The runner and it's supporting applications are deployed using docker-compose. To run a minimal local development setup you need the following parts:
- Nginx
- InfluxDB
- Grafana
To run the stack locally all you need is docker-compose.yaml file. The runner runs on the host, listening on port 9000, outside of Docker. The Ansible playbook takes care of creating a Docker network that is allowed to access port 9000 on the host.
For production, there is an nginx reverse proxy to route traffic to Grafana
on /
and expose the runner's endpoint on /runner
In production we add the to configure and run the production setup. Also SSL certificate provisioning is handled for production with certbot
- nginx
- certbot
Convenience scripts to run the different docker-compose setups are located under /scripts
Nginx is configured to use certificates and will fail if the certificate files are not present. On a new deployment, no certificates will be available so before the first run a dummy certificate should be installed with sudo ./ This installs a self signed cert starts nginx and certbot will initiate a handshake with let's encrypt to retrieve the real certificate and replace the self signed cert with the real one.
Let's encrypt only works with publicly resolvable domains.
This project is being watched by CircleCi. At the end of each successful integration run the runner and test code are redeployed to the controller VM. The definition of the tests and deployment is contained in the CircleCi configuration file. For more details, see playbook doc