Kamus is an open source, git-ops, zero-trust secret encryption and decryption solution for Kubernetes applications. This chart should be used to deploy Kamus in a production environment.
Kamus deployment contains 2 pods, one for encryption and one for decryption. Both pods are installed by this chart.
To install the chart with the release name my-kamus
helm repo add soluto https://charts.soluto.io
helm install --name my-kamus soluto/kamus
The chart can be customized using the following configurable parameters. Most settings affect both APIs, unless specified otherwise:
Parameter | Description | Default |
replicaCount |
The number of replicas | 1 |
useAirbag |
Enable Airbag side car for encryption API. Enable to protect encryption API with Openid-Connect authentication. | false |
airbag.repository |
The docker repository to pull Airbag from. | soluto |
airbag.tag |
The docker image tag to use when pulling Airbag. Image name will be airbag:{tag} . |
soluto |
airbag.authority |
The authority issueing the token | |
airbag.audience |
The audience used to validate the token (aud claim) |
airbag.issuer |
The issuer used to validate the token (iss claim) |
image.version |
The image of Kamus to pull. Image naming convention is kamus:encryption-{version} and kamus:encryption-{version} | |
image.repository |
The docker repository to pull the images from | ghcr.io/soluto |
image.pullPolicy |
Kamus containers pull policy | IfNotPresent |
service.type |
The type of the service (careful, values other than ClusterIp expose the decryptor to the internet) |
ClusterIp |
service.name |
The name of the service | kamus-encryptor |
service.port |
The port of the service | 80 |
serviceAccount.annotations |
The annotations for the serviceaccount | |
service.annotations |
The annotations for the service | prometheus.io/scrape: "true" |
ingress.enabled |
Enable or disable ingress for encryptor API | false |
ingress.ingressClassName |
The ClassName of the Ingress |
ingress.hosts |
Array of hosts for the ingress | |
ingress.annotations |
The annotations for the ingress | |
ingress.tls.secretName |
The name of the TLS secret that should be used by the ingress | |
resources.limit.cpu |
The maximum CPU cores that can be consumed | 500m |
resources.limit.memory |
The maximum amount of memory that can be consumed | 600Mi |
resource.request.cpu |
The minimum CPU cores | 100m |
resource.request.memory |
The minimum amount of memory | 128Mi |
autoscale.minReplicas |
The minimum number of pods | 2 |
autoscale.maxReplicas |
The maximum number of pods | 10 |
autoscale.targetCPU |
Scale up the numnber of pods when CPU usage is above this percentage | 50 |
keyManagement.provider |
The KMS provider (AESKey/AzureKeyVault/GoogleKms/AwsKms) | AES |
keyManagement.secretName |
Use pre-created secret for keyManagement | |
keyManagement.AES.key |
The encryption key used by the AES provider, ovveride for production deployments. This value must kept secret | rWnWbaFutavdoeqUiVYMNJGvmjQh31qaIej/vAxJ9G0= |
keyManagement.AES.useKeyDerivation |
Should the AES key be derived from the service account name | false |
keyManagement.azureKeyVault.clientId |
A client ID for a valid Azure Active Directory that has permissions to access the requested key vault | |
keyManagement.azureKeyVault.clientSecret |
A client secret for a valid Azure Active Directory that has permissions to access the requested key vault. This value must kept secret | |
keyManagement.azureKeyVault.keyVaultName |
The name of the KeyVault to use | |
keyManagement.azureKeyVault.keyType |
The type of the keys | RSA-HSM |
keyManagement.azureKeyVault.keySize |
The size of the keys. Do not set to values smaller than 2048 for RSA keys | 2048 |
keyManagement.azureKeyVault.maximumDataLength |
The maximum number of bytes that can be encrypted by KeyVaults. For data in bigger size, envelope encryption is used. | 214 |
keyManagement.googleKms.location |
The location of the keyring used for encryption/decryption | |
keyManagement.googleKms.keyRing |
The name of the keyring used for encryption/decryption | |
keyManagement.googleKms.projectId |
The id of the project used for encryption/decryption | |
keyManagement.googleKms.protectionLevel |
The protection of the keys, can be either HSM or SOFTWARE | HSM |
keyManagement.googleKms.rotationPeriod |
The rotation period to set for the keys (optional) | |
keyManagement.googleKms.credentials |
Base64 encoded credentials files (the JSON file that is created when creating keys for service account on google) | |
keyManagement.awsKms.key |
User access key to use for AWS KMS authentication | |
keyManagement.awsKms.secret |
User access secret to use for AWS KMS authentication | |
keyManagement.awsKms.region |
AWS KMS region | |
keyManagement.awsKms.cmkPrefix |
Prefix for the customer master keys that are created in the KMS | |
pod.annotations |
Set the annotations for Kamus's pods | |
encryptor.automountServiceAccountToken |
Whether the service account token should be mounted on the encryptor pods | false |
controller.reconciliationIntervalInSeconds |
Controller reconciliation interval in seconds | 60 |
Then use this command to install the chart: |
helm install --name my-kamus soluto/kamus -f values.yaml
Consult the installtion guide for more details on how to configure Kamus for a production deployment.
In order for the deployments to be able to read the EKS token file, you'll have to pass to the values:
fsGroup: 65534