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CT Log Deployment (Manual)

This document describes the individual steps and components involved in the deployment of a Trillian-based CT Log. These steps will gradually build up a system as shown in the diagram below.

The text here describes the general approach, and details key options for the various binaries involved, but does not give full command-lines. To see complete details in a machine-executable format (which is therefore less likely to fall out of date), please consult the various testing shell scripts:

Cross-checks are given throughout the document to allow confirmation of successful setup.

Data Storage

Data storage for the logged certificates is the heart of a CT Log. The Trillian project has an internal storage interface that allows a variety of different implementations.

This document uses the MySQL storage implementation, which is set up according to the instructions in the Trillian repo; these instructions configure the Trillian database according to its core schema file.

Cross-check: At this point, manually connecting to the MySQL database should succeed:

% mysql --host= --port=3306 --user=root --database=test
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 764
Server version: 10.1.29-MariaDB-6 Debian rodete

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [test]> show tables;
| Tables_in_test    |
| LeafData          |
| MapHead           |
| MapLeaf           |
| SequencedLeafData |
| Subtree           |
| TreeControl       |
| TreeHead          |
| Trees             |
| Unsequenced       |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [test]> exit

The setup so far is shown as:

Trillian Services

The next step is to deploy two Trillian processes, the log server and the log signer. These binaries are not specific to CT or to WebPKI certificates; they provide a general mechanism for transparently recording data in a Merkle tree.

The log server ( exposes a gRPC interface that allows various primitives for querying and adding to the underlying Merkle tree. These operations are translated into operations on the storage layer, which are SQL operations in this example.

  • The --mysql_uri option indicates where the MySQL database is available.
  • The --rpc_endpoint option for the log server indicates the port that the gRPC methods are available on.

However, add operations are not immediately incorporated into the Merkle tree. Instead, pending add operations are queued up and a separate process, the log signer ( periodically reads pending entries from the queue. The signer gives these entries unique, monotonicallly increasing, sequence numbers and incorporates them into the Merkle tree.

  • The --mysql_uri option indicates where the MySQL database is available.
  • The --sequencer_interval, --batch_size and --num_sequencers options provide control over the timing and batching of sequencing operations.
  • The --force-master option allows the signer to assume that it is the only instance running (more on this later).
  • The --logtostderr option emits more debug logging, which is helpful while getting a deployment running.

Tree Provisioning

The Trillian system is multi-tenant: a single Trillian system can support multiple independent Merkle trees. However, this means that our particular tree for holding Web PKI certificates needs to be provisioned in the system.

The tool performs this provisioning operation, and emits a tree ID that needs to be recorded for later in the deployment process.

  • The --admin_server option for createtree indicates the address (host:port) that tree creation gRPC requests should be sent to; it should match the --rpc_endpoint for the log server.
  • Other options (--pem_key_path, --pem_key_password, --signature_algorithm) allow control of the private keys used for Trillian's signatures over the log's contents. Note that this is not the private key used for signing externally-visible content of the CT log (see below). (Instead, these signatures allow for future deployment scenarios where the Trillian services are operated by a different entity than the CT personality, and so a trust boundary between the two is needed.)
  • The --max_root_duration option should be set to less than the log's MMD. This ensures that the log periodically produces a fresh STH even if there are no updates. Make sure to leave a reasonable safety margin (e.g., 23h59m seems risky for MMD=24h, while 1h or 12h feels safe).

Cross-check: Once a new tree has been provisioned, the debug logging for the running trillian_log_signer should include a mention of the new tree.

I1011 16:44:16.160069  176101 log_operation_manager.go:210] create master election goroutine for 2385931157013381257
I1011 16:44:17.160875  176101 log_operation_manager.go:246] now acting as master for 1 / 1, master for: <log-2385931157013381257>

CT Personality

Trillian provides a general gRPC API for Merkle tree operations, but relies on a personality to perform operations that are specific to the particular transparency application.

For Certificate Transparency, the ctfe/ directory holds a Trillian personality which:

  • provides the HTTP/JSON API entrypoints described by RFC 6962
  • checks that submissions to the Log are valid X.509 certificates, with a chain of signatures that reaches an acceptable root.

The CTFE personality is generally stateless, and is controlled by a configuration file; the following subsections describe the key components of this file.

As with the Trillian services, the CTFE is multi-tenant and supports parallel log instances, each configured separately in the config file.

Key Generation

Each CT Log needs to have a private key that is used to sign cryptographic content from the Log. The OpenSSL command line can be used to generate a suitable private key.

% openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 > privkey.pem # generate parameters file
% openssl ecparam -in privkey.pem -genkey -noout >> privkey.pem # generate and append private key
% openssl ec -in privkey.pem -pubout -out pubkey.pem # generate corresponding public key

The private key must either be for elliptic curves using NIST P-256 (as shown here), or for RSA signatures with SHA-256 and a 2048 bit (or larger) key (RFC 6962 s2.1.4).

Cross-check: Confirm that the key is well-formed and readable:

% openssl ec -in privkey.pem -noout -text # check key is readable
read EC key
Private-Key: (256 bit)
ASN1 OID: prime256v1
% openssl pkey -pubin -in pubkey.pem -text -noout
Public-Key: (256 bit)
ASN1 OID: prime256v1

Cross-check: Once the CTFE is configured and running (below), the ctclient command-line tool allows signature checking against the public key with the --pub_key option:

% go install
% ctclient --log_uri http://localhost:6966/aramis --pub_key pubkey.pem sth
2018-10-12 11:28:08.544 +0100 BST (timestamp 1539340088544): Got STH for V1 log (size=11718) at http://localhost:6966/aramis, hash 6fb36fcca60d61aa85e04ff0c34a87782f12d08568118602eec0208d85c3a40d
Signature: Hash=SHA256 Sign=ECDSA

CA Certificates

Each Log must decide on its own policy about which CA's certificates are to be accepted for inclusion in the Log; this section therefore just provides an example of the process of configuring this set for the CT Log software.

On a Debian-based system, the ca-certificates package includes a collection of CA certificates under /etc/ssl/certs/. A set of certificates suitable for feeding to ct-server can thus be produced with:

% sudo apt-get install -qy ca-certificates
% sudo update-ca-certificates
% cat /etc/ssl/certs/* > ca-roots.pem

Cross-check: Once the CTFE is configured and running (below), opening http://localhost:<port>/<prefix>/ct/v1/get-roots shows the configured roots. Alternatively, the ctclient command-line tool shows the same information in a more friendly way:

% go install
% ctclient --log_uri http://localhost:6966/aramis getroots
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 67554046 (0x406cafe)
    Signature Algorithm: ECDSA-SHA256

CTFE Configuration

The information from the previous steps now needs to be assembled into a configuration file for the CTFE, in text protocol buffer format.

Each Log instance needs configuration for:

  • log_id: The Trillian tree ID from an earlier step
  • prefix: The path prefix the log will be served at.
  • max_merge_delay_sec: The MMD for the log (typically 86400, which is 24 hours).
  • roots_pem_file: The files holding accepted root CA certificates (repeated).
  • private_key: The private key for the log instance. For a private key held in an external PEM file, this is of the form:
    private_key: {
      [] {
        path: "privkey.pem"
  • public_key: The corresponding public key for the log instance. (This is not actually used by the CTFE, but is worth including for reference and for use by test tools.)

Cross-check: The config file should be accepted at start-up by the ct_server binary, with the --log_config option.

CTFE Start-up

Once the CTFE config file has been assembled, the CTFE personality ( can be started.

  • The --log_config option gives the location of the configuration file.
  • The --log_rpc_server option gives the location of the Trillian log server; it should match the --rpc_endpoint for the log server.
  • The --http_endpoint option indicates the port that the CTFE should respond to HTTP(S) requests on.

At this point, a complete (but minimal) CT Log setup is available. The manual set up steps up to this point match the integration demo script; the contents of that script should (mostly) make sense.

Cross-check: Opening http://localhost:<port>/<prefix>/ct/v1/get-sth in a browser should show JSON that indicates an empty tree. Alternatively, the ctclient command-line tool shows the same information:

% go install
% ctclient --log_uri http://localhost:6966/aramis sth
2018-10-12 11:28:08.544 +0100 BST (timestamp 1539340088544): Got STH for V1 log (size=11718) at http://localhost:6966/aramis, hash 6fb36fcca60d61aa85e04ff0c34a87782f12d08568118602eec0208d85c3a40d
Signature: Hash=SHA256 Sign=ECDSA


For any real-world deployment, running a single instance of each binary in the system is not enough – let alone for a CT Log that will form part of the WebPKI ecosystem.

  • Running multiple binary instances allows the Log to scale with traffic levels, by adjusting the number of instances.
  • Running instances in distinct locations reduces the chance of a single external event affecting all instances simultaneously. (In terms of cloud computing providers, this means that instances should be run in different zones/regions/availability zones.)

For the CTFE personality, running multiple instances is straightforward: just run more copies of the ct_server binary.

Note that for a test of this with multiple local instances, each instance will need to be configured to listen on a distinct port.

Running multiple instances of the log server process also just involves running more copies of the trillian_log_server binary. However, this does need the CTFE personality to be configured with the locations of all of the different log server instances.

The simplest (but not very flexible) way to do this is a comma-separated list:

ct_server --log_rpc_server host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3

(More flexible approaches are discussed below.)

Primary Signer Election

The Trillian log signer requires more care to convert to a multiple-instance system. The underlying Merkle tree relies on there being a unique sequencing of the entries in the tree, and the signer is responsible for generating that sequence.

As a result, multiple instances of the log signer are run to improve resilience, not scalability. At any time only a single signer instance is responsible for the sequencing of a particular Merkle tree.

This single-signer constraint is implemented as an election process, and the provided implementation of this process relies on an etcd cluster to provide data synchronization and replication facilities.

For resilience, the etcd cluster for a CT Log should have multiple etcd instances, but does not need large numbers of instances (and in fact large numbers of etcd instances will slow down replication).

The CoreOS etcd documentation covers the process of setting up an etcd cluster. Once this is set up, multiple instances of the trillian_log_signer binary can be run with:

  • The --etcd_servers option set to the location of the etcd cluster (as a comma-separated list of host:port pairs).
  • The --force_master option removed.

Load Balancing

The deployment described so far involves a collection of CTFE personalities, each serving HTTP(S) at a particular end-point. A real deployment is likely to involve front-end load balancing between these instances, possibly also including SSL termination for HTTPS.

Setup and configuration of these reverse-proxy instances is beyond the scope of this document, but note that cloud environments often provide this functionality (e.g. Google Cloud Platform, Amazon EC2).


A live CT Log deployment needs to be monitored so that availability and performance can be tracked, and alerts generated for failure conditions.

Monitoring can be broken down into two main styles:

  • Black-box monitoring, which queries the system from the outside, using the same mechanisms that real user traffic uses.
  • White-box monitoring, which queries the internal state of the system, using information that is not available to external users.

Black-box monitoring is beyond the scope of this document, but tools such as Blackbox exporter can be used to (say) check the https://<log>/ct/v1/get-sth entrypoint and export the resulting data to Prometheus.

For white-box monitoring, all of the binaries in the system export metrics via /metrics an HTTP server, provided that the --http_endpoint option was specified on their invocation.

This allows a pull-based monitoring system such as Prometheus to poll for information/statistics, which can then feed into alerts and dashboards.

Configuration of Prometheus is beyond the scope of this document, but a minimal sample console is available

Cross-check: Once running, Prometheus shows the expected collection of targets to monitor under http:<prometheus-host>:9090/targets.

Cross-check: Once running, Prometheus shows the a sensible tree size graph under http:<prometheus-host>:9090/consoles/trillian.html.

The addition of Prometheus for monitoring yields a system setup as shown.

DoS Protection

A live production system that is exposed to the general Internet needs protection against traffic overload and denial-of-service attacks.

The --quota_system=etcd option (which requires the --etcd_servers option) for the log server and log signer enables a simple etcd-based quota system, documented here.

At this point, we have configured a full CT Log system.

Service Discovery

The distributed configuration described in the previous sections was not very flexible, as it involved lists of host:port entries. However, now that an etcd cluster is available, it can be used to allow more dynamic discovery of running services: services register themselves with etcd so that other services can find their locations.

A log server executable that has the --etcd_servers option can also take an --etcd_service option which indicates which service name it registers against. Likewise, if the CTFE is run with the --etcd_servers option, the --log_rpc_server argument is interpreted as an etcd service name to query for gRPC endpoint resolution.

Similarly, the set of metrics-displaying targets that are available for monitoring can be registered as an etcd service using the --etcd_http_service option to indicate the relevant service name.

For Prometheus-based monitoring, the etcdiscover utility ( monitors a collection of etcd services and continually updates a YAML configuration file, so that the set of monitored targets is dynamically updated.

Cross-check: The current registered endpoints for a service can be queried with the etcdctl tool:

% export ETCDCTL_API=3
% etcdctl get trillian-logserver/ --prefix