This checklist may help you to have a good methodology for bug bounty hunting
When you have done a action, don't forget to check ;)
Happy hunting !
- Recon on wildcard domain
- Single domain
- Information Gathering
- Configuration Management
- Secure Transmission
- Authentication
- Session Management
- Authorization
- Data Validation
- Denial of Service
- Business Logic
- Cryptography
- Risky Functionality - File Uploads
- Risky Functionality - Card Payment
- HTML 5
This recon process is from 0xpatrick subdomain enumeration workflow
- Run Amass
- Run Subfinder
- Run Rapid7 FDNS
- Use commonspeak2 list
- Run massdns
- Run altdns
- Run massdns
- Arachni Scan
- Owasp ZAp Scan
- Burp Spider
- Burp Scanning
- Wayback machine
- Linkfinder
- Url with Android application
- Shodan
- Censys
- Google dorks
- Pastebin
- Github
- Manually explore the site
- Spider/crawl for missed or hidden content
- Check for files that expose content, such as robots.txt, sitemap.xml, .DS_Store
- Check the caches of major search engines for publicly accessible sites
- Check for differences in content based on User Agent (eg, Mobile sites, access as a Search engine Crawler)
- Perform Web Application Fingerprinting
- Identify technologies used
- Identify user roles
- Identify application entry points
- Identify client-side code
- Identify multiple versions/channels (e.g. web, mobile web, mobile app, web services)
- Identify co-hosted and related applications
- Identify all hostnames and ports
- Identify third-party hosted content
- Identify Debug parameters
- Check for commonly used application and administrative URLs
- Check for old, backup and unreferenced files
- Check HTTP methods supported and Cross Site Tracing (XST)
- Test file extensions handling
- Test for security HTTP headers (e.g. CSP, X-Frame-Options, HSTS)
- Test for policies (e.g. Flash, Silverlight, robots)
- Test for non-production data in live environment, and vice-versa
- Check for sensitive data in client-side code (e.g. API keys, credentials)
- Check SSL Version, Algorithms, Key length
- Check for Digital Certificate Validity (Duration, Signature and CN)
- Check credentials only delivered over HTTPS
- Check that the login form is delivered over HTTPS
- Check session tokens only delivered over HTTPS
- Check if HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) in use
- Test for user enumeration
- Test for authentication bypass
- Test for bruteforce protection
- Test password quality rules
- Test remember me functionality
- Test for autocomplete on password forms/input
- Test password reset and/or recovery
- Test password change process
- Test multi factor authentication
- Test for logout functionality presence
- Test for cache management on HTTP (eg Pragma, Expires, Max-age)
- Test for default logins
- Test for user-accessible authentication history
- Test for out-of channel notification of account lockouts and successful password changes
- Test for consistent authentication across applications with shared authentication schema / SSO
- Establish how session management is handled in the application (eg, tokens in cookies, token in URL)
- Check session tokens for cookie flags (httpOnly and secure)
- Check session cookie scope (path and domain)
- Check session cookie duration (expires and max-age)
- Check session termination after a maximum lifetime
- Check session termination after relative timeout
- Check session termination after logout
- Test to see if users can have multiple simultaneous sessions
- Test session cookies for randomness
- Confirm that new session tokens are issued on login, role change and logout
- Test for consistent session management across applications with shared session management
- Test for session puzzling
- Test for CSRF and clickjacking
- Test for path traversal
- Test for bypassing authorization schema
- Test for vertical Access control problems (a.k.a. Privilege Escalation)
- Test for horizontal Access control problems (between two users at the same privilege level)
- Test for missing authorization
- Test for Reflected Cross Site Scripting
- Test for Stored Cross Site Scripting
- Test for DOM based Cross Site Scripting
- Test for Cross Site Flashing
- Test for HTML Injection
- Test for SQL Injection
- Test for LDAP Injection
- Test for ORM Injection
- Test for XML Injection
- Test for XXE Injection
- Test for SSI Injection
- Test for XPath Injection
- Test for XQuery Injection
- Test for IMAP/SMTP Injection
- Test for Code Injection
- Test for Expression Language Injection
- Test for Command Injection
- Test for Overflow (Stack, Heap and Integer)
- Test for Format String
- Test for incubated vulnerabilities
- Test for HTTP Splitting/Smuggling
- Test for HTTP Verb Tampering
- Test for Open Redirection
- Test for Local File Inclusion
- Test for Remote File Inclusion
- Compare client-side and server-side validation rules
- Test for NoSQL injection
- Test for HTTP parameter pollution
- Test for auto-binding
- Test for Mass Assignment
- Test for NULL/Invalid Session Cookie
- Test for anti-automation
- Test for account lockout
- Test for HTTP protocol DoS
- Test for SQL wildcard DoS
- Test for feature misuse
- Test for lack of non-repudiation
- Test for trust relationships
- Test for integrity of data
- Test segregation of duties
- Check if data which should be encrypted is not
- Check for wrong algorithms usage depending on context
- Check for weak algorithms usage
- Check for proper use of salting
- Check for randomness functions
- Test that acceptable file types are whitelisted
- Test that file size limits, upload frequency and total file counts are defined and are enforced
- Test that file contents match the defined file type
- Test that all file uploads have Anti-Virus scanning in-place.
- Test that unsafe filenames are sanitised
- Test that uploaded files are not directly accessible within the web root
- Test that uploaded files are not served on the same hostname/port
- Test that files and other media are integrated with the authentication and authorisation schemas
- Test for known vulnerabilities and configuration issues on Web Server and Web Application
- Test for default or guessable password
- Test for non-production data in live environment, and vice-versa
- Test for Injection vulnerabilities
- Test for Buffer Overflows
- Test for Insecure Cryptographic Storage
- Test for Insufficient Transport Layer Protection
- Test for Improper Error Handling
- Test for all vulnerabilities with a CVSS v2 score > 4.0
- Test for Authentication and Authorization issues
- Test for CSRF
- Test Web Messaging
- Test for Web Storage SQL injection
- Check CORS implementation
- Check Offline Web Application