diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index cff70f3..e1e4228 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ *.log *.fdb_latexmk *.fls -*.aux \ No newline at end of file +*.aux +*.pdf +*.out +*.toc \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/advcombat.tex b/advcombat.tex deleted file mode 100644 index d75c1b2..0000000 --- a/advcombat.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ - -\section{Advanced Combat} - -Advanced combat is a somewhat disingenuous name, as it implies that these rules are more complex than the "basic" rules found in the PHB. In truth, some of them are and some are not. Mostly, we look at these rules as a revision of the existing rules to make them more useful to players and DMs. In part that means taking incomprehensible portions of the combat system (grapple, for example), and cutting them down into discreet actions people can actually use without a half-hour argument. Partly this means taking basic combat actions and making sure that they have a valid purpose at all levels of play. - -\subsection{Base Attack Bonus and Combat Maneuvers} - -If you looked at the classes in the PHB, you'd think that BAB actually meant something. Classes with good BABs are severely restricted in other areas, and they only get 1 or 2 more BAB every four levels as compared to full spellcasters. Clearly, having even a slight bulge in BAB is supposed to be a major advantage. But in the basic rules, it really isn't. The bonus that a Fighter gets to his BAB over a Wizard is actually smaller than the variance of having rolled well and having rolled poorly on one's attributes. There is no guaranty that an Elven Fighter is better with a bow than an Elven Wizard is at 1st or even 4th level. Even when the BAB starts to pull ahead, it does so very slowly. A net +1 to-hit is something that you seriously might never even notice if you rolled your dice in secret. A +1 to-hit means that out of 20 attacks, one attack that would have missed would hit instead. Which, compared to the difference in numbers of attacks that land between someone who rolls well and someone who rolls poorly during an adventure is vanishingly small. - -So what we're doing is actually making BAB mean something. It's supposed to represent the amount of combat skill you have, so let's work with that. From now on, if you have more BAB than the target of your attacks, you are considered to "Have the Edge" on that attack. Combat Maneuvers will perform better when used by someone with the Edge. So while anyone can attempt to Disarm an opponent (provoking an attack of opportunity and dropping the weapon on the ground on a successful opposed attack roll), a character with the Edge can disarm better (provoking no attack of opportunity and sending the weapon flying in a direction of his choice). In this manner, a character who takes full BAB classes always has a fundamental advantage in combat over characters who do other things. - -\subsection{Attacks of Opportunity} - -As you may have noticed, we have put in a lot more mechanics that interact with Attacks of Opportunity. That's because we're also instituting the following change to the mechanics of AoOs: - - \listone \item If you have a Base Attack Bonus high enough to warrant gaining additional attacks, you also get additional Attacks of Opportunity. So a character with a BAB of +6 can make 2 AoOs each round. A character with a BAB of +11 can make 3, and a character with +16 can make 4.\end{list} - - -\subsection{Bonus Attacks and BAB} - -The bonus attacks that characters get for hitting a BAB of +11 or +16 are not good. I don't know what that was about, but I can only assume that it had to do with a fundamental lack of playtesting past level 10. Anyway, the penalty for taking a bonus attack in a Full Attack action should never rise above -5. So if you have a BAB of +17, your attack routine should look like this: +17/+12/+12/+12. Really. - -\subsection{Attack Options} - -Characters have a number of options when they attack their opponents. - -\listone\hypertarget{combat:expertise}{} -\item \textbf{{Expertise}}\\ -\emph{You leverage your combat skill into defense rather than offense.}\\ -\shortability{Requirement:}{You must make an attack action and have a BAB of at least +1. You need not specifically attack an enemy.} -\shortability{Effect:}{Before making an attack roll, you may take an attack penalty of up to your BAB on this attack and all further attacks until your next turn, and gain an equal Dodge Bonus to AC. You may only use this option once per turn.}\\ - -\hypertarget{combat:powerattack}{} -\item\textbf{{Power Attack}}\\ -\emph{You leverage your combat skill into devastating attacks at the expense of accuracy.}\\ -\shortability{Requirement:}{You must make an attack action and have a BAB of at least +1.} -\shortability{Effect:}{Before making an attack roll, you may voluntarily take an attack penalty of up to your BAB, and inflict two times that amount in extra damage with that attack. You may take this option on any or all of your attacks if you wish.} -\end{list} - -\subsection{Special Attack Actions} - -All of the following maneuvers may be made in place of an attack. Any time a character is permitted an attack for any reason (including an attack of opportunity or the attack at the conclusion of a charge), they may make a special attack action instead.\\ - -\listone\hypertarget{combat:bullrush}{} -\item\textbf{{Bullrush}}\\ \small -If you have not moved your entire allotted distance this turn, you may attempt to push your opponent back as a melee attack. First, you move into your opponent's square (which probably provokes an attack of opportunity, see movement). Then you make an opposed size-modified strength check against a DC of 10 + the target's Strength modifier + the target's size modifier (you do not have to roll to hit). If you succeed, you push your opponent back 5 feet. If you succeed by more than 1, you may move your opponent back a single 5' square for every 2 points your check exceeds the DC. - -\ability{Modifiers:} The Size Modifier to both the Bullrush check and the DC is +4 for every size larger than medium and -4 for every size smaller than medium. - -\ability{Special:} The movement used during a Bullrush counts against your movement this turn. If you do not take a move or charge action this turn, you will normally be limited to five feet of movement. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity from you or the target, but is quite likely to provoke an attack of opportunity from any other creature standing nearby. During a bullrush, both characters provide cover for each other. - -\smallskip\emph{\underline{Edge Option:} If you have the edge on your target, you do not provide cover for your opponent even if they are the same size as you. Further, you may move your opponent in a direction up to 45 degrees off from your initial approach, altering your own course to push them more than 5 feet if necessary. If you fail the initial strength check, you may choose which adjacent square you are pushed into.}\\ - -\hypertarget{combat:coupdegrace}{} -\normalsize\item\textbf{{Coup de Grace}}\\\small -You may attempt to slay an opponent outright if they are helpless. As a full-round action, you may automatically hit a helpless opponent in melee range. This attack is automatically a critical hit. This action provokes an attack of opportunity. - -\ability{Interrupting a Coup de Grace:}{A character who suffers damage during the Coup de Grace must make a Concentration Check (DC 10 + Damage Inflicted) or the action is resolved as a normal attack.} - -\smallskip\emph{\underline{Edge Option:} If you have the Edge on an opponent who threatens you during a Coup de Grace, you do not provoke an attack of opportunity from them.}\\ - -\hypertarget{combat:coveringfire}{} -\normalsize\item\textbf{{Covering Fire}}\\\small -You may use your ranged attacks to provide cover for your allies. Take an attack with your ranged weapon and roll a normal attack roll. Until the beginning of your next turn one of your allies may use the result of your attack roll as their Armor Class against one attack of opportunity. - -\smallskip\emph{\underline{Edge Option:} If you have The Edge against an opponent whose attack of opportunity was negated by Covering Fire, your ranged weapon may hit them. Simply compare the attack roll to their armor class as if it was also a normal attack.}\\ - -\hypertarget{combat:disarm}{} -\normalsize\item\textbf{{Disarm}}\\\small -You may attempt to disarm your opponent with a melee attack. Disarm is a special attack action. Make an attack roll against an "armor class" of 10 + the target's melee attack bonuses with the item in question. If you succeed, one weapon or held item is snatched out of your opponent's grasp. Failing a Disarm attempt provokes an attack of opportunity from the target. A disarmed item lands in a randomly determined square adjacent to the target. - -\ability{Defending against a Disarm:}{An item held in two hands is harder to disarm, increasing the DC by +4. An item tied to one's body with a sword-wrap or locked gauntlet is much harder to disarm, increasing the DC by +8.} - -\ability{Special:}{A Disarm may be used to attempt to remove a weapon that is presently being used in an attack against the disarmer even if the creature using the weapon is out of range or otherwise not threatened by the character. A Disarm (or any attack) is normally only usable during an attack against such creatures as an Attack of Opportunity or a Readied Action.} - -\smallskip\emph{\underline{Edge Option:} If you have the Edge on your target, your Disarm attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity, and you may choose which adjacent square your opponent's weapon or held item lands in. If you have a free hand, the item may end up in your possession instead.}\\ - -\hypertarget{combat:feint}{} -\normalsize\item\textbf{{Feint}}\\\small -By performing a distracting maneuver or fencing your opponent into a poor position, you may make an attack against them at their worst. You take an attack action to make a Bluff check with a DC of 10 + your opponent's Wisdom modifier + the higher of your opponent's BAB or ranks in Sense Motive. If you succeed, your opponent does not get their Dexterity Bonus to AC against the next attack you make against them (if it is within the next round). - -\smallskip\emph{\underline{Edge Option:} If you have the Edge on your target and you successfully Feint, you may make an attack against that opponent this round as a Swift action.}\\ - -\hypertarget{combat:grapple}{} -\normalsize\item\textbf{{Grapple}}\\\small -Grapple is collectively 3 separate maneuvers that all fall under the super-heading of "grappling." Any grapple attempt provokes an attack of opportunity unless your attack has the edge. - -\listtwo\hypertarget{combat:grabon}{} - \normalsize\item\textbf{{Grab On}}\\\small - Sometimes, you want to attach yourself to a larger creature, getting inside their reach and then repeatedly stabbing them or simply weighing them down. As an attack action you may attempt to grab on to an opponent. - - Grabbing on to an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity and requires a check with the same bonuses as a melee attack. The DC to grab on to an opponent is their Touch AC plus their BAB. If you have 5 ranks of Climb or Ride, you get a +2 synergy bonus on this maneuver for each skill. - - \ability{Holding on:}{Once you've attached yourself to your opponent, you go wherever they go. Move in to their space, and move where they do automatically (this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity or count against your movement in any way). You may attack with any light or one handed weapon, and your opponent is denied his Dexterity bonus against you.} - - \ability{Being Held on to:}{If another creature has grabbed on to your character, their weight counts against your carrying capacity. If you're overloaded, you may be unable to move or even collapse until you shake your opponent off. You can attempt to attack a creature holding on to you, but your strength modifier is halved for such attacks and your attacks are at -4. You may attempt to shake your opponent off as an attack action by making a check with a bonus equal to your melee attack or Escape Artist and a DC of 10 + the greatest of your opponent's BAB, Climb Ranks, or Ride Ranks.} - - \smallskip\emph{\underline{Edge Options:} If you have the edge on an opponent when you grab them, they may not attack you at all once you have grabbed on to them. Further, grabbing on to an opponent does not provoke an attack of opportunity.}\\ - - \hypertarget{combat:holddown}{}\hypertarget{combat:pin}{} - \normalsize\item\textbf{{Hold Down}}\\\small - Sometimes you want to pin an opponent to the ground. First, make a touch attack. Then, make a Grapple Check (BAB + Strength Modifier + Special Size Modifier) with a DC of 10 + Defender's Grapple Check Modifier. If you succeed, your opponent is pinned for one round. They can't move, and you may put ropes or manacles on them if you wish with an attack action. At the end of any turn you are pinning your opponent, you may inflict unarmed or constriction damage. With subsequent attack actions, you may attack with natural weapons or light weapons with no penalty. - - \ability{Escaping a Pin:}{If you're pinned you can attempt to fight back, but you're prone and you suffer an additional -4 penalty to attack the creature pinning you (generally a -8 total penalty to attack your attacker). You can get out with an attack action by making a Grapple or Escape Artist check with a DC of 10 + your opponent's Grapple Modifier.} - - \smallskip\emph{\underline{Edge Options:} If you're pinning an opponent and your attacks have the edge, your opponent cannot attack you or anyone else until they get free. Furthermore, if anyone else attacks them, they are considered helpless.}\\ - - \hypertarget{combat:lift}{} - \normalsize\item\textbf{{Lift}}\\\small - Sometimes you want to put an opponent in your mouth or carry away a struggling princess. Make a touch attack and then make a Grapple Check with a DC equal to 10 + your opponent's Grapple modifier. If you succeed, your opponent is hefted into the air. You may move around freely while carrying your opponent (their weight counts against your limits of course). You may perform a coup de grace or swallow whole action on a character you have lifted, but doing so ends the lift whether it succeeds or fails. - - \ability{Escaping a Lift:}{When you've been lifted, you cannot move under your own power, but you can continue to attack. Attacks against the creature which has lifted you are at a -4 penalty. You can also attempt to escape with an attack action by making a Grapple or Escape Artist check with a DC of 10 + your opponent's Grapple Modifier.} - - \smallskip\emph{\underline{Edge Options:} If you have the edge on an opponent you have lifted, they may not attack you or anyone else until they escape.}\\ -\end{list} - -\hypertarget{combat:trip}{} -\normalsize\item\textbf{{Trip}}\\\small -As an attack action, you may attempt to knock an opponent prone. Make a touch attack, and if you succeed make a Strength + BAB check against a DC of 10 + your opponent's Strength + BAB or Balance modifier (whichever is greater). Success leaves your opponent prone. Failure provokes an attack of opportunity. - -\ability{Modifiers:}{The DC to trip an opponent who has four legs or is otherwise inherently stabile is increased by 4. Radially symmetrical creatures like Oozes cannot be tripped at all.} - -\smallskip\emph{\underline{Edge Option:} If you have the edge on your target, you do not provoke an attack of opportunity if your trip attempt fails, but your target provokes an attack of opportunity from you if your trip succeeds.} - -\end{list} diff --git a/baseclasses/community/ninja-old.tex b/baseclasses/community/ninja-old.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c38342 --- /dev/null +++ b/baseclasses/community/ninja-old.tex @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +\classname{Ninja} +\vspace{-8pt} +\quot{"Did you see that army roll I just did? Course not, I'm a fucking ninja!"} + +\ability{Alignment:}{Totally Sweet (Any)} + +\ability{Starting Gold:}{4d4*10 gp (100 gp)} + +\ability{Starting Age:}{As Rogue} + +\ability{Hit Die:}{d6} + +\ability{Class Skills:}{The ninja's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Dance/Stage Theatre) (Cha), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex)} + +\ability{Skills/Level:}{4 + Int Bonus} + +\begin{table}[tbh] +\begin{small} +\begin{tabular}{lp{3cm}p{0.7cm}p{0.7cm}p{0.7cm}p{7cm}l} +Level &Base Attack Bonus &Fort Save &Ref Save &Will Save &Special &AC Bonus\\ +1st &+1 &+0 &+2 &+2 & Armored in Life, Surprise!, Too Fast By Half &+4\\ +2nd &+2 &+0 &+3 &+3 & Wall Jump, Ninja'd &+5\\ +3rd &+3 &+1 &+3 &+3 & Invisible, Speed of Thought, Cowabunga! &+5\\ +4th &+4 &+1 &+4 &+4 & Dark Stalker, Seductive Gaze &+6\\ +5th &+5 &+1 &+4 &+4 & Master of Disguise, Summon Mist, Kidney Punch &+6\\ +6th &+6/+1 &+2 &+5 &+5 & Double-Jump, Join the Clan &+7\\ +7th &+7/+2 &+2 &+5 &+5 & Scuttler, Anti-Noise Aura, Sexy No Justsu &+7\\ +8th &+8/+3 &+2 &+6 &+6 & Log Trick, Go Ninja Go Ninja Go &+8\\ +9th &+9/+4 &+3 &+6 &+6 & Master of Escape, All Ninjas Fly, Flying Kick &+8\\ +10th &+10/+5 &+3 &+7 &+7 & Not Visible, Close Combat &+9\\ +11th &+11/+6/+6 &+3 &+7 &+7 & Shadow Lands, Shadow Clone, Too Fast By \textthreequarters &+9\\ +12th &+12/+7/+7 &+4 &+8 &+8 & Secret Bedroom Technique, Get Over Here! &+10\\ +13th &+13/+8/+8 &+4 &+8 &+8 & Trap Setter, Spirit Blade, Time to Death &+10\\ +14th &+14/+9/+9 &+4 &+9 &+9 & Perfect Disguise, Pirate Killer &+11\\ +15th &+15/+10/+10 &+5 &+9 &+9 & Spell Stowaway, Secret Scrolls, Perpetual Distraction &+11\\ +16th &+16/+11/+11/+11 &+5 &+10 &+10 & Honor is Babbies, Disregard Me &+12\\ +17th &+17/+12/+12/+12 &+5 &+10 &+10 & Murder Punch, Harem No Jutsu, FINISH HIM! &+12\\ +18th &+18/+13/+13/+13 &+6 &+11 &+11 & Me First!, You Can't See Me &+13\\ +19th &+19/+14/+14/+14 &+6 &+11 &+11 & Clan Master, Forbidden Technique, Nightmare Realm &+13\\ +20th &+20/+15/+15/+15 &+6 &+12 &+12 & Fully Too Fast, Back In Black &+14\\ +\end{tabular} +\end{small} +\end{table} + +\smallskip\noindent All of the following are class features of the ninja. + +\ability{Weapon and Armor Proficiency:}{Ninjas are proficient with all simple weapons, all martial weapons, and with two exotic weapons of the players choice} + +\ability{Armored in Life (Su):}{A Ninja has a special Armor bonus whenever they are not using armor or shields that he is not proficient in. This Armor Bonus applies against Touch Attacks and Incorporeal Touch Attacks, and has a value of +4. Every even numbered class level, the Armored in Life bonus increases by 1. If the Ninja wears armor which he is proficient in (for example: normal clothing) that has an enhancement bonus, that enhancement bonus applies to his Armored in Life Armor Bonus.} + +\ability{Surprise! (Ex):}{If the Ninja should catch a foe flat-footed, then all successful attacks she makes against that foe are automatic critical hits. I have no idea why ninjas carry scythes.} + +\ability{Too Fast By Half (Ex):}{The Ninja multiplies her base speed by 1.5 (round down), particularly when doing a "Ninja Run" pose.} + +\ability{Wall Jump (Ex):}{Ninjas are great at using the walls to propel themselves. Not only does she suffer no falling damage when next to a wall, she may also double her jumping height and distance when starting off next to a wall, and if between two walls, gains a Climb speed equal to her land speed.} + +\ability{Ninja'd (Ex):}{Ninja always seize the initiative at the last moment and do things before anyone else can react. In combat, if there is no Surprise round, the Ninja gains her own Surprise round. If there \textit{is} a Surprise round, the Ninja can act in it, going first. The Ninja can only access this ability if she possesses more levels of Ninja than any other class.} + +\ability{Invisible (Su):}{The Ninja may become Invisible at will, as per the spell \spell{invisibility}.} + +\ability{Speed of Thought (Ex):}{Ninja move so fast they get speed lines when they move. The Ninja may add her Int bonus to her Initiative, and to all melee attack and damage rolls made against flat-footed or flanked opponents.} + +\ability{Cowabunga! (Su):}{Ninja are possibly the best surfers in the world. She may move on water as though it were a solid surface, and is immune to the effects of Grease and similar spells and effects. If she stops on water, she must make a DC 40 Balance check to remain on top.} + +\ability{Dark Stalker (Ex):}{The Ninja can see and hear incorporeal/ethereal creatures normally, so they must make Hide/Move Silently checks to sneak up on her.} + +\ability{Seductive Gaze (Su):}{The Ninja gains a Charm Monster gaze attack at will, with an Int-based save DC.} + +\ability{Master of Disguise (Su):}{With a DC 15 Disguise check, a Ninja can effectively cast Disguise Self. With a DC 20 check, she can effectively cast Alter Self.} + +\ability{Summon Mist (Su):}{Mist is a Ninja's best friend. She can call upon it, as per the spell \textit{Obscuring Mist}, at will, though only one such effect can be active at a time.} + +\ability{Kidney Punch (Ex):}{When the Ninja punches someone who is flat-footed or flanked, they are crippled by pain. The foe becomes Staggered and Prone unless they can pass a Fortitude save (Int-based). Staggered lasts for one full round, Prone lasts until they stand up.} + +\ability{Double-Jump (Ex):}{You would think a Ninja can fly by looking at them jump. Double the Jumping height and distance of the Ninja. This stacks with Wall Jump. Additionally, she gains a Fly speed (half her base speed, Clumsy, flat-footed while flying).} + +\ability{Join the Clan (Ex, see below):}{The Ninja becomes a member of a very secret Ninja clan. As benefits, she can call upon their assistance for information, and is taught the secret techniques: she may cast \textit{Knock}, \textit{Detect Traps} and \textit{Identify} as Spell-like abilities at will. These only require Swift actions.} + +\ability{Scuttler (Ex):}{The Ninja is great at moving about in all situations. She may move at regular speed while being stealthy, and does not suffer penalties for difficult terrain.} + +\ability{Anti-Noise Aura (Su):}{Have you ever heard a Ninja, as opposed to the short scream of their victim? I didn't think so. But sometimes, a Ninja has to travel with a plate-armoured Cleric, a Dire Bear (Druid) and a Knight on a steam engine. She may, at will, radiate a 20' Aura of silence, masking all noises made.} + +\ability{Sexy No Jutsu (Su):}{By spending a Full Round Action making indecent gestures, the Ninja may cause a Suggestion or Hold Person effect on a target who can see her and fails a Will save (Int-based). Additionally, if the target passes the save, they still take a -3 penalty on Will saves for one round and suffer 5d6 Non-lethal damage.} + +\ability{Log Trick (Ex):}{Just when you think you have a Ninja, you actually have a log. The Ninja is behind you. As an Immediate action, the Ninja may Dimension Door to any location up to 30' away, leaving a puff of smoke and a wooden log behind. Additionally, she may spend a Standard Action to Dimension Door 30' away, leaving a Mirror Image behind for 4 rounds. When the image ends, a log appears.} + +\ability{Go Ninja Go Ninja Go (Ex):}{The Ninja may make a Full Round action (or two Partial actions) and a Swift action in the Surprise round, as opposed to just one Partial action.} + +\ability{Master of Escape (Ex):}{The Ninja can never be pinned down. Any Escape Artist check may be made as a Standard action that does not provoke, and she may make Epic checks at the following DCs: Extremely Tight Space (a chimney, a glass jar, someone's anus) DC 30, Walls of Force DC 40 or Caster Level + 5, whichever is higher. She also gains a +8 bonus to escape a grapple. None of this applies when wearing heavy armour or when heavily encumbered.} + +\ability{All Ninjas Fly (Su):}{The Ninja gains a Fly speed (Average) equal to her base speed.} + +\ability{Flying Kick (Ex):}{When flying or jumping, the Ninja may make a special charge attack. She moves in a straight line, up to twice her movement speed, and attacks everyone in this line. She gains the charge bonus and penalty, and additionally, anyone struck is Dazed for one round if they fail a Fort save (Dex-based DC).} + +\ability{Not Visible (Ex):}{The Ninja cannot be seen when she doesn't want to be. This is like Invisibility, except that it is (Ex) and True Seeing doesn't cut it. The only way to see her is to know what you're looking for and beat her Hide with a Spot check with no bonuses to the Spot check from equipment, spells or effects - only 1d20 + ranks + ability score + feats. Or if she ends the effect voluntarily or by attacking or passing out.} + +\ability{Close Combat (Ex):}{I bet you think you're really smart for trying to grapple the Ninja. You won't for long. Ninja can act normally while being grappled, even if lifted or pinned - including movement (the grappler can hold on and be moved with her or can let go), and doesn't lose her Dex bonus to AC. Furthermore, her opponent IS flat-footed against her attacks.} + +\ability{Shadow Lands (Su):}{The Ninja can conjure a Hallucinatory Terrain effect at will. Only one such effect can be active at a time.} + +\ability{Shadow Clone (Su):}{The Ninja can cast Mirror Image at will, however cannot use it while even a single image still remains - she can't even refresh it, having to wait until the final clone vanishes. Additionally, when attacking foes in melee combat, she deals +2d6 damage for every remaining image.} + +\ability{Too Fast By \textthreequarters (Ex):}{The Ninja becomes even faster. She may make a Move action as an Immediate action, and makes 10' steps of adjustment instead of 5' steps (unless she only wants to move 5'). With a DC 25 Balance check she can instead make 15' steps of adjustment.} + +\ability{Secret Bedroom Technique (Su):}{The Ninja learns secret Ninja skills that would be forbidden if Ninjas didn't find them so funny. Firstly she may, with a Standard action, create a magic dust that if inhaled or consumed (it dissolves in liquid) creates an Emotion: Love (or Lust or Trust) effect. The save DC is Int-based, and the powder becomes useless after one hour if not used. Secondly, no sexual encounter with her ever needs to be played out, as the partner(s) automatically have "a very good time" and their attitude changes to Fanatical.} + +\ability{Get Over Here! (Ex):}{With a Swift action, the Ninja may call out to a foe who understands her language and can hear her. The foe must pass a Will save (Int-based DC) or immediately make a Move action directly towards the Ninja, regardless of obstacles or provoking. Alternatively she may force them to, on their next action, attempt to charge her instead of whatever they were going to do, but this must be decided when she uses the ability.} + +\ability{Trap Setter (Ex):}{If the Ninja has a trap on hand, she can set it in one Standard action, she's that fast. The DC to spot it is equal to a Sleight of Hand check she makes, and the DC to disarm is is that plus five. The DC to avoid being horribly maimed is normal for the trap, however.} + +\ability{Spirit Blade (Su):}{The Ninja can even cut ghosts. All of her attacks affect incorporeal and ethereal creatures as though they were neither, and ignore Armour and Shield bonuses to AC as well as all kinds of Damage Reduction (including DR X/-).} + +\ability{Time To Death (Ex):}{Those who would normally be staggered upon failing a save against the Ninja's Kidney Punch instead become Nauseated for 1d4 rounds, although they do still get the save.} + +\ability{Perfect Disguise (Su):}{The Ninja may, with a DC 35 Disguise check, Polymorph as per the spell. True Seeing does not trump this.} + +\ability{Pirate Killer (Ex):}{Shouting "YARR!" provokes an Attack of Opportunity from the Ninja. Additionally, she gains a +4 bonus to Hit and 4d6+4 Bonus Damage against Swashbucklers, Dread Pirates and all ship-owners, and enjoys a doubled critical threat multiplier against them.} + +\ability{Spell Stowaway (Su):}{If someone within 30' casts a spell on himself, the Ninja may elect to, as not an action, gain the effects as well. Note that if the Lich turns out to have been casting Harm, it gets healed whereas she is damaged as normal (unless Negative energy heals her normally).} + +\ability{Secret Scrolls (Ex, see below):}{Having risen through the ranks, the Ninja is shown the secret scrolls and gains special abilities. She may cast Disintegrate, Utterdark and Hold Monster once each per minute.} + +\ability{Perpetual Distraction (Su):}{People are always distracted while fighting the Ninja. She always counts as flanking enemies.} + +\ability{Honour is Babbies (Ex):}{The Ninja does not care for honour, and makes a hobby out of putting the boot in when facing an enemy. If a foe has fallen Prone, her attacks automatically hit them. If she focuses all attacks against this fallen foe, they must make a Fort save (Dex-based DC) or become Helpless from pain for 1 round.} + +\ability{Disregard Me (Ex):}{The Ninja gains the ability to not be noticed. It becomes impossible to detect her with Divinations unless she wants to be, and she never provokes Attacks of Opportunity. Likewise enemies can't use readied actions against her. However, if an enemy has an ability that lets them take Attacks of Opportunity on someone who hasn't provoked, or lets them force foes to provoke, it still works against her.} + +\ability{Murder Punch (Ex):}{People die when they are killed. All attacks made by the Ninja ignore Fast Healing and Regeneration - the damage is there until healed (such as by magic) or the very long recovery of X per day. Anyone slain by the Ninja can never come back without a True Resurrection or a Wish.} + +\ability{Harem No Jutsu (Su):}{This ability works like Sexy no Jutsu, except every foe within 50' is affected. If anyone is successfully affected for 3 rounds in a row they must make a Fort save (same DC) or die, but they will die happy. The Ninja gains a +9,001 bonus to Perform (Dance) checks.} + +\ability{FINISH HIM! (Ex):}{If the Ninja makes a full attack against a single foe denied their Dex bonus, and every attack hits, then instead of any other effects requiring saving throws, she may force them to make a single Fort save (Int-based DC, +1 for every hit beyond the first) or die, exploding in a shower of gore.} + +\ability{Me First! (Ex):}{If someone casts a spell within 30' of the Ninja, she may spend an Immediate action to steal the effects. The spell is still cast, but all effects are resolved against the Ninja. She can do this after identifying a spell being cast.} + +\ability{You Can't See Me (Su):}{The Ninja may, as an Immediate action, cause an attack, spell or effect directed at her to instead target the attacker. They must continue to use it at full force with the full bonus used against her and cannot attempt to force the attack to miss or fail.} + +\ability{Clan Master (Ex, see below):}{The Ninja becomes the master of her clan, gaining the final secret arts: she gains Immunity to a single school of magic of her choice, and ceases ageing, though bonuses will still accrue. Additionally her Int, Wis and Cha scores all suddenly increase by +4.} + +\ability{Forbidden Technique (Su):}{The Ninja learns a trick that is forbidden to all but the most experienced Ninjas. Rumour has it the last person who tried it was sent home in a matchbox. She may, as a Full Round action, gaze upon a foe, who is entitled to a Will save (Int-based). If they fail, they cease to exist, permanently wiped from the face of the earth. Only a major quest can bring them back. If they succeed, they still suffer 2d6 negative levels. The Ninja may elect to sacrifice herself with this power, but can never be compelled to do so via magic or trickery: if she does, the foe receives no save and is simply destroyed, but the same applies to her. They are both gone forever, for a given value of "forever".} + +\ability{Nightmare Realm (Su):}{The Ninja may cast Nightmare Terrain at will, though only one such effect may be in play at a time. Additionally, every round, one target of her choice in the area can be targeted with a Shadow Well effect.} + +\ability{Fully Too Fast (Ex):}{The speed of the Ninja now increases to double the base speed. Additionally, she may move as though by teleportation, ignoring all barriers and such, and leaves a thunderclap behind when doing this. The thunderclap affects all within 10' of where she previously stood, knocking them Prone and Dazing them for one round if they fail a Fort save (Dex-based DC).} + +\ability{Back In Black (Su):}{If the Ninja is ever killed, as long as the body is not destroyed and the soul is not consumed/bound/destroyed, she simply comes back 24 hours later, none the worse for wear.} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/baseclasses/community/ninja.tex b/baseclasses/community/ninja.tex index 4c38342..0b6470b 100644 --- a/baseclasses/community/ninja.tex +++ b/baseclasses/community/ninja.tex @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ \classname{Ninja} \vspace{-8pt} -\quot{"Did you see that army roll I just did? Course not, I'm a fucking ninja!"} +\quot{"Nin Nin!"} -\ability{Alignment:}{Totally Sweet (Any)} +\ability{Playing a Ninja:}{Ninja get to add Int to a lot of things and have Save DCs based on Int, so it benefits them to make it one of their better scores, but quite so radically as a Wizard. They also benefit from a high Dex, with other ability scores chosen as your style dictates.} + +\ability{Alignment:}{Ninja can be loyal to their clan master or masterless brigands, if you think that describes Law or Chaos (similarly they can be wet or dry, if you use that metric). They can be murderous assassins or protectors of the people. Ninja can be of any alignment.} + +\ability{Races:}{anyone can be a Ninja, though humans and elfs gravitate towards it, as do halflings. There are only a few Mountain Giant Ninja out there; no more than a dozen, tops. Kappa are weirdly keen on being Ninja.} \ability{Starting Gold:}{4d4*10 gp (100 gp)} @@ -10,138 +14,145 @@ \ability{Hit Die:}{d6} -\ability{Class Skills:}{The ninja's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Dance/Stage Theatre) (Cha), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex)} +\ability{Skills/Level:}{6 + Int Bonus + special*} + +\ability{Class Skills:}{The ninja's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff* (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomancy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise* (Cha), Escape Artist* (Dex), Forgery* (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide* (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump* (Str), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently* (Dex), Perform (Dance/Stage Theatre) (Cha), Profession (Any), Ride (Dex), Search* (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble* (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex)} +\emph{*Select one of these skills upon taking your first Ninja level. The Ninja always has maximum ranks in this skill without spending skill points.} -\ability{Skills/Level:}{4 + Int Bonus} \begin{table}[tbh] \begin{small} -\begin{tabular}{lp{3cm}p{0.7cm}p{0.7cm}p{0.7cm}p{7cm}l} -Level &Base Attack Bonus &Fort Save &Ref Save &Will Save &Special &AC Bonus\\ -1st &+1 &+0 &+2 &+2 & Armored in Life, Surprise!, Too Fast By Half &+4\\ -2nd &+2 &+0 &+3 &+3 & Wall Jump, Ninja'd &+5\\ -3rd &+3 &+1 &+3 &+3 & Invisible, Speed of Thought, Cowabunga! &+5\\ -4th &+4 &+1 &+4 &+4 & Dark Stalker, Seductive Gaze &+6\\ -5th &+5 &+1 &+4 &+4 & Master of Disguise, Summon Mist, Kidney Punch &+6\\ -6th &+6/+1 &+2 &+5 &+5 & Double-Jump, Join the Clan &+7\\ -7th &+7/+2 &+2 &+5 &+5 & Scuttler, Anti-Noise Aura, Sexy No Justsu &+7\\ -8th &+8/+3 &+2 &+6 &+6 & Log Trick, Go Ninja Go Ninja Go &+8\\ -9th &+9/+4 &+3 &+6 &+6 & Master of Escape, All Ninjas Fly, Flying Kick &+8\\ -10th &+10/+5 &+3 &+7 &+7 & Not Visible, Close Combat &+9\\ -11th &+11/+6/+6 &+3 &+7 &+7 & Shadow Lands, Shadow Clone, Too Fast By \textthreequarters &+9\\ -12th &+12/+7/+7 &+4 &+8 &+8 & Secret Bedroom Technique, Get Over Here! &+10\\ -13th &+13/+8/+8 &+4 &+8 &+8 & Trap Setter, Spirit Blade, Time to Death &+10\\ -14th &+14/+9/+9 &+4 &+9 &+9 & Perfect Disguise, Pirate Killer &+11\\ -15th &+15/+10/+10 &+5 &+9 &+9 & Spell Stowaway, Secret Scrolls, Perpetual Distraction &+11\\ -16th &+16/+11/+11/+11 &+5 &+10 &+10 & Honor is Babbies, Disregard Me &+12\\ -17th &+17/+12/+12/+12 &+5 &+10 &+10 & Murder Punch, Harem No Jutsu, FINISH HIM! &+12\\ -18th &+18/+13/+13/+13 &+6 &+11 &+11 & Me First!, You Can't See Me &+13\\ -19th &+19/+14/+14/+14 &+6 &+11 &+11 & Clan Master, Forbidden Technique, Nightmare Realm &+13\\ -20th &+20/+15/+15/+15 &+6 &+12 &+12 & Fully Too Fast, Back In Black &+14\\ +\begin{tabular}{lp{3cm}p{0.7cm}p{0.7cm}p{0.7cm}p{7cm}p{0.7cm}l} +Level &Base Attack Bonus &Fort Save &Ref Save &Will Save &Special & Jutsu Points &AC Bonus\\ +1st &+1 &+0 &+2 &+2 & Armoured in Life, Surprise!, Jutsu Use, Too Fast By Half &1 &+4\\ +2nd &+2 &+0 &+3 &+3 & Wall Jump, Ninja'd &2 &+5\\ +3rd &+3 &+1 &+3 &+3 & Invisible, Speed of Thought &2 &+5\\ +4th &+4 &+1 &+4 &+4 & Dark Stalker, Hypnotic Gaze &3 &+6\\ +5th &+5 &+1 &+4 &+4 & Master of Disguise, Mystic Art &3 &+6\\ +6th &+6/+1 &+2 &+5 &+5 & Double-Jump, Scuttler &3 &+7\\ +7th &+7/+2 &+2 &+5 &+5 & Anti-Noise Aura &4 &+7\\ +8th &+8/+3 &+2 &+6 &+6 & Log Trick, Go Ninja Go Ninja Go &4 &+8\\ +9th &+9/+4 &+3 &+6 &+6 & Master of Escape, Lightning Strike &4 &+8\\ +10th &+10/+5 &+3 &+7 &+7 & Mystic Art, Close Combat &4 &+9\\ +11th &+11/+6/+6 &+3 &+7 &+7 & Shadow Arts I: Veils of Shades &5 &+9\\ +12th &+12/+7/+7 &+4 &+8 &+8 & Too Fast By \textthreequarters &5 &+10\\ +13th &+13/+8/+8 &+4 &+8 &+8 & Spirit Blade &5 &+10\\ +14th &+14/+9/+9 &+4 &+9 &+9 & Perfect Disguise &5 &+11\\ +15th &+15/+10/+10 &+5 &+9 &+9 & Mystic Art, Perpetual Distraction &5 &+11\\ +16th &+16/+11/+11/+11 &+5 &+10 &+10 & Opportunistic Strike &6 &+12\\ +17th &+17/+12/+12/+12 &+5 &+10 &+10 & Murder Punch &6 &+12\\ +18th &+18/+13/+13/+13 &+6 &+11 &+11 & Hidden from Magic&6 &+13\\ +19th &+19/+14/+14/+14 &+6 &+11 &+11 & Shadow Arts II: Nightmare Realm 6 &6 &+13\\ +20th &+20/+15/+15/+15 &+6 &+12 &+12 & Mystic Art, Fully Too Fast, Clan Master &6 &+14\\ \end{tabular} \end{small} \end{table} \smallskip\noindent All of the following are class features of the ninja. -\ability{Weapon and Armor Proficiency:}{Ninjas are proficient with all simple weapons, all martial weapons, and with two exotic weapons of the players choice} - -\ability{Armored in Life (Su):}{A Ninja has a special Armor bonus whenever they are not using armor or shields that he is not proficient in. This Armor Bonus applies against Touch Attacks and Incorporeal Touch Attacks, and has a value of +4. Every even numbered class level, the Armored in Life bonus increases by 1. If the Ninja wears armor which he is proficient in (for example: normal clothing) that has an enhancement bonus, that enhancement bonus applies to his Armored in Life Armor Bonus.} - -\ability{Surprise! (Ex):}{If the Ninja should catch a foe flat-footed, then all successful attacks she makes against that foe are automatic critical hits. I have no idea why ninjas carry scythes.} - -\ability{Too Fast By Half (Ex):}{The Ninja multiplies her base speed by 1.5 (round down), particularly when doing a "Ninja Run" pose.} - -\ability{Wall Jump (Ex):}{Ninjas are great at using the walls to propel themselves. Not only does she suffer no falling damage when next to a wall, she may also double her jumping height and distance when starting off next to a wall, and if between two walls, gains a Climb speed equal to her land speed.} - -\ability{Ninja'd (Ex):}{Ninja always seize the initiative at the last moment and do things before anyone else can react. In combat, if there is no Surprise round, the Ninja gains her own Surprise round. If there \textit{is} a Surprise round, the Ninja can act in it, going first. The Ninja can only access this ability if she possesses more levels of Ninja than any other class.} - -\ability{Invisible (Su):}{The Ninja may become Invisible at will, as per the spell \spell{invisibility}.} - -\ability{Speed of Thought (Ex):}{Ninja move so fast they get speed lines when they move. The Ninja may add her Int bonus to her Initiative, and to all melee attack and damage rolls made against flat-footed or flanked opponents.} - -\ability{Cowabunga! (Su):}{Ninja are possibly the best surfers in the world. She may move on water as though it were a solid surface, and is immune to the effects of Grease and similar spells and effects. If she stops on water, she must make a DC 40 Balance check to remain on top.} - -\ability{Dark Stalker (Ex):}{The Ninja can see and hear incorporeal/ethereal creatures normally, so they must make Hide/Move Silently checks to sneak up on her.} - -\ability{Seductive Gaze (Su):}{The Ninja gains a Charm Monster gaze attack at will, with an Int-based save DC.} - -\ability{Master of Disguise (Su):}{With a DC 15 Disguise check, a Ninja can effectively cast Disguise Self. With a DC 20 check, she can effectively cast Alter Self.} - -\ability{Summon Mist (Su):}{Mist is a Ninja's best friend. She can call upon it, as per the spell \textit{Obscuring Mist}, at will, though only one such effect can be active at a time.} - -\ability{Kidney Punch (Ex):}{When the Ninja punches someone who is flat-footed or flanked, they are crippled by pain. The foe becomes Staggered and Prone unless they can pass a Fortitude save (Int-based). Staggered lasts for one full round, Prone lasts until they stand up.} - -\ability{Double-Jump (Ex):}{You would think a Ninja can fly by looking at them jump. Double the Jumping height and distance of the Ninja. This stacks with Wall Jump. Additionally, she gains a Fly speed (half her base speed, Clumsy, flat-footed while flying).} +\ability{Weapon and Armor Proficiency:}{the Ninja is proficient with all Simple Weapons, all Martial Weapons, and two Exotic Weapons of the player's choice. The Ninja is not proficient with any armour.} -\ability{Join the Clan (Ex, see below):}{The Ninja becomes a member of a very secret Ninja clan. As benefits, she can call upon their assistance for information, and is taught the secret techniques: she may cast \textit{Knock}, \textit{Detect Traps} and \textit{Identify} as Spell-like abilities at will. These only require Swift actions.} +\ability{Special:}{If the Ninja is a Kappa or some other variety of turtle-person, he is instead only proficient with the Quarterstaff, Sai, Long Sword, Nunchaku and Shuriken, but gains Two Weapon Fighting as a Bonus Feat.} -\ability{Scuttler (Ex):}{The Ninja is great at moving about in all situations. She may move at regular speed while being stealthy, and does not suffer penalties for difficult terrain.} +\ability{A Note on Standard Attacks:}{various abilities require a "Standard Attack" be made. This is a regular attack made as a Standard action.} -\ability{Anti-Noise Aura (Su):}{Have you ever heard a Ninja, as opposed to the short scream of their victim? I didn't think so. But sometimes, a Ninja has to travel with a plate-armoured Cleric, a Dire Bear (Druid) and a Knight on a steam engine. She may, at will, radiate a 20' Aura of silence, masking all noises made.} +\ability{Jutsu Use (Su):}{as she gains levels, the Ninja gains a number of Jutsu Points. With a Free action, these Jutsu Points can be assigned to different things, but once assigned, they are stuck that way until a minute is spent meditating, which reallocates all points to "unspent". Jutsu Points can be allocated to any of the following, adding her Int modifier as an Insight bonus:\smallskip -\ability{Sexy No Jutsu (Su):}{By spending a Full Round Action making indecent gestures, the Ninja may cause a Suggestion or Hold Person effect on a target who can see her and fails a Will save (Int-based). Additionally, if the target passes the save, they still take a -3 penalty on Will saves for one round and suffer 5d6 Non-lethal damage.} +\begin{itemize}\itemspace + \item Attack rolls + \item Damage rolls + \item Saving throws + \item Spell resistance (must possess it already) + \item Fast Healing (must possess it already) + \item Dex-based Skill checks + \item Cha-based skill checks + \item Wis-based skill checks + \item Str-based skill checks + \item Constitution Score + \item All pre-existing Energy Resistances (must already possess at least one type) + \item Total Damage Reduction (in any instance, after adding various types. If none apply, treat this alone as /-) +\end{itemize} -\ability{Log Trick (Ex):}{Just when you think you have a Ninja, you actually have a log. The Ninja is behind you. As an Immediate action, the Ninja may Dimension Door to any location up to 30' away, leaving a puff of smoke and a wooden log behind. Additionally, she may spend a Standard Action to Dimension Door 30' away, leaving a Mirror Image behind for 4 rounds. When the image ends, a log appears.} +\smallskip Alternately, a Jutsu Point can be "spent" (unusable until renewed through the minute of meditation) to regain a daily use of a Spell-like Ability gained from the Ninja Class, to activate certain abilities, or to re-roll Initiative. A Jutsu point spent in such a way cannot have already been allocated - it must be left in reserve and then spent.} -\ability{Go Ninja Go Ninja Go (Ex):}{The Ninja may make a Full Round action (or two Partial actions) and a Swift action in the Surprise round, as opposed to just one Partial action.} +\ability{Armoured In Life (Su):}{As long as she is not using armour or a shield that he is not proficient with, the Ninja gains a special Armour bonus. This Armour bonus even applies against Touch Attacks and Incorporeal Touch Attacks, and has a value of +4. Every two levels, it increases by +1. If wearing armour with which she is proficient, she may add its Enhancement bonus to this.\smallskip -\ability{Master of Escape (Ex):}{The Ninja can never be pinned down. Any Escape Artist check may be made as a Standard action that does not provoke, and she may make Epic checks at the following DCs: Extremely Tight Space (a chimney, a glass jar, someone's anus) DC 30, Walls of Force DC 40 or Caster Level + 5, whichever is higher. She also gains a +8 bonus to escape a grapple. None of this applies when wearing heavy armour or when heavily encumbered.} +If the Ninja has levels of Monk, then Ninja levels count as Monk levels for the purpose of determining the size of the bonus.} -\ability{All Ninjas Fly (Su):}{The Ninja gains a Fly speed (Average) equal to her base speed.} +\ability{Surprise! (Ex):}{The Ninja is good at taking advantage of unprepared foes. She has the Edge against any enemy who is denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class, and once per turn may make an Attack of Opportunity against one such foe.} -\ability{Flying Kick (Ex):}{When flying or jumping, the Ninja may make a special charge attack. She moves in a straight line, up to twice her movement speed, and attacks everyone in this line. She gains the charge bonus and penalty, and additionally, anyone struck is Dazed for one round if they fail a Fort save (Dex-based DC).} +\ability{Too Fast By Half (Ex):}{The Ninja multiplies her Base Speed by 1.5 whenever she is not using armour or a shield with which she is not proficient.} -\ability{Not Visible (Ex):}{The Ninja cannot be seen when she doesn't want to be. This is like Invisibility, except that it is (Ex) and True Seeing doesn't cut it. The only way to see her is to know what you're looking for and beat her Hide with a Spot check with no bonuses to the Spot check from equipment, spells or effects - only 1d20 + ranks + ability score + feats. Or if she ends the effect voluntarily or by attacking or passing out.} +\ability{Wall Jump (Ex):}{At second level, the Ninja can use her jumping skills to bounce off walls, and to slide down them as well. This prevents her from suffering falling damage when adjacent to a wall, and allows her to halve any Jump DC if she starts the jump adjacent to a wall. If effectively flanked by two adjacent walls, she gains a Climb speed equal to her land speed.} -\ability{Close Combat (Ex):}{I bet you think you're really smart for trying to grapple the Ninja. You won't for long. Ninja can act normally while being grappled, even if lifted or pinned - including movement (the grappler can hold on and be moved with her or can let go), and doesn't lose her Dex bonus to AC. Furthermore, her opponent IS flat-footed against her attacks.} +\ability{Ninja'd (Ex):}{Ninja always seize the initiative at the last moment, before others can react. At second level, if there is no Surprise Round for a given combat, the Ninja gains her own Surprise Round. If there is a Surprise Round, the Ninja automatically is able to act in it. The Ninja can only access this ability if she possesses more levels of Ninja than any other class.} -\ability{Shadow Lands (Su):}{The Ninja can conjure a Hallucinatory Terrain effect at will. Only one such effect can be active at a time.} +\ability{Invisible (Su):}{The third level Ninja may become Invisible at will, as per the spell \spell{invisibility}. This still requires a Standard Action to activate and ends if she attacks.} -\ability{Shadow Clone (Su):}{The Ninja can cast Mirror Image at will, however cannot use it while even a single image still remains - she can't even refresh it, having to wait until the final clone vanishes. Additionally, when attacking foes in melee combat, she deals +2d6 damage for every remaining image.} +\ability{Speed of Thought (Ex):}{The third level Ninja moves so fast she gets speed lines when she runs. She may add her Intelligence bonus to her Initiative, and to all Trip, Bullrush, Disarm and Grapple attempts against foes who are denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class.} -\ability{Too Fast By \textthreequarters (Ex):}{The Ninja becomes even faster. She may make a Move action as an Immediate action, and makes 10' steps of adjustment instead of 5' steps (unless she only wants to move 5'). With a DC 25 Balance check she can instead make 15' steps of adjustment.} +\ability{Dark Stalker (Ex):}{At level four, the Ninja can see and hear Incorporeal and Ethereal creatures normally, as if they lacked those traits, so they must make Hide and Move Silently checks if they want to sneak up on her.} -\ability{Secret Bedroom Technique (Su):}{The Ninja learns secret Ninja skills that would be forbidden if Ninjas didn't find them so funny. Firstly she may, with a Standard action, create a magic dust that if inhaled or consumed (it dissolves in liquid) creates an Emotion: Love (or Lust or Trust) effect. The save DC is Int-based, and the powder becomes useless after one hour if not used. Secondly, no sexual encounter with her ever needs to be played out, as the partner(s) automatically have "a very good time" and their attitude changes to Fanatical.} +\ability{Hypnotic Gaze (Su):}{The level four Ninja gains a Gaze attack out to 30' that causes targets who fail a Will Save (Intelligence-based) to become Fascinated until attacked or until they lose sight of the Ninja. By spending a Jutsu Point she can add a Suggestion effect to a creature affected by the Gaze, though they are allowed a separate save against this effect (same DC). A creature who successfully saves is immune to that Ninja's Gaze for the rest of the day.} -\ability{Get Over Here! (Ex):}{With a Swift action, the Ninja may call out to a foe who understands her language and can hear her. The foe must pass a Will save (Int-based DC) or immediately make a Move action directly towards the Ninja, regardless of obstacles or provoking. Alternatively she may force them to, on their next action, attempt to charge her instead of whatever they were going to do, but this must be decided when she uses the ability.} +\ability{Master of Disguise (Su):}{With a DC 15 Disguise check, a fifth-level Ninja can replicate a Disguise Self effect. With a DC 20 Disguise check, she can replicate an Alter Self effect.} -\ability{Trap Setter (Ex):}{If the Ninja has a trap on hand, she can set it in one Standard action, she's that fast. The DC to spot it is equal to a Sleight of Hand check she makes, and the DC to disarm is is that plus five. The DC to avoid being horribly maimed is normal for the trap, however.} +\ability{Mystic Art:}{At level five, and every five levels thereafter, the Ninja gains a special Mystic Art that can be selected from the following list. Some have minimum level requirements:} +\begin{itemize}\itemspace\begin{small} + \item{\ability{Vital Strike (Ex):}{once per round, when the Ninja strikes a foe who is denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class, the foe must make a Fortitude Save (Intelligence-based) or be Nauseated for 1 round.}} + \item{\ability{\spell{Fog Cloud} (Sp):}{each use of this ability requires spending a Jutsu point.}} + \item{\ability{\spell{Hold Monster} (Sp):}{each use of this ability requires spending a Jutsu point. Furthermore, passing the save still results in suffering 5d6 non-lethal damage and taking a -3 penalty to Will saves for 1 round. The Save DC is Intelligence-based.}} + \item{\ability{Kagenui (Ex):}{with a Standard attack, the Ninja forces a successfully hit opponent to attempt a Fort Save (Intelligence-based) or be Anchored in place for 3 rounds.}} + \item{\ability{Mafuujin (Su):}{with a Standard attack, the Ninja forces a successfully hit opponent to attempt a Will Save (Intelligence-based) or be Confused for 1 minute. She may elect for this to deal non-lethal damage at no penalty.}} + \item{\ability{Flight (Su):}{this requires a Jutsu Point be assigned to flying - doing so grants a Fly speed of 30' (Average), +5' per level. Minimum level 10.}} + \item{\ability{Not Visible (Su):}{this requires a Jutsu Point be assigned to not being visible - doing so grants Improved Invisibility that cannot be beaten by True Seeing or See Invisible, only by Invisibility Purge - although attacking makes her partially visible as normal, invisibility resumes at the beginning of her next turn. Minimum level 10.}} + \item{\ability{Magic Focus (Su):}{by spending a Jutsu Point, the Ninja regains a Daily or Hourly use of a Spell-like Ability from any source, even magic items. Minimum level 10.}} + \item{\ability{Shini Kaze (Ex):}{with a Standard attack, the Ninja forces a successfully hit opponent to attempt a Fort Save (Intelligence-based) or be Poisoned (2d6 Con/2d6 Con). Minimum level 10.}} + \item{\ability{Tougenkyo (Su):}{with a Standard attack, the Ninja forces a successfully hit opponent to attempt a Fort Save (Intelligence-based) or be Blinded and Cursed (ability score penalty) for 1 minute. Minimum level 10.}} + \item{\ability{Devil Ghost Body (Su):}{a Jutsu point may be assigned to Armour Class, adding the Ninja's Intelligence bonus as an Insight bonus to it. Minimum level 10.}} + \item{\ability{Spell Stowaway (Su):}{any time someone within 30' casts a spell on themselves or on a target within 30' of the Ninja, the Ninja, after attempting to identify the spell, may choose to also be affected by it, spending an Immediate action to do so. Minimum level 15.}} + \item{\ability{Disregard Me (Su):}{this requires a Jutsu Point be assigned to it, resulting in the Ninja being impossible to detect with Divinations unless she wants to be detected by them, and she never provokes Attacks of Opportunity while benefiting from it. Enemies can't even use readied actions against her. However abilities that allow Attacks of Opportunity to be made even against people who don't provoke, or that force people to provoke, still work. Minimum level 15.}} + \item{\ability{Min Min Min (Su):}{with a Standard attack, the Ninja forces a successfully hit opponent to attempt a Fort Save (Intelligence-based) or fall Asleep for 10 minutes. Minimum level 15.}} + \item{\ability{You Can't See Me (Su):}{this requires a Jutsu Point to be assigned to it. The Ninja may use an Immediate action to cause an attack, spell or effect directed at her to instead target the attacker/originator of the effect. They must continue to use it at full force, with the full bonus they would have used against him, and cannot attempt to redirect the effect or force it to miss or fail. Minimum level 20.}} + \item{\ability{Forbidden Technique (Su):}{by spending a Jutsu Point, the Ninja can use a Full Round action to force a foe within 30' to attempt a Will Save (Intelligence-based). If they pass, they suffer 2d6 negative levels. If they fail, they are instantly annihilated, and can only be brought back by journeying to the plain their soul is sent to and performing a great quest. Minimum level 20.}} + \item{\ability{Harem No Jutsu (Su):}{by spending a Jutsu Point, the Ninja bestows a Hold Monster effect on all targets within 50 feet. The save is Intelligence-based, and those who are held three rounds in a row must make a Fortitude Save (same DC) or die, but die happy. Those who pass the initial save are Stunned for 1 round and suffer 5d6 non-lethal damage. Minimum level 20.}} + \item{\ability{Yukkikage (Ex):}{by spending a Jutsu Point, the Ninja may use one Full Action to get two Full Actions, though these may not further be doubled by this ability. Minimum level 20.}} +\end{small}\end{itemize} -\ability{Spirit Blade (Su):}{The Ninja can even cut ghosts. All of her attacks affect incorporeal and ethereal creatures as though they were neither, and ignore Armour and Shield bonuses to AC as well as all kinds of Damage Reduction (including DR X/-).} +\ability{Double-Jump (Ex):}{The sixth-level Ninja is able to jump while already in the air. The height and length of any Jump she makes may be doubled if she wishes, and she may turn corners and other such things while jumping.} -\ability{Time To Death (Ex):}{Those who would normally be staggered upon failing a save against the Ninja's Kidney Punch instead become Nauseated for 1d4 rounds, although they do still get the save.} +\ability{Scuttler (Ex):}{The level six Ninja is great at moving about in all situations. She may move at regular speed while being stealthy, and does not suffer penalties for difficult terrain.} -\ability{Perfect Disguise (Su):}{The Ninja may, with a DC 35 Disguise check, Polymorph as per the spell. True Seeing does not trump this.} +\ability{Anti-Noise Aura (Su):}{The level seven Ninja is so stealthy that she passes it on to her allies: at will she may radiate a 20' radius Aura of Silence, masking all noises made inside it as though inside a sound-proof dome.} -\ability{Pirate Killer (Ex):}{Shouting "YARR!" provokes an Attack of Opportunity from the Ninja. Additionally, she gains a +4 bonus to Hit and 4d6+4 Bonus Damage against Swashbucklers, Dread Pirates and all ship-owners, and enjoys a doubled critical threat multiplier against them.} +\ability{Log Trick (Ex):}{Just when you think you have a Ninja, you actually have a log. The Ninja is behind you. At level eight, the Ninja may Dimension Door up to 30' away with an Immediate action, leaving a Mirror Image behind for 4 rounds (or until interacted with). When the image ends, a log appears in its place. By spending a Jutsu Point, she may perform this as an Immediate Action. This ability cannot be performed in armour with which she is not proficient.} -\ability{Spell Stowaway (Su):}{If someone within 30' casts a spell on himself, the Ninja may elect to, as not an action, gain the effects as well. Note that if the Lich turns out to have been casting Harm, it gets healed whereas she is damaged as normal (unless Negative energy heals her normally).} +\ability{Go Ninja Go Ninja Go (Ex):}{The eighth-level Ninja may make a Full Round action (or a Standard action and a Move action, or two Move actions) and a Swift action in the Surprise round, as opposed to just one Partial action. This does not apply when wearing armour with which she is not proficient.} -\ability{Secret Scrolls (Ex, see below):}{Having risen through the ranks, the Ninja is shown the secret scrolls and gains special abilities. She may cast Disintegrate, Utterdark and Hold Monster once each per minute.} +\ability{Master of Escape (Ex):}{The ninth-level Ninja is hard to pin down. Any Escape Artist check may be made as a Standard action that does not provoke, and she may make Epic checks at the following DCs: Extremely Tight Space (a chimney, a glass jar, someone's anus) DC 30, Walls of Force DC 40 or Caster Level + 5, whichever is higher. She also adds her Intelligence Bonus to all attempts to escape a Grapple. None of this applies when wearing armour with which she is not proficient.} -\ability{Perpetual Distraction (Su):}{People are always distracted while fighting the Ninja. She always counts as flanking enemies.} +\ability{Lightning Strike (Ex):}{When flying or jumping, the level nine Ninja may make a special charge attack. She moves in a straight line, up to twice her Movement Speed, and makes one attack roll, applying it against everyone in this line. She gains the charge bonus and penalty still, and anyone successfully hit must pass a Fortitude Save (Intelligence-based) or be Staggered for one round. This ability cannot be used while wearing armour with which she is not proficient, and performing it leaves her Staggered on her next turn.} -\ability{Honour is Babbies (Ex):}{The Ninja does not care for honour, and makes a hobby out of putting the boot in when facing an enemy. If a foe has fallen Prone, her attacks automatically hit them. If she focuses all attacks against this fallen foe, they must make a Fort save (Dex-based DC) or become Helpless from pain for 1 round.} +\ability{Close Combat (Ex):}{At level ten, the Ninja functions just fine when in a Grapple - she can act normally, even moving - even if Pinned - and is not denied her Dexterity bonus to Armour Class. Furthermore, her opponent is denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class against her attacks.} -\ability{Disregard Me (Ex):}{The Ninja gains the ability to not be noticed. It becomes impossible to detect her with Divinations unless she wants to be, and she never provokes Attacks of Opportunity. Likewise enemies can't use readied actions against her. However, if an enemy has an ability that lets them take Attacks of Opportunity on someone who hasn't provoked, or lets them force foes to provoke, it still works against her.} +\ability{Shadow Arts I: Veils of Shades (Sp)}{At level eleven, the Ninja gains the following Spell-like abilities: Hallucinatory Terrain once per day, Darkness at will, and Mirror Image a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence bonus (minimum 1).} -\ability{Murder Punch (Ex):}{People die when they are killed. All attacks made by the Ninja ignore Fast Healing and Regeneration - the damage is there until healed (such as by magic) or the very long recovery of X per day. Anyone slain by the Ninja can never come back without a True Resurrection or a Wish.} +\ability{Too Fast By \textthreequarters (Ex):}{At level twelve, the Ninja becomes even faster. She may make a Move action as an Immediate action, and makes 10' steps of adjustment instead of 5' steps (unless she only wants to move 5'). With a DC 25 Balance check, she can instead make 15' steps of adjustment.} -\ability{Harem No Jutsu (Su):}{This ability works like Sexy no Jutsu, except every foe within 50' is affected. If anyone is successfully affected for 3 rounds in a row they must make a Fort save (same DC) or die, but they will die happy. The Ninja gains a +9,001 bonus to Perform (Dance) checks.} +\ability{Spirit Blade (Su):}{The thirteenth-level Ninja can even cut ghosts. All of her attacks affect Incorporeal and Ethereal creatures as though they lacked those abilities, and ignore Armour and Shield bonuses to Armour Class (but not Natural Armour), as well as all kinds of Damage Reduction.} -\ability{FINISH HIM! (Ex):}{If the Ninja makes a full attack against a single foe denied their Dex bonus, and every attack hits, then instead of any other effects requiring saving throws, she may force them to make a single Fort save (Int-based DC, +1 for every hit beyond the first) or die, exploding in a shower of gore.} +\ability{Perfect Disguise (Su):}{At level fourteen, the Ninja can use a DC 35 Disguise check and ten minutes to disguise herself almost perfectly into any creature - she can appear as a creature of any Type, Subtypes or Size, providing the creature does indeed appear at all. This simply results in her looking like the creature, not taking on any of its abilities, and taking no penalties to future Disguise or Bluff checks to blend into Storm Giant society or the Pixie court or whatever. True Seeing does not trump this, though effects that force creatures to revert to their true form will work.} -\ability{Me First! (Ex):}{If someone casts a spell within 30' of the Ninja, she may spend an Immediate action to steal the effects. The spell is still cast, but all effects are resolved against the Ninja. She can do this after identifying a spell being cast.} +\ability{Perpetual Distraction (Su):}{People are always distracted when fighting Ninjas. At level fifteen, the Ninja always counts as flanking any enemy she attacks.} -\ability{You Can't See Me (Su):}{The Ninja may, as an Immediate action, cause an attack, spell or effect directed at her to instead target the attacker. They must continue to use it at full force with the full bonus used against her and cannot attempt to force the attack to miss or fail.} +\ability{Opportunistic Strike (Ex):}{At level sixteen, the Ninja is really good at taking advantage of foes who are already hobbled. Falling Prone provokes an Attack of Opportunity from the Ninja, and Prone foes are denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class against her.} -\ability{Clan Master (Ex, see below):}{The Ninja becomes the master of her clan, gaining the final secret arts: she gains Immunity to a single school of magic of her choice, and ceases ageing, though bonuses will still accrue. Additionally her Int, Wis and Cha scores all suddenly increase by +4.} +\ability{Murder Punch (Ex):}{People die when they are killed. All attacks made by a seventeenth-level Ninja ignore Regeneration - the damage is just there until healed (naturally or by magic), and is very much real damage. Anyone slain by her can only be brought back by a Wish, Miracle, True Resurrection or great journey to the afterlife and personally defeating the setting's god of death.} -\ability{Forbidden Technique (Su):}{The Ninja learns a trick that is forbidden to all but the most experienced Ninjas. Rumour has it the last person who tried it was sent home in a matchbox. She may, as a Full Round action, gaze upon a foe, who is entitled to a Will save (Int-based). If they fail, they cease to exist, permanently wiped from the face of the earth. Only a major quest can bring them back. If they succeed, they still suffer 2d6 negative levels. The Ninja may elect to sacrifice herself with this power, but can never be compelled to do so via magic or trickery: if she does, the foe receives no save and is simply destroyed, but the same applies to her. They are both gone forever, for a given value of "forever".} +\ability{Hidden From Magic (Su):}{At eighteenth level, the Ninja may, after attempting to identify a spell being cast from within 30', use an Immediate action to be excluded from the Targets or Area of Effect. She may even use this to walk unimpeded through a spell that has already been cast such as a Wall of Fire. A weapon enhanced by a spell will still attack her just fine - the target is the weapon, not her - likewise, a non-magical object conjured by magic (such as a lump of rock) affects her normally after the initial conjuration, only providing potential immunity to the effects of it being summoned around her in the first place.} -\ability{Nightmare Realm (Su):}{The Ninja may cast Nightmare Terrain at will, though only one such effect may be in play at a time. Additionally, every round, one target of her choice in the area can be targeted with a Shadow Well effect.} +\ability{Shadow Arts II: Nightmare Realm (Sp):}{At level nineteen, the Ninja may cast Nightmare Terrain three times per day. Every round, one target of his choice within the Nightmare Terrain area can be targeted with a Shadow Well effect (Intelligence-based). She may also once per day transform into a Nightwalker as a Spell-Like Ability, completely replacing her character sheet with the monster entry, save for her Alignment and the ability to transform back as a Free Action, or automatically if destroyed or after one hour. No effects - damage, ongoing spells, magic items, class features, diseases, anything - carry from one form to the other, though her condition is "frozen" in place when she transforms: if she is poisoned, the transformation won't save her from saving against secondary damage, it just takes place a lot later.} -\ability{Fully Too Fast (Ex):}{The speed of the Ninja now increases to double the base speed. Additionally, she may move as though by teleportation, ignoring all barriers and such, and leaves a thunderclap behind when doing this. The thunderclap affects all within 10' of where she previously stood, knocking them Prone and Dazing them for one round if they fail a Fort save (Dex-based DC).} +\ability{Clan Master (Ex):}{At level twenty, the Ninja becomes Ageless and Immortal. She needn't eat, drink or sleep, and will never die of old age, appearing to eternally be in the prime of her youth. Bonuses and penalties from age no longer apply, and never will apply.} -\ability{Back In Black (Su):}{If the Ninja is ever killed, as long as the body is not destroyed and the soul is not consumed/bound/destroyed, she simply comes back 24 hours later, none the worse for wear.} \ No newline at end of file +\ability{Fully Too Fast (Ex):}{The twentieth-level Ninja's speed improves from one and a half times their base speed to double the base speed. Additionally, she may \spell{Teleport} at will, that's how fast she moves.} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/baseclasses/community/sohei.tex b/baseclasses/community/sohei.tex deleted file mode 100644 index abe0aee..0000000 --- a/baseclasses/community/sohei.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,131 +0,0 @@ -\classname{Sohei} \label{class:comm:sohei} -\vspace{-8pt} -\quot{"Don't you dare hurt my friends."} - -\desc{The Sohei is a bit like the Monk, but with a little more emphasis (in theory, at least) on being virtuous and enlightened. They also tend to use weapons and armour, but it's by no means necessary.} - -\desc{Note that this isn't just a description of the class I have written, it's basically what the Sohei seems to be. To be honest, they're not as well known as, say, the ninja (although at least there's less argument as to what they actually do).} - -\desc{As a Sohei, a good Int is not a bad idea, but what you really want is a high Wisdom, and without ignoring your physical abilities. Although, I hear there are feats that could in fact allow you to ignore your physical scores. It has the potential to get around annoying things like walls of force at later levels, and gets a free ticket into the Wish Based Economy. It probably has cool tricks for the advanced player to exploit, but I don't really see anything that stops it being available to beginners.} - -\ability{Alignment:}{Anything they could argue as being virtuous (Any Good)} - -\ability{Races:}{Any} - -\ability{Starting Gold:}{2d4x10 gp (50 gold)} - -\ability{Starting Age:}{As Monk.} - -\ability{Hit Die:}{d10} - -\ability{Class Skills:}{Make your own, since Koumei doesn't believe in cross-class skills.} -%This should really have a set of class skills to comply with the rest of the classes. - -\ability{Skills/Level:}{4 + Intelligence Bonus} - -\begin{table}[tbh] -\begin{small} -\begin{tabular}{lp{3cm}p{0.7cm}p{0.7cm}p{0.7cm}p{9cm}l} -Level &Base Attack Bonus &Fort Save &Ref Save &Will Save &Special\\ -1st &+1 &+2 &+2 &+2 &Improved Unarmed Strike, Divine Flurry\\ -2nd &+2 &+3 &+3 &+3 &Unforeseen Strike, Virtuous Writings\\ -3rd &+3 &+3 &+3 &+3 &Power Slide, Speed: +10'\\ -4th &+4 &+4 &+4 &+4 &Counter Attack\\ -5th &+5 &+4 &+4 &+4 &Enlightenment: Perfect Understanding\\ -6th &+6/+1 &+5 &+5 &+5 &Super Gauge, Divine Go Stone Placement of Perfection\\ -7th &+7/+2 &+5 &+5 &+5 &Divine Frenzy\\ -8th &+8/+3 &+6 &+6 &+6 &Speed: +15', C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER\\ -9th &+9/+4 &+6 &+6 &+6 &Divine Perfection\\ -10th &+10/+5 &+7 &+7 &+7 &Enlightenment: Eschew Worldly Possessions, Divine Dodge\\ -11th &+11/+6/+6 &+7 &+7 &+7 &One Hand Clapping\\ -12th &+12/+7/+7 &+8 &+8 &+8 &Shadow Run\\ -13th &+13/+8/+8 &+8 &+8 &+8 &Weight of Thought, Speed: +20'\\ -14th &+14/+9/+9 &+9 &+9 &+9 &Divine Meditation\\ -15th &+15/+10/+10 &+9 &+9 &+9 &Enlightenment: We Are All Connected\\ -16th &+16/+11/+11/+11 &+10 &+10 &+10 &Poetry in Motion\\ -17th &+17/+12/+12/+12 &+10 &+10 &+10 &Zen Fist\\ -18th &+18/+13/+13/+13 &+11 &+11 &+11 &Speed: +25', Formation of the Eight Trigrams\\ -19th &+19/+14/+14/+14 &+11 &+11 &+11 &Deadly Finishing Move\\ -20th &+20/+15/+15/+15 &+12 &+12 &+12 &Enlightenment: Transcendence, Secret Scroll \\ -\end{tabular} -\end{small} -\end{table} - -\smallskip\noindent All of the following are Class Features of the Sohei class. - -\ability{Weapon and Armor Proficiency:}{Sohei are proficient with all Simple Weapons, All Polearms, Light Armor, Medium Armor, and Heavy Armor.} - -\ability{Improved Unarmed Strike:}{The Sohei gains a natural Slam attack that deals 1d8 damage if Medium sized. This gains an enhancement bonus equal to one quarter of their level (round down), and can be used to make full attack actions if no other weapons are used.} - -\ability{Divine Flurry:}{When making a Full Attack action with any weapon or combination thereof, the Sohei may make one additional attack, and all attacks are made at their highest attack bonus, however all of them take a crippling -2 penalty to hit.} - -\ability{Unforeseen Strike:}{Those struck by the Attacks of Opportunity of the Sohei must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the Sohei's HD + their Wisdom modifier) or be Stunned for 1 round.} - -\ability{Virtuous Writings:}{The Sohei may cast spells from Divine scrolls as though they had the spells on their class list. Yes, even if a jerk of a Warlock takes a spell that isn't Divine (are there any that aren't on some obscure domain?) and makes a Divine scroll of it. Additionally, they may create scrolls of spells on the Cleric*, Good, Nobility, Oracle or Purification spell lists, as though a Cleric (with the listed domains) of a level equal to their Sohei level. Casting the spells are not required for this process.\smallskip -*Does not include [Evil] spells.} - -\ability{Power Slide:}{If a 3rd level Sohei takes damage from an attack, she may allow herself to be flung backwards, thereby lessening the impact. She may make a Balance check with a DC equal to the damage inflicted and if she succeeds, she suffers only half damage. This is a skill check, not a Saving Throw, so abilities such as Evasion do not apply. She is moved away from the source of damage by 5' for every 5 points of damage (or part there of) negated in this way. If there is not enough space for her to move, she suffers a d6 of damage for each square not moved. If she passes through an occupied square, the Sohei would have to make a tumble check to avoid attacks of opportunity. \smallskip - -If this ability is gained from another class, then the Sohei may choose to increase or decrease the total distance moved by 50\% (so a Power Slide that negated 12 points of damage can cause him to move 5', 10', or 15' at her choice).} - -\ability{Speed:}{The Sohei gains an increasing enhancement bonus to Speed. This is reduced by 5 feet when wearing Medium Armour, or 10' when wearing Heavy Armor.} - -\ability{Counter Attack:}{Enemies provoke attacks of opportunity from the Sohei whenever they make melee attacks against the Sohei's allies.} - -\ability{Enlightenment: Perfect Understanding:}{The Sohei reaches a plateu of enlightenment and understanding. At this stage, they can never be Confused, and always know when a person is lying. Additionally, they can choose to automagically disbelieve illusions and can see the invisible.} - -\ability{Super Gauge:}{Whenever the Sohei successfully strikes a foe or is struck by a foe, they gain a point of Tension against that foe. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to their Wisdom modifier, until they gain Tension against anyone else, until the foe they have Tension against is defeated or until used (whichever comes first). -\smallskip -5 Tension points may be spent to gain an additional melee attack as a Free Action or to Empower a spell being cast from a scroll. 10 points may be used to unleash a Super Move, a Full Attack where each hit deals an additional amount of damage equal to 5d6 plus the Sohei's BAB. It should be compulsory that the player shout out the name of the attack.} - -\ability{Divine Go Stone Placement of Perfection:}{Whenever combat begins, before Initiative is actually rolled, the Sohei may freeze time for one round. In this time, the Sohei and their allies may each make a Move Action to get into superior positions. Initiative is then rolled, and combat resumes. They may also use this ability once per minute during combat as an Immediate Action.} - -\ability{Divine Frenzy:}{Whenever someone deals damage to the Sohei, they may enter a Divine Frenzy. This lasts for as long as they have Tension, and during the effect they may act completely normally and use items normally - they can even cast spells if they have spellcasting ability from another class. The Divine Flurry gains another bonus attack, with every strike gaining +2d6 damage of any Energy Type, and the Sohei's Attacks of Opportunity may, at the Sohei's option, knock the targets away 5' per 5 damage dealt, in a straight line in the direction of their choice. This movement provokes Attacks of Opportunity, but not from the Sohei.} - -\ability{C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER:}{Each foe is unable to successfully make more than one attack against each of the Sohei's allies during their turn, as long as the Sohei is not flat-footed. This includes spells and similar effects, as long as they are not Harmless, but does not include attacks of opportunity, as they do not take place during the foe's turn (unless they do, in which case they do count). For multiple-target or area effects, only the targets they already attacked are immune.\smallskip - -Linked effects such as Improved Grab, the Trip ability of wolves and Poison will take effect as normal. Even taking continuing damage from an ongoing effect is fine. The enemies are free to take turns beating on the same guy, and one enemy splitting attacks up amongst the team is still fine, but one foe focusing their attacks on one target triggers this ability. For example, a Disintegrate followed by a Quickened Fireball will mean one guy gets hit for Disintegration, and everyone else takes the fire damage. \smallskip - -The ally in question must be in a square the Sohei threatens, otherwise they are exempt from this effect.} - -\ability{Divine Perfection:}{The Sohei becomes immune to Death Effects, Disease and Poison, and gains Spell Resistance equal to their Hit Dice + 5} - -\ability{Enlightenment: Eschew Worldly Possessions:}{At this stage, the Sohei can create items worth up to 15,000 GP as per a Wish, at will, requiring only a minute of meditation. They also need not eat or drink. To use this ability, the Sohei must not own any currency or precious metals. Personal equipment is exempted from the restriction. This is a flavor thing, so use common sense.} - -\ability{Divine Dodge:}{Once per minute, as an Immediate Action, the Sohei may suddenly move 10' away without provoking Attacks of Opportunity. If this brings the Sohei out of range for an attack that was about to be resolved, the attack automatically misses, likewise if it brings the Sohei out of the area of effect for a spell that was about to go off. \smallskip - -It may be used again before the minute is up, at the cost of 10 Tension. However, this must be against an attack performed by the one who earned the Tension.} - -\ability{One Hand Clapping:}{The Sohei cannot be Dazed, Deafened or Stunned. Additionally, their unarmed strikes deal +2d6 Sonic damage when they strike, and by spending 10 Tension as a Swift action, they may cause each blow to unleash a Sonic Pulse: all enemies within 10' take 1d6+BAB Sonic damage (no save), and the foes actually struck must pass a Fortitude save at the end of the Sohei's turn or be knocked Prone, Deaf and Paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. \smallskip - -Furthermore, if an ally provokes an Attack of Opportunity, and is in a square the Sohei threatens, they may educate the ally in the wisdom of not provoking, by smacking them upside the head. This uses a single Attack of Opportunity but has no effect on the ally. However, no enemy may take an Attack of Opportunity against the ally for that action.} - -\ability{Shadow Run:}{The Sohei can step onto the Ethereal Plane, and thus may walk on water or, for that matter, thin air as long as they end their turn standing on something solid. It can be a flimsy tree branch or a bamboo pole, mind you, as long as it is a solid object. Furthermore, they may step through Walls of Force, treating them merely as 10' movement per wall, and can add their Intelligence modifier to their Initiative.} - -\ability{Weight of Thought:}{The Sohei may subtract their Wisdom modifier from armour penalties. If this reduces the penalty to zero, then they may move as if unarmoured, including being able to run at full speed in Heavy armour and tumble and everything.} - -\ability{Divine Meditation:}{If the Sohei spends one minute meditating, they gain insight into future events, and may add a +10 Insight bonus on the next d20 roll they make. Additionally, doing so lets them regain Hit Points equal to the sum of all of their ranks in Knowledge skills.} - -\ability{Enlightenment: We Are All Connected:}{The Sohei gains an even greater understanding of life, and how hatred is a weapon we forge for others that only hurts ourselves, that the air they exhale is inhaled by their enemies, and that everything is linked together.\smallskip - -Any beneficial spell or effect granted to the Sohei or any of their allies they can see is instead, at the Sohei's option, granted to the Sohei and any number of their allies they can see. Additionally, any foe who subjects the Sohei (or any ally the Sohei can reach) to an ongoing condition such as Poison, Disease, Fear, Blindness or Nausea must make a Will save (DC 10 + half the Sohei's Hit Dice + their Wisdom modifier) or also receive the same affliction, for the same duration.} - -\ability{Poetry in Motion:}{The Sohei may make a Move Action in addition to any other actions they perform in a turn. This movement may be broken up so as to walk around while making a Full Attack. Additionally, the Sohei counts as being in every square they move through until their turn is over, allowing them to flank with themselves and knock enemies past herself to provoke attacks of opportunity.} - -\ability{Zen Fist:}{The actions of the Sohei cannot be interrupted by Immediate Actions, readied actions or attacks of opportunity. Instead, the Sohei declares their intent (such as "to make three attacks against the Hobgoblin Warlord and three against its Dragon mount"), the dice are rolled, and no attacks are actually made. However, at the end of the Sohei's turn, the targets have been attacked, actions performed and so on, just without there being a moment in time in which the actions were made. If you are confused by this, you're not Zen enough. \smallskip - -Additionally, they may elect to move as by teleporting - the journey has been made without a single footstep having fallen. Doing this, however, does not allow for Poetry in Motion.} - -\ability{Formation of the Eight Trigrams:}{Whenever the Sohei uses the Divine Go Stone Placement of Perfection ability, they form a strong barrier of defence with their allies. Draw an imaginary line between every pair of allies, including the Sohei. These form Walls of Force for one round, and are filled with Acid Fog that does not affect the Sohei or their allies. \smallskip - -Additionally, the Sohei and their allies gain the benefits (but not the drawbacks) of a Stoneskin effect for one round. Any foe who attacks the Sohei or any of her allies during this time but fails to deal any damage automatically becomes Exhausted for one minute. In this case, allies are only those within 50' of the Sohei, not those back home in Kansas.} - -\ability{Deadly Finishing Move:}{By spending 20 Tension as a Standard Action, the Sohei may unleash a killer Destroyer move. This attack deals an additional 2d6 damage per Hit Die of the Sohei, and bypasses all Damage Reduction (?including /-) and Regeneration. \smallskip - -It also deals Strength Damage equal to the Sohei's Wisdom modifier, and the target must make either a Fortitude save or a Will save (Sohei's choice) or be slain instantly and completely destroyed. Not even ashes remain, and the soul is transported to the centre of the planet, on another plane (probably Hell). \smallskip - -It should be mandated that the player name this move and either shout it out before unleashing it, or quietly state the name after the effects take place.} - -\ability{Enlightenment: Transcendence:}{The Sohei is no longer a normal mortal creature. They become Ageless, and can only die by being killed. However, they are so hardcore they wouldn't die even if you killed them: they rise again 24 hours later unless the body is hacked apart and burned, the ashes then scattered into an Unhallowed land.} - -\ability{Secret Scroll:}{The Sohei writes out the secret scrolls to enlightenment and, as they no longer have any goals of their own, having reached transcendence, must now strive to lead others to the door of knowledge. Anyone who reads the scrolls gains a permanent +5 Inherent bonus to Wisdom (the Sohei gains this when writing the scrolls), however from this point on they take a -5 penalty to hit the Sohei, due to having been influenced enough that the Sohei can predict their every move.} diff --git a/entire-print.tex b/entire-print.tex index e36e952..2661c9f 100644 --- a/entire-print.tex +++ b/entire-print.tex @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ \section{Additional PC Classes} \input{baseclasses/puppeteer} \input{baseclasses/community/shadowwarrior} %\input{baseclasses/community/snowscaper} -\input{baseclasses/community/sohei} +%\input{baseclasses/community/sohei} \input{baseclasses/soldier} \input{baseclasses/soulborn} %\input{baseclasses/pending/starmage} @@ -401,6 +401,7 @@ \section{Skills} %When I get around to formatting these and making a \newcommand that can handle them all, then %this will be added. - Aktariel %\section{Magic Items} +%\input{community/items/tomeweapons} %\input{community/items/25videogame} % Credits diff --git a/entire-web.tex b/entire-web.tex index a9338fb..3afcd1d 100644 --- a/entire-web.tex +++ b/entire-web.tex @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ \section{Additional PC Classes} \input{baseclasses/puppeteer} \input{baseclasses/community/shadowwarrior} %\input{baseclasses/community/snowscaper} -\input{baseclasses/community/sohei} +%\input{baseclasses/community/sohei} \input{baseclasses/soldier} \input{baseclasses/soulborn} %\input{baseclasses/pending/starmage}