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Using and creating Transformations

Helm itself has by design no support for templating within the values.yaml. The values.yaml itself must be valid YAML and must not contain templating expressions. HULL can overcome this limitation to a certain degree and put templating into values.yaml fields.

As a simple example, it is often efficient to at least have possibilities to simply cross-reference fields in the values.yaml. One way this can be achieved is by using YAML anchors, the downside here is that an anchor and the reference to it need to be in the same YAML file. Considering that one main feature of Helm is to allow merging of multiple values.yaml's on top of each other this approach is very limited in scope.

The HULL library provides mechanism to work around this and provide this possibility. The mechanism for this is called transformations and is extensible for even way more complex tasks by allowing to inject complex Go Templating expressions in property values of the values.yaml.

Technical Background

Technically the objects defined in the values.yaml are preprocessed before they are converted to Kubernetes objects. In the first internal step, Helm merges all fields of all values.yaml's involved into a single YAML structure. This YAML tree is then processed key-by-key by HULL and at this stage it becomes possible to modify the YAML to the desired result by adding special keys and values to the YAML sections. When a transformation is detected during the values.yaml preprocessing by HULL an associated Go Templating function is called and the result replaces the transformation instruction in the resulting YAML.

⚠️ It is important to consider the fact that when a dictionary is traversed in Go Templating it is done in an alphanumeric fashion. So in order to reference the resolved value of an transformation succesfully it must be have a lower alphanumeric key in the dictionary hierarchy, meaning it must have been processed first. However, since typically you would want to resolve a global value for configuration of your hull.objects properties in multiple places you should put your referenced value in the hull.config.specific section and then you can access it anytime when creating the objects. When you keep the alphanumeric processing order in mind it is furthermore no problem to use transformations on hull.config.specific properties too and later have the transformation result referenced by a transformation in the hull.objects section.⚠️

Some transformations are part of the HULL library and can be used out of the box. It is also possible to create your own Go Templating function/transformation and use them where possible. For this you need only add a tpl file to your chart and define a transformation that adheres to the structural rules highlighted next.

Object Support

Currently transformations are supported for basically any input type. You can use transformations to modify all:

  • values which are of string type
  • values which are of integer type
  • values which are of boolean type
  • values which are dictionaries
  • values which are arrays

⚠️ Triggering transformations is based on the detection of a starting prefix _HULL_TRANSFORMATION_ or _HT for built-in transformation short forms in key names (for dictionary values) or string values so it is not 100% guaranteed that a chart does not use this expression as a key or value but otherwise it is highly unlikely. ⚠️


This section will highlight a simple transformation example and one showcasing the full possibilities of this approach.

Example of a simple string transformation

One simple and useful transformations is likely cross-referencing the value of a dedicated YAML field in several places in the values.yaml itself. As mentioned the YAML anchor approach is limited in usability so this is how you can do it using the hull.util.transformation.get transformation.

Assuming you have a local docker registry endpoint you want to use as the registry for several container images, you can achieve this like this:

      globalRegistry: local.registry # this is the value I want to 
                                          # reuse in multiple places


                tag: "latest"

                registry: "_HULL_TRANSFORMATION_<<<NAME=hull.util.transformation.get>>><<<REFERENCE=hull.config.specific.globalRegistry>>>" # here it is used
                repository: internal_app1
                tag: "latest"

                registry: _HT*hull.config.specific.globalRegistry # and here, just a briefer syntax for the same transformation
                repository: internal_app2
                tag: "latest"

Now when preprocessing in HULL takes place, the string starting with the key word _HULL_TRANSFORMATION_ (or a short form starting with _HT) is signaling that this value is being dynamically derived by calling a transformation function. The two expressions above are now taken apart to call the transformations with named arguments.

String transformation interface

The general syntax for any string transformation is:


    Prefix indicating that a transformation is defined here. All string transformations must start with this prefix (unless the short form is used).

    All arguments to a transformation are wrapped in <<<ARGUMENT-NAME=ARGUMENT-VALUE>>>

  • <<<NAME=hull.util.transformation.get>>>:

    The name of the transformation (the Go Template Function) to call. This is the only mandatory argument to each HULL transformation which is the first argument in the argument list. Here it is the hull.util.transformation.get transformation being executed.

  • <<<REFERENCE=hull.config.specific.globalRegistry>>>

    This argument is specific to the hull.util.transformation.get transformation. Here it references the key from which we want to get the value from in dot-notation.

⚠️ Note that the arguments themselves cannot contain the start-of and end-of argument signifiers <<< and >>> when using the long form syntax for transformations! These are important for string-splitting the arguments to the transformation. ⚠️

Transformation short forms

As HULL comes with a predefined set of handy transformations and always typing down the regular transformation interface structure described above is pretty inconvenient, there exist so-called short forms to these built-in transformations. The short forms take advantage of the fact that all built-in transformations only demand a single argument so the transformation call can be done with much less typing.

⚠️ Short forms are the prefered way to trigger transformations since functionally they are fully equivalent to the long form versions but are much easier to read ⚠️

In the above example we used the short form for the hull.util.transformation.get transformation like this:

registry: _HT*hull.config.specific.globalRegistry # and here

which is equivalent to writing:

registry: "_HULL_TRANSFORMATION_<<<NAME=hull.util.transformation.get>>><<<REFERENCE=hull.config.specific.globalRegistry>>>"

but much shorter. The full transformation call is reduced to a short prefix (_HT), a character indicating the specific transformation to use (* for hull.util.transformation.get) and the single arguments (REFERENCE) value without the need to specify the arguments name. The other possible characters for short forms are ?, !, /, ^ and & and the following transformation short forms are available for use:

  • _HT*: hull.util.transformation.get
  • _HT?: hull.util.transformation.bool
  • _HT!: hull.util.transformation.tpl
  • _HT/: hull.util.transformation.include
  • _HT^: hull.util.transformation.makefullname
  • _HT&: hull.util.transformation.selector

See the overview on the transformations that HULL delivers out-of-the-box for details on short form transformation syntax.

Example definition of a transformation

Now we can take a look at the [transformation definition] for hull.util.transformation.get (./../templates/_util_transformations.tpl) itself:

{{- /*
| Purpose:  
|   Gets the value from a key in values.yaml given dot-notation.
| Interface:
|   PARENT_CONTEXT: The Parent charts context
|   REFERENCE: The key in dot-notation for which the value should be retrieved
*/ -}}
{{- define "hull.util.transformation.get" -}}
{{- $parent := (index . "PARENT_CONTEXT") -}}
{{- $key := (index . "KEY") -}}
{{- $reference := (index . "REFERENCE") -}}
{{- $serializer := "" }}
{{- $getValue := include "hull.util.transformation.serialize.get" (dict "VALUE" $reference) | fromYaml -}}
{{- if $getValue.serialize -}}
{{- $reference = $getValue.remainder -}}
{{- $serializer = $getValue.serializer -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $sourcePath := default list (index . "SOURCE_PATH") -}}
{{- $objectType := "" -}}
{{- $objectInstanceKey := "" -}}
{{- if (gt (len $sourcePath) 3) -}}
{{  if (eq (index $sourcePath 1) "objects") -}}
{{- $objectType = index $sourcePath 2 -}}
{{- $objectInstanceKey = index $sourcePath 3 -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $current := "" -}}
{{- if $reference | hasPrefix "*" -}}
{{- $reference = $reference | replace "*" "" -}}
{{- $current = toYaml $parent | fromYaml }}
{{- else -}}
{{- $current = $parent.Values }}
{{- end -}}
{{- $path := splitList "." $reference -}}
{{- $skipBroken := false}}
{{- $brokenPart := "" }}
{{- $details := "" -}}
{{- $isChartSpecialCase := false -}}
{{- if (eq (first $path) "Chart")  -}}
{{- $isChartSpecialCase = true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $pathIndex, $pathElement := $path -}}
{{- if (and ($isChartSpecialCase) (eq $pathIndex 1)) -}}
{{- $pathElement = $pathElement | untitle -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq $pathElement "§OBJECT_TYPE§" -}}
  {{- if ne $objectType "" -}}
    {{- $pathElement = $objectType -}}
  {{- else -}}
    {{- $skipBroken = true -}}
    {{- $brokenPart = $pathElement -}}
    {{- $details = printf "OBJECT_TYPE not set in current calling context, cannot get path %s" $reference }}
  {{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
  {{- if eq $pathElement "§OBJECT_INSTANCE_KEY§" -}}
    {{- if ne $objectInstanceKey "" -}}
      {{- $pathElement = $objectInstanceKey -}}
    {{- else -}}
      {{- $skipBroken = true -}}
      {{- $brokenPart = $pathElement -}}
      {{- $details = printf "OBJECT_INSTANCE_KEY not set in current calling context, cannot get path %s" $reference }}
    {{- end -}}
  {{- else -}}
    {{- $pathElement = regexReplaceAll "§" $pathElement "." }}
  {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if (not $skipBroken) -}}
{{- if (or (hasKey $current $pathElement)) -}}
{{- $current = (index $current $pathElement) }}
{{- else -}}
{{- $skipBroken = true -}}
{{- $brokenPart = $pathElement -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $skipBroken -}}
{{- if $parent.Values.hull.config.general.debug.renderBrokenHullGetTransformationReferences -}}
{{ $key }}: BROKEN-HULL-GET-TRANSFORMATION-REFERENCE:Element {{ $brokenPart }} in path {{ $reference }} was not found
{{- else }}
{{- if $parent.Values.hull.config.general.errorChecks.hullGetTransformationReferenceValid -}}
{{- if eq $details "" -}}
{{- $details = printf "Element %s in path %s was not found" $brokenPart $reference -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $key }}: {{ include "hull.util.error.message" (dict "ERROR_TYPE" "HULL-GET-TRANSFORMATION-REFERENCE-INVALID" "ERROR_MESSAGE" $details) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $key }}: ""
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- if and (typeIs "string" $current) (not $current) }}
{{ $key }}: ""
{{- else -}}
{{ $key }}: {{ (include "hull.util.transformation.convert" (dict "SOURCE" $current "KEY" $key "SERIALIZER" $serializer)) }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Without going too much into detail, in the code above the value of the dot-notated key is retrieved via iteration over the path's elements. Then it is either returned as an empty string (if non existent) or further processed with the hull.util.transformation.convert function which creates the return value based on $current type. It is capable of returning simple types (string, bool and integer values) but also complex types including nested dictionaries and arrays. In case of of a missing element in the given path it returns an error in form of a string which will be processed and converted to a speaking execution error of Helm in the end.

It is mandatory for all transformations to return result data as a yaml block containing the passed in $key variable as key:


In the source YAML the dictionary value of key $key is now replaced by the transformations result before rendering. Note that the type of the result field does not have to be a string but it must validate against the Kubernetes API objects JSON schema.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ In many scenarios the input and output types are identical so you would use a string transformation to produce a string as result. However (by now) HULL has full support to supply a string transformation instead of a boolean, integer, array or dictionary input value in values.yaml properties - even if the original Kubernetes schema demands the input value to be boolean, integer, array or object respectively. In this case it is the responsibility of the configurator to make sure that the transformation returns an object of the correct input type and structure otherwise Kubernetes will not accept invalid objects upon deployment time. Technically the ability to use HULL string transformations everywhere is achieved by extension of the Kubernetes JSON schema to always allow a regex conforming 'transformation' string input besides the original type of the value. Currently the regex of allowed string input is ^\s*(_HT[\*|\?|\^|!|&|/]|_HULL_TRANSFORMATION_<<<).*. By having this ability the dictionary and array form of the HULL transformations become mostly deprecated even though they are still usable ⚠️⚠️⚠️

The final rendered output has the transformations successfully applied:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  annotations: {}
  labels: external_app release-name Helm hull-test undefined 1.29.0 hull-test-1.29.0
  name: release-name-hull-test-external_app
    matchLabels: external_app release-name hull-test
      annotations: {}
      labels: external_app release-name Helm hull-test undefined 1.29.0 hull-test-1.29.0
      - env: []
        envFrom: []
        name: external
        ports: []
        volumeMounts: []
      - env: []
        envFrom: []
        image: local.registry/internal_app1:latest
        name: internal_one
        ports: []
        volumeMounts: []
      - env: []
        envFrom: []
        image: local.registry/internal_app2:latest
        name: internal_two
        ports: []
        volumeMounts: []

Example of a dictionary transformation (⚠️ deprecated ⚠️)

It is not required anymore to use a dictionary transformation to process a dictionary in HULL with a transformation. By now HULL string transformations are available for objects of all input types. Hence this feature is deprecated as of now even though still functional.

Input type validation might demand an object as a values object type. Similar to the string transformation presented above you can then also trigger a transformation by providing a dictionary as input. In this case provide the following dictionary value to the key you wish to process:

    ARGUMENT1: "..."
    ARGUMENT2: "..."

The presence of the _HULL_TRANSFORMATION_ key as the value of the input object triggers the transformation. Instead of string-splitting arguments they are derived by the keys in the _HULL_TRANSFORMATION_ dictionary.

If you use an available short form for a transformation you specify _HT plus the single transformation specific character (*, ?, !,^ or &) as the key. A single key is expected in the dictionary whose name can be chosen freely (suggestion is _) and the actual argument value for that keys value is the argument. For example, the structure presented above would look like this for the short form of the hull.util.transformation.tpl transformation:

    "_": <CONTENT of the tpl transformation>

Example of an array transformation (⚠️ deprecated ⚠️)

It is not required anymore to use an array transformation to process a dictionary in HULL with a transformation. By now HULL string transformations are available for objects of all input types. Hence this feature is deprecated as of now even though still functional.

Arrays can be transformed via HULL too. A transformation is triggered by providing a single element to the array which is a string transformation:


Note that the result of the transformation needs to be an array with possible multiple entries depending on the executed transformation.

Transformation short forms are supported here same as for string properties, for example:

- _HT!
      {{ (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.some_referenced_value }}, 

Example of a complex custom transformation

The HULL library comes with the predefined hull.util.transformation.tpl transformation which adds a crucial functionality to HULL rendered string and object values. While the principal HULL concept is to provide full control over all object values to the creators and consumers directly it might be required to still wrap logic decisions in the creation of some string, dictionary or string array values. A very typical example might be the arguments to a containers command which could depend on custom application specific fields the user should be able to define. It can be argued that this adds in a functionality that is the most basic in the regular helm workflow. In HULL this should be used with care but allows more flexibility for some HULL rendered objects that would otherwise be missing.

So in short, this transformation puts the templating back into the calculation of values. Consider the following HULL configuration:

    specific: # Here you can put all that is particular configuration for your app
      if_this_arg_is_defined: --this-is-defined # Whenever this is not empty ...
      then_add_this_arg: --hence-is-this # also add this argument
      if_this_arg_is_not_defined:  # Whenever this is empty ...
      then_use_this_arg: --and-this-because-other-is-not-defined # also add this argument

                repository: my/image/repo
                tag: "99.9"
              args: _HT![
                {{ if (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.if_this_arg_is_defined }}
                  "{{ (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.if_this_arg_is_defined }}",
                  "{{ (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.then_add_this_arg }}",
                {{ end }}
                {{ if not (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.if_this_arg_is_not_defined }}
                  "{{ (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.then_use_this_arg }}"
                {{ end }}

The intention of the above configuration is to demonstrate some conditional population of the args array. It should result in three elements:

- --this-is-defined # always as value of specific key if_this_arg_is_defined
- --hence-is-this # value of key then_add_this_arg should be added when key this-is-defined has a value
- --and-this-because-other-is-not-defined # value of key then_use_this_arg should be added when key if_this_arg_is_not_defined is not defined

On rendering the following happens:

  • for args the transformation hull.util.transformation.tpl is executed on the string array via its short form _HT! and string transformation notation.

  • the CONTENT argument is subjected to the tpl Go Templating function. This renders string input with potential placeholders.

    Note that the "s need to be escaped with \" if the CONTENT value is surrounded with "'s.

    Following additional rules apply to the usage of templating expressions in this manner:

    • when referring to the .Values in values.yaml you need to refer to

      (index . "$").Values

      instead. This is because the parent charts context is being passed into the tpl function as a dictionary parameter $. Nevertheless full access to all fields of the values.yaml is possible.

      ⚠️ Instead of (index . "$") you can alternatively use the longer legacy form (index . "PARENT") which is slight longer to write but does the same. ⚠️

      The key (index . "$") is not the only special context variable you can use directly. When you execute a transformation in the scope of an objects definition (somewhere beneath hull.objects.<object_type>.<object_instance_key>) you have direct access to the objects type and object instance key as string values by accessing (index . "OBJECT_TYPE") and (index . "OBJECT_INSTANCE_KEY"). This is helpful because otherwise you would need to pass in the information manually each time if you want to use it in your transformation for naming purposes for example.

      To exemplify this, if you use these settings:

                inline: _HT!{{ (index . "OBJECT_INSTANCE_KEY") }}
                inline: _HT!{{ (index . "OBJECT_TYPE") }}

      you will render the following ConfigMap entries in the output:

      object_instance_key: test-configmap-key
      object_type: configmap

      ⚠️ Note that if you use (index . "OBJECT_INSTANCE_KEY") or (index . "OBJECT_TYPE") outside of an object instance definition such as hull.objects.<object_type>.<object_instance_name> the resulting values will be empty strings. ⚠️

    • When the tpl-ed string should result in a string array, use the


      flow style notation to produce the resulting string array. This overcomes typical indentation pitfalls with the block style:

      - value1
      - value2


      The same holds for returned dictionaries as well, the tpl'ed result needs to be composed in flow style syntax like in this example:

        key_one: { inner_string: "value1", inner_int: 1 }, 
        key_two: { inner_string: "value2", inner_int: 2 }

The rendered result again contains the intended args section:

# Source: hull-test/templates/hull.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  labels: custom-args release-name Helm hull-test undefined 1.29.0 hull-test-1.29.0
  name: release-name-hull-test-custom-args
    matchLabels: custom-args release-name hull-test
      labels: custom-args release-name Helm hull-test undefined 1.29.0
      - args:
        - --this-is-defined
        - --hence-is-this
        - --and-this-because-other-is-not-defined
        env: []
        envFrom: []
        image: my/image/repo:99.9
        name: main
        ports: []
        volumeMounts: []
      initContainers: []
      serviceAccountName: release-name-hull-test-default
      volumes: []

Provided transformations

The following basic transformations are provided by HULL. Extending this with custom helper transformations to allow to do specific operations in a concise manner is possible, for example:

  • prefixing/suffixing referenced fields
  • concatenation of referenced fields
  • ...

but this can be achieved with less effort by writing a reguler Helm function and call it with the include _HT/ transformation. In this sense the _HT/ opens the door to integrating additional reusable Helm functions while _HT! is the swiss-army knife to perform special operations in place. The tpl transformation basically offers full flexibility and can be used for all allowed transformation scenarios but this comes at the price of more complex specification of the logical requirements.

Get a value (hull.util.transformation.get)



    The referenced key within values.yaml to get the value from. The key path needs to be specified starting from .Values only, for exampe hull.config.specific.value_to_get.

    Note that if any path element itself contains a dot (.) you can escape it with the § character to still be able to reference it, for example if you want to reference the key path:

            '': hello dots!

    you can do so by using the HULL get transformation like this:


    Addionally, if used in a field beneath hull.objects.<object_type>.<object_instance_key>, it also possible to reference the current contexts OBJECT_TYPE and OBJECT_INSTANCE_KEY via special static keys:

    • §OBJECT_TYPE§ and

    in the dotted path. The keys must be exactly written like this and if such a key is found, the replacing of § for . is of course not performed for this value.

    To give an example, with this values.yaml:

              ht-get-object-type-example-doc: "Just some demo value to be referenced ..."
                    repository: app-repository
                    tag: "1.0"
                      value: _HT*hull.config.specific.components.§OBJECT_TYPE§.§OBJECT_INSTANCE_KEY§

    you get a rendered result containing:

    - env:
      - name: GET_FROM_HULL_CONFIG
        value: Just some demo value to be referenced ...
      image: app-repository:1.0
      name: main


The value of the referenced key within values.yaml.


Provides an easy to use shortcut to simply get the value of a field in values.yaml. This is supported for referenced values of simple types (string, integer or boolean). Getting array and dictionary values as they are is also supported as of now, however there can't be any further transformations embedded in the referenced structure.

When used in the values.yaml context, any complex object (dictionary or array) referenced will in fact be inserted as an object with further leaves into the values.yaml tree. This is very powerful since it allows to reuse larger configuration parts multiple times. But in some cases you may want to serialize the referenced dictionary or list object into a JSON or YAML string, for this you have the additional possibility to prefix the REFERENCE with one of the following prefixes:

  • toJson
  • toPrettyJson
  • toRawJson
  • toYaml
  • toString
  • none

to produce a formatted string in the output instead of an object. You need to seperate the serialization prefix with a | to seperate it from the original REFERENCE in this case. For example, the following are regular usages of _HT*:


and may for example resolve to this:

some_string: "this was a string value defined at hull.config.specific.some_string"
      like: structure

If you want to use the serialization function to produce a JSON string for example, use this syntax:


and you get a serialized string for some_dictionary (the some_string remains unchanged when serialized to JSON):

some_string: "this was a string value defined at hull.config.specific.some_string"
some_dictionary: '{"a": {"tree": {"like": "structure" }}}'

Contexts where this serialization comes in handy is when when writing configuration JSON to annotations or env vars. In the context of ConfigMaps and Secrets this is also usable but there exists a more configurable approach explained in the respective document.

For more complex get operations use the hull.util.transformation.tpl transformation to format or process the result before returning it.

Short Form Examples

string: _HT*hull.config.specific.string_value_to_get
int: _HT*hull.config.specific.int_value_to_get
dictionary: _HT*hull.config.specific.dictionary_value_to_get
serialized_dictionary: _HT*toJson:hull.config.specific.dictionary_value_to_get

Get Chart/Release informations

If you want to access root informations in your Chart you need to provide an additional * to change the context.

release-name: _HT**Release.Name
chart-name: _HT**Chart.Name

Create dynamic fullname (hull.util.transformation.makefullname)



    The static component name


The processed fullname, typically <CHART_NAME>_<RELEASE_NAME>_<COMPONENT>


Resembles the typically used helper function to create a unique object name per type by inlcuding chart and instance names.

Short Form Examples

string: _HT^component-name

Render a string with tpl (hull.util.transformation.tpl)



    The string that might contain templating expressions


The processed result of executing tpl on the string. Depending on where this transformation is used this can be a dictionary, a string or an array of strings.


The most powerful transformation that allows to freely specify the Go templating expression(s) to be evaluated. Care needs to be taken so that the returned string can be converted to the desired return type if it is not string.

Short Form Examples

string: _HT!{{ printf "%s-%s" (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.
  prefix_value_to_get (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.
  suffix_value_to_get }}

array: # (⚠️ deprecated array transformation ⚠️)
- _HT!
      {{ (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.prefix_value_to_get }}, 
      {{ (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.suffix_value_to_get }}

ports: # (⚠️ deprecated dictionary transformation ⚠️)
    "_": |-
         first: { containerPort: {{ (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.port_one }} },
         second: { containerPort: {{ (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.port_two }}  }

Call an incude function (hull.util.transformation.include)



    The input to the include call consists of the include's name first and trailing key/value pairs consisting of arguments (key-value pairs). All input fields are separated by :, in case of a : present in an argument you can use the replacement character § in the input which will be converted to : when processed.

    The include name, which is the first element in the CONTENT array after splitting it with :, has an optional key reference value which is detected in case the include name argument is split with /. If a / is present in the include name, the part before / denotes the key to get the values from in case a dictionary is produced by the include function call. The second part after the / marks the include name.

    Analogously to _HT* you can use the following prefixes:

    • toJson
    • toPrettyJson
    • toRawJson
    • toYaml
    • toString

    before a : to serialize the result of the _HT/ to one of the string formats.

    To facilitate easy use with HULL includes, the key value pair "PARENT_CONTEXT" (index . "$") is automatically added to the arguments dictionary in case the key PARENT_CONTEXT is not explicitly supplied.

    Key names are automatically quoted so no quotes are to be provided for key names, string values however require quoting (see example below).


The include functions result of calling it with the provided arguments.


While calling an include function can also be realized with the hull.util.transformation.tpl transformation and an include instruction in the argument, this transformation shortens the required input to the most compressed form.

As an example, consider using the hull.metadata.chartref include from _templates/metadata_chartref.yaml as a hull.util.transformation.tpl transformation and a hull.util.transformation.include transformation. The hull.metadata.chartref include returns a string:

chartref_tpl: _HT!{{ include "hull.metadata.chartref" (dict "PARENT_CONTEXT" (index . "$")) }}
chartref_include: _HT/hull.metadata.chartref

This is an example with additional parameters, a call to, also returning a string:

name_tpl: _HT!{{ include "" (dict "PARENT_CONTEXT" (index . "$") "COMPONENT" "test") }}
name_include: _HT/"test"

It is possible to not only return simple strings but also complex dictionaries or arrays produced by the include. Without an extra serialization prefix the resulting object tree or list is inserted into the values.yaml.

In case of an expected YAML dictionary, you can optionally denote a dictionary key in the result to get the key's values from and insert them instead of the dictionaries root key itself. If no optional dictionary key is provided, the complete dictionary returned is the result. The following example will expand on this feature and explain the difference.

Assume you want to call an hull.util.transformation.include transformation on an objects labels section to overwrite the label value component-name. with the provided COMPONENT value overwritten_component_name. Under the hood the hull.metadata.labels include is called internally to create the complete standard labels block automatically. By making another explicitly call to this include with a different component name we can effectively overwrite the label value. Note that normally you'd not want to overwrite the standard labels, this is just for demonstration purposes!

The hull.metadata.labels include is the include that produces the labels block looks like this:

{{- /*
| Purpose:  
|   Write combined labels: block from custom and default annotations
| Interface:
|   PARENT_CONTEXT: The Parent charts context
|   PARENT_TEMPLATE: Metadata for the template section
|   COMPONENT: The instance name to be used in creating names
*/ -}}
{{- define "hull.metadata.labels" -}}
{{- $parent := (index . "PARENT_CONTEXT") -}}
{{- $template := (index . "PARENT_TEMPLATE") -}}
{{- $component := (index . "COMPONENT") -}}
{{- $hullRootKey := default "hull" (index . "HULL_ROOT_KEY") -}}
{{ $labels := dict }}
{{ $labels = merge $labels (include "hull.metadata.labels.custom" . | fromYaml) }}
{{ $labels = merge $labels ((include "hull.metadata.general.labels.object" .) | fromYaml) }}
{{ if (gt (len (keys (index (index $parent.Values $hullRootKey).config.general.metadata.labels "custom"))) 0) }}
{{ $labels = merge $labels (index $parent.Values $hullRootKey).config.general.metadata.labels.custom }}
{{- end -}}
{{ $labels = merge $labels ((include "hull.metadata.labels.selector" (dict "PARENT_CONTEXT" $parent "COMPONENT" $component "HULL_ROOT_KEY" $hullRootKey)) | fromYaml) }}
{{ if default false (index . "MERGE_TEMPLATE_METADATA") }}
{{ $labels = merge $labels ((include "hull.metadata.labels.custom" (merge (dict "LABELS_METADATA" "templateLabels") . ) | fromYaml)) }}
{{- end -}}
{{ toYaml $labels | indent 2 }}
{{- end -}}

and you see that the returned YAML dictionary itself contains the root key labels.

Since the goal of this example is to replace the objects labels key's value with the actual labels (and not a dictionary which itself has a labels root entry) you must use the optional key reference feature to just pick the dictionary values from the returned labels dictionary under the labels key to return them.

So while this hull.util.transformation.include:

        labels: _HT/labels/hull.metadata.labels:COMPONENT:"overwritten-component-name"

will produce the expected result:

  labels: overwritten-component-name release-name Helm hull-test undefined 1.29.0

using the hull.util.transformation.include without the key reference to labels:

        labels: _HT/hull.metadata.labels:COMPONENT:"overwritten-component-name"

will produce an unwanted result with doubled labels key:

    labels: overwritten-component-name release-name Helm hull-test undefined 1.29.0

Short Form Examples

chartref_include: _HT/hull.metadata.chartref
name_include: _HT/"test"
labels: _HT/labels/hull.metadata.labels:COMPONENT:"overwritten-component-name"
dictionary_include: _HT/custom.function.returning.dictionary
yaml_serialized_dictionary_include: _HT/toYaml:custom.function.returning.dictionary
json_serialized_dictionary_include: _HT/toJson:custom.function.returning.dictionary

Evaluate a condition to a boolean with tpl (hull.util.transformation.bool)



    The string that contains the literal condition to be checked against


A boolean return value that can be used to populate a boolean field. There is no need to supply outer {{ and }} templating signs because the CONDITITION is already assumed to be within these curly braces to save typing.


Typical use of this function is to set the enabled field on objects depending on a particular condition. Internally it uses tpl to produce a boolean result from the evaluation of the literal CONDITION.

The enabled fields explicitly allow string as an input which makes them subjectable to this transformation returning the boolean result.

Short Form Examples

bool_field: _HT?and 
  (index . "$").Values.hull.config.specific.switch_one_enabled (index .

Create a dictionary with selector labels for a given name (hull.util.transformation.selector)



    The string that contains the name of the component to create selector dictionary for


A dictionary return value that can be used to populate a selector field.


Typical use of this function is to set the matchLabels field on a networkpolicy's podSelector. By using this transformation the matchLabels will automatically be inline with the default HULL selector labels.

Short Form Examples

  matchLabels: _HT&mycomponentname

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