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image builder小白版.md

File metadata and controls

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推荐 在线构建网址:(https://firmware-selector.immortalwrt.org

详细教程:ImmortalWrt 在线构建服务 使用说明

在虚拟机(Linux物理机)内使用image builder编译生成的固件可以设置固件大小。 必须在非ROOT环境下运行。 主要适用于有大容量存储的设备(例如:X86、R2S、H28K 等等)。


在虚拟机内或者是Linux物理机上需要安装的依赖。以Ubuntu22.04举例。 在命令行(terminal)粘贴运行以下命令安装image builder所必须的依赖:

sudo apt install build-essential libncurses-dev zlib1g-dev gawk git gettext libssl-dev xsltproc rsync wget unzip python3 python3-distutils


sudo apt update -y
sudo apt full-upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y ack antlr3 asciidoc autoconf automake autopoint binutils bison build-essential \
  bzip2 ccache clang cmake cpio curl device-tree-compiler ecj fastjar flex gawk gettext gcc-multilib \
  g++-multilib git gnutls-dev gperf haveged help2man intltool lib32gcc-s1 libc6-dev-i386 libelf-dev \
  libglib2.0-dev libgmp3-dev libltdl-dev libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 \
  libncursesw5-dev libpython3-dev libreadline-dev libssl-dev libtool lld llvm lrzsz mkisofs msmtp \
  nano ninja-build p7zip p7zip-full patch pkgconf python2.7 python3 python3-pip python3-ply \
  python3-docutils python3-pyelftools qemu-utils re2c rsync scons squashfs-tools subversion swig \
  texinfo uglifyjs upx-ucl unzip vim wget xmlto xxd zlib1g-dev

安装完成后,使用wget命令将目标架构所需要的目标image builder下载到/home/Downloads文件夹下。大多数人都是用桌面版的Ubuntu,所以在文件管理器内的Downloads文件夹内用鼠标右键点击开启Terminal(命令行)粘贴下面的命令(以X86-X64设备为例)


用以下命令解压并进入到immortalwrt image builder文件夹内

tar -J -x -f immortalwrt-imagebuilder-*.tar.xz
cd immortalwrt-imagebuilder-*/

主要使用make image命令
image: By default 'make image' will create an image with the default target profile and package set. You can use the following parameters to change that:

make image PROFILE="<profilename>" # override the default target profile
make image PACKAGES="<pkg1> [<pkg2> [<pkg3> ...]]" # include extra packages
make image FILES="<path>" # include extra files from <path>
make image BIN_DIR="<path>" # alternative output directory for the images
make image EXTRA_IMAGE_NAME="<string>" # Add this to the output image filename (sanitized)
make image DISABLED_SERVICES="<svc1> [<svc2> [<svc3> ..]]" # Which services in /etc/init.d/ should be disabled
make image ADD_LOCAL_KEY=1 # store locally generated signing key in built images
make image ROOTFS_PARTSIZE="<size>" # override the default rootfs partition size in MegaBytes

上面的命令中使用make image PACKAGESmake image ROOTFS_PARTSIZE
举例:make image PACKAGES="luci-i18n-base-zh-cn luci-i18n-opkg-zh-cn luci-i18n-firewall-zh-cn -kmod-r8125" ROOTFS_PARTSIZE="800"

luci-i18n-homeproxy-zh-cn # HP
luci-i18n-diskman-zh-cn #磁盘管理
luci-i18n-mwan3-zh-cn #多拨
luci-i18n-nlbwmon-zh-cn #流量统计
luci-i18n-samba4-zh-cn #文件共享
luci-i18n-smartdns-zh-cn #smartdns
luci-i18n-transmission-zh-cn #BT or PT
luci-i18n-upnp-zh-cn #公网映射 
luci-i18n-zerotier-zh-cn # zerotier


make image PACKAGES="luci-i18n-homeproxy-zh-cn luci-i18n-base-zh-cn luci-i18n-opkg-zh-cn luci-i18n-firewall-zh-cn -kmod-r8125" ROOTFS_PARTSIZE="800"

immortalwrt插件清单内的base luci pakcages基本上包含了所需要的插件,在这三个里面找不到的就是没有。