QUOTES}
+ chars = []
+ new_word = False
+ for prev, c, nxt in with_prev_and_next(value):
+ if nxt in string.ascii_letters:
+ new_word = True
+ if quotes_open.get(c):
+ quotes_open[c] = False
+ chars.append(c)
+ new_word = False
+ continue
+ if any(quotes_open.values()) or new_word is False:
+ chars.append(SPECIAL if c == " " else c)
+ continue
+ if c in QUOTES and prev == " ":
+ quotes_open[c] = True
+ chars.append(c)
+ return textwrap.fill("".join(chars), width=width,
+ subsequent_indent=subsequent_indent,
+ break_on_hyphens=False,
+ break_long_words=False).replace(SPECIAL, " ")
+def repr_field(field: Field) -> Tuple[str, Type]:
+ req = " _(required)_" if field.required else ""
+ default, add_type = repr_field_default(field)
+ help_ = re.subn(r"\s+", " ", field.help_)[0]
+ return smart_wrap(
+ f"- `{field.name}: {field.type_}{default}`{req} - {help_}",
+ width=LINE_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=" "), add_type
+def get_impl_docstring(type_):
+ doc = inspect.cleandoc(type_.__doc__ or "Class docstring missing").strip()
+ return "\n".join(
+ f"{textwrap.fill(' ' + line, subsequent_indent=' ', width=LINE_WIDTH - 5)}"
+ for line in
+ doc.splitlines())
+def get_impl_description(type_: Type[MlemABC]) -> Tuple[str, List[Type]]:
+ fields_doc = "**No fields**"
+ fields = list(iterate_type_fields(type_))
+ add_types = []
+ if fields:
+ fields_doc = "**Fields**:\n\n"
+ fds = []
+ for f in fields:
+ fd, add_type = repr_field(f)
+ fds.append(fd)
+ if add_type:
+ add_types.append(add_type)
+ fields_doc += "\n\n".join(fds)
+ doc = get_impl_docstring(type_)
+ return f"""### `class {type_.__name__}`
+**MlemABC parent type**: `{type_.abs_name}`
+**MlemABC type**: `{type_.__get_alias__()}`
+""", add_types
+def get_model_description(type_: Type[BaseModel]) -> str:
+ fields_doc = "**No fields**"
+ fields = list(iterate_type_fields(type_))
+ if fields:
+ fields_doc = "**Fields**:\n\n"
+ fields_doc += "\n\n".join(repr_field(f)[0] for f in fields)
+ doc = get_impl_docstring(type_)
+ return f"""### `class {type_.__name__}`
+def get_extension_impls(ext: Extension):
+ eps = load_entrypoints()
+ ext_eps = {
+ k: v for k, v in eps.items() if v.ep.module_name.startswith(ext.module)
+ }
+ add_types = set()
+ descr = []
+ for e in ext_eps.values():
+ d, add = get_impl_description(e.ep.load())
+ descr.append(d)
+ add_types.update(add)
+ for add in add_types:
+ descr.append(get_model_description(add))
+ return "\n---\n\n".join(descr)
+def get_extension_md(ext: Extension) -> str:
+ module_doc = importlib.import_module(ext.module).__doc__
+ title = module_doc.splitlines()[0].title()
+ doc = get_extension_doc(module_doc)
+ reqs = get_extension_reqs(ext)
+ if reqs:
+ reqs = f"""
+## Requirements
+ implementations = get_extension_impls(ext)
+ return f"""# {title}
+## Description
+## Examples
+## Implementation reference
+def create_extension_page(type_: str, name: str, ext: Extension,
+ overwrite: bool = False):
+ filename = f"{type_}/{name.lower()}.md"
+ path = os.path.join(EXTENSIONS_DIR, filename)
+ handcrafted = {}
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ if not overwrite:
+ return
+ handcrafted = get_sections(path, "Description", "Examples")
+ os.unlink(path)
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
+ with open(path, "w") as f:
+ md = get_extension_md(ext)
+ if handcrafted:
+ md = replace_sections(md, handcrafted)
+ f.write(md)
+ add_extension_to_sidebar(type_, name.lower(), name.capitalize(), filename)
+def main():
+ for mod, ext in ExtensionLoader.builtin_extensions.items():
+ ext_name = mod.split(".")[-1]
+ ext_type = get_ext_type(mod)
+ print(ext_name, ext_type)
+ create_extension_page(ext_type, ext_name, ext, overwrite=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/scripts/docs/utils.py b/scripts/docs/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62125bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/docs/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import re
+from typing import Dict
+def get_section(content: str, section_name: str, section_prefix: str = "## "):
+ find = re.findall(
+ f"{section_prefix}{section_name}(.*?)^{section_prefix}", content,
+ flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
+ if not find:
+ return None
+ return find[0]
+def get_sections(path: str, *sections, section_prefix: str = "## "):
+ with open(path, "r") as f:
+ content = f.read()
+ res = {s: get_section(content, s, section_prefix) for s in sections}
+ return {s: v for s, v in res.items() if v}
+def replace_section(data: str, section_name: str, new_value: str,
+ section_prefix: str = "## ") -> str:
+ return re.sub(f"{section_prefix}{section_name}(.*?)^{section_prefix}",
+ f"{section_prefix}{section_name}{new_value}{section_prefix}",
+ data, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
+def replace_sections(data: str, sections: Dict[str, str],
+ section_prefix: str = "## ") -> str:
+ for s, v in sections.items():
+ data = replace_section(data, s, v, section_prefix)
+ return data