In Planet of the Apes, Señor Armando is the owner of a circus, a human friend of Cornelius and Zira, and caregiver for Ceasar, teaching him human knowledge and introducing him to human habits.
On the Planet of the APIs, Señor Armando is a collection of helper methods that introduce human habits to your goliath app.
Both have an enthusiastic appreciation for rich Corinthian leather.
- run
; this will run bundler install but cache the results locally for much quickness. You MUST run it at least once explicitly.
That should be it!
Start a graphite and statsd server:
python2.6 /usr/local/share/graphite/bin/ start & sleep 1 ;
python2.6 /usr/local/share/graphite/bin/ /usr/local/share/graphite & sleep 2 ;
node ~/ics/repos/statsd/stats.js /etc/graphite/statsd_config.js &
Built with
- Goliath
- Gorillib
- the Señor Armando photo is courtesy Flickr user jonknutson.