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abergmeier edited this page Apr 17, 2013 · 25 revisions

This page should outline the idea of making (common) libraries available to Emscripten users.


Provide commonly used libraries at a centralized location, so additional external libraries might be build without having to patch their build system for Emscripten.


Since Emscripten has not support for dynamic libraries and/or their file format a solution should not rely on the dynamic library infrastructure. On Debian systems installing a library usually is done via dpkg or apt tools. Arguments necessary for linking with a library are commonly provided by invoking pkg-config.

These mechanism could be adopted for Emscripten in a simplified manner.

empkg-get - a tool for downloading libraries working with Emscripten

empkg-get <package name> <package name> ...
  1. Downloads the <package name>/versions file from for every package.
  2. Finds the highest/latest version.
  3. Checks whether the directory EM_LIBS/sources/<package name>/<version> is available and warns for overwrite if it is.
  4. On success downloads (and overwrites) the version to EM_CACHE/build/<package name>/<version>.

empkg-build - a tool to build downloaded library sources

empkg-build [--ensure] <package name> <package name>
  1. If --ensure argument is present, tries to invoke empkg-get first and fail if it fails.
  2. If a valid build timestamp is found return successfully.
  3. Invoke EM_LIBS/sources/<package name>/<version>/.emscripten/build for building.
  4. If building succeeds, create new build timestamp file.

empkg-config - a tool for getting building/linking configuration of library

empkg-config [--cflags] [--libs] [--ensure] <package name> <package name>
  1. If --ensure argument is present, tries to invoke empkg-build first and fail if it fails.
  2. Returns the contents of config section in versions.
Format of versions:

The versions file is a JSON version of the data needed to download and build the sources. Entries in the upper section are derived by the version sections.

pc_path contains the path the .pc-file can be found in (defaults to .)

ignore_archive_root may be set when an archive does not contain the source directly (but contains an intermediate root folder).

{ "maintainers"        : [ { "name" : "Alon Zakai",
                             "email": "[email protected]"
  "build"              : [ "emconfigure ./configure", "emmake make" ],
  "pc_path"            : ".",
  "ignore_archive_root": true,
  "versions"           : [ { "version": "1.2.7",
                             "src"    : ""


  • Less to no work for users
  • Higher chances for pushing patches upstream
  • Maintainance necessary


  • Might not fit every usage scenario
  • Library has to be available via sourcecode