Complete solution to monitoring Powecom UPS device through the UPSMON PRO WEB
Created by Ilias Aidar - 23/05/2020 E-Mail: [email protected] Telegram: @iSmartyPro OS: Windows
To work this solution you have to install on Windows Host - UPSMON PRO 2.4 Appliction.
Zabbix template will grab data from UPSMON PRO WEB and store data in Zabbix.
- Input, V
- Output, V
- Frequency, Hz
- Load, %
- Battery Level, %
- Temperatue, C
- Battery is less than 50%;
- Battery is less than 20%;
- Input is less than 220V;
- Input is less than 200V;
- Input is less than 180V;
- Output is less than 200V;
- Temperature more than 30C;
- Temperature more than 35C.
- Install Windows Application UPSMON Pro (you can find it in Windows folder or you can download it from official website);
- Launch UPSMON PRO and enable Webserver;
- Optional open port in firewall for UPSMON Pro Web, in my case I am opened 8000/tcp
- On any host you can open following: URL - http://url_of_upsmonpro:8000/ups.txt, should be few lines with UPS params;
- Install Zabbix Template from zabbix folder;
- Assign Zabbix template to monitoring Host;
- Add MACROS - {$URL} - in our case http://url_of_upsmonpro:8000/ups.txt
- wait few minutes and you will get all data from UPSMON Pro to you Zabbix.
Have a nice usage!