Woltka is for handling very large alignment files and complex classification systems. Therefore computational expense is an important consideration. This page explains how much time Woltka spends on typical datasets and how much memory it needs, as well as multiple tips and tricks for improving performance.
Rules of thumb:
- Woltka's runtime is linear (O(n)) vs. the size of the input alignments, plus a small, constant overhead of reading the database.
- Woltka's memory consumption is determined by 1) the size of the reference database, and 2) the complexity of the microbiome communities (i.e., the size of the feature table). It is independent from the size of the input alignments.
- Woltka analyses are I/O-intensive. Performance of disk and memory matter.
- Woltka works the best with two threads: one for decompression and the other for classification.
- "Coord-match" functional analysis takes several folds more time than simple structural analysis.
For the Web of Life (WoL) database, which includes 10,575 genomes, the memory consumption is <128 MB for structural classification, and <16 GB for coordinates-based functional classification.
TL;DR: It takes 10 min (structural analysis) or 1 hr ("coord-match" functional analysis) For every 10 GB gzipped SAM files.
In this example, we started with the CAMI high complexity toy dataset, which contains 5 samples with 15 Gbp HiSeq sequencing data each. We aligned them using the Bowtie2 following the SHOGUN protocol against the Web of Life (WoL) database. This step generates up to 16 high-score alignments (matches) for each query sequence.
The five resulting alignment files (SAM format, gzipped) total 38.6 GB in size. They include 1.05 billion alignments (lines), with 501 million unique query sequences. They were stored in a hard disk drive (59,000 rpm, SATA 3). The test was performed on with a Xeon E3-1230 v3 CPU (Haswell microarchitecture) and 32 GB DDR3 memory. The software environment was Ubuntu 20.04 with Python 3.10.
Here are the benchmarks of multiple typical Woltka analyses:
Analysis | Runtime | Memory |
Just decompress; don't run Woltka | 21:48 | 1.824 MB |
Structural analysis | ||
Operational genomic unit (OGU) | 34:39 | 108.4 MB |
Free-rank taxonomic classification | 40:07 | 115.1 MB |
Classification at genus level | 35:49 | 113.4 MB |
Classification at genus and export gzipped read maps | 51:59 | 113.0 MB |
Classification at phylum, genus and species | 52.01 | 115.4 MB |
Functional analysis | ||
Simple read-gene matching | 4:08:53 | 7.745 GB |
Simple read-gene matching, reporting RPK | 4:16:31 | 11.99 GB |
Functional profiling at UniRef entry, then GO process | 4:24:49 | 14.92 GB |
Experimental | ||
Simple read-gene matching, with Numba acceleration | 1:55:40 | 5.066 GB |
Two Woltka parameters visibly impacts Woltka's speed:
| Number of alignment lines to read and parse in each chunk. Default: one thousand for plain mapping, or one million for ordinal mapping.--cache
| Number of recent classification results to cache for faster subsequent classifications. Default: 1024.
Their default values were set based on our experience. However, alternative values could improve (or reduce) performance depending on the computer hardware, input file type, and database capacity. if you plan to routinely process bulks of biological big data using the same setting, we recommend that you do a few test runs on a small dataset and find out the values that work the best for you.
You may have hundreds of alignment files to crunch, and dozens of compute nodes to crunch with, and you realized that Woltka does not support parallel processing. However, the good news is that Woltka's output files -- profiles (feature tables) and read-to-feature maps, are merageable. Therefore, you may divide your input files into multiple subsets, run Woltka on each of them, and merge results in the end. The outcome will be identical to that of running Woltka once on all files.
Woltka provides a utility to conveniently merge multiple profiles:
woltka tools merge -i table1.biom -i table2.biom -i table3.biom ... -o merged.biom
woltka tools merge -i <directory containing lots of .biom/tsv> -o merged.biom/tsv
Note: If you plan to run Woltka on each individual file (not multiplexed), you should add --no-demux
to the command, otherwise Woltka will attempted to demultiplex it. Example:
for i in *.sam; do
echo "woltka -i $i -o ${i%.sam}.tsv --no-demux" | qsub
Today's alignment files can be huge, especially when they are multiplexed, containing hundreds of samples in a single file.
Woltka supports automatic demultiplexing, by the way. This also means that you can manually cut the alignment file into chunks, without explicitly demultiplexing it (i.e., you can cut in the middle of a sample, which is totally fine), run Woltka on each chunk (which will be demultiplexed individually), then merge results.
The input files for Woltka -- sequence alignment files cost disk space, and compression can help. An advantage of Woltka is that it automatically detects and parses compressed files, including the three most common formats: gzip, bzip2 and xz (i.e., LZMA) (see details).
Below is a set of simple benchmarks performed on a typical shotgun metagenomics dataset, including the original FastQ sequence files and two alignment file formats.
It is evident that most rigorous method xz provides highest compression ratio, though with much longer runtime when compressing and modestly longer runtime when decompressing, compared to the fastest method gzip. If disk space is your main concern and CPU hour is second (remember: compression is a one-off operation), we would recommend using xz.
Reading compressed alignment files is an expensive task. By default, Woltka calls decompression programs that are already installed in your computer system: gzip
, bzip2
or xz
to read compressed alignment files. In this case, Woltka utilizes up to two CPU cores: one for decompression and the other for classification. If these programs are not found, Woltka will automatically switch to built-in Python modules for decompression, which are slower, though.
If necessary, you can disable the calling of external programs using the --no-exe
flag. However, we don't recommend this unless there is a specific concern in your computer system.
Woltka currently supports three formats of alignment: BLAST (b6o), SAM and simple map of "query <tab> subject". For the former two, Woltka can extract alignment coordinates which are need for "coord-match" classification. However, this is not needed for plain classification.
For the "simple map" format, Woltka will parse first two columns and query and subject while discarding remaining one. If your alignment files suffice the format of "query <tab> subject <tab> whatever" (for example, BLAST files fall into this category), you can force Woltka to parse it as a simple map, using parameter --format map
. This will improve the speed of parsing those files.
A SAM file can be bulky. The last several columns may contain the entire sequence and quality scores (e.g., Bowtie2 and Minimap2 do this). These texts are not useful for Woltka. You can trim them off to save disk space:
zcat input.sam.gz | grep -v ^@ | cut -f1-9 | sed 's/$/\t*\t*/' | gzip > output.sam.gz
Alternatively, you may only keep 1st and 3rd columns (query and subject) using cut -f1,3
so that the resulting file can be parse as a simple map (see above). But this will lose strand information (which is stored in the 2nd column) if you care about it.
Woltka allows you to generate maps of query sequences to classification units via the --outmap
or -u
parameter (see details). These maps themselves can serve as input files for Woltka, enabling efficient reuse AND the powerful stratification function.
It is okay to convert alignment files into maps, and ONLY keep the maps while deleting the original alignments from your valuable storage space (but see warning below). Here is how:
woltka classify -i input_dir -o whatever.biom -u map_dir
The outcome will be per-sample maps of query sequences to original subject sequences (i.e., no classification is involved). In the future, you can repeatedly do this, with choices of parameter sets:
woltka classify -i map_dir ...
[Temporary notice] At this moment Woltka cannot take non-unique mappings (one query to multiple subjects) as input. Therefore, if your alignment files may contain non-unique matches, you need to add --uniq
to the first command.
Woltka supports outputing compressed maps. The default compression method is gzip, and it can be customized via the --zipmap
paramter (see details).
The following benchmarks are based on five already-xz'ed Bowtie2 SAM files, totalling 327.224 MB:
Method | Runtime (min) | Map size (MB) |
Don't generate maps | 1:15.94 | - |
Don't compress maps | 1:22.45 | 159.832 |
Using gzip | 1:38.42 | 17.960 |
Using bzip2 | 1:39.99 | 14.496 |
Using xz | 2:33.65 | 10.664 |
It is your call how to balance runtime and map file size.
Warning however, converting alignments to maps will lose alignment coordinates, and blocks "coord-match" (see details). If these analyses are in your plan, you should keep the alignment files.