MCLola is an EDSL written in Haskell that provides:
- A language, called MCLola, to write high level specifications based on Lola [1].
- A mechanism to compile MCLola specifications to C99 files that implement a monitor for the specification.
This project was developed within a research internship at IMDEA Institute, Madrid, Spain.
Student: Aldana Ramirez
Adviser: Cesar Sanchez
Collaborators: Martin Ceresa and Felipe Gorostiaga
To use MCLola, you need to install required software as specified below. Alternatively, a Dockerfile is provided to simplify the installation process.
Install GHC.
Install the following Haskell libraries:
Download this repo.
git clone
Build the Docker image for the project.
cd McLola/ docker build -t mclola .
Run a container using the image built above.
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/MCLola --rm mclola bash
This command also mounts the MCLola directory and opens an interactive shell. The -rm option erases the container when its execution finishes.
Write the MCLola specification.
Create a new file that defines an elementspec :: Specification
and modify file src/Compile.hs:- Import the new file.
- Define
Generate C99 files for the monitor.
Move to the MCLola/src directory and open GHCi:ghci
Load the Compile.hs file and evaluate:
to generate C99 files to implement the monitor for the specification.analyse
to generate a txt file with temporal information from the specification.
All generated files are stored in the src/monitor directory.
:l Compile.hs codegen analyse
Complete the monitor implementation.
Write a monitor.c file that defines amain
function that implements the monitor. To that end, use theinitialise
functions generated by MCLola. -
Compile C99 files and execute the monitor with a given input.
make && ./monitor < input.csv > output.txt
The src/Example directory includes several examples. For each example, four files are provided:
- A .hs file with the MCLola specification.
- A monitor.c file with the monitor implementation, which uses the files generated by the tool.
- An input.csv file with an example instance for input values.
- An output.txt file with the output generated by the monitor for the instance given by input.csv.
[1] B. D'Angelo, S. Sankaranarayanan, C. Sanchez, W. Robinson, B. Finkbeiner, H. B. Sipma, S. Mehrotra, Z. Manna (2005). LOLA: runtime monitoring of synchronous systems. 12th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'05), pages 166-174.