- Agile Fluency Game
- Agile Requirement game
- ApprovalTests
- BDD vs Evil programmer
- Ball game - iterations
- Bret Victor - The effects of feedback delays on creativity. https://vimeo.com/36579366
- Chair Game - team interaction
- Coaching Dojo
- Code Retreat
- Combinatorial testing
- Cutting Code Quickly (gilded rose demo)
- Database Tips: How not to delete data, how to migrate schema versions, how to refactor table names.
- Duplication Coloring Book - Part 1
- Duplication Coloring Book - Part 2
- Duplication Coloring Book - Part 3
- Engaging with confusion
- English to code
- Exceptional Exceptions
- Exercism.io
- Exploratory Testing Heuristics (17)
- Expressive Objects
- Extreme Fake it till you make it
- Fix & Growth Mindset
- Git
- GraphQL
- How an agile programmer does a jigsaw puzzle + introduction to sparrow decks
- IExecutableQuery: Easily test Rest & Sql calls
- Inline keyboard Kata
- Intention Code (talk)
- Koans - ApprovalTests
- Koans - Java 8
- Koans - Linq
- Koans - Python
- Koans - Reactive
- Lambda - Introduce refactoring
- Lambdas
- Lessons learned from 'The Phoenix Project' & 'The Goal'1.
- Lift If refactoring - splitting on color
- Lightning talks
- Microskills week. Typing, Coloring Book, Sparrow Decks, Set
- Microskills week. Typing, Generous Listening, [TBD] [TBD]
- Microskills week. Typing, Visual Thinking Strategies (learning to see), Meditation (Learning to be patience), Clean Language (Learning to listen)
- Milo's story of Dependency Injection
- Mob Programming
- New Languages - Rust, Elm, Java, C#, Javascript, Typescript, Go, Python, Haskel,
- Offshore Teams game
- Peel & Slice - Part 1 Peel
- Peel & Slice - Part 2 Slice
- Peel & Slice - Part 3 Both
- Pipeline game - 1 abstract
- Pipeline game - 2 your pipeline
- Podcast review
- Polymorphism without dynamic memory (C++)
- Powerpoint Karaoke
- ROI of learning hour
- Refactoring Early Returns
- Refactoring to Async
- SafeGuarding
- Sparrow Decks [Clutter, Long Methods, Paragraphs, Duplication]
- TDD - Bowling
- TDD - Cyber Dojo
- TDD - Fizz Buzz
- TDD - Triangle
- TDD Lego's
- TDD demo - Bowling Kata
- Teaching Kids Programming
- Testing functional code
- The case for Agile Technical Practices
- The language of emotions
- Theory based Testing
- Types of Learning: Awareness, Proficiency, Fluency
- Vectorized Words
- Video Hour
- Writing Test Scenarios
- Intro to Git / Github / Github Actions