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Releases: infiniflow/ragflow


21 May 03:25
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Major updates:

  • Streaming output.
  • Text chunks retrieval API.
  • Supports skipping layout recognition for general layout.
  • Provide system components status monitoring.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0


08 May 04:02
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RAGFlow v0.5.0 is released. The major updates in this release include improving scheduling mechanisms, a lot of bugs have been fixed, and new models such as DeepSeek-V2, being integrated.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0


26 Apr 12:16
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.4.0


26 Apr 01:59
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2


25 Apr 11:18
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1


19 Apr 11:20
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0


16 Apr 11:26
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0


15 Apr 11:18
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What's Changed

  • use onnx models, new deepdoc by @KevinHuSh in #68
  • feat: fetch conversation and delete chat dialog by @cike8899 in #69
  • rename vision, add layour and tsr recognizer by @KevinHuSh in #70
  • init README of deepdoc, add picture processer. by @KevinHuSh in #71
  • refine README by @KevinHuSh in #72
  • feat: render message reference and add avatar to MessageItem by @cike8899 in #73
  • add ocr and recognizer demo, update README by @KevinHuSh in #74
  • refine admin initialization by @KevinHuSh in #75
  • fix bug of inserting cites by @KevinHuSh in #76
  • feat: add file icon and add message popover content by @cike8899 in #77
  • add dockerfile and fix trival bugs by @KevinHuSh in #78
  • feat: rename conversation and delete conversation and preview reference image and fetch file thumbnails by @cike8899 in #79
  • feat: add nginx.conf by @cike8899 in #80
  • feat: fetch parser list for SegmentSetModal by @cike8899 in #81
  • docker debugging modification by @KevinHuSh in #82
  • feat: set proxy of backend api by @cike8899 in #83
  • resolve user login issue, and docker confiuration issue by @KevinHuSh in #84
  • fix user login issue by @KevinHuSh in #85
  • feat: let the messages I send appear immediately in the chat window and remove rewrite configuration from nginx proxy by @cike8899 in #86
  • resolve the issue of naive parser by @KevinHuSh in #87
  • feat: display all pdf pages and add DocumentPreview by @cike8899 in #88
  • feat: add Preview with react-pdf-highlighter by @cike8899 in #89
  • solve task execution issues by @KevinHuSh in #90
  • fix table desc bugs, add positions to chunks by @KevinHuSh in #91
  • feat: locate the specific location of the document based on the coordinates of the chunk and add Upload to AssistantSetting by @cike8899 in #92
  • fix position extraction bug by @KevinHuSh in #93
  • feat: set width of chunk text to 100% and add Skeleton to Preview of document and remove react-pdf by @cike8899 in #94
  • feat: fixed the issue where chat greetings could not appear by @cike8899 in #95
  • change callback strategy, add timezone to docker by @KevinHuSh in #96
  • feat: add DocumentPreviewer for chunk of chat reference and remove duplicate \n from record.progress_msg by @cike8899 in #97
  • fix task cancling bug by @KevinHuSh in #98
  • feat: Add Skeleton to MessageItem before the backend returns a message and fixed the issue where ChatConfigurationModal displays old data when creating a new dialog by @cike8899 in #99
  • adjust hierarchical_merge strategy by @KevinHuSh in #100
  • feat: set local path of workerSrc to PdfLoader by @cike8899 in #101
  • chage tas execution logic by @KevinHuSh in #103
  • feat: fetch knowledge detail on KnowledgeUploadFile mount and add category column to chunk table and set initial value for the model field of chat setting by @cike8899 in #104
  • feat: fixed the issue that some PDF documents could not be displayed on the chunk list page in small screens and logout by @cike8899 in #105
  • feat: login with github and if it is not a pdf file, set the width of chunkContainer to 100% by @cike8899 in #106
  • feat: call useLoginWithGithub in useAuth by @cike8899 in #107
  • feat: set initial state of auth to null by @cike8899 in #108
  • deal with stop reason being length problem by @KevinHuSh in #109
  • refine presentation parser by @KevinHuSh in #110
  • feat: add UserSetting and set height of MoreIcon to 24px and replace logo by @cike8899 in #111
  • refine pdf parser, add time zone to userinfo by @KevinHuSh in #112
  • feat: submit new password to backend and submit user information and add Form to UserSettingProfile by @cike8899 in #114
  • layout refine by @KevinHuSh in #115
  • feat: bind length of conversationList to chat count by @cike8899 in #116
  • feat: display chunk token number when category of knowledge as general and unavailable llm models appear disabled and if the backend returns 401, it will jump to the login page and fixed the issue where the greeting would disappear when clicking on a new dialog by @cike8899 in #117
  • Refine README by @KevinHuSh in #118
  • add local llm implementation by @KevinHuSh in #119
  • refine table parser by @KevinHuSh in #120
  • feat: submit api key and add language to Configuration and fetch llm factory list on UserSettingModel mount by @cike8899 in #121
  • feat: remove loading from document table and fixed the issue where gif images could not be uploaded on the configuration page by @cike8899 in #122
  • add dockerfile for cuda envirement. Refine table search strategy, by @KevinHuSh in #123
  • feat: fixed an issue where the default value for temperature was not set when creating a new chat and install remark-gfm so that the markdown table can be displayed by @cike8899 in #124
  • resolve table issues by @KevinHuSh in #125
  • add Moonshot, debug my_llm by @KevinHuSh in #126
  • feat: add SystemModelSettingModal by @cike8899 in #127
  • feat: generate select options for SystemModelSettingModal grouped by type and add llm icon and add upgrade button to UserSettingTeam and replace the icon in the sidebar of the user settings page by @cike8899 in #128
  • feat: add programming language highlighting for markdown syntax by @cike8899 in #129
  • feat: add chunkText to messageText to distinguish table rows and when parsing, the delete and other buttons are set to disabled. by @cike8899 in #130
  • refine manul parser by @KevinHuSh in #131
  • fix github account login issue by @KevinHuSh in #132
  • fix: fixed the issue that the prompt word for registering an account is not in English and fixed the issue where the last message would keep loading if the backend reported an error during chat and fixed the issue where the next button would float above the file list on the file upload page by @cike8899 in #133
  • fix: disable sending messages if both application and conversation are empty and add loading to all pages by @cike8899 in #134
  • refine for English corpus by @KevinHuSh in #135
  • feat: add loading to ChatContainer and set font family to inter and add tooltip to Form.Item and download documents on the document list page by @cike8899 in #136
  • Add 'One' chunk method by @KevinHuSh in #137
  • feat: add image for chunk method by @cike8899 in #139
  • refine manual parser by @KevinHuSh in #140
  • feat: add hooks for document table and refactor document-related modal by @cike8899 in #141
  • add help info by @KevinHuSh in #142
  • feat: add pages to ChunkMethodModal by @cike8899 in #143
  • add use layout or not option by @KevinHuSh in #145
  • feat: when Layout recognize is false, hide pages by @cike8899 in #144
  • feat: move layout_recognize to the bottom by @cike8899 in #146
  • refine page ranges by @KevinHuSh in #147
  • feat: remove disabled from ChunkMethodModal by @c...
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