docker build -t yourlogin/node-demo-app .
docker push yourlogin/node-demo-app
docker build -t builddep -f Dockerfile.builddep .
docker run -it -v $PWD:/root builddep
cd /root
apt-get install -y npm # install npm to be able to run npm install
git-buildpackage # creates *.deb file in node-demo-app_<version>_<arch>.deb
cp ../*.deb . # *.deb file is created 1 level lower, copy it to current level so it is saved in the volume
exit # exit container
apt-get install aptly
aptly repo create -distribution=xenial -component=main release
aptly repo add release /mnt/deb # directory or *.deb file
edit S3 settings in ~/aptly.conf (only add public-read if you wantto make the S3 bucket public)
"S3PublishEndpoints": {
"spinnaker-debian-repo": {
"region": "eu-west-1",
"bucket": "spinnaker-debian-repo",
"acl": "public-read",
"awsAccessKeyID": "access key id",
"awsSecretAccessKey": "aws secret access key"
Publish to S3
aptly publish repo release s3:spinnaker-debian-repo:
Update repo afterwards
aptly publish update xenial s3:spinnaker-debian-repo: