- 0.5.0 Swift 3 compatibility / removed iOS8
- 0.4.0 iOS 8 compatibility
- 0.3.3 Fixes buttons being added multiple times
- 0.3.2 Dialog repositioning when interacting with keyboard
Non dismissable buttons option
Additional completion handler when dialog is dismissed - 0.3.1 Fixed Carthage issues
- 0.3.0 Objective-C compatibility
- 0.2.2 Turned off liveBlur by default to increase performance
- 0.2.1 Dismiss via background tap or swipe down transition
- 0.2.0 You can now pass custom view controllers to the dialog. This introduces breaking changes.
- 0.1.6 Defer button action until animation completes
- 0.1.5 Exposed dialog properties
(titleText, messageText, image, buttonAlignment, transitionStyle) - 0.1.4 Pick transition animation style
- 0.1.3 Big screen support
Exposed basic shadow appearance - 0.1.2 Exposed blur and overlay appearance
- 0.1.1 Added themeing example
- 0.1.0 Intitial version