This demo assumes you have configured Istio with multicluster agents. Follow the instructions here
To build the command line,
cd multicluster
make cli
cp build/mc-tool /usr/local/bin
Note: Requires Go.
Create the configurations
./ cluster1=$CLUSTER1 cluster2=$CLUSTER2
./ cluster2=$CLUSTER2 cluster1=$CLUSTER1
Configure the Custom Resource Definition and the IngressGateways
kubectl --context $CLUSTER1 apply crddefs.yaml
kubectl --context $CLUSTER1 patch service istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system --type=json --patch='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/ports/0", "value": {"name": "tls-intermesh", "port": 31444, "nodePort": 31444, "targetPort": 31444}}]'
kubectl --context $CLUSTER2 apply crddefs.yaml
kubectl --context $CLUSTER2 patch service istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system --type=json --patch='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/ports/0", "value": {"name": "tls-intermesh", "port": 31444, "nodePort": 31444, "targetPort": 31444}}]'
First, install Bookinfo with details and productpage on cluster1. The reviews (version:v1) will be on cluster2
kubectl --context $CLUSTER1 apply -f bookinfo-norating-noreviews.yaml
kubectl --context $CLUSTER1 apply -f bookinfo-gateway.yaml
kubectl --context $CLUSTER2 apply -f bookinfo-reviews-v1.yaml
Follow the instructions at to find Bookinfo.
Browse to http://${GATEWAY_URL}/productpage to verify that bookinfo is connected and that details are present but not reviews.
We will create a Service Exposition Policy to expose reviews-v1 on cluster2 to services on cluster1.
mc-tool --filename ../bookinfo/reviews-exposure.yaml --mc-conf-filename cluster2-conf.yaml |kubectl --context $CLUSTER2 apply -f -
The policy we are applying looks like
## Expose the "reviews" service
kind: ServiceExpositionPolicy
name: reviews
- name: reviews
port: 9080
It just says to expose reviews:9080 to all clusters, all namespaces, within our Root CA.
Upon running the above command the agent created Istio configuration on $CLUSTER2. Verify that the configuration was created
kubectl --context $CLUSTER2 get gateways,virtualservices,destinationrules
mc-tool --genbinding cluster1 --filename ../bookinfo/reviews-exposure.yaml --mc-conf-filename cluster2-conf.yaml | kubectl --context $CLUSTER1 apply -f -
Upon running the above command the agent created Istio configuration on $CLUSTER2. Verify that the configuration was created
kubectl --context $CLUSTER2 get gateways,virtualservices,destinationrules
You should see a gateway, virtual service, and destination rule for reviews. The topology is now
Exposing on cluster2 caused a RemoteServiceBinding to be created on cluster1.
kubectl --context $CLUSTER1 get remoteservicebindings
If the binding is in live
mode the client-side Istio configuration will be created automatically.
kubectl --context $CLUSTER1 get service,destinationrule,serviceentry
Reload http://${GATEWAY_URL}/productpage in the browser. Verify that reviews are present.
To remove the demo artifacts, execute the following:
mc-tool --filename ../bookinfo/reviews-exposure.yaml --mc-conf-filename cluster2-conf.yaml | kubectl --context $CLUSTER2 delete -f -
mc-tool --genbinding cluster1 --filename ../bookinfo/reviews-exposure.yaml --mc-conf-filename cluster2-conf.yaml | kubectl --context $CLUSTER1 delete -f -
kubectl --context $CLUSTER1 delete service reviews
kubectl --context $CLUSTER1 delete -f bookinfo-norating-noreviews.yaml
kubectl --context $CLUSTER1 delete -f bookinfo-gateway.yaml
kubectl --context $CLUSTER2 delete -f bookinfo-reviews-v1.yaml