We finished integration of all the modules. The tasks in the KANBAN board have been duly updated. Other related documents are being prepared.
XP Core Value: Communication
We met several times in the week to communicate the issues faced during the integration part. We were able to solve them and finish our game application. Communication played a key role as it was the one which helped us know the problem, discuss them and arrive at a solution.
Integration of different modules was begun. We all sat down to integrate our code. Around 70% of the work is completed. Integration with the levels is remaining.
XP Core Value: Communication
We had a meeting and we arrived at a conclusion that integration of the different modules had to be started. We met couple of times during the week to integrate different modules. We even communicated through phone calls to get out code working. Around 25-30% of the work is still pending.
Design Pattern was changed to CHain of Responsibility pattern for the Level 2 Enemy module as it fit the requirements better. The design pattern has been implemented and the code has been uploaded in the github. Started working on the BDD scenarios.
XP Core Value: Communication
In the start of Week 6, we had a meeting to discuss if we were on the right track in constructing design patterns. We were in constant touch through group chats on how much progress everyone has had. We did not have any major blockage this week.
Coding for Enemy Level 2 was started this week. Basic functionalities of the enemy, including moving the enemy, shooting by the enemy and the enemy dying have been implemented. Few bits of code, have been blocked with slight problems, and are under implementation. Strategy Pattern has been implemented partially.
XP Core Value: Communication
In the start of Week 5, we had a meeting to discuss on assigning the tasks for the week. Task = "Coding for individual modules" was decided for every person. We had a stand up meeting mid-week, to discuss on the progress and on any hurdles we are facing. We didnt have any major blockage.
This week, Strategy pattern was finalised and Class Diagram, with the basic important functions implemented in it, which has been attached with the relating issue in the Kanban Board. I have started working on the coding for the different modules. I have also started working on the Individual requirement - 'User Story with BDD Scenarios'.
XP Core Value: Communication
This week, we had a clear picture of what task was assigned for each person. We decided to finish with the Design pattern finalization for various modules and to have class diagram ready. Coding will be started next week.
This week, the attributes and methods for the Enemy module at Level 2 was finalised. This helped in deciding the design pattern for this module. Strategy Design pattern fits this module structure and fucntionality. Class diagram for the pattern is being implemented.
XP Core Value: Communication
Start of this week, we had a meeting and it was communicated very clearly as to which team member has to work on what section of the project. We discussed on the design patterns and how it had to be implemented for every module. This meeting proved useful to eliminate confusions about the implementation of the design patterns.
The objects/enemies in Level 2 of the game and the corresponding actions which can be performed have been finalized. I have started exploring the design patterns, which will be appropriate for this module.
XP Core Value: Communication
We had a stand up meeting mid of the week to discuss on the team's progress. Ideas presented by each team member was taken into consideration and accordingly the tasks were assigned to every person. Communication was an important factor this week as that has helped the team finalize on the game requirements.
To understand the working of Greenfoot application, I designed and implemented a simple game - Catch the flies. It has a Snake which can be moved on the game board using the arrow keys in the keyboard to catch the flies which will be randomly moving in the board. There is a score card in the game, to keep a track of number of flies the snake catches.
The game is designed to have two main classes : World and Actor. World has subclasses : MyWorld and weave. Actor has subclasses: flies, snake and scoreboard.
Game's code is attached in Issue# 6.
XP Core Value: Communication
We had a meeting on Day 1 to discuss on the project. Each team member was assigned with tasks. There was a stand-up meeting mid week. The work done was reviewed and checked to see if we were on track.