See discussions on site
Support for lessc custom path
Quck apply updates shadow too
Corrected smartlayout option names
Removed debug info
Cmd-line fixed
Split apply command to two commands
Bug fixed
Handle multi backgrounds correctly
New settings added:
- Don't create new styles and ignore missed symbols
- Don't apply sizes and margins
Minor issues fixed
Fixed "@@blabla--token" correctly
Process the following style value in better way margin-top: @notification-padding + @tag-height-small + @notification-label-margin-top;
Moved gradient parsing from own code to 3d-party library
Updated to be compatible with Versions (by @vkoopmans-resoluut)
Don't allow to use gradients in color variable value
Fixed minor issues
Fixed @import "@{brand}.less"
"border-position" activates border style "-pt-valign: middle/bottom/top;" rule has been added Other small improvements
Now you can assign color variable to any style or layer color using double quotes to specify a color variable name. Example:background-color: "Red-Colors/red01";
Changed: Now exporter name destination file as "puzzle-tokens.less" or "puzzle-tokens.scss" (#26 fixed)
Fixed issues:
- "red","green",etc color value can not be assigned to color var
Supported color var groups
Fixed opacity for text layers
Fixed color var updating Fixed support for image path in SASS/SCSS
Added support for color variables Example:
Added support for mix-blend-mode CSS rule. Example:
Author: Josh Clark ( Height/width dimensions have to be adjusted first, or bottom-margin and right-margin are incorrect.
Added configuration setting to define a custom path to SASS module
Author: Josh Clark (
- Added support for gradients in border-color
- When border-style is "none", apply no border style (or remove any existing border style if -pt-border-update is true)
Author: Josh Clark ( This update adds four new properties, which are specifically intended to be helpful for managing the spacing and size within buttons, for example.
Margin enhancements:
-pt-margin-relative-to: "layer name"; This sets margin values relative to the specified layer. The specified layer must be a sibling at the same level in a group, artboard, or symbol) of the layer to which you are applying the margin styles. If not specified, margin will be set relative to the artboard or page (which is the current behavior).
-pt-margin-resize: true; If true, resize the "margin-relative-to" layer to "fit" the size of the current layer, plus the specified margin. This will make the "margin-relative-to" layer surround the current layer at exactly the requested margin. (Very helpful for effectively setting the padding of buttons and sizing the surrounding background layer to fit.)
Artboard/symbol resizing:
-pt-fit-content: true; Applies only to artboards and symbol masters: if true, resize the artboard/symbol to fit its content.
-pt-resize-instances: true; Applies only to symbol masters. If true, resize all instances of a symbol; the same as clicking Sketch's "Shrink instance to fit content" button in the Overrides section of the instance. (This reapplies SmartLayout, useful when you change the size of a symbol.)
Added new style -pt-text-size-behaviour: fixed-size; // or auto-height or auto-width
Improved diagnostic for missed User can change path to Node.js in Settings
Added ability to enable debug logging
Improved async mode for sending statistics
New ability:
-pt-smartlayout: none
clears any smart layout on a symbol master or group (by @bigmedium)
Improved integration with Puzzle Publisher (many fixes in LESS tokens inspection)
Handle @import manually to inject tokens into all imported files
Update file protocol between Puzzle tokens and Puzzle Publisher
New text style should not get "default" borders (reported by @ed-mcry)
Disabled debug (hotfix for 8.7.0)
- If "box-shadow:none", clear any existing shadows from the layer style (by @bigmedium)
- Added "-pt-shadow-update: true" property. Use it if you want to replace any previous shadows, instead of adding a new one. (by @bigmedium)
- PT now sends anonymous usage data (using Google Analytics). You can disable it in Settings. But we need it enabled to plan PT future. Thanks.
Fixed "image:" property Added support for SVG images
Hotfix for 8.5.0
- Now you can use spaces in style and layer names.
Old: .Colors__Red .Red__001{
New: .Colors Red .Red 001{ - Internal optimisations applied
- Droped Check stage in order to improve total performance Fixed issues:
- "sklayer-style" doesn't work
- Processing of LARGE scss file freezes
Fixed issues:
- Failed to parse LESS mixins. Example:
Added "-pt-skip-missed: true;" rule. Example:
New small features:
- Added abiity to exclude library styles from export
- SCSS parser now supports @charset "UTF-8"; instruction
Fixed issues:
- Apply something to master layer reset fills which were assigned before to layer style
- Checking for style name duplicates now process only local styles
Remove debug messages
New features:
- height: and width: are applicable to symbol masters and artboards Fixed issues:
- /* comment */ breaks SAAS parsing
PT now generates assets for Puzzle Publisher in "_pt-assets" sub-folder Export supports layer shadows
Fixed issues:
- Wrong handling of stop positions in style - background-color: linear-gradient(134deg, #004B3A 0%, #2D8B61 51%, #9BD77E 100%);
Export improved:
- Color, font sized, family and weight values replaced by tokens Fixed issues:
- Generate Preview failed with error
Added new feature:
- Export text styles to LESS or SCSS file (thanks to @josh1111 for idea and sponsorship) Added new styles: -pt-resize-symbol: true; // if you use "height" or "width" styles to resize some layer then you can also resize a symbol which is a parent for affected layer Fixed issues:
- Wrong parsing of gradient with "white 10%" text included
- Idenify object as Text Layer by single "line-height" property
- Create SCSS file with list of plain tokens automatically (enabling in Settings)
- Added "-pt-border-update: true" property. Use it if you want to update the last border, but not create the new
- Fixed error handling
- Added "-pt-layer-type: text/layer" property. Use it if you need to specify a layer type manually
- Added "-pt-smartlayout: LeftToRight/HorizontallyCenter/RightToLeft/TopToBottom/VerticallyCenter/BottomToTop" propery to control Smart Layout settings from LESS/SASS
- Added "-pt-fix-size-height: true/false" to control "Fix Size" settings
- Added "-pt-fix-size-width: true/false" to control "Fix Size" settings
- Added "-pt-pin-left: true/false" to control "Pin to Edge" settings
- Added "-pt-pin-right: true/false" to control "Pin to Edge" settings
- Added "-pt-pin-top: true/false" to control "Pin to Edge" settings
- Added "-pt-pin-botom: true/false" to control "Pin to Edge" settings
Added support for hsl() and hsla() colors Example:
Added command line API Details:
Fixed wrong behaviour of pt-paragraph-spacing
Added "pt-paragraph-spacing" style property to setup Paragraph Spacing Example:
Added experimental support for symbols creation. More details here: -
Added new layer/style properties:
margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 10px; width: 100px; height: 100px;
- Added new line styles: border-start-arrowhead: openarrow; // none / openarrow / filledarrow / opencircle / filledcircle / opensquare / filledsquare border-end-arrowhead: openarrow; // none / openarrow / filledarrow / opencircle / filledcircle / opensquare / filledsquare
- Added new line styles: border-line-end: butt; // butt OR round OR projecting border-line-join: miter; // miter OR round OR bevel
- Fixed minor layout issue in Styles Overview Generator
- Fixed issue with multiply shadows
- Support for multiply shadows. Example: box-shadow: 0 3px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.12), 0 2px 7px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.20);
- Fixed assignment of text styles
- Now shared style from any enabled library can be assigned
- Updated saving of LESS token values
- Added sklayer-style: and sktext-style: CSS properties
- Fixed issue with the identical name for symbol instance and symbol master
- Changed command line API for internal scrips (working on less plugins support)
- Fixed typo
- Checking for style name duplicates is disabled in default configuration
- Added support for Puzzle Publisher page transition animations
- Supported colors in "#AABBCC 50%" format
- Don't show error if empty content come from styles rule
- Border-style: dotted OR dashed now uses border-width (if exists) (by @mikebronner)
- Show error if found multiple styles with the same name
- Support for border-style: dotted OR dashed
- Always reset borders, fills and shadows for style on the fist apply
- Set line-height on first font-size definition
- Specified homepage parameter in manifest (by @abynim)
- Removed label borders in Preview
- Removed trailed FF in description in Preview
- Added support for line-spacing
- Added support for text-decoration
- Added support for standaldone opacity
- Other improvements
- Added missing font weights (by @mikebronner) - TRY #2
- Added style sorting to Styles Overview (can be disabled on Advanced tab)
- Added layer style descriptions
- Added support for font-style: italic OR normal
- Fixed multiply borders
- Added missing font weights (by @mikebronner)
- Fixed missed shared style for layers styles
- Added Style Overview Generator
- Fixed relative line-height
- Fixed crash on new installation
- Added "Created X styles. Updated Y styles" summary info to Apply and Quck Apply
- Made result dialog wider
- Added support for line-height in pixels
- Added support for multiply borders ( and shadows(hacky))
- Added ability to set opacity for symbol child layers (
- Moved Show Debug and Generate Symbol Files options to Configure dialog
- Relayouted dialogs
- Added "Check changes before" option
- Fixed border-radius with multi(4) values
- Added "Quck Apply" command
- Support for "Node/Node/Node" layer name format additonally to "Node / Node / Node"
- Support for SASS
- Don't reset border position if it was undefined in tokens
- Don't reset border position if it was undefined in tokens
- Resurrected "image" rule
- Updated labels
- Fixed inner shadows
- Supported spacec in layers name
- Added support for background-color: linear-gradient(35deg,black,white,red);
- Added ability to address some layer inside a master symbol (without shared style touching) Format: #Controls #Buttons .Group .Text{ color: white; } "Controls / Buttons" is symbol master name "Group" - layer inside a master "Text" - layer inside a "Group"
- hotfix for 4.0.0
Totally new version. Critical changes:
- LESS to Sketch rules now are describing in LESS file too. No more JSON here.
- Renamed many properties in order to use CSS names as much as possible
- Added debug window
- Addded multuply error checks
- Diagnostic of JSON comments has been improved
- Diagnostic of JSON errors has been improved
- Diagnostic of LESS errors has been improved
- Reworked fill color gradient format
- Improved error handling
- Updated plugin icon