import strformat import strutils import os proc compile(release: bool) = var args: seq[string] args.add(&"--cincludes:{thisDir()}/src/extern/headers") args.add(&"--path:{thisDir()}/src/extern/libraries") args.add(&"--passC:-f") args.add(&"--mm:arc") args.add(&"--threads:on") args.add(&"--panics:on") if release: args.add(&"--checks:off") args.add(&"--verbosity:0") args.add(&"-d:danger") args.add(&"--opt:speed") args.add(&"-d:strip") args.add(&"--outdir:{thisDir()}/bin") args.add(&"{thisDir()}/src/catnap.nim") exec("nim c " & args.join(" ")) proc configure() = var configpath = "" # Use XDG_CONFIG_HOME only if it is defined. Else use ~/.confg let XDG_CONFIG_HOME = getEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") if XDG_CONFIG_HOME == "": configpath = getEnv("HOME") & "/.config/catnap/" else: configpath = XDG_CONFIG_HOME & "/catnap/" echo "Creating " & configpath if dirExists(configpath): echo "Configuration directory already exists, skipping..." else: mkdir(configpath) echo "Creating " & configpath & "config.toml" if fileExists(configpath & "config.toml"): echo "Configuration file already exists, skipping..." else: cpFile(thisDir() & "/config/config.toml", configpath & "config.toml") echo "Creating " & configpath & "distros.toml" if fileExists(configpath & "distros.toml"): echo "Distro art file already exists, skipping..." else: cpFile(thisDir() & "/config/distros.toml", configpath & "distros.toml") task clean, "Cleans existing build": echo "\e[36;1mCleaning\e[0;0m existing build" rmFile("{thisDir()}/bin/catnap") task release, "Builds the project in release mode": cleanTask() echo "\e[36;1mBuilding\e[0;0m in release mode" exec &"./scripts/" compile(true) task debug, "Builds the project in debug mode": cleanTask() echo "\e[36;1mBuilding\e[0;0m in debug mode" exec &"./scripts/" compile(false) task install_cfg, "Installs the config files": echo "\e[36;1mInstalling\e[0;0m config files" configure() task install_bin, "Installs the bin file and man page:": echo "\e[36;1mInstalling\e[0;0m bin file" echo &"Copying {thisDir()}/bin/catnap to /usr/local/bin" if defined(linux): exec &"sudo install -Dm755 {thisDir()}/bin/catnap /usr/local/bin/catnap" else: exec &"sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin && sudo install -m755 {thisDir()}/bin/catnap /usr/local/bin/catnap" let man_1_path = "/usr/share/man/man1/catnap.1.gz" local_1_path = &"{thisDir()}/docs/catnap.1" man_5_path = "/usr/share/man/man5/catnap.5.gz" local_5_path = &"{thisDir()}/docs/catnap.5" # Install man page only if it echo &"\e[36;1mInstalling\e[0;0m man page" # Create .gz file exec &"gzip -kf {local_1_path}" exec &"gzip -kf {local_5_path}" # If man page dose not exist or there is a new version, install the new man page if not fileExists(man_1_path) or readFile(local_1_path & ".gz") != readFile(man_1_path): echo &"Copying {local_1_path} to /usr/share/man/man1" if defined(linux): exec &"sudo install -Dm755 {local_1_path}.gz /usr/share/man/man1/catnap.1.gz" else: exec &"sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/man/man1 && sudo install -m755 {local_1_path}.gz /usr/local/share/man/man1/catnap.1.gz" else: echo &"Copying {local_1_path} to /usr/share/man/man1 - SKIPPED" if not fileExists(man_5_path) or readFile(local_5_path & ".gz") != readFile(man_5_path): echo &"Copying {local_5_path} to /usr/share/man/man5" if defined(linux): exec &"sudo install -Dm755 {local_5_path}.gz /usr/share/man/man5/catnap.5.gz" else: exec &"sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/man/man5 && sudo install -m755 {local_5_path}.gz /usr/local/share/man/man5/catnap.5.gz" else: echo &"Copying {local_5_path} to /usr/share/man/man5 - SKIPPED" task uninstall, "Uninstalls the bin file and man page:": echo "\e[36;1mUninstalling\e[0;0m bin file" exec &"sudo rm /usr/local/bin/catnap" echo "\e[36;1mUninstalling\e[0;0m man page" exec &"sudo rm /usr/share/man/man1/catnap.1.gz" exec &"sudo rm /usr/share/man/man5/catnap.5.gz" task install, "'release', 'install_linux' and 'install_cfg'": releaseTask() install_cfgTask() install_binTask() task setup, "'release' and 'install_cfg'": releaseTask() install_cfgTask()