Metalnx 2.4.0 shipped with an additional view for Collections. This new view provides a thumbnail or gallery view of the data objects in the Collection and is populated by a server-side policy which provides the thumbnail information.
Metalnx asks the connected iRODS server to run a rule named:
irods_policy_list_thumbnails_for_logical_path(*logical_path, *offset, *limit, *out){}
An example iRODS rule language rule that provides fullpaths to thumbnails in a direct subcollection named thumbnails
irods_policy_list_thumbnails_for_logical_path(*logical_path, *offset, *limit, *out){
# trim trailing slash if present
writeLine('serverLog', 'logical_path_before_trim=[*logical_path]');
*lastchar = substr(*logical_path, strlen(*logical_path)-1, strlen(*logical_path));
if ( *lastchar == '/' ) then { *logical_path = trimr(*logical_path, "/"); }
writeLine('serverLog', 'logical_path_after_trim=[*logical_path]');
# start json
*thejson = '{ "location": "*logical_path", "items": [ ';
*comma = 0;
# subcollections
foreach ( *row in SELECT COLL_ID, COLL_NAME, COLL_MODIFY_TIME where COLL_PARENT_NAME = '*logical_path'){
if (*comma == 1) then {*thejson = *thejson++', '};
*parts = split(*row.COLL_NAME, "/");
*thecoll = elem(*parts, size(*parts)-1);
*thejson = *thejson++'{ "id": '++*row.COLL_ID;
*thejson = *thejson++', "name": "'++*thecoll++'"';
*thejson = *thejson++', "collection": true';
*thejson = *thejson++', "lastModified": "'++*row.COLL_MODIFY_TIME++'"';
*thejson = *thejson++', "hover": "*thecoll"';
*thejson = *thejson++' }';
*comma = 1;
# separator
foreach ( *row in SELECT count(DATA_ID) where COLL_NAME = '*logical_path'){
if (*row.DATA_ID != '0' && *comma == 1) then {*thejson = *thejson++', '};
*comma = 0;
# data objects
foreach ( *row in SELECT DATA_ID, DATA_NAME, DATA_SIZE, DATA_MODIFY_TIME where COLL_NAME = '*logical_path'){
if (*comma == 1) then {*thejson = *thejson++', '};
*thejson = *thejson++'{ "id": '++*row.DATA_ID;
*thejson = *thejson++', "name": "'++*row.DATA_NAME++'"';
*thejson = *thejson++', "size": "'++*row.DATA_SIZE++'"';
*thejson = *thejson++', "collection": false';
*thejson = *thejson++', "lastModified": "'++*row.DATA_MODIFY_TIME++'"';
*thejson = *thejson++', "hover": "'++*row.DATA_SIZE++' bytes"';
*thejson = *thejson++', "thumbnail": "'++*logical_path++'/thumbnails/'++*row.DATA_NAME++'"';
*thejson = *thejson++' }';
*comma = 1;
# end json
*thejson = *thejson++' ] }';
writeLine('serverLog', 'thejson: '++*thejson);
*out = *thejson;
Metalnx will use the returned JSON payload to render the thumbnails with designated name, size, last modified date, and hover text.
"location": "/tempZone/home/rods",
"items": [
"id": 10027,
"name": "thumbnails",
"collection": true,
"lastModified": "01622853658",
"hover": "thumbnails"
"id": 10026,
"name": "irods.png",
"size": "224",
"collection": false,
"lastModified": "01621015799",
"hover": "224 bytes",
"thumbnail": "/tempZone/home/rods/thumbnails/irods.png"