This is the branch for 76X samples, February 2016
cmsrel CMSSW_7_6_4
cd CMSSW_7_6_4/src
git cms-merge-topic Sam-Harper:HEEPV61 # to fix the drop of electron ID efficiency ~100 GeV
# checkout aTGC analysis code
git clone -b 76X [email protected]:ishvetso/aTGCsAnalysis.git
# Compile
scram b -j 10
Samples (the last version):
Plotting: code is located in aTGCsAnalysis/Common/test/Plotting/.
To compile do:
Allowed options:
--help produce help message
--channel arg channel to be used: ele or mu
--CR arg control region to make plots with
--output arg tag for the output directory
--input arg name of input directory
--withMC use Monte Carlo or not
--withData use data or not
--withSignal draw signal or not
--withSystematics calculate systematics or not. If not statistical
uncertainties are calculated and drawn.
--wantToWriteHists to write histograms to the local file
An example below makes plots in the ttbar control region in the electron channel with data, Monte-Carlo, signal and no systematics :
./draw --CR ttbar --channel ele --output ttbar_CR --input /afs/ --withSignal --withMC --withData
Note that if you use "withSignal" option systematics for the signal will be computed automatically.
To study the effect of systematic uncertainties on the signal shape parameters make use the script located in aTGCsAnalysis/Common/test/Plotting/ :
python --cat WW --ch ele -l