Before proceeding, make sure to look at the prerequisites required for running
an Oasis Core environment followed by build instructions for the respective
environment (non-SGX or SGX), using the oasis-net-runner
and see runtime
documentation for a general documentation on runtimes.
These instructions will show how to register and deploy a runtime node on a local development network.
Use the oasis-net-runner
to provision a validator node network without any
registered runtimes.
mkdir /tmp/runtime-example
oasis-net-runner \
--basedir.no_temp_dir \
--basedir /tmp/runtime-example \
--fixture.default.node.binary go/oasis-node/oasis-node \
--fixture.default.setup_runtimes=false \
--fixture.default.deterministic_entities \
--fixture.default.fund_entities \
--fixture.default.num_entities 2
The following steps should be run in a separate terminal window. To simplify the
instructions set up an ADDR
environment variable pointing to the UNIX socket
exposed by the started node:
export ADDR=unix:/tmp/runtime-example/net-runner/network/validator-0/internal.sock
Confirm the network is running by listing all registered entities:
oasis-node registry entity list -a $ADDR -v
Should give output similar to:
In following steps we will register and run the simple-keyvalue runtime on the network.
To generate and sign a runtime registration transaction that will initialize and
register the runtime we will use the registry runtime gen_register
When initializing a runtime we need to provide the runtime descriptor.
For additional information about runtimes and parameters see the runtime documentation and code reference.
Before generating the registration transaction, gather the following data and set up environment variables to simplify instructions.
- Path to the entity directory created when starting the development network. This entity will be the runtime owner. The genesis used in the provisioning initial network step funds the all entities in entities. In the following instructions we will be using theentity-2
entity (located in/tmp/runtime-example/net-runner/network/entity-2/
- ID of the entity that will be the owner of the runtime. You can get the entity ID from$ENTITY_DIR/entity.json
- Path to the genesis.json file used in the development network. (defaults to:/tmp/runtime-example/net-runner/network/genesis.json
- See runtime identifiers on how to choose a runtime identifier. In this example we use8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001234567
which is a test identifier that will not work outside local tests.RUNTIME_GENESIS_JSON
- Path to the runtime genesis state file. The runtime used in this example does not use a genesis file.NONCE
- Entity account nonce. If you followed the guide, nonce0
would be the initial nonce to use for the entity. Note: make sure to keep updating the nonce when generating new transactions. To query for current account nonce value use stake account info CLI.
export ENTITY_DIR=/tmp/runtime-example/net-runner/network/entity-2/
export ENTITY_ID=+MJpnSTzc11dNI5emMa+asCJH5cxBiBCcpbYE4XBdso=
export GENESIS_JSON=/tmp/runtime-example/net-runner/network/genesis.json
export RUNTIME_ID=8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001234567
export RUNTIME_DESCRIPTOR=/tmp/runtime-example/runtime_descriptor.json
export NONCE=0
Prepare a runtime descriptor:
"v": 2,
"id": "${RUNTIME_ID}",
"entity_id": "${ENTITY_ID}",
"genesis": {
"state_root": "c672b8d1ef56ed28ab87c3622c5114069bdd3ad7b8f9737498d0c01ecef0967a",
"state": null,
"storage_receipts": null,
"round": 0
"kind": 1,
"tee_hardware": 0,
"versions": {
"version": {}
"executor": {
"group_size": 1,
"group_backup_size": 0,
"allowed_stragglers": 0,
"round_timeout": 5,
"max_messages": 32
"txn_scheduler": {
"algorithm": "simple",
"batch_flush_timeout": 1000000000,
"max_batch_size": 1000,
"max_batch_size_bytes": 16777216,
"propose_batch_timeout": 5
"storage": {
"group_size": 1,
"min_write_replication": 1,
"max_apply_write_log_entries": 100000,
"max_apply_ops": 2,
"checkpoint_interval": 10000,
"checkpoint_num_kept": 2,
"checkpoint_chunk_size": 8388608
"admission_policy": {
"entity_whitelist": {
"entities": {
"${ENTITY_ID}": {}
"staking": {},
"governance_model": "entity"
oasis-node registry runtime gen_register \
--transaction.fee.gas 1000 \
--transaction.fee.amount 0 \
--transaction.file /tmp/runtime-example/register_runtime.tx \
--transaction.nonce $NONCE \
--genesis.file $GENESIS_JSON \
--signer.backend file \
--signer.dir $ENTITY_DIR \
--runtime.descriptor /tmp/runtime-example/runtime-descriptor.json
--debug.dont_blame_oasis \
After confirmation, this command outputs a signed transaction in the
file. In the next step we will submit
the transaction to complete the runtime registration.
When registering a runtime on a non-development network you will likely want
to modify default parameters. Additionally, since we are running this on a debug
network, we had to enable the debug.dont_blame_oasis
To register the runtime, submit the generated transaction.
oasis-node consensus submit_tx \
--transaction.file /tmp/runtime-example/register_runtime.tx \
--address $ADDR
To confirm the runtime is registered use the registry runtime list
oasis-node registry runtime list \
--verbose \
--include_suspended \
--address $ADDR
Should give output similar to
"v": 2,
"id": "8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001234567",
"entity_id": "+MJpnSTzc11dNI5emMa+asCJH5cxBiBCcpbYE4XBdso=",
"genesis": {
"state_root": "c672b8d1ef56ed28ab87c3622c5114069bdd3ad7b8f9737498d0c01ecef0967a",
"state": null,
"storage_receipts": null,
"round": 0
"kind": 1,
"tee_hardware": 0,
"versions": {
"version": {}
"executor": {
"group_size": 1,
"group_backup_size": 0,
"allowed_stragglers": 0,
"round_timeout": 5,
"max_messages": 32
"txn_scheduler": {
"algorithm": "simple",
"batch_flush_timeout": 1000000000,
"max_batch_size": 1000,
"max_batch_size_bytes": 16777216,
"propose_batch_timeout": 5
"storage": {
"group_size": 1,
"min_write_replication": 1,
"max_apply_write_log_entries": 100000,
"max_apply_ops": 2,
"checkpoint_interval": 10000,
"checkpoint_num_kept": 2,
"checkpoint_chunk_size": 8388608
"admission_policy": {
"entity_whitelist": {
"entities": {
"+MJpnSTzc11dNI5emMa+asCJH5cxBiBCcpbYE4XBdso=": {}
"staking": {},
"governance_model": "entity"
Since we did not setup any runtime nodes, the runtime will get suspended until nodes for the runtime register.
In the next step we will setup and run a runtime node.
We will now run a node that will act as a compute, storage and client node for the runtime.
In a real word scenario there would be multiple nodes running the runtime, each likely serving as a single type only.
Before running the node, gather the following data parameters and set up environment variables to simplify instructions.
- Path to the runtime binary that will be run on the node. We will use the simple-keyvalue runtime. If you followed the build instructions the built binary is available at./target/default/debug/simple-keyvalue
- Address of the seed node in the development network. Seed node address can be seen in theoasis-net-runner
logs, when the network is initially provisioned.
export RUNTIME_BINARY=/workdir/target/default/debug/simple-keyvalue
export SEED_NODE_ADDRESS=<seed-node-tendermint-addr>@
# Runtime node data dir.
mkdir -m 0700 /tmp/runtime-example/runtime-node
# Start runtime node.
oasis-node \
--datadir /tmp/runtime-example/runtime-node \
--log.level debug \
--log.format json \
--log.file /tmp/runtime-example/runtime-node/node.log \
--grpc.log.debug \
--worker.registration.entity $ENTITY_DIR/entity.json \
--genesis.file $GENESIS_JSON \ \
--worker.compute.enabled \
--runtime.provisioner unconfined \
--runtime.supported $RUNTIME_ID \
--runtime.paths $RUNTIME_ID=$RUNTIME_BINARY \
--consensus.tendermint.debug.addr_book_lenient \
--consensus.tendermint.debug.allow_duplicate_ip \
--consensus.tendermint.p2p.seed $SEED_NODE_ADDRESS \
--debug.dont_blame_oasis \
This also enables unsafe debug-only flags which must never be used in a production setting as they may result in node compromise.
When running a runtime node in a production setting, the p2p.addresses
needs to be configured as well.
Following steps should be run in a new terminal window.
Before the newly started runtime node can register itself as a runtime node, we need to update the entity information in registry, to include the started node.
Before proceeding, gather the runtime node id and store it in a variable. If you
followed above instructions, the node id can be seen in
(or using the node control
status command).
Update the entity and generate a transaction that will update the registry state.
# NOTE: this ID is not generated deterministically make sure to change the ID
# with your node id.
export NODE_ID=NOPhD7UlMZBO8fNyo2xLFanlmvl+EmZ5s4mM2z9nEBg=
oasis-node registry entity update \
--signer.dir $ENTITY_DIR \ $NODE_ID
oasis-node registry entity gen_register \
--genesis.file $GENESIS_JSON \
--signer.backend file \
--signer.dir $ENTITY_DIR \
--transaction.file /tmp/runtime-example/update_entity.tx \
--transaction.fee.gas 2000 \
--transaction.fee.amount 0 \
--transaction.nonce $NONCE \
--debug.dont_blame_oasis \
Submit the generated transaction:
oasis-node consensus submit_tx \
--transaction.file /tmp/runtime-example/update_entity.tx \
--address $ADDR
Confirm the entity in the registry has been updated by querying the registry state:
oasis-node registry entity list -a $ADDR -v
Node is now able to register and the runtime should get resumed, make sure this happens by querying the registry for runtimes:
# Ensure node is registered
oasis-node registry node list -a $ADDR -v | grep "$NODE_ID"
# Ensure runtime is resumed.
oasis-node registry runtime list -a $ADDR -v
You might need to wait few seconds for an epoch transition so that the node is registered and runtime gets resumed.