diff --git a/db/installationInit.sql b/db/installationInit.sql
index 3a1078a1..66ddebbf 100644
--- a/db/installationInit.sql
+++ b/db/installationInit.sql
@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ INSERT INTO `SelectConfiguration_OPTIONS` (`SelectConfiguration_id`, `options`)
(81, 'de.imi.mopat.helper.controller.RandomPatientDataRetrieverImpl'),
(81, 'de.imi.mopat.helper.controller.HL7v22PatientInformationRetriever'),
(81, 'de.imi.mopat.helper.controller.DummyPatientDataRetrieverImpl'),
+(81, 'de.imi.mopat.helper.controller.HL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverByPID'),
(38, 'de_DE'),
(38, 'en_GB');
diff --git a/db/installationInitTest.sql b/db/installationInitTest.sql
index 1dd5f5fb..cfeae3e2 100644
--- a/db/installationInitTest.sql
+++ b/db/installationInitTest.sql
@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ INSERT INTO `SelectConfiguration_OPTIONS` (`SelectConfiguration_id`, `options`)
(81, 'de.imi.mopat.helper.controller.RandomPatientDataRetrieverImpl'),
(81, 'de.imi.mopat.helper.controller.HL7v22PatientInformationRetriever'),
(81, 'de.imi.mopat.helper.controller.DummyPatientDataRetrieverImpl'),
+(81, 'de.imi.mopat.helper.controller.HL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverByPID'),
(38, 'de_DE'),
(38, 'en_GB');
diff --git a/db/update/v3.2.sql b/db/update/v3.2.sql
index f6156bb7..f8fe0679 100644
--- a/db/update/v3.2.sql
+++ b/db/update/v3.2.sql
@@ -51,4 +51,8 @@ JOIN (
JOIN questionnaire_version_group qvg ON qvg.name = q.name
WHERE q.version_group_id IS NULL
) AS subquery ON q.id = subquery.questionnaire_id
-SET q.version_group_id = subquery.version_group_id;
\ No newline at end of file
+SET q.version_group_id = subquery.version_group_id;
+INSERT INTO moPat.SelectConfiguration_OPTIONS
+(SelectConfiguration_id, `options`)
+VALUES(33, 'de.imi.mopat.helper.controller.HL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverByPID');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/de/imi/mopat/helper/controller/HL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverByPID.java b/src/main/java/de/imi/mopat/helper/controller/HL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverByPID.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1663d6c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/de/imi/mopat/helper/controller/HL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverByPID.java
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+package de.imi.mopat.helper.controller;
+import ca.uhn.hl7v2.DefaultHapiContext;
+import ca.uhn.hl7v2.HapiContext;
+import ca.uhn.hl7v2.app.Connection;
+import ca.uhn.hl7v2.app.Initiator;
+import ca.uhn.hl7v2.llp.MinLowerLayerProtocol;
+import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Message;
+import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.group.ADR_A19_QUERY_RESPONSE;
+import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.message.ADR_A19;
+import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.message.QRY_Q01;
+import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.segment.MSH;
+import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.segment.PID;
+import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.segment.QRD;
+import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.PipeParser;
+import de.imi.mopat.dao.AuditEntryDao;
+import de.imi.mopat.dao.ConfigurationDao;
+import de.imi.mopat.model.Clinic;
+import de.imi.mopat.model.Configuration;
+import de.imi.mopat.model.Encounter;
+import de.imi.mopat.model.dto.EncounterDTO;
+import de.imi.mopat.model.enumeration.AuditEntryActionType;
+import de.imi.mopat.model.enumeration.AuditPatientAttribute;
+import de.imi.mopat.model.enumeration.Gender;
+import de.imi.mopat.model.user.User;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.springframework.security.core.context.SecurityContextHolder;
+import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+ * Looks up patient data using HL7 v2.2 messages (QRY^01 to query and ADR_A19 to retrieve). Tries to
+ * connect to a system using a given hostname (see
+ * {@link HL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverByPID#getHL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverHostname() }) and
+ * port (see {@link HL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverByPID#getHL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverPort() })
+ * that have to be provided in the configuration.
Different to the official HL7 specification,
+ * this HL7 patient data retriever does not only allow the value 'AA' as an MSA acknowledgement
+ * code, but also the value 'CA'. If either one of these values is present as an MSA acknowledgement
+ * code in the communication server's answer, this patient data retriever tries to get patient data
+ * out of this very answer and populate the {@link Encounter}.
+ *
+ * @version 1.0
+ */
+public class HL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverByPID extends PatientDataRetriever {
+ private static final Logger LOGGER = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(
+ HL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverByPID.class);
+ /**
+ * Codes from HL7 v2 specification telling that the message sent to a communication server
+ * resulted in acceptance and thus valid data sent back, not error or reject
+ */
+ public static final String MSA_APPLICATION_ACCEPT_CODE = "AA";
+ public static final String MSA_COMMIT_ACCEPT_CODE = "CA";
+ // Use the same properties for this exporter
+ private final String className = "de.imi.mopat.helper.controller.HL7v22PatientInformationRetriever";
+ private final String hostnameProperty = "HL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverHostname";
+ private final String portProperty = "HL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverPort";
+ public HL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverByPID() {
+ LOGGER.info("[SETUP] To configure this PatientDataRetriever, please set "
+ + "HL7 hostname ({}) and port ({}) in the " + "configuration...", hostnameProperty,
+ portProperty);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public EncounterDTO retrievePatientData(Clinic clinic, String patientNumber) {
+ LOGGER.debug("patientNumber is: {}", patientNumber);
+ assert patientNumber != null : "The given patientNumber was null";
+ patientNumber = patientNumber.trim();
+ EncounterDTO result = null;
+ String hostname = getHL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverHostname();
+ Integer port = getHL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverPort();
+ if (hostname != null && port != null) {
+ LOGGER.info("[SETUP] hostname is: {}", hostname);
+ LOGGER.info("[SETUP] port is: {}", port);
+ // [bt] bean was able to retrieve a hostname and port
+ // (configuration),
+ // thus setting up a connection is worth it
+ QRY_Q01 hl7message = new QRY_Q01();
+ Connection connection = null;
+ Set patientAttributes = new HashSet();
+ try {
+ LOGGER.debug("Creating a HL7 message to retrieve patient data" + "...");
+ // [bt] We sent a QRY^01 message (see MoPat1,
+ // orbis_interface.rb:create_hl7_msg(patientID)) and set the
+ // processingID to "P" for PRODUCTION (again, see MoPat1,
+ // orbis_interface.rb:create_hl7_msg(patientID) and HAPI
+ // AbstractMessage.initQuickstart())
+ hl7message.initQuickstart("QRY", "01", "P");
+ // [bt] set the 2 important segments, 'MSH' and 'QRD'
+ MSH msh = hl7message.getMSH();
+ msh.getSendingApplication().setValue("PATB");
+ msh.getReceivingApplication().setValue("ORBIS");
+ QRD qrd = hl7message.getQRD();
+ qrd.getQrd8_WhoSubjectFilter(0).setValue(patientNumber);
+ qrd.getQrd9_WhatSubjectFilter(0).setValue("MRO");
+ // [bt] set up a context (well, factory for connections and
+ // parsers and so on
+ HapiContext context = new DefaultHapiContext();
+ MinLowerLayerProtocol mllp = new MinLowerLayerProtocol();
+ mllp.setCharset("ISO-8859-1");
+ context.setLowerLayerProtocol(mllp);
+ // [bt] let the default Pipe parser parse our message
+ PipeParser parser = context.getPipeParser();
+ LOGGER.debug("HL7 message created: {}", parser.encode(hl7message));
+ LOGGER.debug("Opening a Connection for HL7 messaging...");
+ // [bt] open a new connection with the given hostname, port, and
+ // don't use TLS
+ connection = context.newClient(hostname, port, false);
+ Initiator initiator = connection.getInitiator();
+ initiator.setTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
+ LOGGER.debug("Opening a Connection for HL7 messaging...[DONE]");
+ LOGGER.debug("Sending HL7 message...");
+ Message response = initiator.sendAndReceive(hl7message);
+ patientAttributes.add(AuditPatientAttribute.CASE_NUMBER);
+ this.getAuditEntryDao()
+ .writeAuditEntry(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "retrievePatientData(String)",
+ patientNumber, patientAttributes, AuditEntryActionType.SENT,
+ "HL7 Communication server as given in " + "configuration");
+ LOGGER.debug("Sending HL7 message...[DONE]");
+ ADR_A19 hl7response = (ADR_A19) response;
+ String acknowledgementCode = hl7response.getMSA().getMsa1_AcknowledgementCode()
+ .getValue();
+ if (acknowledgementCode.equalsIgnoreCase(MSA_APPLICATION_ACCEPT_CODE)
+ || acknowledgementCode.equalsIgnoreCase(MSA_COMMIT_ACCEPT_CODE)) {
+ ADR_A19_QUERY_RESPONSE queryResponse = hl7response.getQUERY_RESPONSE();
+ PID pid = queryResponse.getPID();
+ if (pid != null) {
+ patientAttributes.clear();
+ result = new EncounterDTO();
+ //Try to set case number from PID4.1
+ try {
+ String caseNumber = pid.getPid4_AlternatePatientID().getValue();
+ if (caseNumber != null) {
+ result.setCaseNumber(caseNumber);
+ patientAttributes.add(AuditPatientAttribute.CASE_NUMBER);
+ }
+ } catch(Throwable t) {
+ LOGGER.error("Although a HL7 response was sent, "
+ + "setting the case number did " + "not work, because of: {}. Use "
+ + "debug output for stacktrace.", t.getMessage());
+ LOGGER.debug("Case ID could no be set because of:" + " {}", t.getMessage());
+ }
+ // [bt] separation of tries and error handling for each
+ // of
+ // the encounter's fields
+ try {
+ if (pid.getDateOfBirth() != null
+ && pid.getDateOfBirth().getTimeOfAnEvent() != null) {
+ // [bt] getting the values for the day of birth.
+ // CAVE:
+ // Month is from 0 to 11 in GregorianCalendar
+ int year = pid.getDateOfBirth().getTimeOfAnEvent().getYear();
+ int month = pid.getDateOfBirth().getTimeOfAnEvent().getMonth() - 1;
+ int day = pid.getDateOfBirth().getTimeOfAnEvent().getDay();
+ GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(year, month,
+ day);
+ java.sql.Date dayOfBirth = new java.sql.Date(
+ calendar.getTimeInMillis());
+ result.setBirthdate(dayOfBirth);
+ patientAttributes.add(AuditPatientAttribute.DATE_OF_BIRTH);
+ LOGGER.debug("Date of Birth was available and" + " set");
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ LOGGER.error("Although a HL7 response was sent, "
+ + "setting the day of birth did " + "not work, because of: {}. Use "
+ + "debug output for stacktrace.", t.getMessage());
+ LOGGER.debug("Day of birth could no be set because of:" + " {}", t);
+ }
+ try {
+ if (pid.getPatientName() != null
+ && pid.getPatientName().getGivenName() != null
+ && pid.getPatientName().getGivenName().getValue() != null) {
+ result.setFirstname(pid.getPatientName().getGivenName().getValue());
+ patientAttributes.add(AuditPatientAttribute.FIRST_NAME);
+ LOGGER.debug("Patient's first name was " + "available and set");
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ LOGGER.error("Although a HL7 response was sent, "
+ + "setting the first name did not" + " work, because of: {}. Use "
+ + "debug output for stacktrace.", t.getMessage());
+ LOGGER.debug("First name could no be set because of: {}", t);
+ }
+ try {
+ if (pid.getPatientName() != null
+ && pid.getPatientName().getFamilyName() != null
+ && pid.getPatientName().getFamilyName().getValue() != null) {
+ result.setLastname(pid.getPatientName().getFamilyName().getValue());
+ patientAttributes.add(AuditPatientAttribute.LAST_NAME);
+ LOGGER.debug("Patient's last name was " + "available and set");
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ LOGGER.error("Although a HL7 response was sent, "
+ + "setting the last name did not " + "work, because of: {}. Use "
+ + "debug output for stacktrace.", t.getMessage());
+ LOGGER.debug("Last name could no be set because of: {}", t);
+ }
+ try {
+ if (pid.getSex() != null && pid.getSex().getValue() != null) {
+ switch (pid.getSex().getValue()) {
+ case "M": {
+ result.setGender(Gender.MALE);
+ patientAttributes.add(AuditPatientAttribute.GENDER);
+ LOGGER.debug(
+ "Patient's gender was " + "available and" + " set");
+ break;
+ }
+ case "F": // [bt] although the word document
+ // lists
+ // 'W', the communication server
+ // sends
+ // 'F' (see MoPat1, additionally
+ // tested
+ // with a real life case at 08th of
+ // August, 2013)
+ {
+ result.setGender(Gender.FEMALE);
+ patientAttributes.add(AuditPatientAttribute.GENDER);
+ LOGGER.debug(
+ "Patient's gender was " + "available and" + " set");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ LOGGER.error(
+ "Although a HL7 response was sent, " + "setting the gender did not "
+ + "work, because of: {}. Use " + "debug output for stacktrace.",
+ t.getMessage());
+ LOGGER.debug("Gender could no be set because of: {}", t);
+ }
+ try {
+ if (pid.getPatientIDInternalID(0) != null
+ && pid.getPatientIDInternalID(0).getIDNumber() != null
+ && pid.getPatientIDInternalID(0).getIDNumber().getValue() != null) {
+ result.setPatientID(Long.valueOf(
+ pid.getPatientIDInternalID(0).getIDNumber().getValue()));
+ patientAttributes.add(AuditPatientAttribute.PATIENT_ID);
+ LOGGER.debug("Patient's ID was available and " + "set");
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ LOGGER.error("Although a HL7 response was sent, "
+ + "setting the patient ID did not" + " work, because of: {}. Use "
+ + "debug output for stacktrace.", t.getMessage());
+ LOGGER.debug("Patient ID could no be set because of: {}", t);
+ }
+ this.getAuditEntryDao().writeAuditEntry(this.getClass().getSimpleName(),
+ "retrievePatientData(String)", patientNumber, patientAttributes,
+ AuditEntryActionType.RECEIVED,
+ "HL7 communication server as given in " + "configuration");
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Long currentUserId = null;
+ if (SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()
+ .getPrincipal() instanceof User) {
+ currentUserId = ((User) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()
+ .getPrincipal()).getId();
+ }
+ String loggingAttributes = null;
+ if (result != null) {
+ loggingAttributes = result.getLoggingAttributes();
+ }
+ if (loggingAttributes != null && loggingAttributes.isEmpty()) {
+ LOGGER.error("User ID {} requested patient data via HL7 for "
+ + "case number {}. Something went wrong "
+ + "while retrieving patient data. No "
+ + "patient data has successfully been "
+ + "retrieved. Because of the error, no "
+ + "patient data will be listet for the "
+ + "given case number. Use debug output " + "for more information",
+ currentUserId, patientNumber);
+ } else {
+ this.getAuditEntryDao().writeAuditEntry(this.getClass().getSimpleName(),
+ "retrievePatientData(String)", patientNumber, patientAttributes,
+ AuditEntryActionType.RECEIVED,
+ "HL7 communication server as given in " + "configuration");
+ LOGGER.error("User ID {} requested patient data via HL7 for "
+ + "case number {}. Something went wrong "
+ + "while retrieving patient data. " + "Nonetheless, the following data has "
+ + "successfully been retrieved: {}. "
+ + "Because of the error, no patient data "
+ + "will be listet for the given case "
+ + "number. Use debug output for more " + "information", currentUserId,
+ patientNumber, loggingAttributes);
+ }
+ LOGGER.debug("Retrieving patient data failed because of: {}", e);
+ } finally {
+ if (connection != null) {
+ LOGGER.debug("Closing the connection...");
+ connection.close();
+ LOGGER.debug("Closing the connection...[DONE]");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOGGER.error("hostname is {}, port is {}, thus no HL7 communication is"
+ + " set up. Returning null", hostname, port);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the {@link AuditEntryDao} from the ApplicationContext.
+ *
+ * @return The {@link AuditEntryDao} from the ApplicationContext.
+ */
+ private AuditEntryDao getAuditEntryDao() {
+ return ApplicationContextService.getApplicationContext().getBean(AuditEntryDao.class);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the HL7v22PatientRetriever hostname from the {@link ConfigurationDao} by using the
+ * name of this class and the appropriate attribute name.
+ *
+ * @return The HL7v22PatientRetriever hostname string.
+ */
+ private String getHL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverHostname() {
+ ConfigurationDao configurationDao = ApplicationContextService.getApplicationContext()
+ .getBean(ConfigurationDao.class);
+ Configuration configuration = configurationDao.getConfigurationByAttributeAndClass(
+ hostnameProperty, className);
+ return configuration.getValue();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the HL7v22PatientRetriever port from the {@link ConfigurationDao} by using the name
+ * of this class and the appropriate attribute name.
+ *
+ * @return The HL7v22PatientRetriever port number.
+ */
+ private Integer getHL7v22PatientInformationRetrieverPort() {
+ ConfigurationDao configurationDao = ApplicationContextService.getApplicationContext()
+ .getBean(ConfigurationDao.class);
+ Configuration configuration = configurationDao.getConfigurationByAttributeAndClass(
+ portProperty, className);
+ return Integer.parseInt(configuration.getValue());
+ }