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Merge pull request #11 from dfo-mar-odis/opendata-parsing
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Opendata parsing and RR objects
  • Loading branch information
stoyelq authored Oct 27, 2021
2 parents 94a1f23 + 3ee0a3a commit f4b5481
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Showing 31 changed files with 1,420 additions and 912 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ renv/
# History files
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21 changes: 0 additions & 21 deletions app/R/copyRData.R

This file was deleted.

61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions app/R/dataFunctions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@

copy_rdata_files <- function() {

rDataDir <- "\\\\\\ATLShares\\Science\\BIODataSvc\\IN\\MSP\\Data\\Rdata\\data"
rStrDir <- gsub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", rDataDir) # backslash escaping nonsense

localDataDir <- here::here("app/data")
localStrDir <- gsub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", localDataDir) # backslash escaping nonsense

remoteInfo <-, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE))
remoteInfo["filenames"] <- sub(rStrDir, "", rownames(remoteInfo))

localInfo <-, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE))
localInfo["filenames"] <- sub(localStrDir, "", rownames(localInfo))

missingList <- !(remoteInfo$filenames %in% localInfo$filenames)
if (any(missingList)) {
missingFileList <- filter(remoteInfo, missingList)$filenames
missingFilePath <- rownames(filter(remoteInfo, remoteInfo$filename %in% missingFileList))
destList <- file.path(localDataDir, missingFileList)
copyResults <- file.copy(missingFilePath, destList, overwrite = TRUE)

allInfo <- merge(remoteInfo, localInfo, by="filenames")
updateList <- allInfo$mtime.x > allInfo$mtime.y
if (any(updateList)) {
updateFileList <- filter(allInfo, updateList)$filenames
updateFilePath <- rownames(filter(remoteInfo, remoteInfo$filename %in% updateFileList))
destList <- file.path(localDataDir, updateFileList)
copyResults <- file.copy(updateFilePath, destList, overwrite = TRUE)

return("Data files up to date :)")


load_rdata <- function(rdataNames, regionStr, env=globalenv()){
regionDir <- here::here("app/data", regionStr)
lapply(rdataNames, find_and_load, regionDir = regionDir, env = env)

find_and_load <- function(rdataStr, regionDir, env=globalenv()){
fileName <- paste(rdataStr, ".RData", sep="")
fileList <- list.files(regionDir, fileName, recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE, include.dirs=FALSE)
if (length(fileList) == 1) {
load(fileList, envir = env)
} else if(length(fileList) == 0) {
errMessage <- paste("R data file", fileName, "not found in", regionDir, ".")
} else {
errMessage <- paste("Duplicates of R data file", fileName, "found in", regionDir, ".")

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions app/R/plotFunctions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -281,6 +281,11 @@ plot_cetaceans_4grid<-function(fin_whale_sf, harbour_porpoise_sf,

land <- sf::st_crop(landLayer, bboxBuf)
bound <- sf::st_crop(bounds_sf, bboxBuf)
fin_whale_sf <- sf::st_crop(fin_whale_sf, bboxBuf)
harbour_porpoise_sf <- sf::st_crop(harbour_porpoise_sf, bboxBuf)
humpback_whale_sf <- sf::st_crop(humpback_whale_sf, bboxBuf)
sei_whale_sf <- sf::st_crop(sei_whale_sf, bboxBuf)

#Fin Whale
finWhalePlot <- whale_ggplot(fin_whale_sf, bound, land, studyArea,
Expand Down
91 changes: 56 additions & 35 deletions app/R/tableFunctions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ rockweedStats<- function(rockweed_sf) {
# 1. allSpeciesData: datatable of all species found within the studyArea
# 2. sarData: datatable of only listed species found within the studyArea

create_table_RV <- function(data_sf, sarTable, speciesTable) {
create_table_RV <- function(data_sf, sarTable) {

if (is.null(data_sf)) {
return(list("allSpecies" = NULL, "sarData" = NULL))
Expand All @@ -66,19 +66,18 @@ create_table_RV <- function(data_sf, sarTable, speciesTable) {
Samples_study_no <- dim(unique(data_sf[, c("geometry")]))[1]
# calculate a table of all species caught and
# the total number of individuals caught.
# Join to the species lookup table to get
# species names
individualCounts <- aggregate(
x = list(Individuals = data_sf$TOTNO),
by = list(CODE = data_sf$CODE),
by = list(CODE = data_sf$CODE, "Scientific Name" = data_sf$`Scientific Name`,
"Common Name" = data_sf$`Common Name`),
FUN = sum)

recordCounts <- aggregate(
x = list(Records = data_sf$CODE),
by = list(CODE = data_sf$CODE),
FUN = length)

allSpeciesData <- merge(individualCounts, recordCounts, by = 'CODE')
allSpeciesData <- merge(allSpeciesData, speciesTable, by = 'CODE')
# add a field for the number of samples
allSpeciesData$Samples <- Samples_study_no
# combine the number of species records with number of samples
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -298,20 +297,33 @@ sfcoords_as_cols <- function(data_sf, names = c("long","lat")) {
# Outputs:
# distTable: table used in the report
table_dist <- function(clippedSardist_sf) {
table_dist <- function(clippedSardist_sf, lang) {

if (is.null(clippedSardist_sf)) {

if (lang == "EN") {
clippedSardist_sf <- dplyr::mutate(clippedSardist_sf, Common_Name_EN = str_replace(Common_Name_EN, "`", "'"))
distTable <- dplyr::select(clippedSardist_sf, Scientific_Name, Common_Name_EN,
Population_EN, SARA_Status, Species_Link)
tableNames <- c("Scientific Name", "Common Name", "Population", "SARA Status", "Species Link")
} else if(lang =="FR") {
clippedSardist_sf <- dplyr::mutate(clippedSardist_sf, Common_Name_FR = str_replace(Common_Name_FR, "`", "'"))
clippedSardist_sf <- dplyr::mutate(clippedSardist_sf, Population_FR = str_replace(Population_FR, "`", "'"))

distTable <- dplyr::select(clippedSardist_sf, Scientific_Name, Common_Name_FR,
Population_FR, SARA_Status, Species_Link)
tableNames <- c("Nom Scientific", "Nom Commun", "Population", "Statut LEP", "Lien d'espèce")
} else {
stop("Specify language choice (EN/FR)")

clippedSardist_sf$Common_Nam[clippedSardist_sf$Common_Nam == "Sowerby`s Beaked Whale"] <- "Sowerby's Beaked Whale"
distTable <- dplyr::select(clippedSardist_sf, Scientific, Common_Nam, Population, SARA_Statu, Species_Li)
sf::st_geometry(distTable) <- NULL
row.names(distTable) <- NULL
distTable <- unique(distTable)
distTable$Scientific <- italicize_col(distTable$Scientific)
names(distTable) <- c("Scientific Name", "Common Name", "Population", "SARA Status", "Species Link")
distTable$Scientific_Name <- italicize_col(distTable$Scientific)
names(distTable) <- tableNames

Expand All @@ -337,21 +349,32 @@ italicize_col <- function(tableCol) {
# Outputs:
# critTable: table used in the report
table_crit <- function(CCH_sf, LB_sf) {
table_crit <- function(CCH_sf, LB_sf, lang) {

if (lang == "EN"){
critTableCols <- c("Common_Name_EN", "Population_EN", "Waterbody", "SARA_Status")
critTableNames <- c("Common Name", "Population", "Area", "SARA status")
leatherbackRow <- data.frame("Leatherback Sea Turtle", NA, paste(LB_sf$AreaName, collapse=', ' ), "Endangered" )
} else if (lang =="FR") {
critTableCols <- c("Common_Name_FR", "Population_FR", "Waterbody", "SARA_Status")
critTableNames <- c("Nom Commun", "Population", "Region", "Statut LEP")
leatherbackRow <- data.frame("Tortue Luth", NA, paste(LB_sf$AreaName, collapse=', ' ), "En voie de disparition" )
} else {
stop("Specify Critical Habitat Table language choice (EN/FR)")

if (!is.null(CCH_sf)){
critTable <- dplyr::select(CCH_sf, c("Common_Nam", "Population", "Waterbody", "SARA_Statu"))
critTable$geometry <- NULL
names(critTable) <- c("Common Name", "Population", "Area", "SARA status")
critTable <- dplyr::select(CCH_sf, all_of(critTableCols))
critTable <- sf::st_drop_geometry(critTable)
names(critTable) <- critTableNames
} else {
# only set names after init to preserve spaces etc.
critTable <- data.frame("a"=NA, "b"=NA, "c"=NA, "d"=NA)
names(critTable) <- c("Common Name", "Population", "Area", "SARA status")
names(critTable) <- critTableNames

if (!is.null(LB_sf)){
leatherbackRow <- data.frame("Leatherback Sea Turtle", NA, paste(LB_sf$AreaName, collapse=', ' ), "Endangered" )
names(leatherbackRow) <- names(critTable)
names(leatherbackRow) <- critTableNames
critTable <- bind_rows(critTable, leatherbackRow)

Expand All @@ -378,24 +401,22 @@ table_crit <- function(CCH_sf, LB_sf) {
# Directly writes table
EBSA_report <- function(EBSA_sf, lang="EN") {

EBSAreport <- if (lang=="EN" & !is.null(EBSA_sf)) {
c(paste("Report: ", EBSA_sf$Report),
paste("Report URL:", EBSA_sf$Report_URL),
paste("Location: ", EBSA_sf$Name),
paste("Bioregion: ", EBSA_sf$Bioregion)
if (lang=="EN" & !is.null(EBSA_sf)) {
EBSATable <- st_drop_geometry(dplyr::select(EBSA_sf, c(Report, Report_URL,
Name, Bioregion)))
EBSATable <- unique(EBSATable)
row.names(EBSATable) <- NULL
names(EBSATable) <- c("Report", "Report URL", "Location", "Bioreigon")
} else if (lang=="FR" & !is.null(EBSA_sf)) {
c(paste("Report: ", EBSA_sf$Rapport),
paste("Report URL:", EBSA_sf$RapportURL),
paste("Location: ", EBSA_sf$Nom),
paste("Bioregion: ", EBSA_sf$Bioregion)
} else {
EBSATable <- st_drop_geometry(dplyr::select(EBSA_sf, c(Rapport, RapportURL,
Nom, Bioregion)))
EBSATable <- unique(EBSATable)
names(EBSATable) <- c("Report", "Report URL", "Location", "Bioreigon")
row.names(EBSATable) <- NULL

uniqueEBSAreport <- unique(noquote(EBSAreport))
writeLines(uniqueEBSAreport, sep="\n\n")

# ---------MPA_REPPRT-------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -426,7 +447,7 @@ mpa_table <- function(mpa_sf, lang="EN") {
mpaTable <- distinct(mpaTable)

# ---------add_col_to_whale_summary-------
# Adds a column with number of records to the cetacean summary table
# Inputs:
Expand Down
34 changes: 27 additions & 7 deletions app/R/textHelpers.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,30 @@
write_meta <- function(rr) {
outText <- c(
paste("Contact: ", rr$contact),
paste("Last retrieved on: ", rr$accessedOn),
paste("Quality Tier: ", rr$qualityTier),
paste("Security level: ", rr$securityLevel),
paste("Data use constraints: ", rr$constraints, " \n"))
write_meta <- function(rr, lang) {
metadata <- rr$metadata
outText <- ""
if (lang == "EN"){
outText <- c(
paste("Contact:", metadata$contact),
ifelse("url" %in% names(metadata), paste("URL:", metadata$url$en), NA),
paste("Last retrieved on:", metadata$accessedOnStr$en),
ifelse("searchYears" %in% names(metadata), paste("Search Years:", metadata$searchYears), NA),
paste("Quality Tier:", metadata$qualityTier$en),
paste("Security level:", metadata$securityLevel$en),
paste("Data use constraints:", metadata$constraints$en),
ifelse("reference" %in% names(metadata), paste("Reference:", metadata$reference$en), NA)
} else if (lang == "FR") {
outText <- c(
paste("Personne-ressource:", metadata$contact),
ifelse("url" %in% names(metadata), paste("LIEN:", metadata$url$fr), NA),
paste("Consulté le:", metadata$accessedOnStr$fr),
ifelse("searchYears" %in% names(metadata), paste("Année de recherche:", metadata$searchYears), NA),
paste("Niveau de qualité:", metadata$qualityTier$fr),
paste("Niveau de sécurité:", metadata$securityLevel$fr),
paste("Contraintes d'usage:", metadata$constraints$fr),
ifelse("reference" %in% names(metadata), paste("Reference:", metadata$reference$fr), NA)
outText <- outText[!]
writeLines(noquote(outText), sep=" \n")

Expand Down

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