diff --git a/src/app/auth/services/auth.service.test.ts b/src/app/auth/services/auth.service.test.ts
index 2fab47961..937606dc0 100644
--- a/src/app/auth/services/auth.service.test.ts
+++ b/src/app/auth/services/auth.service.test.ts
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ import localStorageService from 'app/core/services/local-storage.service';
import { userActions } from 'app/store/slices/user';
import * as pgpService from 'app/crypto/services/pgp.service';
-if (typeof globalThis.process === 'undefined') {
- globalThis.process = { env: {} } as any;
const originalEnv = process.env.REACT_APP_CRYPTO_SECRET;
const originalSalt = process.env.REACT_APP_MAGIC_SALT;
const originalIV = process.env.REACT_APP_MAGIC_IV;
diff --git a/src/app/share/views/SharedGuestSignUp/ShareGuestSignUpView.test.tsx b/src/app/share/views/SharedGuestSignUp/ShareGuestSignUpView.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bbfaa674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/share/views/SharedGuestSignUp/ShareGuestSignUpView.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+import { beforeEach, afterAll, beforeAll, describe, expect, it, vi, Mock } from 'vitest';
+import { screen, fireEvent, render } from '@testing-library/react';
+import ShareGuestSingUpView from './ShareGuestSingUpView';
+import { userActions } from 'app/store/slices/user';
+import * as keysService from 'app/crypto/services/keys.service';
+import { encryptTextWithKey } from 'app/crypto/services/utils';
+import { UserSettings } from '@internxt/sdk/dist/shared/types/userSettings';
+import { useSignUp } from 'app/auth/components/SignUp/useSignUp';
+import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
+import { generateMnemonic } from 'bip39';
+const originalEnv = process.env.REACT_APP_CRYPTO_SECRET;
+const originalSalt = process.env.REACT_APP_MAGIC_SALT;
+const originalIV = process.env.REACT_APP_MAGIC_IV;
+const originalURL = process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL;
+const originalHostName = process.env.REACT_APP_HOSTNAME;
+const mockPassword = 'mock-password';
+const mockEmal = 'mock@email.com';
+const mockToken = 'mock-token';
+let callCount = 0;
+describe('onSubmit', () => {
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ process.env.REACT_APP_CRYPTO_SECRET = '123456789QWERTY';
+ process.env.REACT_APP_MAGIC_IV = '12345678912345678912345678912345';
+ process.env.REACT_APP_MAGIC_SALT =
+ '00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
+ process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL = 'https://mock';
+ process.env.REACT_APP_HOSTNAME = 'hostname';
+ globalThis.Buffer = Buffer;
+ vi.spyOn(globalThis, 'decodeURIComponent').mockImplementation((value) => {
+ return value;
+ });
+ vi.mock('app/core/services/local-storage.service', () => ({
+ default: {
+ get: vi.fn(),
+ clear: vi.fn(),
+ getUser: vi.fn(),
+ set: vi.fn(),
+ },
+ }));
+ vi.mock('@internxt/lib/dist/src/auth/testPasswordStrength', () => ({
+ testPasswordStrength: vi.fn(),
+ }));
+ vi.mock('react-helmet-async', () => ({
+ Helmet: vi.fn(),
+ }));
+ vi.mock('@phosphor-icons/react', () => ({
+ Info: () =>
Mocked Info Icon
+ WarningCircle: () => Mocked Warning Circle Icon
+ CheckCircle: () => Mocked Check Circle Icon
+ Eye: () => Mocked Eye Icon
+ EyeSlash: () => Mocked Eye Slash Icon
+ MagnifyingGlass: () => Mocked Magnifyin Glass Icon
+ Warning: () => Mocked Warning Icon
+ WarningOctagon: () => Mocked Warning Octagon Icon
+ X: () => Mocked X Icon
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/auth/components/PasswordInput/PasswordInput', () => {
+ return {
+ __esModule: true,
+ default: vi.fn(({ register, ...props }) => (
+ )),
+ };
+ });
+ vi.mock('app/auth/components/SignUp/SignUp', () => ({
+ Views: vi.fn(),
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/auth/components/SignUp/useSignUp', () => ({
+ useSignUp: vi.fn().mockReturnValue({ doRegisterPreCreatedUser: vi.fn() }),
+ parseUserSettingsEnsureKyberKeysAdded: vi.importActual,
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/shared/components/PasswordStrengthIndicator', () => ({
+ default: {
+ PasswordStrengthIndicator: () => Mocked Password Strength Indicator
+ },
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/auth/services/auth.service', () => ({
+ getNewToken: vi.fn(),
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/core/services/error.service', () => ({
+ default: {
+ castError: vi.fn().mockImplementation((e) => ({ message: e.message || 'Default error message' })),
+ reportError: vi.fn(),
+ },
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/share/services/share.service', () => ({
+ default: {
+ shareService: {
+ validateSharingInvitation: vi.fn(),
+ },
+ },
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/core/services/navigation.service', () => ({
+ default: {
+ push: vi.fn(),
+ history: {
+ location: {
+ search: { email: 'mock@email.com' },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/core/types', () => ({
+ AppView: {
+ Drive: vi.fn(),
+ Signup: vi.fn(),
+ },
+ IFormValues: vi.fn(),
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/i18n/provider/TranslationProvider', () => ({
+ useTranslationContext: vi.fn().mockReturnValue({
+ translate: vi.fn().mockImplementation((value: string) => {
+ return value;
+ }),
+ }),
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/shared/views/ExpiredLink/ExpiredLinkView', () => ({
+ default: {
+ ExpiredLink: vi.fn(),
+ },
+ }));
+ vi.mock('query-string', () => ({
+ parse: vi.fn().mockImplementation((input: string) => input),
+ }));
+ vi.mock('react', () => {
+ return {
+ useEffect: vi.fn(),
+ useState: vi.fn().mockImplementation((initial) => {
+ callCount++;
+ const value = callCount === 1 ? true : false;
+ if (initial === false) initial = value;
+ if (
+ initial &&
+ typeof initial === 'object' &&
+ 'isLoading' in initial &&
+ 'isValid' in initial &&
+ initial.isLoading === true &&
+ initial.isValid === false
+ ) {
+ initial = { isLoading: false, isValid: true };
+ }
+ const setState = vi.fn().mockImplementation((newState) => {
+ return { ...initial, ...newState };
+ });
+ return [initial, setState];
+ }),
+ createElement: vi.fn(),
+ };
+ });
+ vi.mock('react-hook-form', () => ({
+ SubmitHandler: vi.fn(),
+ useForm: () => {
+ const mockValues = { email: mockEmal, token: mockToken, password: mockPassword };
+ return {
+ register: vi.fn(),
+ handleSubmit: vi.fn().mockImplementation((fn) => {
+ return (event) => {
+ event?.preventDefault();
+ fn(mockValues);
+ };
+ }),
+ formState: { errors: {}, isValid: true },
+ control: vi.fn(),
+ watch: vi.fn((name) => mockValues[name]),
+ };
+ },
+ useWatch: vi.fn(),
+ }));
+ vi.mock('react-redux', () => ({
+ useSelector: vi.fn(),
+ useDispatch: vi.fn(() => vi.fn()),
+ }));
+ vi.mock('../../utils', () => ({
+ onChangePasswordHandler: vi.fn(),
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/core/services/workspace.service', () => ({
+ default: {
+ validateWorkspaceInvitation: vi.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
+ return true;
+ }),
+ },
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/store/hooks', () => ({
+ useAppDispatch: vi.fn().mockReturnValue(vi.fn()),
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/store/slices/plan', () => ({
+ planThunks: {
+ initializeThunk: vi.fn(),
+ },
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/store/slices/products', () => ({
+ productsThunks: {
+ initializeThunk: vi.fn(),
+ },
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/store/slices/referrals', () => ({
+ referralsThunks: {
+ initializeThunk: vi.fn(),
+ },
+ }));
+ vi.mock('app/store/slices/user', () => ({
+ initializeUserThunk: vi.fn(),
+ userActions: {
+ setUser: vi.fn(),
+ },
+ userThunks: {
+ initializeUserThunk: vi.fn(),
+ },
+ }));
+ });
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ vi.clearAllMocks();
+ });
+ afterAll(() => {
+ process.env.REACT_APP_CRYPTO_SECRET = originalEnv;
+ process.env.REACT_APP_MAGIC_SALT = originalSalt;
+ process.env.REACT_APP_MAGIC_IV = originalIV;
+ process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL = originalURL;
+ process.env.REACT_APP_HOSTNAME = originalHostName;
+ });
+ it('when called with new valid data, then user with decypted keys is saved in local storage', async () => {
+ const mockMnemonic = generateMnemonic(256);
+ const keys = await keysService.getKeys(mockPassword);
+ const encryptedMockMnemonic = encryptTextWithKey(mockMnemonic, mockPassword);
+ const creationDate = new Date();
+ const mockUser: UserSettings = {
+ uuid: 'mock-uuid',
+ email: mockEmal,
+ privateKey: keys.ecc.privateKeyEncrypted,
+ mnemonic: encryptedMockMnemonic,
+ userId: 'mock-userId',
+ name: 'mock-name',
+ lastname: 'mock-lastname',
+ username: 'mock-username',
+ bridgeUser: 'mock-bridgeUser',
+ bucket: 'mock-bucket',
+ backupsBucket: null,
+ root_folder_id: 0,
+ rootFolderId: 'mock-rootFolderId',
+ rootFolderUuid: undefined,
+ sharedWorkspace: false,
+ credit: 0,
+ publicKey: keys.ecc.publicKey,
+ revocationKey: keys.revocationCertificate,
+ keys: {
+ ecc: {
+ publicKey: keys.ecc.publicKey,
+ privateKey: keys.ecc.privateKeyEncrypted,
+ },
+ kyber: {
+ publicKey: keys.kyber.publicKey ?? '',
+ privateKey: keys.kyber.privateKeyEncrypted ?? '',
+ },
+ },
+ appSumoDetails: null,
+ registerCompleted: false,
+ hasReferralsProgram: false,
+ createdAt: creationDate,
+ avatar: null,
+ emailVerified: false,
+ };
+ callCount = 0;
+ (useSignUp as Mock).mockImplementation(() => ({
+ doRegisterPreCreatedUser: vi.fn().mockResolvedValue({
+ xUser: mockUser,
+ xToken: mockToken,
+ mnemonic: mockMnemonic,
+ }),
+ }));
+ const spy = vi.spyOn(userActions, 'setUser').mockImplementation((user) => {
+ return {
+ payload: user,
+ type: 'user/setUser',
+ };
+ });
+ render();
+ const submitButton = screen.getByRole('button');
+ fireEvent.click(submitButton);
+ await vi.waitFor(() => {
+ expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ });
+ const decryptedPrivateKey = keysService.decryptPrivateKey(keys.ecc.privateKeyEncrypted, mockPassword);
+ let decryptedPrivateKyberKey = '';
+ if (keys.kyber.privateKeyEncrypted)
+ decryptedPrivateKyberKey = keysService.decryptPrivateKey(keys.kyber.privateKeyEncrypted, mockPassword);
+ const mockClearUser: UserSettings = {
+ uuid: 'mock-uuid',
+ email: 'mock@email.com',
+ privateKey: Buffer.from(decryptedPrivateKey).toString('base64'),
+ mnemonic: encryptedMockMnemonic,
+ userId: 'mock-userId',
+ name: 'mock-name',
+ lastname: 'mock-lastname',
+ username: 'mock-username',
+ bridgeUser: 'mock-bridgeUser',
+ bucket: 'mock-bucket',
+ backupsBucket: null,
+ root_folder_id: 0,
+ rootFolderId: 'mock-rootFolderId',
+ rootFolderUuid: undefined,
+ sharedWorkspace: false,
+ credit: 0,
+ publicKey: keys.ecc.publicKey,
+ revocationKey: keys.revocationCertificate,
+ keys: {
+ ecc: {
+ publicKey: keys.ecc.publicKey,
+ privateKey: Buffer.from(decryptedPrivateKey).toString('base64'),
+ },
+ kyber: {
+ publicKey: keys.kyber.publicKey ?? '',
+ privateKey: Buffer.from(decryptedPrivateKyberKey).toString('base64'),
+ },
+ },
+ appSumoDetails: null,
+ registerCompleted: false,
+ hasReferralsProgram: false,
+ createdAt: creationDate,
+ avatar: null,
+ emailVerified: false,
+ };
+ expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(mockClearUser);
+ });
+ it('when called with old valid data, then user with decypted keys is saved in local storage', async () => {
+ const mockMnemonic = generateMnemonic(256);
+ const keys = await keysService.getKeys(mockPassword);
+ const encryptedMockMnemonic = encryptTextWithKey(mockMnemonic, mockPassword);
+ const creationDate = new Date();
+ const mockUser: Partial = {
+ uuid: 'mock-uuid',
+ email: mockEmal,
+ privateKey: keys.ecc.privateKeyEncrypted,
+ mnemonic: encryptedMockMnemonic,
+ userId: 'mock-userId',
+ name: 'mock-name',
+ lastname: 'mock-lastname',
+ username: 'mock-username',
+ bridgeUser: 'mock-bridgeUser',
+ bucket: 'mock-bucket',
+ backupsBucket: null,
+ root_folder_id: 0,
+ rootFolderId: 'mock-rootFolderId',
+ rootFolderUuid: undefined,
+ sharedWorkspace: false,
+ credit: 0,
+ publicKey: keys.ecc.publicKey,
+ revocationKey: keys.revocationCertificate,
+ appSumoDetails: null,
+ registerCompleted: false,
+ hasReferralsProgram: false,
+ createdAt: creationDate,
+ avatar: null,
+ emailVerified: false,
+ };
+ callCount = 0;
+ (useSignUp as Mock).mockImplementation(() => ({
+ doRegisterPreCreatedUser: vi.fn().mockResolvedValue({
+ xUser: mockUser as UserSettings,
+ xToken: mockToken,
+ mnemonic: mockMnemonic,
+ }),
+ }));
+ const spy = vi.spyOn(userActions, 'setUser').mockImplementation((user) => {
+ return {
+ payload: user,
+ type: 'user/setUser',
+ };
+ });
+ render();
+ const submitButton = screen.getByRole('button');
+ fireEvent.click(submitButton);
+ await vi.waitFor(() => {
+ expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ });
+ const decryptedPrivateKey = keysService.decryptPrivateKey(keys.ecc.privateKeyEncrypted, mockPassword);
+ const mockClearUser: UserSettings = {
+ uuid: 'mock-uuid',
+ email: 'mock@email.com',
+ privateKey: Buffer.from(decryptedPrivateKey).toString('base64'),
+ mnemonic: encryptedMockMnemonic,
+ userId: 'mock-userId',
+ name: 'mock-name',
+ lastname: 'mock-lastname',
+ username: 'mock-username',
+ bridgeUser: 'mock-bridgeUser',
+ bucket: 'mock-bucket',
+ backupsBucket: null,
+ root_folder_id: 0,
+ rootFolderId: 'mock-rootFolderId',
+ rootFolderUuid: undefined,
+ sharedWorkspace: false,
+ credit: 0,
+ publicKey: keys.ecc.publicKey,
+ revocationKey: keys.revocationCertificate,
+ keys: {
+ ecc: {
+ publicKey: keys.ecc.publicKey,
+ privateKey: Buffer.from(decryptedPrivateKey).toString('base64'),
+ },
+ kyber: {
+ publicKey: '',
+ privateKey: '',
+ },
+ },
+ appSumoDetails: null,
+ registerCompleted: false,
+ hasReferralsProgram: false,
+ createdAt: creationDate,
+ avatar: null,
+ emailVerified: false,
+ };
+ expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(mockClearUser);
+ });
diff --git a/src/app/share/views/SharedGuestSignUp/ShareGuestSingUpView.tsx b/src/app/share/views/SharedGuestSignUp/ShareGuestSingUpView.tsx
index 9fddbea2a..d3063ec70 100644
--- a/src/app/share/views/SharedGuestSignUp/ShareGuestSingUpView.tsx
+++ b/src/app/share/views/SharedGuestSignUp/ShareGuestSingUpView.tsx
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { UserSettings } from '@internxt/sdk/dist/shared/types/userSettings';
import { Info, WarningCircle } from '@phosphor-icons/react';
import PasswordInput from 'app/auth/components/PasswordInput/PasswordInput';
import { Views } from 'app/auth/components/SignUp/SignUp';
-import { useSignUp, parseUserSettingsEnsureKyberKeysAdded } from 'app/auth/components/SignUp/useSignUp';
+import { useSignUp } from 'app/auth/components/SignUp/useSignUp';
import TextInput from 'app/auth/components/TextInput/TextInput';
import { getNewToken } from 'app/auth/services/auth.service';
import errorService from 'app/core/services/error.service';
@@ -158,9 +158,6 @@ function ShareGuestSingUpView(): JSX.Element {
const { email, password, token } = formData;
const { xUser, xToken, mnemonic } = await doRegisterPreCreatedUser(email, password, invitationId ?? '', token);
- // TODO: Remove or modify this when the backend is updated to add kyber keys
- const parsedUser = parseUserSettingsEnsureKyberKeysAdded(xUser);
localStorageService.set('xToken', xToken);
@@ -172,7 +169,7 @@ function ShareGuestSingUpView(): JSX.Element {
const { publicKey, privateKey, publicKyberKey, privateKyberKey } = parseAndDecryptUserKeys(xUser, password);
const user = {
- ...parsedUser,
+ ...xUser,
keys: {
ecc: {
diff --git a/src/app/shared/components/Breadcrumbs/helper.test.ts b/src/app/shared/components/Breadcrumbs/helper.test.ts
index 7d483cdec..8e26d18bf 100644
--- a/src/app/shared/components/Breadcrumbs/helper.test.ts
+++ b/src/app/shared/components/Breadcrumbs/helper.test.ts
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@ import { NativeTypes } from 'react-dnd-html5-backend';
import { storageActions } from 'app/store/slices/storage';
import storageThunks from 'app/store/slices/storage/storage.thunks';
-if (typeof globalThis.process === 'undefined') {
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
- globalThis.process = { env: {} } as any;
vi.mock('app/store/slices/storage', () => ({
storageActions: {
setMoveDestinationFolderId: vi.fn(),
diff --git a/test/unit/services/keys.service.test.ts b/test/unit/services/keys.service.test.ts
index 508374993..820698800 100644
--- a/test/unit/services/keys.service.test.ts
+++ b/test/unit/services/keys.service.test.ts
@@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
describe('Generate keys', () => {
globalThis.Buffer = Buffer;
- if (typeof globalThis.process === 'undefined') {
- globalThis.process = { env: {} } as any;
- }
const originalIV = process.env.REACT_APP_MAGIC_IV;
const originalSalt = process.env.REACT_APP_MAGIC_SALT;