GPS 10hz and ESP32 based opensource Drag Timer
- Any combination of X-Y km/h or m/h (including decceleration for breaking tests)
- Any combination of distance in meters or feet
- Gradient change for measurement
- Continious measurement mode
- Ability to put it into pocket or cubby in motorcycle and read measurements later
STL files avaialable in 3d_print_case directory.
- Maybe pure C++ or maybe ESPruino
- Everything available through WIFI or BT
- Ability to datalog into SDCard
Any ESP32 board
I'm using UBX-G7020-KIT
USB Cable with any power source like 12V cigarette lighter power supply or 5V PowerBank or 18650 Battery module
Use ESP32 board with builtin OLED screen and 18650 battery - on screen show battery level, gps status and current speed
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